Little Kids and peeing in the pool - what would you do?

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Ya know I was one of the first to respond but I missed a biggie.

5 year olds should NOT be up and swimming at 10:30!!!

Even on vacation I always followed an age appropriate bed time. These clueless parents are just that... Clueless.
We all have our views of what is right and what is wrong. And I am rather tired of people picking on people' s comments.

You might think it wrong to correct others people's kids but when I pull them over because of spending or seeing them take a leak on the side of the road which is illegal in the state of Virginia. And yes I am a police officer so if I have to make them squirm so be it. And you have the parents coming to cour saying my son or daughter would not take a leak on the side of street. This officer is just picking on my child. Duh I have you on camera smile !

Every one has the right to agree or disagree. Not be critized on their views.

Again my views. That it folks for me with this topic as it has gotten out of hand. MHO
Last week: 10:15pm, and I am taking an evening dip in the BVC leisure pool, when the evening's peace comes to an end because Stormalong Bay has closed and the families come charging in to the open pool.

One familiy comes through the BVC lobby doors, their kids bursting ahead who come running up and leap into the pool. Yes, yes, I try not to be annoyed at this even though I taught my daughter to (a) never run by a pool and (b) never jump and splash other people especially those who are not your own family.

But then, to my utter astonishment, a 5 year old wearing swimmies is the last to jump in, and upon landing in the water, gets a glassy eyed look and mutters "I'm pee-ing..."

I shake the water out of my ears. Is that what I heard? Then he swims up to his sister, and informs her "I peed!" I start backing to the stairs.

A minute later, he swims up to his (dad?) and PROUDLY informs him he peed in the pool, and he gets a laugh and positive reinforcement for his "naughty deed."

I retreat to the hot tub in disgust. Along with another adult who apparently heard it also.

I start thinking about what's sure to be next.. and rehearsing in my mind... and sure enough, 15 minutes later, that 5 year old climbs out of the pool and starts charging toward the hot tub with (grandpa?) behind him.

"HOLD UP THERE" I say loud enough to get his attention and pointing to him. "I HEARD YOU SAY YOU PEED IN THE POOL. THERE IS NO PEEING IN THIS POOL. IT IS NOT ALLOWED." I am referring to the hot tub of course.

Grandpa catches up. "Is that true?" he asks the kid. Kid shakes head. I add "I heard you say it THREE TIMES." The other adult kicks in - "I heard it too" she says. I am glad she backs me up, because I was expecting a fight.

Kid starts crying. Grandpa says "I am sure it's a mistake" and they both walk back to their table and chairs. A few minutes later, to his credit, he comes back and apologizes for the 5 year old's behavior.

I hate to be the killjoy, but once I was at Boardwalk when they had to close the main pool for 24 hours covering prime time of two days because of a kid who was not potty trained. And frankly, I find peeing in the pool disgusting, even though it is probably not a sanitary danger.

Do families really condone this? Or would you have spoken up too?

I am so sick and tired of kids in the hot tubs. I'm sure I will get shredded for posting this but let's face it. Hot tubs are for the adults that have spent a long day walking in the parks and not for children who think it is fun. I can't even remember the number of times I was enjoying a nice soak in the hot tub, cold drink in hand, while my children were in the pool, enjoying quite time destroyed by a bunch of children who should not even be in a hot tub based on their age (medical professionals all agree hot tubs are not a good place for young children). Again, another case of lack of parental supervision.:mad:
I think the way the OP handled it was spot on. Peeing in the pool is gross!

I'll never forget the couple that brought their 9mo daughter into a hot tub on a cruise ship. She had a diaper on. The crew member told them that children in diapers were not allowed in the hot tub (i.e. non-potty trained kids are not allowed), so after he walked away they removed the diaper and put her back in! I showed my kids and said, "That's why we don't go in the hot tub on the ship"...although my reasons for avoiding the hot tub involve adults.

It's hard to avoid pee in the pool, but it is sterile. Kids are kids, and some will pee in the pool. I stay far away from the hot tubs at hotels and cruise ships. I don't want to know what's in those:eek:
I am so sick and tired of kids in the hot tubs. I'm sure I will get shredded for posting this but let's face it. Hot tubs are for the adults that have spent a long day walking in the parks and not for children who think it is fun. I can't even remember the number of times I was enjoying a nice soak in the hot tub, cold drink in hand, while my children were in the pool, enjoying quite time destroyed by a bunch of children who should not even be in a hot tub based on their age (medical professionals all agree hot tubs are not a good place for young children). Again, another case of lack of parental supervision.:mad:

No flames from me..I agree with you.
OP, I think you handled it well. Who knows if the kid just drank a bunch of soda (would not surprise me if parents are letting the 5 year old swim at 10:30 at night, and laughing when he pees in the pool) and round 2 of pee-pee was coming up soon?? Good job on being assertive and nipping that in the bud.
We all have our views of what is right and what is wrong. And I am rather tired of people picking on people' s comments.

You might think it wrong to correct others people's kids but when I pull them over because of spending or seeing them take a leak on the side of the road which is illegal in the state of Virginia. And yes I am a police officer so if I have to make them squirm so be it. And you have the parents coming to cour saying my son or daughter would not take a leak on the side of street. This officer is just picking on my child. Duh I have you on camera smile !

Every one has the right to agree or disagree. Not be critized on their views.

Again my views. That it folks for me with this topic as it has gotten out of hand. MHO

Since the title of the thread included "What would you do?", I see no reason why people wouldn't comment. Disagreeing does not constitute picking on.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and since the OP asked for them, I doubt there was an expectation that everyone would agree.

As a police officer, of course you will correct people that are breaking the law, although the tone of your comments just bolster my already low opinion of NOVA cops.
I wouldn't have said anything, personally, but I'd applaud and support anyone who did!

As for hot tubs, they're kind of gross and I avoid them, children or not.
Ya know I was one of the first to respond but I missed a biggie.

5 year olds should NOT be up and swimming at 10:30!!!

Even on vacation I always followed an age appropriate bed time. These clueless parents are just that... Clueless.

Perhaps you feel YOUR kids shouldn't be up at that hour, but again, these aren't your kids.

Funny that parents that allow a 6 year old to fall off a third floor balcony can't be called clueless, but parents that allow a five year old to be up at 10:30 are considered so.
Ya know I was one of the first to respond but I missed a biggie.

5 year olds should NOT be up and swimming at 10:30!!!

Even on vacation I always followed an age appropriate bed time. These clueless parents are just that... Clueless.

You got that right. When we are on property are children at that hour, oldest being 13, are always in the room and very close to, if not alraedy in bed. Very good point
Ya know I was one of the first to respond but I missed a biggie.

5 year olds should NOT be up and swimming at 10:30!!!

Even on vacation I always followed an age appropriate bed time. These clueless parents are just that... Clueless.

Gee...that's pretty judgmental. How do you know that the family wasn't from the west coast? If they were this may be their way of keeping the child on schedule.

I'm from FL, but my kids were always too wound up to go straight to bed after returning from the parks. Night swimming always seemed to help them unwind and they typically fell right to sleep after a swim.
I'm amazed at the number of people that are sure they know what is best for other people's kids.
Peeing in the pool, while gross, doesn't physically affect anyone. If it did, we would all be dead by now.

My point is, that IMO, no one has the right to correct someone else's child just because they don't like the behavior.

The kid's pee touches everyone in the pool. That is affecting them physically because a moment before they did not have the kid's pee on them and now they do. By this same logic a kid peeing into a bucket then diluting it with water and then dumping it on someone isn't really affecting that person physically.

Dropping dead is a pretty high standard to meet in terms of behavior that deserves a stern talking to.

It doesn't matter whether its a kid or an adult, I have the right to tell someone to stop peeing in my pool.
The kid's pee touches everyone in the pool. That is affecting them physically because a moment before they did not have the kid's pee on them and now they do. By this same logic a kid peeing into a bucket then diluting it with water and then dumping it on someone isn't really affecting that person physically.

Dropping dead is a pretty high standard to meet in terms of behavior that deserves a stern talking to.

It doesn't matter whether its a kid or an adult, I have the right to tell someone to stop peeing in my pool.

Sweat touches everyone in the pool. That is affecting them physically because a moment before, they did not have the adult's sweat on them and now they do. Do you yell at adults that jump in the pool after sweating in the lounge chair for an hour? What a ridiculous statement.

And I didn't limit it to "dropping dead", but if that's interpretation, you're welcome to it.

Just where do you draw the line at correcting other people's children? If your child is being loud and obnoxious and giving me a headache, do I get to tell him to knock it off? I'm guessing not.
OurBigTrip said:
Saying something to someone else's child to prevent injury or death is one thing, and can't be compared to correcting the behavior of someone else's child just to embarrass them.

Bottom line, it isn't up to me to correct someone else's child just because I don't like the behavior, nor is it up to someone else to correct my child's behavior.

Then I'm confused. Would you just allow the same child to come over and pee in the hot tub too? Are you, or anyone else, allowed to have a vacation free of being covered in the excretions of strangers?
I'm amazed at the number of people that are sure they know what is best for other people's kids.

Not to be foolish and perhaps endure your wrath but, I don't care what coast your from, after a long day at the parks to have a 5 year old swimming at 10:30 P.M. is questionable at best. :cool1:
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