Life After Marathons: A Running/barre3/Coffee/Life Journal

So you're saying theres still hope for me...
That's a good strategy. Unfortunately... I didnt make any ADRs and I dont know what my meal plans are...

I decided to plan most of my meals around the races or where I wanted to celebrate after the marathon. My prerace meals were all chosen based on prior experience and how well I responded to those meals in race. I know what worked great, so marathon weekend is not the time to deviate from that strategy.

As for which parks to visit and FP+ choices, I used a combination of which attractions are not at Disneyland and/or very different from their Disneyland counterpart and what each park had to offer in terms of "good recovery" attractions for me. The only day where I still don't have a specific idea of what I'm doing is Monday. I chose Animal Kingdom for FP+ that day because it fits the unique rule almost perfectly, yet offers me tremendous flexibility after Flight of Passage.
Phase 1 Complete: A Mid-Plan Update

So … it’s been about a month since my last real check in (we’re not counting the pre-FP+ post). I’ve been doing okay. Some big things happened – some good, some not good – and some small things happened too.

Here are some updates:

  • My grandmother passed away on October 30th. It was sudden but not unexpected. It’s been difficult, but she had dementia for several years and had basically been a shell of herself, so we really lost her like 5-6 years ago. It’s just hard to know that I’m never going to see her again. She was in the hospital for less than 24 hours before she died, but thankfully, my mom and all her brothers got a chance to see her on that last day.
  • I moved! My lease started on October 31st. I was a little busy with the funeral and my family, so I didn’t move in then (although my roommate did). I slept at the apartment the night before the marathon, and then fully moved in on November 6th. It’s been an adjustment. I like the shorter commute, but living with a roommate is definitely different than living with my family, and part of living here is being part of the social scene, which has never really been my thing. It’s been a difficult adjustment, and while I know it was the right move, it very often doesn’t feel that way. Sigh.
Hey look, it's a chair! And a Gryffindor pillow and blanket.

  • I’ve been medium-level adulting since the move. We have an in-unit washer/dryer and I tried a load of laundry but had difficulty with the dryer (next load of laundry went to the laundry room in the basement, but I’m too stupid to know the difference between a front-loading washing machine and a dryer, so … that load came back up here for a trip in the dryer). I haven’t really been cooking and I’ve been eating takeout more than I like, but I have done some grocery shopping and brought breakfast and lunch from home most days.
  • Work is definitely getting better. I’ve had the opportunity to work on things that I enjoy more, but I’m also still working on the project I hate. They are, however, working on getting someone else to take over that project (more on that in the next point), and I finally explained to my scrum master how I feel about that project, so I think things are looking up.
  • I helped interview a potential new hire who would be taking on one of my projects (the one I hate). Turns out, I’m a terrible interviewer. I had an idea in my head of what I wanted to ask him, but I just didn’t do a good job of asking. I wasn’t super impressed with the guy, but I didn’t hate him, so I’m okay if they decide to hire him.
  • I got a standing desk! I also got a new monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse. I have a tiny baby table instead of a desk, so it’s been a struggle to find the best way to arrange all my stuff on my desk. But I’m very happy about the standing desk and grateful to my boss for getting it for me.
  • Part of the move has been finding new running routes. So far I’ve been mostly running in either Central Park or Riverside Park. Central Park is closer to me, but there are hills (unless I’m running around the reservoir, which is not so many hills, but more crowded and I don’t love the dirt-ish surface). Riverside has fewer hills and has a really nice greenway next to the water, but it’s a little further from me (and I don’t know it as well). I’ve also done the streets a few times, but that’s harder because you have to deal with people and traffic lights (there’s one at every intersection up here). I’m still working on finding the best places to run … but I do feel like I had more options than before, which is nice.
Central Park

Hudson River Greenway

  • I’ve been on and off with paces lately. Most days I’m 20-30 seconds slower than pace. Occasionally I am on pace (or a drop faster), but I can never predict that because it all feels like the same effort (I do almost all of my running by effort). I know my pace from Garmin isn’t 100% accurate because it doesn’t like the fact that I live in a neighborhood with a lot of buildings. But I think I’m also all over the place with my paces, trending to the slower side, and I’m not super thrilled about that. This is especially true with tempo paces, where it feels like I’m putting in more effort than I should to hit the pace or just not hitting paces.
  • Ran the Rangerstown 5K last Sunday. Original goal was a sub-30 5K. With everything going on with my family and the move, and the fact that I’ve been struggling so much to hit paces, I knew it wasn’t going to happen. Coach encouraged me to ignore the goal and just let the day happen. I finished in 34:05 (full review on the running thread, in between all the college football posts) … that’s not a bad time at all, especially considering some nasty side cramps I had, but I still wish I had found a way to get that sub-30. Oh well.
Colton Orr!

  • The end of phase 1 of marathon training meant my first 16 mile run! I mostly ran on a bike path along the Hudson River (although I did make a detour onto the High Line). First half was okay but not great. My GPS went nutty on mile 9 (and yes, I know that means I didn’t actually run 16 miles … whatever), but otherwise it wasn’t too bad. Miles 9 and 10 were rough, though … I hadn’t even hit the numbered streets yet (Lower Manhattan streets have names, and then the street north of Houston is 1st Street) and I still had to run up to the 90s. I was considering calling it and just taking the subway home. But I changed up my nutrition strategy and I finished. It didn’t feel great, especially the last two miles, which were uncharted territory (my longest run before this was 14 miles). But I finished. And after this run, I believe that I can finish a marathon. It might not be pretty, but I can finish.
Art on the High Line

  • But … my shoes have been a question mark for the last few months, and they’re still a question mark. I get some random pains and discomfort when I run longer than 10 miles in these shoes, but I don’t know what’s causing it, the pain is always different, and it goes away as soon as I finish my run. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but current plan is to take a trip to the running store. I may take a friend with me for help/support/guidance. We'll see what happens.
Marathon Weekend
  • I booked my Universal hotel – I’m staying one night at Cabana Bay Beach Resort. I haven’t bought my tickets yet, but that’s on my to-do list. I plan to get two day park-to-park tickets. Yes, I will take the Hogwarts Express in both directions.
  • I also booked my flights! I’m flying American (possibly for the first time, I don’t remember), booked through BA using Avios, so all it cost me was the TSA fees (and points that I transferred over from Chase). My brother recommended that I do two separate reservations so that if I have to change one flight, I can just cancel (because apparently I can cancel with no fee and get the points back) and book the new flight instead of having to pay a change fee. It took me long enough to book these flights, though, so I don’t anticipate any changes.
  • I made my FP+ last Saturday Night. I didn’t plan anything in advance, so I kinda just went with what felt right. I have FP+ for MK on Wednesday, DHS Thursday, AK Friday, DHS (including Slinky Dog Dash) Saturday Night, MK Sunday (although I plan to hop around that day), Epcot on Monday, and a quick morning SDD on Tuesday before I head out to Universal (I may end up cancelling that and heading over to Universal earlier).
  • In terms of meetups … my FoP FP+ conflicts with Hurricane Hannahs, so I’ll have to decide what I want to do Friday afternoon. As of right now I’m planning to possibly hit-and-run DATW (although that’s subject to change), which is why I went with Epcot for my FP+ that day.
  • EMH! Current plans are MK on Wednesday night (although not necessarily until the end), DHS on Sunday night, and possibly AK at Monday morning, depending on whether or not I did FoP on Friday. I’d really love to make EMH more of a party, so if anyone is staying onsite and wants to join, please do! (There are also morning EMH on Thursday at DHS and Friday, but since those are race mornings, I’ll have to play it by ear based on how long the race takes me and how I’m feeling)
So ... that's what I've been up to.

As for what's next ... just gotta keep running. Gotta adjust to the move (it's been so hard some days).
In terms of this journal ... I haven't missed it. I may be back for the occasional random post (like I have been over the last few months), I may just neglect this journal for the rest of time. But don't expect me to come back regularly. I guess I just don't need it anymore.

So ... that's about it.
You should have warned us to refill our coffee before reading ;)

I am so sorry that you lost your grandmother. No matter how expected, it's always difficult.

Congrats on the new place- very exciting for you! I hope the adjustment process continues to move forward, it can be tough to live with other people.

Beautiful running routes!
Great update. I'm so sorry about your grandmother. :(

Hopefully you are adapting to the new apartment and roommate. Great job on that 16-miler and congrats on your longest run so far. Those milestone distances are important and like you said, you now have confidence about going the marathon distance. I love the idea of the highline. I've never seen it yet, but it seems like such a great use/repurpose project.

I'm trying to avoid feeling FOMO about not going to Universal on the marathon trip. We haven't been there for a couple of years and I love the Harry Potter stuff especially. I think Cabana Bay seems like a really cool hotel. I'll be anxious to hear what you think of it. Last time we went we stayed at Hard Rock which was fine but I didn't love it.
I am so sorry about your grandmother. :hug: My grandfather had dementia as well and that is one of the saddest diseases I have ever seen. Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way.

Fantastic job with the 16 miler! I felt that way too and made sure Billy added in some longer runs for my first marathon. There's something about hitting those milestone numbers that seems to ease the anxiety a little. I love your park plans! I'm also eyeing those EMH at DHS on Sunday night and hoping my body can stay awake for that long. LOL.
So sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother. I hope and pray you find peace and comfort in your memories of the time you spend her. Some day those tears of sadness will turn to tears of joy in a happy reunion.

Great job on your training. Keep it up!

Lots of things going on for you, but you're still hanging in there. Only a few more weeks left until Marathon Day. Remember, you made it through the 3.5 hr (16 mile run). You can and will be able to run a marathon on 1/13/19. You went into the 16 miler with 15.5 miles on the legs from the week. For Marathon Day, you'll only have 11.3 miles on the legs entering the race. So you're already one step ahead.
You should have warned us to refill our coffee before reading ;)

I figured that was just assumed. Reading this journal without a full cup of coffee is not recommended.

I am so sorry that you lost your grandmother. No matter how expected, it's always difficult.

Thank you :hug:

Congrats on the new place- very exciting for you! I hope the adjustment process continues to move forward, it can be tough to live with other people.

Thanks! It's definitely an adjustment, but it's a good thing. I hope.

Beautiful running routes!

Thank you! No shortage of nice things to see around here. I even ran past the Mickey Mouse exhibition yesterday (I was too far away to get good pictures, but I saw it).

Great update. I'm so sorry about your grandmother. :(

Thank you :hug:

Hopefully you are adapting to the new apartment and roommate. Great job on that 16-miler and congrats on your longest run so far. Those milestone distances are important and like you said, you now have confidence about going the marathon distance. I love the idea of the highline. I've never seen it yet, but it seems like such a great use/repurpose project.

Thanks! I made myself dinner and I'm doing laundry right now, so I guess that counts as adjusting. Or at least adulting.
Agreed about the milestone distances - there are some numbers you just feel like you have to conquer to feel confident, and 16 was one of those for me.
The high line is really nice, but I don't think I'd run there again. The surface wasn't great and I didn't really get a chance to appreciate it. I think walking it is a better way to really take it in.

I'm trying to avoid feeling FOMO about not going to Universal on the marathon trip. We haven't been there for a couple of years and I love the Harry Potter stuff especially. I think Cabana Bay seems like a really cool hotel. I'll be anxious to hear what you think of it. Last time we went we stayed at Hard Rock which was fine but I didn't love it.

I feel ya. I haven't been to Universal in a while and I sometimes get FOMO when other people go.
I'm very excited about Cabana Bay - seems very much up my alley. I considered Hard Rock but decided Cabana Bay was more me.

I am so sorry about your grandmother. :hug: My grandfather had dementia as well and that is one of the saddest diseases I have ever seen. Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way.

Thank you :hug:

Fantastic job with the 16 miler! I felt that way too and made sure Billy added in some longer runs for my first marathon. There's something about hitting those milestone numbers that seems to ease the anxiety a little. I love your park plans! I'm also eyeing those EMH at DHS on Sunday night and hoping my body can stay awake for that long. LOL.

Thank you! I'm definitely happy about hitting that milestone distance - made a huge difference for me!
I plan on surviving on coffee on Marathon Sunday. That won't work for you ... so EMH might require a nap :)

So sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother. I hope and pray you find peace and comfort in your memories of the time you spend her. Some day those tears of sadness will turn to tears of joy in a happy reunion.

Thank you :hug:

Great job on your training. Keep it up!



Thank you :hug:

Lots of things going on for you, but you're still hanging in there. Only a few more weeks left until Marathon Day. Remember, you made it through the 3.5 hr (16 mile run). You can and will be able to run a marathon on 1/13/19. You went into the 16 miler with 15.5 miles on the legs from the week. For Marathon Day, you'll only have 11.3 miles on the legs entering the race. So you're already one step ahead.

The marathon feels so close and so far away at the same time. It's crazy.
What you didn't know is that I ate lunch on the 9th floor on Saturday and I walked up, plus earlier in the day I had walked up to the 5th floor of my synagogue for post-services mini-meal and up to my apartment (5th floor). So I ran 16 miles with 15.5 miles plus 19 flights of stairs (in heels!) on my legs. Boom.


Forgot to mention this ... my apartment number is 5K.
We're all cracking up at that, right? Total coincidence, but hysterical.

Also ... I went to my roommate's friend for lunch on Saturday. There was a runDisney Princess 5K magnet on her fridge. I made a new friend.
Also ... yay or nay?

(the stand only - the google home mini is on its way already)

I'm thinking yay, but since I don't even know where I'm gonna put the mini (half of my furniture is still in boxes waiting to be assembled, so I'm still not fully sure what my space situation is), I don't know if I'll have a good place for a stand.
Also ... yay or nay?

(the stand only - the google home mini is on its way already)

I'm thinking yay, but since I don't even know where I'm gonna put the mini (half of my furniture is still in boxes waiting to be assembled, so I'm still not fully sure what my space situation is), I don't know if I'll have a good place for a stand.

Um, YAY, obviously. But, I'm an enabler, so...
Also ... yay or nay?

(the stand only - the google home mini is on its way already)

I'm thinking yay, but since I don't even know where I'm gonna put the mini (half of my furniture is still in boxes waiting to be assembled, so I'm still not fully sure what my space situation is), I don't know if I'll have a good place for a stand.
I am getting one for Bay!! Last year my mom bought us a Google Home and we had no use for it, but Anberlin is always asking us questions that she could just ask google, so we put it in her room. She can now play Pandora while she colors and get her baseball scores and have google tell her a joke. So when I saw this stand I knew she had to have it!
Remember, you made it through the 3.5 hr (16 mile run). You can and will be able to run a marathon on 1/13/19. You went into the 16 miler with 15.5 miles on the legs from the week. For Marathon Day, you'll only have 11.3 miles on the legs entering the race. So you're already one step ahead.
I needed this reminder about cumulative fatigue. I'm so used to the Galloway method, yet I forget how strong I felt immediately after the half and the next day as well this year.

The marathon feels so close and so far away at the same time. It's crazy.
Blows my mind sometimes. Scares me too. No time to slack off now.

Forgot to mention this ... my apartment number is 5K.
We're all cracking up at that, right? Total coincidence, but hysterical.
Coincidence? I think not. It's destiny. Or something. Maybe if there's an R in your address it refers to Rangerstown. Or maybe I'm just insane.
Sorry to hear about your grandmother. But yay on morning into a new apartment. I hope the adulting gets easier although I still don’t love cooking. Great job on keeping up the running. Marathon day will be here before you know it.
Um, YAY, obviously. But, I'm an enabler, so...


I am getting one for Bay!! Last year my mom bought us a Google Home and we had no use for it, but Anberlin is always asking us questions that she could just ask google, so we put it in her room. She can now play Pandora while she colors and get her baseball scores and have google tell her a joke. So when I saw this stand I knew she had to have it!

I got mine free for having Spotify Premium for family (I may have gotten Premium for Family specifically for the Google Home Mini, but in my defense, it's only $5 more than regular premium and I'm only keeping it until the google home mini shows up, so that's like $5-$10 for a $50 thing that I was looking at anyway). I plan to use it to turn on and off my lights (I have my lamp plugged into a wifi outlet).
I'm actually planning to really try to use it for my routines - have it turn on my light and give me the weather and my run schedule in the morning, turn off the light and play music when I'm ready for bed. I think I can get some interesting use out of this.
Plus, I can google things without getting up off my lazy butt, which is great.
Like Bay, I will make good use of this thing.

Blows my mind sometimes. Scares me too. No time to slack off now.

Yeah, seriously. I was in a bit of a slump earlier in the month ... no time for that now!

Coincidence? I think not. It's destiny. Or something. Maybe if there's an R in your address it refers to Rangerstown. Or maybe I'm just insane.

So ... there's an 'r' in the word Street. I live on a street.
There's also an r in the name of my building.
So I guess it works? Maybe?

Sorry to hear about your grandmother. But yay on morning into a new apartment. I hope the adulting gets easier although I still don’t love cooking. Great job on keeping up the running. Marathon day will be here before you know it.

Thank you.
I'm getting better at the adulting - yesterday I made couscous (from a box, not from scratch, let's not be ridiculous) and did two loads of laundry (although I really started too late in the day and didn't finish the second load until after midnight).
Tomorrow I go back to my parents' house (but only for Thanksgiving).
Guys ... red or purple magicband?
I flipped a coin and it said purple, but then I started doubting myself because red matches minnie mouse better, but I do have a yellow, it's just the old style ... its tough.
Guys ... red or purple magicband?
I flipped a coin and it said purple, but then I started doubting myself because red matches minnie mouse better, but I do have a yellow, it's just the old style ... its tough.
Run with the yellow, order the purple. If the yellow is less than a couple years old it should still work, especially if it is just for the race and not for ride pics.
Run with the yellow, order the purple. If the yellow is less than a couple years old it should still work, especially if it is just for the race and not for ride pics.

I believe the yellow is from 2015 (maybe 2016). It still worked (at least for the room door and possibly getting into the park, that I dont remember) last trip, but on the off chance that I end up riding something during the race, ride pictures might be an issue.

I tend to go with whatever color matches my marathon outfit. :D

That's why I'm thinking red. Marathon outfit is (probably ... kaybe) minnie mouse. Red goes with that.
... but I really like purple


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