Let's speculate about Polynesian some more!

How likely do you think the Polynesian tower will be part of a new/old association?

  • 100% new association

    Votes: 113 37.0%
  • 80% new association / 20% current association

    Votes: 64 21.0%
  • 60% new association / 40% current association

    Votes: 28 9.2%
  • 40% new association / 60% current association

    Votes: 17 5.6%
  • 20% new association / 80% current association

    Votes: 32 10.5%
  • 0% new association / 100% current association

    Votes: 51 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Yeah, this. Disney isn’t playing fiddley foot with the answer here just to be jerks. If they wanted to stay vague, they could have just said “we can’t comment on that yet,” or “we haven’t made a firm decision yet.” I get that there are a lot of direct owners who don’t like that resale owners will be able to book here, or maybe Riv owners who aren’t happy that this new product will have higher resale value than what they bought, but come on…
Stand up… 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
I wonder how hard the 1 bedrooms are going to be to snag at 7 months during off-peak times. On the one hand, 1 bedrooms are historically not that hard to get, and the point chart here is going to be wild. On the other hand, people will really want to stay at this brand new monorail/poly resort, and there just aren’t that many rooms. Hmm.
I wonder how hard the 1 bedrooms are going to be to snag at 7 months during off-peak times. On the one hand, 1 bedrooms are historically not that hard to get, and the point chart here is going to be wild. On the other hand, people will really want to stay at this brand new monorail/poly resort, and there just aren’t that many rooms. Hmm.
I imagine snagging a 1 bedroom at 7 months will be next to impossible. 2 Bedrooms might be hard even at 11 months if most of them are lock-offs competing with those wanting studios
I’m just keeping this simple and believing them and their transparency. Do we expect 3BD Grand Villas to be available perhaps like VDH in (2) units?
Do you guys think now would be the best time to bite the bullet on resale contract?
It looks like contract Prices are already starting to be edited to be increased. Will things cool off after this initial increase happening now due to this news? Do you think it’s a better strategy to wait until things cool off a bit or to bite the bullet now?
I’m not a skilled Disboarder, but I’ll jump in. I do not and cannot believe that the representing body of DVC would intentionally play a game of Guess the Double Entendre with the audience. This is especially true after the question was very specifically asking about the association and they said it would be “the same” to that exact question. If they didn’t know, weren’t able to say, or the answer was no, they would have (and should have) said so. Especially after the entire room applauded and cheered as a result of hearing it would be the same. They know the audience has a firm grasp of the obvious that the Poly tower sits on the property of the Polynesian resort. They weren’t giving us that info. Giving information that the audience clearly took to mean one thing and meaning the opposite without clarification would be one of the worst things they have ever done to their membership base. And while they are capable of mistakes, I don’t think they made this one.

We are not jumping the gun, I promise. We have analyzed DVC for a long time now. We may not always be right, but we are sure on this one that this was a confirmation they are currently planning for it to be the same association and they won’t go back on this. Especially, after how it was received by the room.
Yeah and we know, we’re just clasping to any last drop of speculation. It would be somewhat hilarious though in typical DVC fashion if they did a 180. Anyways, glad to have an answer finally and glad I didn’t wait for direct on this thing. I’m sure DVCRM will be happy to move around those resale Poly contracts soon.

Definitely going to wait now before adding on. The only question left is what the point charts look like and will they be worse than VGF? If they’re that much worse than VGF I may judt end up doing my cabungalow strategy that I’ve always talked about.
I think it’s probably safe to assume that the Riviera points charts for tower studios, 1 bedroom, and 2 bedroom units is the starting point. Best case scenario is that Poly tower costs the same as those, but chances are Disney does a slight increase.
I don't know, the studios are more in line with VGF charts, higher in some cases. Within 10% of VGF chart across the board is my guess. Then again I thought new association, so what the heck do I know 🤣
I think it’s probably safe to assume that the Riviera points charts for tower studios, 1 bedroom, and 2 bedroom units is the starting point. Best case scenario is that Poly tower costs the same as those, but chances are Disney does a slight increase.
I'd expect Poly studios to the require same points as longhouse studios, similar to how VGF BPK charts were made to be same points the original VGF building charts. Considering how similar the Poly and VGF point charts are I think VGF is best comp. Like, take whatever the VGF 1, 2, and 3 br percentages over studios and apply the same to Poly.
I dont want to be a Debbie downer, but expect them to blow us away (to the bad side) with the point charts. And curious if they will take this opportunity to reallocate some pts from the Bungalows...
If they rebalance the bungalows close to a 2 bed, we will almost certainly buy in. They are currently too high to justify using points on, but if they cut them by 35-50% they’ll book like crazy and you’ll need to be an owner to get access.
If they rebalance the bungalows close to a 2 bed, we will almost certainly buy in. They are currently too high to justify using points on, but if they cut them by 35-50% they’ll book like crazy and you’ll need to be an owner to get access.
If they rebalance the bungalows back down I would most certainly buy in even if it were down to cabin point levels. I don’t know if they have any incentive to do so, but it’d be nice a perk.
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