let's see if this is interesting...


<font color=blue>Is now a card carrying member of
Feb 4, 2000
let's see the last thing you copied!!
so everyone hit the ctrl and v key and see what pops up(or go to edit and do paste!)


that is interesting for me! :p :p
ok let me see...

oh wait! i guess i haven't copied anything since i turned the computer on so i have nothing! I'll come back later and post then.:p
the last thing i copied is the translation of a dirty sentence brad wrote in german.......
NO WAY!!!!

LOL my friends screen name! Shes a cool person!:smooth:
Yacht Club GallE

From the snake game on the Theme Parks board!
Konica Digital Revio KD-400Z
I was trying to see how much this camera that Zurg posted about on the CB cost.
to dance w/people of the opposite sex

HAHAHA i was talking to my friend on AIM and he was asking why my best frieng would go to a dance LOL he doesn't like her at all, but i could care less, she is my BESTEST friend, and he is just a dumb hater.
hey, what page are you talking about? is it under members or what? im confused!:confused: (which isnt surprising) ~ my system was down so i had to copy a post that i did b/c i was prob going to lose it.
6.favorite quote: lifes not a garden stop being a hoe gina
that was also somethin elsecause i copied it to an email and the other thing was in it. <- i didnt say that, my friend said it jokingly about another
LOL! let's see what I have now!

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Most Annoying: (People, if you get voted, don't be insulted, it's all in fun!)
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the post I just posted on! :teeth:
Everytime I come here, I have nothing that I copied!
"Nothing can break us. No one can make us give our rights away"

I was seein if neone knew that song. I still dont know it
but oops...wait..i forgot..you've never been to a high school game..whoops forgot..bye norah...lol

I was showing Jules my friend's little flip out about football....it was WEIRD
This is the first time I actually had something copied (I just edited the screen name because I feel bad putting it here)!

B [10:44 PM]: he'd feel like an idiot asking u out if u didnt like him .. like me asking ur sis out
B [10:44 PM]: i have not talked to him since he went down the shore
ShuisFan584 [10:45 PM]: so he wanted to ask me out or somethin, but wanted to find out if i liked him first?
B [10:45 PM]: pretty much

LOL sorry you all had to find out about my personal life but I was excited because this was the first time I copied something today. I was talkin to someone about the guy I liked and I just had to show them this part of the conversation.;)
WDWfanatic288 (9:57:15 PM): I don't think this movie will be scary...so I won't have to hold on to you...lol
ELHarri7 (9:57:25 PM): lol

oh gosh...that is the end of a convo between me and eric!


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