Just back from BWV.......


Earning My Ears
Mar 21, 2001
Hi all,

We just got back from a great week at BWV! We were so lucky with the weather....84 every day.:) I haven't been on these boards for many months so I'm sure this is old news but a guide at a booth I was talking to said Feb 1st was the last day for VWL and that BCV is $75 and going up to $80 on June 1st. Just thought I would pass it along.
Crowds were non-existent but we got there Sunday and left today(Saturday) so I can't speak for weekends. We did lots of fun things so if there are any questions please ask....not going back until 2005! Decided to let the magic rebuild in the kids and do a doozy of a vacation with 3 years worth of points.:D

glad you had a good time. Wow, a three year wait, I have a tough enough time with a 3 month wait :)
Was there any construction that you saw? My mom keeps sayint that she doesn't want to be at BW if there is work being done due to a bad trip somewhere else once before while construction was going on
Was there any construction that you saw? My mom keeps saying that she doesn't want to be at BW if there is work being done due to a bad trip somewhere else once before while construction was going on.

There was scafolding and plastic up on the one end of the villas facing the boardwalk. However we never saw any workers or heard anything being done there. Maybe they were painting.
Our room faced the pool so it wasn't an issue for us. You should call the front desk and ask them to make sure.:)
We were there the same time...but over the weekend also. As has been reported many times the parks were empty during the week, but started filling up Friday and were quite full through Sunday afternoon...particularly the MK. We were also there for MLK day, which was also crowded. During the week it was wonderful....no waits for anything....except Test Track which always seems to have at least a 20 min. wait.

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