Jenn's Journal - It's a Low Carb Life

Happy Friday everyone!!!

8 more hours until STB <--- :maleficen is gone gone gone for 17 days!


Last night went well. We had pizza and I limited it to three pieces (low carb = tops only) and then some sf chocolate chip cookies. Not the lowest choice, but better than Oreos, right?

Had two slices of cheese for breakfast and not sure about lunch - VBF and I usually go out on Fridays for salads, but this week has luncheons with the new GM and it's her day. So we may just run to the grocery and pick up salads. It's nice out though, so we should be able to get our walks in.

Hope today is well for everyone.

1 mile walk in the morning

Lunch was an avocado pecan chicken salad from Culvers (no bleu cheese - gick!) and a diet pepsi (double gick!).

1 mile walk for afternoon break

Dinner - low carb tacos
Hi Jenn!!

Hope you're having a great night!! I bet you are knowing that the STB is gone! hehehe

Have a great weekend! Keep up the good work!
Mike :maleficen
You are doing very well. Glad to hear you are STB free for 17 days now!!!! What more can you ask for right :maleficen :maleficen :maleficen

I love Culver's salads. I've been hungry for the Grilled Chicken Cashew - good salad!!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Ding Dong the witch is dead! (or just gone. But close enough!)

Shall I start the party? :rockband:

You're doing so well! Keep it up! :cheer2:
Happy Saturday!

Today has been fun, but frustrating. DH and DS ended up falling asleep on the couch (they love to cuddle and it's adorable, don't get me wrong) and everytime DS sleeps on the couch he gets up at 4:00 IN THE MORNING!!! And where does he go? Upstairs to find Mommy. And then he comes back, every hour on the hour.

"Mommy, I want a drink."
"Mommy, I want fruit snacks."
"Mommy, I just wanted to give you a kiss and hug." <----this one usually comes after I get actively irritated. Manipulative kid :teeth:
"Mommy, Daddy won't put on cartoons. He says after his movie."
"Mommy, I can't find my blanket."
"Mommy, I want a pumpkin bar."
"Mommy, I need a quarter." (He has some old fashioned gumball machines and he earnbs quarters for them when he's a good listener but sometimes he tries to con us out of quarters for no reason).

So I didn't get much sleep and haven't been able to shake my headache from it. Oh, and if he'd slept in his bed? He'd have slept in until at least 8:30. Argh.

So I had breakfast and tried to relax. Then I gave up and we all took out the jetboat on the river and had a great time. Max pretended he was flying and kept pointing at everything - he said he felt like he was on a Disney ride. DH let him "drive" a few times and he loved that. I was happy because even though I knew I wasn't, I kept imagining I was way too fat for the jetboat (like a jetski for 4 people). It was fun. Then we came home and I changed quickly and we went out for a late lunch/early dinner. Now we're home and I'm doing laundry and putting off cleaning the house. Tonight we might go to the drive in movies and so we all need naps if that's going to happen. Here's hoping my Excedrin Migraine will kick in (I don't have a migraine, but I get funky headaches and that's the only thing that helps).

Some potentially bad news I mentioned before, our final payment for WDW is next Friday. And some unexpected bills have popped up and made this a bit tougher. We're trying to figure out a way around all of this, but I don't know. Worst case? We cancel. I know it's not a huge deal...we're going again at Thanksgiving and DS won't be upset because this is his birthday surprise trip and he has no clue. But I was really excited about this...

However, I'm going to call Member Services on Monday and see what's available. If we can't swing the payment this Friday (it's not a matter of not having the money, it's a matter of not having it on the day needed...argh) then we can just use our DVC points. We won't have the free dining, but we do have a DDE card and the money we don't pay for lodging will more than cover the food, souveniers, car rental. And I suppose that we could even go without borrowing points, but switching from using points on some of the days in November to paying cash with AP discount for a few days and using those points in September.

Hmmmmmm...I'm sure everything will work out. Although eating a cake or two might make me feel better. Nah.

So things are up in the air a bit now. I don't know IF there is anything available through DVC...and if there is, don't know where. Probably SSR or OKW...but I love VWL and we are currently planned to stay at WL. It'll all work out.

Well, I'm off to rest away my headache. I want to get a walk in later so it has to go away. I've been doing really well with the walks and I want to keep up the momentum.
No CAKE!!! hehehehe!
:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

But seriously, sorry DS did not let you get a lot of sleep! Hope you can catch up at some point.
I also hope that things work out and you do not need to cancel your trip!
I am making a low carb recipe you may have made before, Deep Dish Pizza Quiche. If not I'll let you know how it turns out!

Hope you have a happy & healthy weekend!
Mike :maleficen
Sorry to hear you had such a headache and I really hope your trip ends up working out. Depending when in September, I'm sure DVC will have something available. We were able to get into BCV last September the day before we got there due to Hurricane Frances. And they had lots of rooms available despite people heading inward. So hopefully it will all work out!!!!! Good luck

And no - don't eat the cake, don't think of the cake, don't worry about the cake - good thing it was a figment of your imagination!!!!! :maleficen :maleficen EVIL CAKE

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Thanks Mike and Chris!! And I love the "Evil cake!" That should be my screen saver...cake is my favorite food in the whole wide world. It is the bane of my existence. And I have none in the house. Thank goodness!!! Mike - I would LOVE the recipe for the pizza quiche. It sounds wonderful.

I talked to DH - we've decided that I'm calling DVC on Monday and booking whatever we can get - studio or 1BR. And I'll cancel the first 5 nights in November and rebook a resort with cash and be way ahead on points. We're intrigued by the Swan...I don't know if the discounts are available for then, but DH is eligible for the teacher one, so here's hoping!

It's funny - we did the math and realized that we'll be way ahead if we stay on points and use DDE instead of the free dining. It just won't be paid in advance, which we liked. Chris - you really made me feel better with your experience from last year. We stayed at the BCV in May and it was know, they all are. We love OKW and LOVE VWL and the other three also seem beautiful. So pixie dust for Monday morning (VWL VWL VWL...please!!! (sigh...not holding my breath though) ).

But now the stress has decreased and I am looking forward to Monday. No STB, calling MS, no STB, no STB, no STB.

(No movie tonight - DS fell asleep and there is no way I'm waking him up - I'll take him for a walk tomorrow).

Good night everyone!
Hey Jenn,

Sounds like you & DH have made a good plan for the WDW trip!
Here's a link for the Pizza Quiche. I had it for dinner and it was wonderful, and am heating the leftovers for lunch. I gave you the link instead of just the recipe so you can read about all the low carb variations of it people have made. My next one will be topping the base with salsa, taco meat and cheddar! Hope you like it! (there's also on the site the link is on, a low carb microwave chocolate cake that looks cool! Try that and avoid the evil cake! hehehehe!)

Have a great day!
Mike :maleficen
Good morning all!!! It's a bright sunshiney STB lacking day :maleficen !!!

Yesterday was crazy, but good. We got lots of work done outside (weeding, hedge trimming, etc) and I can feel it in my arm muscles ("muscles" such as they are!) today. It feels kinda good...

breakfast: lc yogurt and lc granola

Lunch: doing a performance review today so I'm taking her out to lunch. Something yummy where I can get a good salad.

I'm going to finish this now and then walk with my VBF.

Update on trip: I am SO excited!!! A one BR at VWL was available - my very first choice!! I booked it and checked on the Poly - that too is available. DH wants to splurge and go there. Since the points change to reservation points as soon as you book that, I booked VWL just to have something and we can always move over later this week.

YAYY!!! :jumping1:

Now I have even more incentive to stick with my exercise and eating. September is still swimsuit weather... :crazy2:

Hope today is going well for you all!!! And Mike - thanks for the recipe...YUM!

Lunch - went to Pizza Hut. Ate salad and the tops of cheese pizza.

Snack - apricot

Dinner - grilled hot dogs, no bun. Salad
Yay on your trip news Jenn!! That is awesome!!! You do know though that if you switch to the Poly I am going to show up & sleep on your floor! hehe

Hope that your STB free day continues to be awesome!!
Mike :maleficen
Glad to hear your trip worked out! It sounds like so much fun. I LOVE the Polynesian!

Have a great day!!!
Tuesday, 8-2-05

Breakfast - lc yogurt.

1 mile walk.

VBF and I are going out to lunch today...not sure where. I'm starving, but nothing sounds good. Of course, I just got in from our walk and the humidity always makes me feel urpy. So I'm drinking lots of water and hoping that'll help. And then out for yummy salad.

Mike - I am going to look into your plan. I do low carb very well, but the idea of incorporating some carbs into a meal really does have me interested. I may have to swing by the store tonight and get the book just to have more info. DH brought home some peaches yesterday and he is dying to grill them for dessert with some sf vanilla ice cream and raspberries. And I began thinking...I can't really have peaches. FOr goodness sake, most people on the WISH board wouldn't think twice about eating a piece of fruit and for me, it's the same as a potato or sugar I'd love to look into something that works for my reduced carb issues and allows me to have in season treats.

I called this morning and booked the Poly. It was a matter of more room vs. being on the monorail. And DH really, really wanted to switch. But now we're 2 points shy of what we need for our WL day. So I have narrowed it down to a few options and will obsess about this for the rest of the day. And that's a good thing...I'm a planning detail freak, but it gives me a focus outside food.

We shall see...

lunch: Culvers again - pecan avocado chicken salad with caesar dressing.

Off to get more water. No afternoon walk today - 92 degrees out. :guilty:

dinner: flank steak on grill, salad

I succumbed...I had some of a peach. Too overripe. DO I feel bad? Nope. May have natural sugars, but low in calories. It could have been cake...
Hi Jenn,

SoOOOOOO jealous of you staying at the Poly!!!
Ok, that is out of my system! hehehe

If you need some help finding resources checking out the program I use (Carb addicts Lifespan Plan, it is more balanced than the original version CAD) definitely just ask. Or even if you have questions. I definitely enjoy it because like you said for me a baked potato at the wrong time is just as likely to set my cravings ablaze as a hot fudge sundae! And the cool thing is, if I want that hot fudge sundae I can have it at my RM if I balance it out! :goodvibes so like I saidm just let me know if I can help! hehe

Hope that you have a great night!
Mike :maleficen
Thanks Mike!!! I am going to get that book and read it this weekend...I'll probably have tons of questions!

Wednesday Sept 3

breakfast: lc yogurt and lc granola. Diet coke.

I have to meet with the departing manager and a coworker today to go over transferring her job duties temporarily. Yay. I am already over my head with my own job, as I am down a person, and now I have to co-manage 25 more people. Oh and for absolutely no credit or change in pay. MAYBE a little certificate for my wall and a gcert to a restaurant like the last time I took over a dept. Personally? I'd rather pay for a meal and not stress myself out for a few months.

But I can do it.

I have my daily 8:30 leadership meeting this morning and then I am calling MS. DH and I decided to book AKL for the first two nights of the Thanksgiving trip since we do have enough points left for that and we'd be guaranteed a room (no waitlist)...but we decided that if it's not available anymore, I'm cancelling three nights at VWL and booking somewhere (WL? AKL? POFQ?) on cash and upgrading us to Lagoon View in Sept.

These are the details that both drive me crazy and make me happily obsess. And then? I have to figure out ADR's within the next 2 1/2 weeks.


lunch: Taco salad and diet pepsi (uck!) with lemon

Got AKL and now we are set for the next two vacations again. Whew!

dinner: hotdogs, no buns. LC brownie with LC vanilla ice cream
Hi Jenn!

Definitely ask away when you get the book. :flower:
But now not only are you teasing me with your stay at the Poly but the AKL too!! I am soooo hiding myself in your suitcases! (YOu better have a BIG one! hehe)

Hope that you have a great Thursday!
Mike :maleficen
Thursday, August 4


Mike - Our suitcase will have plenty of room - come on over!

Breakfast: vanilla lc yogurt, lc granola

lunch: (coworker's going away lunch, so she picked) chicken Caesar salad.

Dinner: Wendy's caesar salad, cheeseburger without bun
Hi Jenn!

Hope you had a great day!! I am gonna practice packing myself tonight!! hehehe!

Mike :goodvibes


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