Jamie's Journal (comments welcome please!)

Hey Jamie, glad you and dh are conversing again! He'll tell you in his own good time, which knowing men could be around your 50th anniversary! Don't ya just love this weather? I had snow most of today and ended up losing my favorite tree. I am so sick of this! We are supposed to have a near perfect weekend so thats good. Tell the chocolate chip cookie lady that to burn off one PLAIN M & M, you need to walk the length of a football field, from one end zone to the other, twice. So yes, even one bite can take a bite out of your overall calories. My Weight Watchers leader shared that bit of depressing news recently! You are doing so well, just keep up your hard work, spring may really arrive soon!
Hi there,

Thanks everyone!!!! Dh is starting to come around....we talked again last night. I know he may never tell me what was going on, but I just wish that he would. Oh well though, I am not going to harp on it!!!

Yesterday was a good day, despite the rain. It was weird, one news station said that the Denver Metro area was under a Winter Storm Warning and we could get up to 6 inches of wet heavy snow, then another news station was still reporting that if the Denver Metro area got any snow it would be 1-3 inches and on mostly grassy areas. It was strange. I don't know what they were thinking. We didn't get any snow in my area, downtown Denver and north, just rain. But other areas, got tons of snow. But as Amy said we are suppose to have a great weekend...near 80º I can't wait!

I didn't make it to journals yesterday, I tried but then got pulled away. I will get to them today!

B @ 5:30 1/2 cup cereal with 1/2 cup milk
S @ 9:15 1 hard boiled egg no yolk
L @ 11:45 chicken salad sandwich and 1/2 serving of goldfish
S @ 2:30 1 medium apple
D @ 6:00 2 slices of frozen pizza. Didn't want to cook!
Water was good again, I made my 100 oz again!!!! Exercise was good also. I did 20 minutes strength training with Bob and 30 minutes on the elliptical.

There is another lady here that is trying to lose weight as well, but I don't think she is doing it the healthy way, she is just not eating. Well since she started this she has lost a little weight, nothing big, but the chocolate chip cookie lady keeps saying that she is going to get a tummy tuck and then be skinner then all of us and she will do it faster than all of us. I am tired of it!!!! I wish I could say something to her but I just keep my mouth shut and let her talk. It's not worth it!

bekkiz, I wish I could get more veggies in my diet, but I have tried so many times and I just don't like them. I only really like corn, not the best for you, I know, and fresh green beans. But I will only have the green beans from my dad's garden, but I only get those maybe once a year, if that. I need to keep trying on theveggies.....maybe something will change!!!

Amy, I had no idea that one M & M did so much damage!!! That is good to know. Each time I go for something like that I will remember what you said! I will aslso tell the chocolate chip cookie lady, who is starting to drive me nuts (not about the cookies), about that!

Tracy, thanks for your kind words....DH is coming around...I am just waiting not so patiently on talking about WDW!!!! I am still hoping!

Tracey, thank you!!!! The scale is still holding steady, so I am hoping you are right!!!

Have a great day everyone :)
Hi Jamie,
Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for all the support you havebeen giving me on my journal. Hope you get some good weather this weekend:goodvibes
Hello everyone,

I don't really have much time today, so I will try and get to everyone's journal if not, I apologize.

Yesterday was a good day, I did well eating and with my water. I didn't work out though. I guess I was too tired. After fixing dinner, I sat on the couch with some things to work on from work and I fell asleep. So I skipped the workout all together and I will start back up today. I didn't think I was that tired, but I guess I was!

B @ 5:30 2 waffles with no butter and little syrup
S @ 8:30 1 cup light yogurt
L @ 11:45 chicken salad sandwich, 1/2 serving of goldfish
S @ 3:00 1/2 cup popcorn :sad2: Not sure what I was thinking, but it sounded good and someone asked me to split it with them.
D @ 5:30 2 corn tacos with ff cheese.
Water was good again, 100 oz.

Well that is it for now, I will try to get to journals today.

Have a great day :)
Hey, rest days aren't bad! And you did great with your food, so I'm thinking--good day :)

Keep up all your good work!
Hi Jamie,

Good for you for listening to your body and giving yourself a rest day.:thumbsup2 Rest days are just as important as our workout days. Good job!:goodvibes

Sending :wizard: for you and your DH. I hope everything gets talked out, worked out, and that you are able to go to WDW this year.:hug:

Have a great day!:cool1:
Hello everyone! Thanks bekkiz and Tracy.....I appreciate you stopping by.

So yesterday was very busy, but also a very good day. I was worried that it was going to go downhill after lunch, but I held it together. I had lunch, but it was not all that great, and there was not much to it after I picked somethings out, so I was still hungry. I decided I didn't need anything else and I could make it through to snack. There were a few moments there when I didn't think I would make it but I did!! I also worked out yesterday, I was trying to make it before my husband made it home and I did. I started to walk and then it started to lightning and thunder and rain, so I had to stop that!

B @ 5:30 2 waffles with no butter and little syrup
S @ 8:30 1 cup yogurt
L @ 11:40 Healthy Choice chicken alfredo
S @ 2:40 1 medium apple
D @ 6:00 7 pieces of bacon
Water was good , 100 oz of water again. Exercise was good, 25 minutes of cardio with Bob and 20 minutes walking.

Things with DH are getting much better. I am happy that he is finally coming around. I have not talked about Disney with him, still not sure if that is what triggered him to become upset. So I will play it by ear and see what happens.

Well I am off to other journals. Thanks for stopping by!

Have a great day
Hi Jaime
your doing great with food & exercise - & will power!
Glad DH is ok now :goodvibes
Hope you have a great weekend
Stupid weather, it always seems to get in the way :lmao:

Everything looks great, esp. the willpower bit. I'm really happy you're working things out with DH. Who needs that added stress on top of everything else :)

Hope your weekend rocks!
I've been reading your posts and your doing awesome. Great food choices. Keep up the good work. :cheer2:

Have a wonderful weekend. :goodvibes

Hey Jamie, so glad thing with you and dh are so much better. He may never tell you because he may not really know himself. I know there have been many times in 15 years thing have bugged my dh (that he took out on me) and later on he would admit he couldn't really figure out what was bothering him. Men :rolleyes: ! In any case, I am hoping somehow you do get to go to WDW! So glad you didn't get snow, it was weird I live pretty far southeast and we got a bunch but two miles from me they had very little. I guess we were right on the line. Too bad, it cost my prettiest tree to literally drop dead! But today is nice and so was yesterday! Keep up your hard work, I am so proud of your willpower, dedication and all that working out you do! I wanna be you when I grow up! Tell chocolate chip woman to buzz off and take her freaking cookies with her! Take no guff!

Boy, you sure do great on your water intake. My inspiration.

I must agree with Amy, I am glad DH is better. My DH had one of his 'days' last Sunday. Almost as if a male PMS. He will be that way for a few days 3 to 4 times a year. I never know why, or what triggers it. I call it his 'poopy mood'. Even the kids notice it. He is usually fine afterward.

I really hope WDW is in your future. We are talking about going in Dec, but with this being DS's first year in college, we aren't sure if it is possible. We will plan with the option to bail out if needed.

Sometimes, I have gone to WDW with just my girl friend. She is divorced and not really in any relationship. So, she doesn't have a family to go with. Her DD is 33 and childless. So, no grandchildren to indulge. It is a fun way to go for less cash. Over 10 years, we have gone 4 times. I hope this may be an option for you.

Off to catch up more on journals. Have a fabulous week!

Hello everyone,

Thanks to everyone who stopped by! The weekend was great. We had beautiful weather all weekend. Oh I am so ready for this. I don't think the poor puppies are ready though! It was in the 80's here both days, and the puppies acted like it was 180! They laid around and just looked hot. I a sure that some of you know what I am talking about.

We got a lot done this weekend. Saturday was a little rough, didn't really want to work in the yard, but we did. We really needed to. We were out in the yard for a little over 2 hours, but I am only going to count 60 minutes towards my exercise goal. It was a rough 2 hours let me tell you. I am putting in a flower garden in the corner of the yard and I needed to move bricks, haul the peat moss and the soil. We don't own a wheel barrel so I had to carry it by hand. Then I had to rack it all in....I was hot and tired after all that. Then I pulled some weeds. So it was a good day. I am going to work out today and I've made my goal for the month!!! Sunday we went on a group motorcycle ride, we went up to the mountains, there was still snow on the ground and sand in the middle of the road. Sand and motorcycles don't mix, but everyone was careful and we didn't have any issues. That is good!

I didn't work out on Friday, I just ran out of time. I left work and then headed to Walmart. I am going to vent for a minute, DH just didn't get it. So I have to go to Walmart to get a prescription, I am waiting in a very long line, I am about the 5th person in line. The line to talk to the pharmacy or assistant was getting long as well, 5-7 people waiting. The lady getting the meds was a little slow, but I was fine with that. It was the dumb lady in the front of the line that had 50 items that she wanted to check out at the pharmacy....I was so mad. Why did she have to check all her groceries out at the pharmacy? It's not like Walmart was busy. When I walked in there were cashiers standing into he isles waiting for people....hello do you not see there are a ton of people here waiting. Then to top it off she had something that had an age requirement and the cashier didn't see it, so she just kept scanning away. Half the items in the buggie didn't get scanned so they had to re-do the whole thing. Man I was frustrated. Vent over! Sorry. So anyway, after spending half the night at Walmart, I finally get home, DH wants an Xbox game that Wally world didn't have. So we get on the bikes, head to Circuit City and get the game. Head home, DH needs help with his brakes on the bike. By the time I got in and had dinner, it was almost 8:00. We ended up having corn tacos...quick and easy. So no work out Friday. I did get up and work out on Saturday, I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and 25 minutes strength training with Bob. No work out on Sunday. Sunday was the beginning of my work out week, so I took that day as a rest day. I didn't really have time either.

Water this weekend was good, I did a little over 100 oz on Saturday and Sunday. Friday I was at 100oz.

DH and I talked about Disney again this weekend, I think we may be going. I don't really know yet! I hope so. When I asked him, he didn't really say much, but we just need to figure it out. So I will wait another day or two and then I might bring it up again. I wish I could go on a vacation without him...I don't know I just feel kinda weird doing it. I know that sounds weird, but it's just weird! Not many of my friends get the Disney addiction either. I was thinking that I would love to take my nieces and nephews, but that won't happen. It would be too expensive and they are not into Disney. Maybe one day!

Well I am off to other journals....thanks for reading!!!

Have a great day :)
I mkae DH doo all the yardwork. That is just something I do NOT have the paitence for. None.

That trip to Walmart sounds so frustrating! You'd think the people working would pay attention!

I'm all for vacations alone. I haven't yet, although I've gone w/ friends (and not DH). I probably would have to work up a bit of nerve though :) Maybe eating alone at a restaurant or something, just to practice :lmao:

Keep up all your good work!
Hi Jamie
Take me to wdw!!:goodvibes
I'm keeping everything crossed that you get to go!

I feel ya with the check out lines. Do you always find that you pick the shortest line & something happens & you end up waiting ages??
Happens to me everytime!!
Well done for getting lots of exercise in :goodvibes
Hey Jamie!

Well good plan on getting DH to talk about disney. I am hoping for you.

You know, those 2 hours in the yard cetainly sounded like more than 60 minutes especially with all the heavy hauling. DH does most of the yard work. I hang out with him in the yard and make sure he keeps busy :lmao:
I do pick out the flowers and where they should go. I guess it makes me feel important. :goodvibes

Have a great day!

Thanks so much for posting in my journal. I'm sorry I have been MIA here.

I would agree with Amy & Wendy - sometime's the DH's don't really know what is bugging them, but they take it out in a bad mood for everyone. I'm glad that you are doing better now and even got to "talk Disney!" too. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that the trip is back on.

I am so impresed with your willpower resisting cookie lady! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: Great job!!! Scary factoid about the M&M though:scared1:

Take care and have a great week.
Hi Jamie, too funny, my dogs were dying from heat stroke too this weekend! To go from a blizzard to 85 in just a matter of days sort of shocked their systems I guess! I am so glad you and dh talked about WDW, I really hope it works out. Do you have a girlfriend or cousin who might go with you? I would be crushed if my dh didn't love it as much as I did, although that might help us save more for something besides Disney vacations! You are really doing well with everything, congrats on making that April exercise challenge!:thumbsup2

And I HATE that when dumb people do that at Wal Mart!
Well hello everyone.

Sorry I was not around yesterday. I logged in and that was the end of that. It was monthend and I was crazy busy. Then when I got home I was crazy busy too! Thanks for stopping by everyone, I appreicate it.

Well I made the April challenge. I had to post it today since I could not find time yesterday to do it. I was at 915/900, so I passed my goal. I have decided to try for 1000 minutes in May. However I am not off to a great start! I am only at 30 so far, I was really busy last night and could only get 30 minutes in. But that is better than nothing huh!

I didn't eat all that well yesterday, I was stressed so I made a few....okay a lot of bad choices. I had to have a donut, not sure why, but I did. Then I decided that I didn't need to eat my lunch that I brought, I want Qdoba, then we had pizza for dinner. What a bad day. But the good news is that yesterday is over and today is a new day. I am back on track and I am going to stay that way. I really want to be healthier and look better by September in the event that we do go to WDW. Still working on that! So we will see how it goes. I just need to have the willpower I used to have. When someone mentions Qdoba, I am putty....I can't say no. Bt I need to. I really do!

B @ 5:30 2 waffles with no butter and little syrup
S @ 8:30 1 cup light yogurt
L @ 11:45 turkey and cheese sandwich and 1/2 cup potatoes
S @ 2:30 1 medium apple
D @ 7:30 Sonic - we were out late helping a friend and didn't realize how late it was, then we thought we should have dinner.
Water was good though - 100 oz again!

Tuesday: I dont' even want to post this, but I will
B @ 5:30 Jimmy Dean breakfast bowl
S @ 8:00 1 yummy donut :sad2:
L @ 12:15 nachos from Qdoba :sad2:
S skipped
D @ 6:00 2 slices of cheese pizza :sad2:
Water was good again, 100 oz.

Exercise, well that has not been great either. As I said above, I was able to get 20 minutes in on Monday, and I did 30 minutes yesterday. I need to kick it up a notch if I want to meet my goal.

So last night was eventful.....we have white carpet, not really sure what we were thinking when we bought the house, but that is over with. DH had a glass of red fruit punch juice sitting on the coffee table. Something happened, I am sure I did something when I got up and it moved stuff on my coffee table. Can you see where this is going.....well the stuff that fell, knocked the juice over and I had a nice big RED stain on my white carpet. We were able to get the most of it out, after about 45 minutes of work, but man that sucked! I told DH we are not having juice on the table any more. Or I just need to clean the table and get rid of the stuff on the table.

Well I am off to other journals, I hope! Have agreat day :)


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