In case you missed the Feb. 3 webcam meet...


DIS Legend
Aug 20, 1999
Here is an image. Dave O'Brien is on the left in the white shirt. I am the other guy.



Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."

Yes- I'm back but really cranky. I got sick the last day due to what I believe was a bad hamburger from Ricter's Burger. I had a cold when this was taken so the burger death was the next day. On the way home, Delta bumped me over to Continental causing a one hour delay, then the Continental flight was delayed for another hour, then I flew home in the mother of all blizzards, couldn't find my car service driver because they were closing the airport due to weather. When I did find him it took 4 hours to get home on a trip that normally takes 35 minutes because highways were closed and you could only go 25 mph. The final insult was finding 8 inches of wet heavy snow in my driveway that I had to shovel. So today really sucked. I'll write a report when I'm somewhat happier.

"Compose your final, loathesome dirge!"
Oh Dave, I am so sorry about the end of your trip and hope you get well soon. EIGHT INCHES OF SNOW!! I can't even imagine. ;)
Welcome back Dave & Barry!
Wish I coulda stayed Sun. when I saw ya'll on the Dragons. I was on my last "big ride" before DW & DD dragged me out of the park. (They rode Unicorn 12 consectutive times versus my 2 Dragons!) Certainly was just a dedicated few braving the elements that morning.
Well, hope the Richter Burger Blues have passed Dave(no pun intended). I guess Barry has already used up the mad cow jokes, so won't go there.
Truly hope the trip was one of the best for ya'll, hope there's another one again soon too!

Thanks for the well wishes. Ricter's burger has passed and I've gotta get ready for my first day back at work. A TR is coming. By the way, the only reason why I am blaming Ricter's Burger was the identical thing happened last year, although it was much worse this year. About 5 seconds after finishing it last year, I found myself RUNNING to the bathroom. This year I was hitting the bathroom at 30 minute intervals which started immediately after finishing my burger at Ricter's. This time it landed me in bed all day Sunday with the runs and the chills on top of the head cold I had. But beside that and the horror of getting home, the trip was A1 great.

"Compose your final, loathesome dirge!"
Tony, will we see you at the March meets?


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Sorry you got sick. Yuccck! And talk about the travel day from hell; at least it was at the end of your trip, lol!
Did you think you you were being followed by a nut case when someone, I think "J" asked "are you Barry?" on Dragons. After i read that encounter I was laughing for 2 days!
Actually, I was kind of confused. Of course, my photo is in a lot of places on this site! :)


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Didn't really think at first when I realized it was probably Barry. Shoulder harness locked down & the ride hasn't started, you're not getting away and there's an axe-murderer trying to confirm your identity!
The Dis t-shirt confirmed it for me. Plus, the fact of front row Ice & last row Fire. There were only 6-8 people on the whole Dragon each time. Which is all the more reason to think you're being followed, I guess.
Oh well, axe was in the shop that week-end anyway!


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