Marathon Weekend 2025


DIS Veteran
Dec 28, 2009
As in the past few years, I am starting the thread early for next year. People who experience FOMO over the next week now have a thread to dream upon.

Marathon Weekend is January 8– 12, 2025

Registration is April 9 at 10am EST
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There's been brief talk elsewhere of a reunion of the old WISH board-- before there was the runDisney forum. Could be fun!
Those WISH get-togethers were always a good time. I’ll be sad to miss everyone this year.
i decided in early 2023 that I wouldn’t be doing Dopey again in 24 for various reasons - taking a year off full marathon training to focus on improving my pace in shorter distances being one. I have a little FOMO this year but still believe I made the right choice. I wouldn’t be doing the C2C if I’d registered for Dopey.

As of now I plan to do Dopey again in 2025. The dates are perfect and I’m pretty confident I’m fast enough to get a POT in a half so I can be in B. My biggest concern is registration. I‘m going to be on a plane when registration opens. My son will try to register us but I think I might be one of those who needs to try to grab a spot when registration randomly reopens. Worked for me for the DL half, fingers crossed for Dopey 2025.
One of those FOMO people is me. I finally get placed back in what should be corral A, and I’m not able to make it to the weekend. :(
Sorry to hear that. This year it is looking like Corral ‘C’ for me; next year I am hoping to get a POT again and get back into ’B’. Bummer tha you are missing out out he weekend and Corral ‘A”!
I am happy with my decision to skip the full marathon this year, but definitely signing up for my third Dopey in 2025. I won't be tempted to do the DL races, having done back-to-back this year, and I'm looking forward to a fresh approach to training.
2025 will be just the half for me. I’ve decided training for a full again isn’t worth it for me. My body does great training until I reach those 45+ mile weeks. The recovery is just too much and the little niggles are annoying. So I will enjoy the half with DH and we will grab a volunteer spot for the full!

Blessing in disguise that I didn’t get into Chicago!
I don't know what 2025 MW will hold for me. I need to get healthy, get a few pounds off, and see if that rekindles my enjoyment of running. Right now it feels like work. I was already considering taking a break from MW in 2025, but DW texted me this morning saying she was considering Goofy next year... 🤷‍♂️

All that being said, my money is on a change of heart in February or March leading to Dopey #8.
As in the past few years, I am starting the thread early for next year. People who experience FOMO over the next week now have a thread to dream upon.
Thanks for keeping the FOMO tradition going! I keep saying that I'm coming back sometime soon, but the achilles keeps telling me to go elsewhere. I started running Disney in 2006. Ran the half with my wife and had a blast. If I recall correctly, 2006 was the first year they ran the half on Saturday and the full on Sunday. We then participated in MW for 10 more years after that, various races until the 2017 half was cancelled. Picked it up after that for four more years until COVID. After that the wheels, or should I say the "heels" fell off. I won't get in to the details, but simply say that I'm happy to be running in some capacity at the ripe old age of 65. Intervals are my friend and I've mixed some biking in along the way.

Along the way, I met a lot of great people. Did the HH and pre-race meet-ups. Did my "one and done" bucket list marathon slip sliding away in 2010. Have more race shirts than I'll ever be able to wear and I'm still a good spectator.

To all the folks, past and future on this thread good luck and enjoy the journey!


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