I'm right behind your tushie!! A January 2011 TR!! Updated April 27th

I'm all caught up now..so nice that you had a squabble-free vacation! And I agree, the family behind you that was silent in line for 10 mins...that is strange! :confused3 Or maybe our families are both just full of chatterboxes? :rotfl:
I'm all caught up now..so nice that you had a squabble-free vacation! And I agree, the family behind you that was silent in line for 10 mins...that is strange! :confused3 Or maybe our families are both just full of chatterboxes? :rotfl:

My family tends to get quiet in lines around the end of the vacation. We're tired and just need some quiet reflection....or sugar! :thumbsup2

Loving the updates and the pictures of Boardwalk were just what I needed on a dreary Wednesday am. :wizard:
So much for my "back in an hour or two"...it wasn't even a day or two!

However, better late than never I guess!

And without further ado...on with the show! (Too many exclamation points? I can never tell.)

Once finished on LWTL it was 11:30 a.m. and time for lunch!

On the way DH stopped to meet this guy. The lazy kids wouldn't even get out of the stroller for him but DH was determined to get another autograph for the book so he posed gamely too.


We had an early ADR at Tutto Italia for dinner so we headed straight to England for my fish and chips and then went on to Morocco so DH could get the combo platter. We sat in Morocco (the kids ate uncrustables again...crazy loons!!) and shared our meal. I don’t like fish…AT ALL…but the fish and chips from England were TASTY!! I’d get these again in a heartbeat…so light and fresh and delicious. I shared a fish strip with DH and reluctantly let DS have some of my fries.

The combo platter was seriously good. I wasn’t terribly hungry after eating my food so I just nibbled a bit on the bread and hummus and took a bite here and there of the lamb (yummy!!) and the rice. DH thought it was quite tasty and an excellent value for a QS credit. We’d probably do this one again in the future too.

Some character meets en route to the food:




And some fly by pics of France (I'm not sure why DH singled this country out!)



Oh wait...here are some of Morocco:



After this we got our first Kim Possible Mission…in China!! We also stopped to get autographs with Mulan, Marie, Belle, Aladdin and Jasmine. Aladdin and Jasmine spoke to DD in French and got really excited when she answered them back. Our kids go to French Immersion so DD didn’t think it was a big deal but I was pretty excited about it and so was Aladdin. I wonder if they try that often and whether or not it’s rare when a kid speaks to them in French.



Anyway, we got over to China in time for the mission and the kids had a TON of fun. Mom and Dad did too, I’ll tell ya! DS couldn’t bear to part with the Kimmunicator so when he learned he could do another mission he was over the moon with joy. This time we were sent to England to save the world. So much fun!!! I took the opportunity to nip into the tea shop and get a mickey head tea steeper thingy (yeah, that’s it’s technical name!!) for DH to keep at work. He scolded me for spending my own spending money on him when I handed him the bag but was quite delighted when he looked inside. I wasn’t sure how he’d feel about the mickey head part of it but he was actually pretty geeked about it.

So we saved the world once again…(Danger is my cup of tea!!) and then turned in the Kimmunicator. I was all for doing another mission and I’m pretty sure DH was too (we were having some serious fun) but all good things come to an end and DS decided two was enough for this trip. I think he was worried that he wouldn’t be able to do the kidcot stops if we did another mission and they were a priority for him.

More photos as we walked:



We hung out in the world showcase for a while longer (and DH finally found a wallet in Morocco!!) until it was time to report to Tutto Italia (at 4:30 p.m.) for our 4:40 p.m. ADR.

Wait! I need to back up and tell the wallet story.

While DD and I stood in line (first in line) waiting to meet Aladdin and Jasmine DH wandered into the store and finally found a wallet!! In the meantime, a family of British Columbian Canadians came up behind us and started chatting with us. DH comes back out and cracks up the mom I’d been talking to by asking me to go in and examine the wallets and tell him if they were manly enough.

I didn’t think they were unmanly but I did think they were ugly. I'll let you decide for yourselves...here is his purchase:


I didn’t tell him that I thought they were ugly. He seemed to like them and wouldn't have bought one if I'd been honest. If he tells me a blouse of pair of shoes or a purse is ugly I just shrug and buy it anyway :rotfl: (if I really like it, that is) but he won't get something if I don't like it. Why he cares how I feel about his wallet mystifies me (although I get that he wants to make sure they are "mannish" enough for him to get one) so he remains blissfully ignorant and the thing got less ugly to me over time.


Once he got the all clear on the manliness of the item in question, he ran back in and made the purchase.

He was positively delighted and immediately began transferring his stuff over to his new wallet and once he had finished, he tossed the old one into the garbage. While he was doing this the change pocket latch snapped and he was crushed and started grumbling about it. “Now I can’t keep my change in here!” I made him go back and exchange it, although for a minute there I didn’t think he was going to (seriously we were like 20 feet away from the store but at first he was just going to pout about it) and he was soon all smiles again. Too funny!!

I think I have room in this post for a few more WS photos. I think my photobucket pics are all out of order. Oh well!



Tushie alert!!

More WS photos:





We did a mission in England so we got some pics in this area. I'm not posting the ones related to the Kim Possible mission on here for obvious reasons.

You're welcome!


Look, it's Alice! She waved to us, kept walking and DH snapped this pic.

I really like this one.

At one point in the day, DH gave me heck for laughing at a lady behind her back. I couldn’t help it!! She was talking to her husband (boyfriend, significant other…whatever) and obviously telling him about Chef des France. She was describing the lunch menu and specifically talking about the Macaroni au Gratin. She was trying to sell it to him so she called it “mac and cheese, but…you know, a nice FRENCH mac and cheese.” The really funny thing was…he made a face, like “oh, okay…let’s give it a go then.”

Okay, so it doesn’t look very funny in print but I SWEAR it was hilarious all acted out! Anyway I cracked up and DH scolded me and told me not to act so superior just because I was a DIS addict and knew every fact that exists about the park.

More pics...sorry they are out of order but I'm too lazy to figure it all out properly for you!









Rats! Not enough room left for all the food porn pics, so I guess dinner at Tutto will have to wait! But I promise the food porn is worth waiting for!
I actually sighed at the picture over the lake with WS and Spaceship Earth in the background. You had beautiful weather and I wish I were there right now! :mad:

Okay, so it doesn’t look very funny in print but I SWEAR it was hilarious all acted out! Anyway I cracked up and DH scolded me and told me not to act so superior just because I was a DIS addict and knew every fact that exists about the park.

That is the funniest thing I've heard!!! My kids were getting so mad at me too because I knew every fact that exists about the parks!!! :lmao:
Thanks to the Dis Boards!! :thumbsup2

Sorry I'm late for the TR... I just found it... :rolleyes1

I've read the whole thing and I'm loving it!!! :cloud9:

And great job on the weight loss... You look wonderful!!! :thumbsup2
Welcome Nancy and thanks for the weight loss compliment.

Sorry for the delay folks. I've been ill but I think I'm finally on the hoof!

I'm going to try and update tomorrow...my Tutto Italia review with lots of pics!!

Stay tuned!
Okay so we check in for dinner and are seated almost immediately. Well, what do you expect? It's 4:40 p.m. We had just long enough in the lobby for DD to examine the wall mural and say, “How do they manage to do such beautiful drawings? It looks almost 3D!” She was cracking my up with her one line zingers, I can tell you!

Tutto was DH’s fav meal of the trip. The restaurant is simply gorgeous! The seats, the décor, the ambiance are all beautiful and we had impeccable service. Now, I've been to Italy and I think Tutto Italia really does a great job of making you believe you are really there.

Alright, enough yap. I promised you food porn and I WILL deliver. I thought DH had taken some actual restaurant photos but upon checking photobucket...I guess not!

Anyway...our waiter was great. A handsome older gentleman who didn't write down a thing and yet our orders were all perfect! He was great...really, really impeccable service.

And then, the food came….


We got the bread and olives and it was all so tasty. They even brought us out more part way through the meal.



We also ordered an appetizer. I could just sense that DH wanted to but I didn't think he'd bring it up because they weren't covered by the dining plan and the prices are a little higher here. But I suggested the fresh Buffala Mozzarella and he said yes.


Oh my gosh, this was so good! So light and fresh and tasty. I was in heaven!

For the main course, DH ordered the Ravioli and I got uh chicken tetrazzini? I forget what I ordered but it was great! DS got a pizza (and it was a really BIG kid's pizza) and DD got the Picollini al Panna. Everyone was well satisfied with their choices. The kids allowed me to sample their food and everything was melt in your mouth delicious.





Oops, forgot one! The kids each started with a fruit cup and were DELIGHTED...much different from three grapes and a ton of melon!

DH's only complaint about the meal was that he felt his serving was rather small. He counted only 6 ravioli's on his plate (there are none hiding underneath there) and thought it looked rather meager...especially against my large bowlful of goodness.

We AGAIN had a whole conversation about whether or not I was getting enough to eat when I ate a fraction of my pasta and passed my bowl over to him to finish. He thought I was sacrificing my meal because of his bellyaching but once I assured him that wasn't the case he dug right in. We didn't have a fridge to bring the leftovers back to anyway but there was no chance of that this night. (I ate a lot of the bread basket and then it was refilled so I got enough to eat...too much, in fact!) I was seriously getting full on my pasta and wanted to save what little room I had left for dessert.

Speaking of dessert....

He ordered this

I think his was the Copetta Sotta Bosco but I could be wrong. It definitely had alcohol because he warned me I couldn't try it when he ordered it.

I ordered this

I forget what it was exactly...a cheesecake, I think. But it was light and fresh and had a citrus zing. So YUM! I shared with DH and even offered a taste to the kids. I forget if they took me up on it or not.

And the kids ordered this

Chocolate Mouse

All in all...an AMAZING meal and certainly a place we would return to without hesitation!

The reason we had booked such an early meal was so that we could leave the park in enough time for DH to head over to check in for his race the following morning but he insisted that we had time so we stayed long enough for the kids to do the kidcot stops in Italy, France and the UK.

DH took a lot of photos while waiting:






While I waited with the kiddies in France, DH got us some tasty pastries from the bakery for our breakfast the following morning.

More kind of blurry night shots!






The crowds were noticeably less this night so we enjoyed our time and made our way out of the park at a leisurely pace with another Cool Club stop for the fellas (the second of the day). DH prepared to head over to WWoS to register once we arrived back at the hotel but alas, they closed at 8 p.m. not 9 p.m. as he had thought so he couldn’t go over there after all. I got the kids bathed and in bed as quickly as I could and then tackled the packing. With DH’s help we had three of our four suitcases packed and ready to go and my new “purse” (the Tigger is that you? bag) was also organized and squared away.

We headed to bed fairly early ourselves as we had a 5:30 a.m. wake up call so we could be up and at the bus in time to head over to DH’s 7 a.m. 5K race.

Next time: Our final day at Disney...departure day and finally checking out POFQ! Who hoo!!
Tutto looks amazing. You are right, the pictures were worth the wait. Tutto is the one restaurant I am looking forward to the most in May.

Thanks for the great review and pictures!
Tutto is awesome - I agree!!! We really enjoyed our meal there (gosh, I think it was Dec. 09?).

That food looked so good, I'm thinking pasta for dinner tonight! I'm sure mine won't compare!
Quick life update/story:

Yesterday my friend texted me to tell me that she and her hubby bought into DVC when they were down on their most recent trip. I had tons of questions (and lots of jealousy!!) because though I know other DVC members, none of them are Canadian and I was curious of how the financing part works for us.

Anyway, I got all the details BUT how the financing works for Canadians...shoulda just called her instead of doing it all with facebook chat :rotfl2: ...and she is just so excited to be a DVC member.

So DH comes home from work and I tell him about my day. When he hears about Aimee's recent good fortune and even though I stress the RCI affiliation, he turns to me with a panicked look and says, "PLEASE don't ever make me buy into DVC!"

Funny and heartbreaking at the same time! <sigh> I guess I'll have to win the lottery, sell a kidney (how much are they going for these days, anyway?) or give up on my dream of being a DVC owner.

Just thought I'd share that little tidbit since my family (parents and siblings) don't get my Disney obsession either.
This TR has been neglected shamefully but I DO have a legit excuse. DS just turned 6 and I've been fairly busy with all the party prep and cleanup. Things are getting back to normal now and I'm hoping to crank out another update tomorrow!!

Thanks for being patient!!
We took a LOT of photos on our departure day. I mean...a LOT! There's going to be six hundred and fifty million parts to day seven because there are THAT many photos. Seriously!! I'm just warning you.

Although we didn't end up taking any of the race because it was still fairly dark out and DH's android has no flash. I hate that though because I'm just so darn proud of DH for his run. Ah well!

We had a 5:30 a.m. wake up call so we could be up and at the bus in time to head over to DH’s 7 a.m. 5K race.

DH answered the phone so I missed hearing Stitch again and he hopped in the shower and I woke the kids. It felt like cruel and unusual punishment making them get up at such an early hour but they never once complained. DD was extremely reluctant to get out of bed but eventually she was dressed and washed and ready to go.

The pastries DH had selected (éclair, chocolate croissant, fruit tart) bombed as breakfast selections for the kids and I didn't want any part of them either. He ate the chocolate croissant and we tossed the other two because we weren't sure about how they fared without refrigeration and we didn't want to risk it.

I had to run and pick up a container of grapes for them to snack on and we ended up letting them eat cookies for breakfast while we waited for DH’s race to start. I didn't care about the cookie breakfast but I was annoyed as DH's choices from the bakery. What a waste of snack credits for us! NO ONE in our family likes those stupid fruit tarts and DH was the only one who didn't think the eclair was gross on our trip last April so I spent a good five minutes that morning wondering what he was thinking.

Anyway...we waited for 25 minutes for a bus…some people in line were starting to worry that they weren’t going to make it on time…but come it did and we were (once again) at Epcot in no time.

DS and I were partners again this time and he chose a seat right under the speakers!! I thought it was kinda weird to be listening to a Christian Rock song at 6:30 in the morning and then I realized (once the song ended) that it was actually a religious radio station. The people in front of me were highly amused that once the news was finished, the announcer stated “here is some good news”…and quoted a scripture from Isaiah!! I’ve never heard a Christian Radio station before (I never even knew they existed) so that was a first for me.

It was cold this morning and we were glad we were wearing our winter clothing!! DH had a great race, he finished in 33 minutes which he deemed acceptable. The kids were thrilled with his medal, he was able to register before the race so he got his baggie of goodies!! He was suddenly quite happy that he’d missed the cut off the night before because we’d had so much family fun and he’d been able to get what he needed anyway.

His medal and the t-shirt he got in his goody bag. I honestly have no idea what else was in there and he's not around to ask.



We got on a bus right away but had to wait a bit for it to fill up before we could head back to Pop Century. By 9 a.m. we were back and checking out the resort. We “played” fooseball, had a couple games of Twister and then climbed the Rubix cube and Yo Yo staircases…just because we could. The kids were thrilled and though it was still quite cool we enjoyed our outdoor time immensely in spite of the cold.








We then checked out, checked in for our flight and left our luggage with Bell Services so that we could finally go and check out Port Orleans. The plan was to head over there for a while, have lunch at WPE and then head back to Pop to use the rest of the card up at the arcade, collect our luggage and be ready for our 3:15 p.m. ME pickup.

Off we went on the DTD bus and walked around DTD (still had a tree up…who hoo!!) a bit before hopping a boat (that first took us back to Marketplace…oops!!) that took us the French Quarter.






Would love to eat here one day but it seems so excessively expensive that I'm not sure we'll ever do it.


Okay, I'll have to pick it up later...I almost lost this whole post so I'm scared to go any further!!
If you were mention T-Rex as the place you want to dine, I say DO IT! I have been three times and love it! The food is pretty good considering it's a theme/chain restaurant.

Each area of the restaurant is themed differently and some secret little things happen during your meal.

And, the portions are HUGE which, I suppose, can justify some of the cost.

Not sure if you are a person who enjoys an adult beverage, but, might I suggest the Cotton-tini! AWESOME and the presentation cannot be beat! :banana:
Yep, T-REX is the place I was talking about. If the portions are large I suppose we can just share and save some $$ that way. We took the kids to the Rainforest Cafe in Niagara Falls last summer and DD didn't like the "surprises" so we were thinking she may feel the same way here but DS just thinks it's SO COOL so we may have to risk it anyway for his sake.

I don't drink actually, but thank you for the suggestion anyway.

I really appreciate you comments and suggestions!
Quick update before dinner...

A few more DTD pics!




DH expressed QUITE a bit of interest in dining here next time.

And I expressed QUITE a bit of interest in doing this next time.

Going back to the Marketplace via boat so we can catch to boat to POFQ. It was still sort of cool out but warm enough that we were able enjoy our trip(s) on the water without freezing our tushies off! See! All smiles!







Once back at the Marketplace we switched boats and took a ton more pics but alas...time to get dinner started so that will have to wait for another update.
Sorry for YET ANOTHER delay folks. My grandfather passed away last week and today was the last of the funeral commitments. However, as we are expecting thunderstorms this evening and I am exhausted from our 5 hour drive to and from the cemetery...I'm going to wait on the update until I'm feeling more Disney and don't have to worry about shutting down the computer in a hurry!

Thanks for your patience and I hope to post an update tomorrow!


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