I'm Fluent in Disney Spanish- May 2016 TR *updated 11/16*-COMPLETE

I've always wanted to do the tour. I so enjoyed hearing all about it. Maybe one day I'll actually get to do it.

That pizza looked so delicious. Glad you're going to give the restaurant another try. I have heard good things about it.
At the same time as the lightening there was an announcement being made about F! being cancelled, and then the skies opened up.
That stinks. Sorry you missed out on Fantasmic, but aside from that you really made the best of a rainy day in DHS!

So we walked all the way over to TSMM, past CM who were just standing around only to find out when we got there that the ride had closed for the night due to the fireworks. I knew that this happened, but I assumed they had cancelled the fireworks, the park was a ghost town, I’m not sure who was sticking around for fireworks.
I'm so glad they've moved the launch point for the new show so that they can keep this area open. Kind of stupid to have to close the most popular ride in the park for a fireworks show to begin with.

As I said, I had not been feeling the magic really during the trip, but this Tour helped me find it again. I had been so preoccupied with other things to realize what had made me fall in love with Disney in the first place. The details, the dedication, the striving to make people happy. It made me remember that yes Disney sucks sometimes and they are a business who is only there to make money. But that’s not what makes it’s special, it’s the people who built the company and the CMs like Jocelyn that keep it alive in spite of what the corporate end does. After the tour I made sure to thank her because she really was awesome.
I'm glad you got to go on the tour and I'm happy to see that it helped restore some of the magic for you. I know a lot of people say they worry about the tours ruining the magic for them. It was nice to see that it kind of put all things into perspective and even helped emphasize the magic.

All four theme parks, all year long!! And how did Joe ever get you to leave at the end of your trip????

I have to say, I was really looking forward to this place and it did not disappoint on the food, but the service was some of the worst I’ve had anywhere, ever.
Sorry the service was a disappointment, but at least the pizza lived up for you! Sadly, I've seen poor service there a couple of times. I know we went once with the kids and DD was in borderline meltdown mode. I think DW ended up walking outside with her while I waited for our bill and paid because we just couldn't get them to move any quicker. But at least the food was good!
Unfortunately, we had a similar situation at Via Napoli. I had high expectations, and while the food did not disappoint, the service was so awful, I don't think I'll ever get my family to agree to go back there. They were rude to my kids, who were very well behaved, rude to my mom, and not helpful at all. Worst service I've ever had at a Disney restaurant.
Oh no, that's what I was afraid of. I am going to give it a second chance since the pizza was so good, but they better not be rude to my kids :furious:

How nice to be able to just wander around, no plans! Hope you found some fun things to do in Future World!
We did:D

Love all the F&G pics, and great PP pics too!

I'm sorry the service at Via Napoli was lacking, but thank goodness the food was good!
Yeah, it was a bummer, hopefully it will be better next time.

I feel the same way about Illuminations!
I want to love it I do, but the end :crazy2:

I've always wanted to do the tour. I so enjoyed hearing all about it. Maybe one day I'll actually get to do it.
I hope you do, it's awesome.

That pizza looked so delicious. Glad you're going to give the restaurant another try. I have heard good things about it.
I hope it was just an off night or something because the pizza really was delicious.

That stinks. Sorry you missed out on Fantasmic, but aside from that you really made the best of a rainy day in DHS!
Rain can't stop me :D

I'm glad you got to go on the tour and I'm happy to see that it helped restore some of the magic for you. I know a lot of people say they worry about the tours ruining the magic for them. It was nice to see that it kind of put all things into perspective and even helped emphasize the magic.
Yeah, I think for me having worked in customer service jobs I'm under no illusion that "backstage" or learning about it was glamorous or magical and I think going in knowing that helped set my expectations. But you really get to see how hard the CMs work to make it look magical and I think that's what did it for me.

All four theme parks, all year long!! And how did Joe ever get you to leave at the end of your trip????
:rotfl2:Unfortunately I didn't need convincing, missed those darn kids too much. Now it's convincing me don't need to go back every month that is the issue:rolleyes1.

Sorry the service was a disappointment, but at least the pizza lived up for you! Sadly, I've seen poor service there a couple of times. I know we went once with the kids and DD was in borderline meltdown mode. I think DW ended up walking outside with her while I waited for our bill and paid because we just couldn't get them to move any quicker. But at least the food was good!
Ugh, that stinks, seems like this is a theme there, maybe we won't go back in January, we'll see.
Day 3: Part 4
Let Me Know

Test Track had a 15 minute wait, so of course we had to do that. We each got to design our own car, which was fun because we got to be competitive.

My Beauty

Joe's Monstrosity :rotfl2:

Then that part of the attraction was not working when we rode, so we didn’t even get to see who won:headache:.

We weren’t sure what else we wanted to do. I had remembered the character meets with Baymax and Joy and Sadness, so we went that way to check out the line. I have to say, I was weirdly nervous to meet any character. As much as Disney makes me feel like a kid again, going into the trip, this was just one of the things my adult self wouldn’t let me get passed. I mean obviously with the kids; I interact with the characters on behalf of them. But without the buffer of kids, I just felt I couldn’t get passed that it was probably some college kid in there wondering why a grown woman wants to hug him:blush:. However, that afternoon with Daisy I just took a quick picture because she was there and it was fine. Plus the kid inside of me really wanted a big squishy hug from Baymax, so I got in line.

There was this Japanese girl in front of me and she was so excited, so I thought you know if she’s excited then I can be too. And I was so excited, I love Baymax so much:love:. So when it was my turn, did I let my stupid adult inhibitions prevent me from getting my hug?

Nope and I loved every second of it. Joe of course never has any adult inhibtions, he’s always a kid, and he got a first bump from Baymax.

High on some character love, I saw the Character spot only had a 5 minute wait, so we went across the way to meet some original characters. The wait was about ten minutes and we were surrounded by little kid and they’re parents. Oh well, the characters were awesome, each one went in for a hug as we walked up and it was so much fun.

Pure joy on that face

With only about 20 minutes left of extra magic hours, we were just going to leave but then Judy Dench was calling our name.

The picture thing wasn’t working again, but I got a picture our spaceship earth.

After SE it was officially time to leave. I wish I could say our evening ended here, but we still had one more show to see.

No not this

As we were walking to our car, I heard a guy yell to another guy, let me know. It was weird, but I thought they were friends and then the guy who yelled starts chasing the other guy around the car. And they were parked directly behind us in the next row, so we couldn’t avoid going near them as we approached our car. I soon realized they were not friendly, when a security car drove up and a managerial CM got out to try and tame the angry man :scared:. So angry guy runs up to the CM, as the security CMs were standing by, and looks like he’s going to hit him. And this whole time he just keeps yelling let me know. So the CM is telling the drunk guy not to touch him and slowly backs up while the guy just keeps inching closer and closer yelling let me know. They did this until they got too far for me to tell what was going on but the guy ended up on the ground as another security vehicle drove up. The “friend” or whoever he originally was yelling at took off as soon as the other CMs were distracted with yelling guy :car:. It was interesting, a little scary, and ultimately entertaining to witness and a weird way to end the night.

We drove back to Pop and promptly fell asleep.

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Oh my! What a way to end your night!
Glad you got to meet some characters! I didn't think I would enjoy it as an adult, but definitely did during our Girls' Weekend!
I'm glad you went for it and met Baymax- he's a great character to meet!

What an interesting way to end the night! Crazy!
There was this Japanese girl in front of me and she was so excited, so I thought you know if she’s excited then I can be too. And I was so excited, I love Baymax so much:love:. So when it was my turn, did I let my stupid adult inhibitions prevent me from getting my hug?
I'm glad that you let the kid in you take over.

Nope and I loved every second of it. Joe of course never has any adult inhibtions, he’s always a kid, and he got a first bump from Baymax.
Can't see Baymax and not give him a fist bump!

Pure joy on that face
That is awesome!!!!! I'm glad that you were able to just forget the inhibitions about meeting characters and enjoy it!

The story at the end of your night is very interesting. It would definitely be concerning to walk up on that as you're going to your car, but I'm glad to see that security got there and took care of things.
Oh my! What a way to end your night!
Glad you got to meet some characters! I didn't think I would enjoy it as an adult, but definitely did during our Girls' Weekend!
Yeah, it was fun to be a kid for once.

I'm glad you went for it and met Baymax- he's a great character to meet!

What an interesting way to end the night! Crazy!
Yeah it was crazy, well he was crazy. Joe and I had a good laugh once we were safe and in the car.

I'm glad that you let the kid in you take over.
Me too, it was so fun.

Can't see Baymax and not give him a fist bump!
It's the law I think ;)

The story at the end of your night is very interesting. It would definitely be concerning to walk up on that as you're going to your car, but I'm glad to see that security got there and took care of things.
Yeah, it would have been much scarier had security not been there. But I was very worried for the CM dealing with the guy. My guess is that this is common at Epcot and they know how to deescalate these situations.
Day 4: Part 1
Tut, tut looks like rain

This morning we actually woke up on time and were able to get ready a leisurely pace, the bad news we were only awoken by the pouring rain. We have really lucked out on our trips and the only rain we have dealt with at WDW was our very first day back in 2014 and it was barely anything. So much like two days previous, my attitude was poncho up and roll out. We had time for breakfast, so we got a bounty platter to share.

After breakfast we drove over to DHS. At RD, the plan was to try and get two rides on Rockin, since this Joe’s favorite ride, unfortunately the ride was down. Plan B was to ride ToT, my favorite ride.

After that, we went into the store that only sells Star Wars stuff on Sunset and checked out all the May the Fourth merch. It wasn’t much shirts, pins, and I think a keychain and water bottle. We each got a shirt and pin.

My shirt and pins, Joe's shirt you'll see later in the day

I wanted to try and see Little Mermaid, but you’ll never guess…we just missed the showing and would have to wait another 20 minutes:rotfl2:. Well TSMM only had a 20 minute wait, so we decided to ride that instead.

Always the loser :sad1:

Joe was very proud of his best in vehicle

I think we went back to Little Mermaid, but didn’t really feel like waiting, so we went over to the GMR. We loved seeing all the memorabilia.

Both our guide and gangster were very into it and entertaining.

I have never been on this ride, because I though the Gangster/cowboy taking over would scare the boys, particular my oldest. And I am so glad I haven’t, he would have been a crying mess in the Alien scene. Glad I got to do it while I had the chance.

When we got out of the ride, we heard Star Wars music and rushed over to the stage to catch some of the First Order March.

We went to check out the construction, or lack thereof over by Sci Fi.

Next we went to see Muppets 3D, a new one for Joe.

For once, show luck was on our side and we walked in right as they were seating everyone one.

After Muppets, it was time for our first FP of the day for TSMM.

Lost again, my accuracy blows his out of the water :P

We checked out of other construction going on in the park.

After that we knew the Stormtrooper show would be happening soon and we wanted a good spot for it, so we went in that direction.

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Just got caught up on the last few updates.

We've been to Via Napoli a few times and I only remember one time that the service was lacking, but still not BAD. It was just very inattentive and took forever to get water on a hot summer day. But I don't recall any rudeness. Worth it for the food!

Glad you were able to get over your hesitation and enjoy the character meets! Looks like you both had a blast. I'm super excited to meet Baymax next trip. That will be a new one for us and Izzy is OBSESSED with fist bumps.

Crazy end to your Epcot night. That would freak me out a bit!

Reading this makes me realize that I haven't been on the Great Movie Ride in a long time...probably not since pre-Izzy. I'm interested to see how the new version turns out (I hear something about a Mickey trackless ride taking its place?)
Well TSMM only had a 20 minute wait, so we decided to ride that instead.
Wow! Rare that you catch a line like that there.

I have never been on this ride, because I though the Gangster/cowboy taking over would scare the boys, particular my oldest. And I am so glad I haven’t, he would have been a crying mess in the Alien scene.
Oh gosh... good call. I remember when I was little and went on GMR for the first time. I HATED it!!! No ride has ever scared me like that one did. The Cowboy scene was bad enough, but the Alien scene totally did me in. I couldn't sleep that night.

And I actually like the ride now. But no way in hell I'll take our kids on it! :rotfl2:

Lost again, my accuracy blows his out of the water :P
And if you had limited ammo that might mean something. :rolleyes1

I'll defend him, my accuracy is usually in the 20's but my score is usually good.
Despite your bad luck with RnRC and Little Mermaid, sounds like you were having a successful morning! And you can't beat a 20 min standby wait at Toy Story!
Such a fun report!

We've been to Via Napoli a few times and I only remember one time that the service was lacking, but still not BAD. It was just very inattentive and took forever to get water on a hot summer day. But I don't recall any rudeness. Worth it for the food!
That's good to hear, hoping that Jan will be better.

Glad you were able to get over your hesitation and enjoy the character meets! Looks like you both had a blast. I'm super excited to meet Baymax next trip. That will be a new one for us and Izzy is OBSESSED with fist bumps.
He's awesome you'll love it.

Crazy end to your Epcot night. That would freak me out a bit!
It was scary at first, but once the CM showed up we felt it was under control.

Reading this makes me realize that I haven't been on the Great Movie Ride in a long time...probably not since pre-Izzy. I'm interested to see how the new version turns out (I hear something about a Mickey trackless ride taking its place?)
I am super excited about the prospect of the Mickey trackless ride, but if it ever comes to fruition, it will be so far down the line :confused3

Wow! Rare that you catch a line like that there.
I know, especially considering this was before the third track opened

Oh gosh... good call. I remember when I was little and went on GMR for the first time. I HATED it!!! No ride has ever scared me like that one did. The Cowboy scene was bad enough, but the Alien scene totally did me in. I couldn't sleep that night.
Yeah, this would be Connor exactly and that kids can't sleep because bad dreams as it is, I don't need to add to his anxiety

And I actually like the ride now. But no way in hell I'll take our kids on it! :rotfl2:
Good to know I'm not the only one

And if you had limited ammo that might mean something. :rolleyes1

Despite your bad luck with RnRC and Little Mermaid, sounds like you were having a successful morning! And you can't beat a 20 min standby wait at Toy Story!
We did have a successful morning, I think this is a definite perk to being only adult, we weren't really bothered if we couldn't do something, no kids on the other hand :rolleyes1
Off Topic Post 2
Labor Day PTR

So, as you may have noticed, I have been updating very frequently recently in order to wrap up this TR. With two trips coming up in the next 5 months, I don't want to get too far behind, but today I am pausing the TR for an :offtopic: post on our upcoming trip. I have up to this point always done a PTR to help organize my thoughts, get feedback on plans, and celebrate my trip with like-minded people, but I haven't done that this time, because I didn't want to have to juggle a TR and PTR. So I am putting it here, hope you don't mind and feel free to skip over this if it's not your thing :D.

Background: I basically explained most of this in the other off topic post, but long story short I badly wanted to take the boys to MNSSHP and convinced my mom to go with us so I could make it happen. We chose Labor Day, because it's the only time we can go without the boys missing school. The main reason my mom agreed to come was telling her we would gift the trip to James, my middle child for his birthday. See she's a teacher and starts school on his birthday and would be unable to get her to celebrate and James really wanted his Grandma here. So to assuage her guilt, we "gave" this to him on his birthday. Now we have gifted two trips in the past, once to the older ones for Christmas.

I know he looks excited, but he didn't know what it was at the point and was to happy to be getting one extra present :rotfl2:

In each box was a balloon

And that's all they cared about :confused:

And once for Connor's (my oldest) birthday last year.

Is that the face of a kid excited to go to Disney World o_O

This box was filled with things for the trip like custom made shirt, autograph books and on and on and he didn't care about any of it :worried:

Neither went as spectacularly as I had planned and I chalked it up to them not really understanding the gift. So needless to say, I wasn't holding out high hopes for a great reaction from James.

So James' fourth birthday was Monday and we surprised him. :bday:

No big gimmick or boxes filled with crap, just our magic band box.

He was told to guess where we were going.
We did it with on Facetime so my mom could "be there" too. Even though I didn't get a good picture of his reaction, he by far had the best one thus far. He was really excited and when I told him about MNSSHP, he lost it and was so excited. pixiedust: So maybe the gift was a good idea :confused3.

Now that the surprise is given, let's get down to the details. If you look back at my original post about the trip our game plan hasn't changed too much, which I am pretty proud of as I am notorious for changing plans.

September 1-travel Day

I will have to pull Connor out of school early :blush: because we have a 4 hour drive to Chicago. It is only the third day of school and his teacher is so strict that I'm actually scared of her, so we'll see how it goes. Joe is driving to Chicago with us, but in his car and we'll meet up in IL. I am hoping we will get there 3-4 before our flight, but I want to give myself plenty of time for traffic. If we get there early we'll find a park or a McDoanlds with a playplace and let them run around and burn energy. The next step of travel is going to pretty tricky. This is the boys third trip this summer and the first two, they weren't easy to deal with in the airport. See my kids are great through security and great on the plane, but it's that hour or so stuck waiting to get on the plane that they go a little stir crazy:dancer:. I considered buying Joe a cheap ticket to get him through security, but we aren't 100% he will be able to come with me that day. He has to be in Chicago until Sunday so he's just heading out early to help us hopefully. So I did some research, and they have something called a gate pass. Basically it is for people (namely unaccompanied minors and elderly) who need assistance beyond security to have someone come with them, in other words a fake ticket. I feel like I could qualify for it, but it will really be up to the ticketing agent on the day of. Let's hope they have mercy on me :flower3:. Once we're on the plane it's smooth sailing to MCO where we should land around 10:30 with my mom landing from Dallas a few minutes before us. We'll meet up at some point and get on the Magical Express. I have never been on DME before, so I am pretty excited to ride it this time, to be honest. We have a garden view room at the Contemporary for the night.

Sadly, the Poly was booked, but we figured this would be the easiest place to get to the Poly from the next day.

September 2 Poly & MNSSHP

We'll leave our room fairly early and drop our luggage off to be transferred to the Poly. We have a 9am ADR at Chef Mickey's and I am so excited for this. My kids have a sketchy past with characters. Connor always loves them. James used to love them, then hated them, then warmed up to them and has now informed me that he will not be meeting any characters other than Anna and Else. I assumed with Nicholas' age he would be scared of them too, but as it turns out he is not. My mom and dad took the kids to Chuck E Cheese last month while Joe and I went to Six Flags and this kid runs right up to Chuckie gives him a hug around the legs and then kisses him :rotfl2:.

He's never seen Chuckie in his life, so if that was his reaction there, I can only imagine how excited he will be to see Mickey and friends. After breakfast My mom will take the two oldest and check in at the Poly, while I take Nicholas to MK for his first haircut. I am actually really sad about this, but he's two years and two months and his hair is getting out of control, so I figure if I have to get it done, what better place then MK. Because the other three will only have party tickets this day, it gives Nicholas and I a chance to hang out just the two of us. I have a FP for Pooh and and hoping to ride the Peoplemover before he had over to the Poly. We will spend the rest of the afternoon hanging out at the pool. I don't expect our room to be ready early given the no vacancy the night before, so we'll see. If not we'll have just enough time to throw our stuff down and get changed for the party before our 3:30 ADR at Ohana. This is my favorite Disney restaurant, I mean hello?

Plus my mom's never been there, so I hope she'll like it too. Then we'll go to the Halloween Party, where thanks to rider swap we have FPs for Splash, SDMT, Barnstormer, and Space. Unfortunately, James has informed me that he will only go on the flying ship ride (I assume he means Peter Pan) and the Buzz Lightyear ride :sad2:, so that should make things interesting. Once the party starts I have no touring plans :scared1:. Pretty much the first time I am going in with no plan. The goal is to make sure we do all the party stuff; fireworks, parade, Hocus Pocus show, and trick-or-treating. Anything beyond that is just extra and we will stay for as long as the boys can handle. BTW I went very simple with costumes since it will be very hot and went with costume t-shirts.


September 3 MK

With the presumably late night the night before, the plan is to sleep in and enjoy the resort and pool some more. We'll head to MK around 2 for our FP for Jungle Cruise and then find a spot to watch FoF. After we will have a FPP for Pirates before our 4:30 ARD at Crystal Palace. My mom loves Pooh, so I am excited for her to be able to try this restaurant finally. Afterwards, we have a FP for the flying ship ride :lmao:. Again, no real touring plans other than our FP, probably just hang out in FL, until we need to find a spot for MSEP. I hadn't planned on seeing it this trip and saving it for January, but now that it's going away it's a must do. We'll probably watch Wishes from Fantasyland to avoid the crowds and then head out after.

September 4 Epcot

I wasn't sure what to pick for our second park, but ended up going with Epcot because it has all the new stuff. And thank goodness I did because Disney Junior has a commercial about the new stuff and James said we need to do Anna and Elsa and Turtle Talk with Crush. We'll mainly focus on Future World since it has all the rides. RD Soarin and get a riderswap and hit the Seas and Imagination Pavilion before we head to WS for lunch and our FEA FP.

We'll take a midday break at the Poly and go back to Epcot to finish up any rides or things we want to do and have dinner at Garden Grill. This is the only new restaurant for me and I'm excited to give it a try. We'll go back to the Poly early so that we can catch the Electrical Water Pageant and Wishes from our room so we can really utilize that theme park view :thumbsup2.

September 5 Going Home :sad:

Our very short trip will be over before we know it. I have an ADR at Kona for breakfast and then we'll board DME to head home. My mom is on the same flight back as us by connecting in Chicago before she heads back to Texas. I am so grateful she did that so I'll have help on the way home, since Joe will already be home in MI.

So that's all for now. I am more apprehensive about this trip then any other for many reasons. I am going in with the mindset to hope for the best, but expect the worst. Without my awesome DH there to help me will be a challenge, but I know it will be a fun and memorable trip regardless. And since I haven't had a picture in a while, I'll leave you with pictures from James' birthday.


As I watched them, I could see Joe out of the corner of my eye, taking a picture, this picture.


This is the best picture!! It's so funny and the border just makes it LOL!!!

I'm loving your updates! That's nice that you allowed your DH to get another pair of sunglasses. On my sisters trip in 2011 I broke my sunglasses and my sisters wouldn't let me buy another pair because they thought I would jinx the trip and it would rain the minute I bought them. So I had squinty face for most of the pictures...but guess what, it rained for 2.5 days anyways! LOL

I love your Labor day trip plans! I'll wave to you from the other coast! Your boys are so cute! I actually really like WDW during labor day. Less crowds. The heat though...that's another story.
I have up to this point always done a PTR to help organize my thoughts, get feedback on plans, and celebrate my trip with like-minded people, but I haven't done that this time, because I didn't want to have to juggle a TR and PTR. So I am putting it here, hope you don't mind and feel free to skip over this if it's not your thing :D.
I've done the same. Totally understand.

Looks like a fun trip, and a nice birthday surprise. I hope the boys cooperate and everything goes smoothly. Your plans look good. I hope you enjoy Garden Grill, I really love the food there so it should be a good time as long as the boys are good with the characters coming by.
Your labor day plans look great! It's crazy to me that they have a Halloween party so early, but awesome for you! Were you able to get a deal on the deluxes? How awesome to be so close to the action!
This is the best picture!! It's so funny and the border just makes it LOL!!!
Thanks I love it too.

I'm loving your updates! That's nice that you allowed your DH to get another pair of sunglasses. On my sisters trip in 2011 I broke my sunglasses and my sisters wouldn't let me buy another pair because they thought I would jinx the trip and it would rain the minute I bought them. So I had squinty face for most of the pictures...but guess what, it rained for 2.5 days anyways! LOL
Is this is superstition, if so I haven't heard of it. Either way his squinty was ruining my pictures, so new glasses were a must.

I love your Labor day trip plans! I'll wave to you from the other coast! Your boys are so cute! I actually really like WDW during labor day. Less crowds. The heat though...that's another story.
Ugh, the heat, it's one of the things I am dreading. My mom HATES heat, so that will be fun :sad2:. How exciting you're going to Disneyland, hope you have a great trip.

I've done the same. Totally understand.
How am I supposed to plan a trip with no PRT :sad:

Looks like a fun trip, and a nice birthday surprise. I hope the boys cooperate and everything goes smoothly. Your plans look good. I hope you enjoy Garden Grill, I really love the food there so it should be a good time as long as the boys are good with the characters coming by.
Thanks me too, hoping for smooth sailing, we'll see :rotfl2:. I am really looking forward to the food, and I have only heard great things about GG, so I think it will be good.

Your labor day plans look great! It's crazy to me that they have a Halloween party so early, but awesome for you! Were you able to get a deal on the deluxes? How awesome to be so close to the action!
I agree, it's super early, but probably the only way I will get to do the party with the kids since I don't like having to pull them out of school at all, especially in the beginning of the school year. I want to say we save 30% on the deluxes, definitely not cheap but my mom really wanted to stay close and offered to pay so I am so lucky to be able stay there. Joe would kill me if we sepnt that for a hotel room :crazy2:, so I am going to enjoy it while I can.

Your upcoming trip sounds awesome!
Thanks I am so excited.


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