If This Doesn't Scare You, No Trip Report Will! New 11/15 Two updates!

We all decided that we were having such a blast at MK, we wanted to stay until it was time to go do dinner. We hadn’t been in Tomorrowland yet, so that is where we headed.

The girls were nervous about Space Mountain, but we went ahead and grabbed some Fastpasses. Then we rode the Peoplemover. I had no idea they had changed it back to the old narration, so I was excited when they paged Mr. Tom Morrow! :cool1:



After the Peoplemover, we headed to Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin. There was a very short wait and soon we were helping defend the universe from the evil Zurg.

Does anyone ride this without stopping for this picture opportunity??? :rotfl:



After we were done there, we spotted Stitch.



And Chip and Dale.



And then it was time for our Space Mountain Fastpasses! Kayla was pretty sure she was not going to ride, but Bella was in. Or, as she put it, “Well, I don’t really want to ride, but I’m going to make myself.” She knew there was a souvenir in it for her if she rode all the “big girl” rides she was tall enough for!

When we got to the Fastpass line, we told them we were using child swap so Kayla and Stacy made their way to the room that they wait in at Space while Bella and I rode. She was really nervous. I sat way up in my seat and kept my hands on her shoulder the whole time. When we got off, she said, “That was AWESOME! It was so fun!” and was going on and on.
Here is our “redneck” pic:
You can see me holding onto her. It kind of hurt my legs since they were digging into the lap bar!

We found Kayla and the three of us looked in the gift shop while Stacy had her turn. Bella had to call my mom and my sister to tell them how much she loved Space. After Stacy caught up with us, we had to head out to make it to dinner. We stopped for these on the way out:


Continued in next post!
We were headed to Hollywood Studios for dinner at Mama Melrose and Fantasmic! We tried to use the monorail to get to the TTC to catch a bus, but it was broken down. So we went to grab a ferry to the TTC but there was one pulling away as we walked up. So we hopped on a bus to the Boardwalk and got on a boat.


We got to Mama Melrose right on time, but they were running 30-45 minutes behind. Phineas and Ferb are right outside, so we told them we would be in that line and headed out. It was a long line, maybe 30 minutes, but at least it passed the time while we were waiting to eat. They weren’t doing any of the skits while waiting either.



After we got back into the restaurant it was still about 10 minutes before we were called. I didn’t take any pictures in the restaurant but it was pretty good. It was actually better than I remembered from last time. After we were done eating it was time to head straight to Fantasmic, but Bella had to take these on the way. It was probably 90 degrees out at this point but she saw the snow and had to start shivering!




We headed to Fantasmic and it was awesome as usual. We had the package but they didn’t even have the separate entrance open and we didn’t need it. We had seats in the middle in about the 8th row. While we were waiting, they kept making the announcement in English and Spanish so I asked Bella if she knew how to say Fantasmic in Spanish and she said it in the goofiest accent ever. Then I asked her if she knew how to say Mickey Mouse and she did the accent for that. It was pretty funny and it became a running joke for the rest of the week. I have it on video and I will post that later!

After Fantasmic we went back to the hotel and the girls got to swim for about 30 minutes. We fell into bed and crashed--it had been a busy but great first day!
Great update, Kayce. I love the Photopass pictures -- they turned out great (we didn't get nearl the ones we usually do :sad2:).

How cool that Mickey and Minnie spent a little extra time with you guys and enjoyed the autograph books.

Thanks! We used Photopass like crazy this trip. We stopped quite a bit and had pretty good luck with the photographers we got.

We loved having the personalized autograph book, and our character interaction was even better because of it!

I love all the photopass pictures! They turned out great! :thumbsup2 It really is awesome that Mickey and Minnie spent extra time with you guys. I can't wait to see how the rest of your MK day turned out.

Mickey and Minnie were great! I really didn't expect them to take time and look through the whole book. We had so much fun that day!
Great update, Kayce.

I was so happy when the People Mover went back to the old way. :thumbsup2

Way to go, Bella riding Space Mountain. :dance3::dance3::dance3:

Great photopass pictures with all the characters.

Glad you enjoyed Mama Melrose; we've eaten there a number of times and always enjoy it.
Great update, Kayce.

I was so happy when the People Mover went back to the old way. :thumbsup2

Way to go, Bella riding Space Mountain. :dance3::dance3::dance3:

Great photopass pictures with all the characters.

Glad you enjoyed Mama Melrose; we've eaten there a number of times and always enjoy it.

I don't know how I missed that it did go back. But it was a happy surprise! I didn't expect Bella to like Space Mountain as much as she did. It is now her favorite ride in all four parks. Which is great because I love it too! :thumbsup2
I always take a pic of the girls in front of the snow man as well!!!!

We had F! pkg at Mama Melrose this trip and I thought the food was really good, was not impressed that they were running half an hour behind as well
Yay Bella on riding Space Mountain! I remember using that same logic when I was a kid. "I have to make myself do this!"

Your TR is not the first one that I've heard about Mama Melrose running behind on their ADRs. It seems like they are constantly running behind from what I see. That's a shame. It stinks to have to wait that long.
Love the pics of Bella with Chip and Dale, too cute!

That's great that Bella was brave enough to do Space Mountain, funny that it is now her fave ride.

Sorry you had to wait so long at Mama Melrose but at least the girls got to Meet Phineas and Ferb while you waited. Glad you got good seats at Fantasmic.
Wow sounds like you guys had a busy and very fun day :goodvibes I havent tried to tackle Fantasmic in a few years due to the large crowds, I am glad to hear that wasnt an issue!!

I am glad they enjoyed Space Mountain too :thumbsup2
I always take a pic of the girls in front of the snow man as well!!!!

We had F! pkg at Mama Melrose this trip and I thought the food was really good, was not impressed that they were running half an hour behind as well

I love that snowman, and I just thought it was funny that she immediately started shivering the second she saw it! :rotfl:

Yay Bella on riding Space Mountain! I remember using that same logic when I was a kid. "I have to make myself do this!"

Your TR is not the first one that I've heard about Mama Melrose running behind on their ADRs. It seems like they are constantly running behind from what I see. That's a shame. It stinks to have to wait that long.

That is so weird because they told us it was because the computer was down, but if it is happening that often then they need to do something about it!

Love the pics of Bella with Chip and Dale, too cute!

That's great that Bella was brave enough to do Space Mountain, funny that it is now her fave ride.

Sorry you had to wait so long at Mama Melrose but at least the girls got to Meet Phineas and Ferb while you waited. Glad you got good seats at Fantasmic.

Yes it was nice to have the P&F meet and greet done so we didn't have to wait the next time we were at DHS. I am glad she loved Space, I wasn't sure what she would think of it!

Wow sounds like you guys had a busy and very fun day :goodvibes I havent tried to tackle Fantasmic in a few years due to the large crowds, I am glad to hear that wasnt an issue!!

I am glad they enjoyed Space Mountain too :thumbsup2

I had booked the dining package just in case, but it was still showing every night so that probably helped. I hope they continue to run it every night especially during busy seasons. It's a great show!
Day 2-Friday Sept 29th
We woke up really early this day since we had reservations at 8:05. We quickly got ready and were out the door a by 7:30, which was a little later than I had hoped but not too bad. We headed to Epcot and got checked in, then headed to Norway for our Princess breakfast at Akershus!

I stopped and got this picture of empty Epcot:

When we got there, the line to check in was fairly long (7 or 8 families ahead of us). We were about five minutes late so I got in line and it was no problem. Then another family came along and the lady was all upset over how long the line was. She came and looked at me, then the front of the line, then me again. I told her yes, this was the line to check in. She got all huffy and said, “Even with a reservation???” I wanted to tell her that the park wasn’t open and everyone in line had a reservation, but I only nodded. Then she makes her husband stand and wait so she could go check! I really wanted to tell her to relax, the day was just starting, but I controlled myself!

After we checked in we were called to be seated quickly. Pretty soon we were meeting Belle.


And then we were taken to our table. As soon as we sat down, they did the Princess Procession which was cute. For those who haven’t been there basically the Princesses have all the kids come up and parade around the restaurant. Bella and Kayla enjoyed it. Our server let us know that it would be a minute before anyone came, so we went to the buffet. We sat back down and probably five minutes later they did the procession again. It was weird, I would think they would wait longer than that. The girls decided to sit out the second round.

Pretty soon, the princesses came to visit us.





At some point, Bella knocked my Diet Coke over. The waitresses jumped into action and it was cleaned up in a minute. They probably get that all the time! Lucky for us it spilled right in between Bella and I so it all went on the table and the floor. I just was impressed with how fast they took care of it!

Overall this was a good meal but I wasn’t all that impressed with the character interaction. We ate at CRT last year and it was rushed and I had heard how much better the interaction at Akershus is. To me it felt the same. None of it really stood out, they came, they signed, they smiled and that was it. The food was good and the girls liked it, so I’m glad we did it, but I guess I was expecting more.

After we were finished eating, it was about 9:20 so the park was open. I headed toward Soarin to grab some FP while Stacy took the girls to get in line here.

After I grabbed the FP, I got in line with them. They had stopped to use the bathroom so I was there right at the same time they were. The line was already 30 minutes but we waited anyway. Since you get to meet all five, I think it is worth it. We had already met Mickey and Minnie together but we got to see them again separately. And instead of signing on their pictures Bella had them sign the front of her book.










Character interaction here was good. Nothing happened that really stood out but we enjoyed meeting them all. When we were finished, it was only about 10:00 and we had already met 10 characters that day!

Up next: Fun in Future World!
Last trip was the first time I tried that character spot and it was good but I really hate waiting in line that long. It's easier to have a meal at Chef Mickey's

We are doing Akershus and CRT breakfast on our next trip so I won't have to stand in line for princesses!!!!
Great update, Kayce. Love the pics of you and Bella with the Fab 5; I don't usually mind waiting there either because it is a good way to be sure to get all five of the characters.

We ate at Askerhus in 2007 (it was my 50th birthday trip and Mark said I should be "treated" like a princess); we went for lunch and I was not impressed with the food. The only character that really stood out was Aladdin and Jasmine who spent several minutes with us...Aladdin was flirting with me and making Jas mad. ;)
I have never done a princess character meal, but they all seem rushed to me besides Chef Mickey - for some reason thats the only place that stood out to me :confused3

The character spot line was worth it judging by the pictures alone :goodvibes you got a lot of great shots with the characters!! While we were there at the end of October I didnt see less than a 50 minute wait for that spot :scared1: I wish we had waited now, its worth it to see that many at once
Great update!

I can never really understand people getting upset about waiting to check in for an ADR, even if you already have an ADR...it's Disney, it's going to be busy, they do the best they can to seat you, but sometimes there is a wait! :confused3 :laughing:

Love the princess pictures! I would love to go to Akershus someday, I'm not sure my DH would be to into it though! :rotfl:

The Character Spot looks like so much fun! There's always such a long wait when I'm there, so we never go, but after seeing your awesome picture, I'm going to have to try to fit it in sometime! :thumbsup2
Akershus looks like fun. I've never done any of the princess meals, but I wonder if Akershus being busy that morning lead to the more rushed interactions...maybe they had overbooked or something.

I like Bella's outfit. Did you make that one, too? It's very cute.
I am following along! I read your last trip report so I had to join in on this one too!:goodvibes

Thanks for joining in again! :goodvibes

Last trip was the first time I tried that character spot and it was good but I really hate waiting in line that long. It's easier to have a meal at Chef Mickey's

We are doing Akershus and CRT breakfast on our next trip so I won't have to stand in line for princesses!!!!

It was really long, but at least it was in the AC! That is the great thing about character meals, no lines!

Great update, Kayce. Love the pics of you and Bella with the Fab 5; I don't usually mind waiting there either because it is a good way to be sure to get all five of the characters.

We ate at Askerhus in 2007 (it was my 50th birthday trip and Mark said I should be "treated" like a princess); we went for lunch and I was not impressed with the food. The only character that really stood out was Aladdin and Jasmine who spent several minutes with us...Aladdin was flirting with me and making Jas mad. ;)

That is funny about Aladdin and Jasmine! I'm glad Mark treated you like a princess on your 50th!!!

I have never done a princess character meal, but they all seem rushed to me besides Chef Mickey - for some reason thats the only place that stood out to me :confused3

The character spot line was worth it judging by the pictures alone :goodvibes you got a lot of great shots with the characters!! While we were there at the end of October I didnt see less than a 50 minute wait for that spot :scared1: I wish we had waited now, its worth it to see that many at once

Yeah 50 minutes is a little too long. This was our longest wait of the entire trip for a ride or character if I am remembering correctly. I think you have to go really early or at the very end to not wait long. You should do it sometime!

Great update!

I can never really understand people getting upset about waiting to check in for an ADR, even if you already have an ADR...it's Disney, it's going to be busy, they do the best they can to seat you, but sometimes there is a wait! :confused3 :laughing:

Love the princess pictures! I would love to go to Akershus someday, I'm not sure my DH would be to into it though! :rotfl:

The Character Spot looks like so much fun! There's always such a long wait when I'm there, so we never go, but after seeing your awesome picture, I'm going to have to try to fit it in sometime! :thumbsup2

Just tell your DH he gets to hang out with lots of cute girls...:rotfl: I think next time my strategy will be to head straight to the Character Spot and then head on to Soarin FP, I think it would work out better that way.

Akershus looks like fun. I've never done any of the princess meals, but I wonder if Akershus being busy that morning lead to the more rushed interactions...maybe they had overbooked or something.

I like Bella's outfit. Did you make that one, too? It's very cute.

I did make Bella's outfits...you will not see her in an outfit in this TR that I did not make! I am slightly addicted. :rolleyes1 I didn't actually make the tank top, it is from Children's Place but I appliqued the "I" on it (she chose I for Isabella and I didn't argue because it is easier than "B!" :lmao:) and I made the skirt. I think a lot of the restaurants were overbooked, hopefully the new dining plan cc guarantee policy will help that.
After we met with the Fab 5, we decided to head to the Seas.

On our way, we passed these guys. They were playing all kitchen equipment and they were really good! We only watched for a minute though, we wanted to get as much done as possible.


Then here we were.



This ride was another walk on, we did have to wait a few minutes at the front so they could load the accessible clam shell (three words you never thought you would see together!).

As Stacy snapped this picture, the CM started saying “no photography inside the ride” which of course I knew but I looked up to see what she was saying.

We all enjoyed our journey through the sea and then we decided to wait 10 minutes for Turtle Talk.

We were some of the first ones in, so Stacy and I were in the front row and Bella and Kayla were in the front row on the floor. I had never seen it before, so I was super excited. The show started, and pretty soon Crush said he was going to talk to “this little dudette in the front row with the white shirt.” I started looking for someone in a white shirt when Stacy whispers, “It’s Bella!!!”

Sure enough, the CM brought her the microphone. Their conversation went like this, “What is your name?”
“So, Bella, can you say, TOTALLY?”
“Can you say SWEET?”
“Can you put them together and say, TOTALLY SWEET?”
“Totally sweet.”
“Rock on dudette! You are totally rockin the turtle talkin! So, who brought you here on this fine day?”
“My mom.”
“Ah, the parental unit. Let’s go talk to her. Raise your hand!”

So I raise my hand and the CM brings me the mic.
“What’s your name?”
“Where are you from?”
“St. Louis.” (We live on the St. Louis side of IL).
“ST. LOUIS! All right! Yeah….St. Louis. (Long pause) Never heard of it.”
“I have 65 offspring, how about you?”
“Just the one.”
“Ok, just getting started…I have to know, does she ask you lots of questions?”
“Yes she does, all the time!”
“Ohhhhh, we just totally had a moment!”

And then he moved on…it was so funny and Bella still talks about it all the time. I also was video taping so we have watched it quite a few times. It was really cool.

We all loved the show, and then we looked in the aquariums for a few minutes before it was time for our Soarin FP. We headed to the land and got in the FP line.

The FP line was only about 10 minutes, so pretty soon we were flying over California. Of course, we all loved it. We grabbed more FP on our way out. Then there was no line for Living with the Land so we walked right on that. These pics are all from Stacy, this is such an interesting ride.








After our journey through the land, we headed to the Imagination Pavilion. This was another one we missed in 2010 so I was excited for Bella to get to ride it. Of course, it is not quite how I remembered it (not having ridden since 2004) but I still thought it was pretty cool, and the girls really liked it.


Then we had to hang out in the Imagination Station for a while.



And into the gift shop.

Kayla had to use the bathroom, so I took Bella up to the jumping fountains. I LOVED these as a kid and I still think they are pretty cool.



The girls were pretty tired at this point, and I had to pick up our race stuff, so Stacy and the girls headed back to the bus stop to go take a nap and I went on to packet pick up. I went out the IG and they headed out the main entrance. On their way out, Stacy stopped at the cranberry bog and asked one of the guys if he was in the Ocean Spray commercial--yes, that’s him! So she took a picture of the girls with him.

Up next: Packet Pick up with some DIS friends and back to Epcot!
I've never seen the guys playing the kitchen equipment.

Love the conversation with Crush...that is so cool. We saw it for the first time in September and loved it.

Great photos of all of you.


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