I haven't been this excited about my birthday since I turned 21! COMPLETE

Thanks for the link to the 5th anniversary trip report. Gonna go read myself now while the little one is napping ; )

Yuck, that soup does not look the least bit appetizing. I don't think I've ever seen asparagus soup that wasn't a cream. Looks more like asparagus soup. At least you didn't hold a grudge against the entree asparagus. And so jealous you got to sample that beautiful cake. How special you all got to celebrate such a momentous occasion together.
Uh oh on the bread. I bet you all didn't say a word about it lol The soup does looks a little funky to me just from the picture ... A bright green for sure.
Lovely company and a beautiful evening : )
Lovely review and that cake looks as tasty on the inside as it looks from the outside !
OMG that oily broccoli soup looks bad.

Paula is one lucky girl. Hunter is such a sweet guy. And that cake looks delicious! Paula is great too and deservesall the best. Looks like you all had a wonderful evening.
Such a sweet celebration. It's great they shared the night with friends.

The disco ball made me laugh. I spent my teens in the late 70's doing the hustle under the ball and met my DH in '83 in a club that had a ball so I would say both the 70's and 80's are correct. That said, we just moved to Florida and I think the thing I wrapped in the most bubble wrap was my disco ball.... who said they aren't still in???

Baily is adorable. Judging from the size of her paws she is going to be a very big, adorable dog. Gotta love lab mixes!!
I rarely order chicken at restaurants because of the very thing you mentioned - I get bored with it. :)
Bailey is so cute. I so love dogs. She is definitely growing fast! But don't they all. :rolleyes1

And, Jelly Rolls to Yee Haw Bob. . . . . Both are great in my book. Yee Haw Bob of course if more family friendly and he really gets the audience involved. If you haven't been to one of his shows, I highly recommend it. One of the best values at Disney as it is free! Well, unless you order something from the bar. But he does an awesome job. Jelly Rolls is more mature entertainment. However they do keep it pretty clean since we are still in Disney. The piano bar I have been to around home can get pretty nasty. But I do hope you will give Jelly Rolls another try. They are awesome.

I will agree that that soup from CG was nasty looking. But the chicken looked awesome. I love chicken.

Have a great Monday!
I love your Flying Fish review! You remembered a lot more than me! I'll be back with Em this week and I wouldn't mind having Chris, our second server. Not so much Mr. Personality, our first waiter.

I'm with you... I checked off Jellyrolls from my list and I think I'm good for awhile. I'd hitch a ride with you anytime to go see Yee haw Bob. :)
Barb, you must have been in an asparagus mood your trip to CG. I agree the soup looks like pureed grass. Its a shame the chicken wasn't tastier since it photographed well.

Bailey George is growing up and still so cute!
Thanks for the link to the 5th anniversary trip report. Gonna go read myself now while the little one is napping ; )

Yuck, that soup does not look the least bit appetizing. I don't think I've ever seen asparagus soup that wasn't a cream. Looks more like asparagus soup. At least you didn't hold a grudge against the entree asparagus. And so jealous you got to sample that beautiful cake. How special you all got to celebrate such a momentous occasion together.

Yes, I definitely made a mistake when I ordered the soup. It was not at all what I was expecting. :sad2:

Uh oh on the bread. I bet you all didn't say a word about it lol The soup does looks a little funky to me just from the picture ... A bright green for sure.
Lovely company and a beautiful evening : )

Funky...that's a perfect word for it! ;)

Lovely review and that cake looks as tasty on the inside as it looks from the outside !

Very, very tasty! I wish I had a piece of that cake right now...for breakfast! :laughing:

OMG that oily broccoli soup looks bad.

Paula is one lucky girl. Hunter is such a sweet guy. And that cake looks delicious! Paula is great too and deserves all the best. Looks like you all had a wonderful evening.

Yes, it was a wonderful evening...despite my poor choices of food. :guilty: The delicious amuse bouche from Chef Eddie and Hunter's surprise anniversary cake, the lovely views, and of course my great dining companions made it a very special night! :goodvibes

Such a sweet celebration. It's great they shared the night with friends.

The disco ball made me laugh. I spent my teens in the late 70's doing the hustle under the ball and met my DH in '83 in a club that had a ball so I would say both the 70's and 80's are correct. That said, we just moved to Florida and I think the thing I wrapped in the most bubble wrap was my disco ball.... who said they aren't still in???

Baily is adorable. Judging from the size of her paws she is going to be a very big, adorable dog. Gotta love lab mixes!!

Oh, you moved to Florida?!?! Lucky you! :cool1: And you have your own disco ball...that is so awesome!! :thumbsup2

Bailey is growing so very fast. It will be a sad day when she is too big to pick up and cradle in our arms. At the rate that she is growing, I think that day will come much sooner than we had expected.

I rarely order chicken at restaurants because of the very thing you mentioned - I get bored with it. :)

Yes, I really was in a quandary about what to order that night. When dining out I too usually prefer seafood or a steak over chicken but I had ordered seafood three times that week and planned to have it again at Flying Fish the next night. As for steak, I had already had a filet at YSH and with lunch scheduled at Le Cellier the next day and dinner at Shula's on Saturday, I knew there were more steaks coming my way very soon. Therefore, boring chicken it was! :laughing:

Bailey is so cute. I so love dogs. She is definitely growing fast! But don't they all. :rolleyes1

And, Jelly Rolls to Yee Haw Bob. . . . . Both are great in my book. Yee Haw Bob of course if more family friendly and he really gets the audience involved. If you haven't been to one of his shows, I highly recommend it. One of the best values at Disney as it is free! Well, unless you order something from the bar. But he does an awesome job. Jelly Rolls is more mature entertainment. However they do keep it pretty clean since we are still in Disney. The piano bar I have been to around home can get pretty nasty. But I do hope you will give Jelly Rolls another try. They are awesome.

I will agree that that soup from CG was nasty looking. But the chicken looked awesome. I love chicken.

Have a great Monday!

Yes, I have to admit that my chicken did look good, especially compared to my green soup. :laughing: If I'd had it earlier in the trip I may have enjoyed it more, but this late in the game it took a little more than a rather ordinary chicken breast to impress me. ;)

Oh, and thanks for the Yehaa Bob vs. Jellyrolls comparison. I will probably give Jellyrolls another try someday since my kids haven't yet been there and two of them are 21 or older. But on my next trip I'm going to try to make it over to Port Orleans to see Bob Jackson...I just need to figure out when I can fit it into my schedule. He is only there on Wed. - Sat. nights, right?

I love your Flying Fish review! You remembered a lot more than me! I'll be back with Em this week and I wouldn't mind having Chris, our second server. Not so much Mr. Personality, our first waiter.

I'm with you... I checked off Jellyrolls from my list and I think I'm good for awhile. I'd hitch a ride with you anytime to go see Yee haw Bob. :)

Oh, I can't wait to hear about your Flying Fish dinner! I would definitely ask for Chris. :thumbsup2

Barb, you must have been in an asparagus mood your trip to CG. I agree the soup looks like pureed grass. Its a shame the chicken wasn't tastier since it photographed well.

Bailey George is growing up and still so cute!

Yes, I was happy to see a lot of asparagus on the menus when I was there, since "fresh from the garden" asparagus was not yet available then back home in Illinois. My mom used to make asparagus with a deliciously rich cream sauce and it was that that I was thinking of when I ordered the soup. I guess it all worked out for the best though since I was able to save those bazillion calories for that delicious anniversary cake. ;)
Sadly this was the final day of my trip :sad1:, but I managed to cram in three full meals plus a snack from the Boardwalk Bakery so I still have quite a bit more food to review. :laughing: My day began with an 8:00 a.m breakfast at the Yacht Club's...

Here I met up with Brenda & Michael...

Oops, that's obviously not Michael. :laughing: I guess I failed to get a picture of him at our CG breakfast. Sorry Michael.

We were also lucky to have this awesome mother-daughter duo join us there...

Patty (emmebear) and Emme

Everyone else chose to eat from the buffet...

... but I ordered something from the A la Carte section of the menu.

I had previously planned to order either the Citrus-scented French Toast or the Lemon-Ricotta Hotcakes but for some reason I just wasn't feeling like having either of these that morning. Instead, I was craving eggs...and more specifically a made-to-order omelet. :thumbsup2

Tailored Omelet - Choice of Meats, Vegetables, and Cheese served with Savory Hash Browns and a Biscuit

Our server rattled off a long list of meats and vegetables that were available for the omelet and I said, "Yes, please!" to all but the onion I believe. Add to that some cheddar cheese and it made for a pretty decent "garbage" omelet...but not as good as the one I had had at Crystal Palace during my December trip. (shown in the photo below)

Now that was a really good "garbage" omelet! :thumbsup2

Anyway, the hash browns and biscuit which came with the omelet at Captain's Grille were okay, nothing particularly memorable about them. The same is true of the coffee and glass of orange juice which rounded out my breakfast here.

Perhaps I was just too sleepy to fully enjoy this meal though. Maybe I should have started with a "Wake-Up Call"??? ;)

So in conclusion, my breakfast at Captain's Grille was fine but nothing special. This was my first ever visit to Captain's Grille...and while I won't say that this will be my last, I will say that it will probably be my last for awhile. I think I'd like to try some other new places for breakfast first, like The Wave and Trail's End, before I give this one another shot.

Oh, and I should add here that though my food at Captain's Grille that morning was nothing special, the company which I had there was quite the opposite...

- Photo credit to Patty (emmebear) -

- Photo credit to Patty -

I then had the privilege of spending the whole morning with Patty and Emme at DHS. We met up with Beth (Couchy) there, who then thoroughly trounced me on Toy Story Mania... :lmao:

This was followed by the four of us taking a wild ride to the farthest reaches of the galaxy and back on Star Tours... ;)

We also paid a visit to this not-so-scary one-eyed monster...

After having such a fun morning together, I was sad when it was time to part company. But before saying our good-byes, Patty took just a few more pics...

Thanks Patty & Emme! I hope to see you again in October! :thumbsup2

Next up: Lunch at 50's Prime Time Cafe
I don't remember the days that Yee Haw Bob performs. Sorry.

But I tell ya, he is good. Your face will hurt from smiling and laughing From our first time going there he came around and asked where we were from and we said Central Iowa and he was like Central Iowa, Central Iowa, I played in a bar in Central Iowa in a town named Boone. And we were like OMG that is where we are from. He goes yeah, it was called the Trestle Lounge. That blew us out of the water. I was never old enough to go to the Trestle before it closed, back in the late 70's early 80's, but I have been there as it has been renamed several times, since then. But, wow! Small world huh?
What a great way to start your last day
Doesn't little Emme look sweet in her Snow White dress :-)
How's the buffet at CG?
I would have probably gone a la carte and would have ordered an eye opener ;-)
Sorry your breakfast wasn't all that, but um yum lemon ricotta pancakes. Sounds awesome. Captains grill is on the possible list for our trip in September since it's close to bwi and seems to be a good value for the money.

Only two more meals left, hope you go out on a good note.
Sorry your breakfast at Captain's Grille wasn't such a winner. I was drooling over those hash browns, which can be hard to come by at Disney since most breakfast plates come with breakfast potatoes.

Glad you had such a nice day at DHS with Emme and the girls.
Sorry that the food disappointed at CG and CG - your food at Cali certainly doesn't appear to be worth $50.

If you do return to Captains's Grille, I'd recommend trying the buffet or one of their special à la carte dishes. The buffet has generally pleased me and is fairly inexpensive for a Disney buffet, whereas the other dishes on the menu sound pretty interesting. The lemon-ricotta hotcakes (with lemon curd!), dark chocolate waffles, and lobster omelet are especially calling my name. :thumbsup2
I've had a super-busy couple of weeks and have fallen behind in my DIS reading! So going back to ...

L'Artisan Des Glaces: So sorry you were underwhelmed by your selections there. Both of them certainly look tasty but I too would find bread and ice cream a rather weird combination. I'm boring and would probably pick either the chocolate macaron sandwich or just a scoop in a cone or cup. The new cinnamon, caramelized apple and crumble crunch flavour would be right up my alley! :lovestruc

Bailey is adorable and growing so fast!!

Karamell-Kuche - It should come as no surprise that this heavenly shop in Germany is also my favourite for take-home treats. ;) DH and I got one of the plain caramel apples on our last trip and it was delicious. We also love the chocolate covered caramels with sea salt and the caramel marshmallow rolls. I'm also very fond of the Werther's chewy caramel bar as the combination of the soft, chewy caramel and the melt-in-your-mouth shortbread is so amazingly good. :thumbsup2

Flying Fish - Wow, much ado about nothing indeed! I was happy to read that the manager stepped up and made things right. What a silly thing for your original server to get in a snit over. I mean, I'm sure he didn't bake the darn bread, right? :confused3

Jellyrolls - Never been, doesn't look like I've missed much. :rotfl:

California Grill - Wow, your table had a great view, I'd be distracted from my dinner too.

We didn't like the bread selections either.

Your soup looked very ... green. :lmao: Paula's flatbread looked delish! I saw that gorgeous cake on Paula's DR, what a thoughtful thing for Hunter to do. :thumbsup2

Captain's Grill - Your omelette there looks absolutely nothing like the one from CP. It would be a bit of a let-down I'm sure but at least you had great company to compensate. It looks like the rest of your day was awesome!

Ok, all caught up once again and looking forward to more! :goodvibes
Captain's Grille wasn't really on my radar but those ala carte selections sound amazing (as do the wake-up calls ;) ) The citrus french toast uses challah bread! Yum. And dark chocolate waffles with dried cherry compote & espresso-mascarpone cream??? I'm drooling.

Also, what a fun group to have breakfast and do a bit of park-touring with :thumbsup2
I don't remember the days that Yee Haw Bob performs. Sorry.

But I tell ya, he is good. Your face will hurt from smiling and laughing From our first time going there he came around and asked where we were from and we said Central Iowa and he was like Central Iowa, Central Iowa, I played in a bar in Central Iowa in a town named Boone. And we were like OMG that is where we are from. He goes yeah, it was called the Trestle Lounge. That blew us out of the water. I was never old enough to go to the Trestle before it closed, back in the late 70's early 80's, but I have been there as it has been renamed several times, since then. But, wow! Small world huh?

I really hope to get over to Port Orleans to see Bob soon...hopefully on my next trip. :thumbsup2 I wonder if he has ever performed in Central Illinois??? :scratchin

What a great way to start your last day
Doesn't little Emme look sweet in her Snow White dress :-)
How's the buffet at CG?
I would have probably gone a la carte and would have ordered an eye opener ;-)

Hmm...I don't recall hearing any complaints regarding the buffet. But I guess we will all have to wait until Brenda returns from her current Disney trip and resumes her DR to find out all the buffet details.

Sorry your breakfast wasn't all that, but um yum lemon ricotta pancakes. Sounds awesome. Captains grill is on the possible list for our trip in September since it's close to bwi and seems to be a good value for the money.

Only two more meals left, hope you go out on a good note.

I've seen photos of the pancakes and they look delicious. I am a little hesitant though about ordering them because I'm not a huge fan of lemon. But if and when I return to CG I might just take a chance and get them anyway. :thumbsup2

Sorry your breakfast at Captain's Grille wasn't such a winner. I was drooling over those hash browns, which can be hard to come by at Disney since most breakfast plates come with breakfast potatoes.

Glad you had such a nice day at DHS with Emme and the girls.

I actually have no recollection as to how those hash browns tasted so I'm guessing that they may have looked better than they tasted. :laughing:

Sorry that the food disappointed at CG and CG - your food at Cali certainly doesn't appear to be worth $50.

If you do return to Captains's Grille, I'd recommend trying the buffet or one of their special à la carte dishes. The buffet has generally pleased me and is fairly inexpensive for a Disney buffet, whereas the other dishes on the menu sound pretty interesting. The lemon-ricotta hotcakes (with lemon curd!), dark chocolate waffles, and lobster omelet are especially calling my name. :thumbsup2

I really did a poor job of ordering at both of the CG's. Thankfully my ordering skills improved for the final two meals of my trip. :)

I've had a super-busy couple of weeks and have fallen behind in my DIS reading! So going back to ...

L'Artisan Des Glaces: So sorry you were underwhelmed by your selections there. Both of them certainly look tasty but I too would find bread and ice cream a rather weird combination. I'm boring and would probably pick either the chocolate macaron sandwich or just a scoop in a cone or cup. The new cinnamon, caramelized apple and crumble crunch flavour would be right up my alley! :lovestruc

Bailey is adorable and growing so fast!!

Karamell-Kuche - It should come as no surprise that this heavenly shop in Germany is also my favourite for take-home treats. ;) DH and I got one of the plain caramel apples on our last trip and it was delicious. We also love the chocolate covered caramels with sea salt and the caramel marshmallow rolls. I'm also very fond of the Werther's chewy caramel bar as the combination of the soft, chewy caramel and the melt-in-your-mouth shortbread is so amazingly good. :thumbsup2

Flying Fish - Wow, much ado about nothing indeed! I was happy to read that the manager stepped up and made things right. What a silly thing for your original server to get in a snit over. I mean, I'm sure he didn't bake the darn bread, right? :confused3

Jellyrolls - Never been, doesn't look like I've missed much. :rotfl:

California Grill - Wow, your table had a great view, I'd be distracted from my dinner too.

We didn't like the bread selections either.

Your soup looked very ... green. :lmao: Paula's flatbread looked delish! I saw that gorgeous cake on Paula's DR, what a thoughtful thing for Hunter to do. :thumbsup2

Captain's Grill - Your omelette there looks absolutely nothing like the one from CP. It would be a bit of a let-down I'm sure but at least you had great company to compensate. It looks like the rest of your day was awesome!

Ok, all caught up once again and looking forward to more! :goodvibes

So glad you're back Carol! :goodvibes

Captain's Grille wasn't really on my radar but those ala carte selections sound amazing (as do the wake-up calls ;) ) The citrus french toast uses challah bread! Yum. And dark chocolate waffles with dried cherry compote & espresso-mascarpone cream??? I'm drooling.

Also, what a fun group to have breakfast and do a bit of park-touring with :thumbsup2

Yes, I'm still kicking myself for not trying one of their more unique entrees. Sometime I will have to give Captain's Grille another try. :thumbsup2
After saying our goodbyes to Patty and Emme, Beth and I headed toward Studio Drive for our lunch at...

Joining us here were Hunter and Paula...

Hunter, Paula (smile4stamps), and Beth (Couchy)

Also in attendance were Brenda and Marissa, another great DISer which I met for the first time here...

Brenda (emmysmommy) and Marissa (marDgreen88)

Our Cousin Cindy was also present, as well Brenda's DH, Michael. I seem to have failed once again though to include him in the picture...well, unless you count his hands. ;)

So let's begin with some menu photos, starting with what can be found in Dad's liquor cabinet...

Or if you don't feel like raiding Dad's stash, here are some of their non-alcoholic options...

I usually always get a Vanilla Coke here, but for some reason I decided to just stick with water. I did not though skip my absolute favorite non-alcoholic beverage in all of Disney World...

Peanut Butter and Jelly Milk Shake

I first had the PB&J shake during my March 2013 trip and it was love at first taste. :love: So now I can't imagine going to Prime Time without having one.

Oh, and FYI, you are also given the large cup that the shake was mixed in with the remainder of your milk shake, which is always a good size amount.

I offered my "Spare and Share" cup to my dining companions and I believe that it was Marissa who took me up on it. :thumbsup2

The chef then came to our table to talk to Hunter about his allergies.

And like Paula & Hunter's friend from California Grill, this was also Chef Eddie from Chicago.

Twin Chef Eddies??? :upsidedow

Cousin Cindy decided to chillax for awhile at our table while Chef Eddie was there talking to Hunter... :laughing:

- continued in next post -​


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