Howard Johnson


DIS Veterans & CBR Lovers!!!
Jun 4, 2000
I have been checking out AAA's website for rates on nearby hotels - preferably across from Universal. I found a rate of
$40.05 per night, double occupancy at the Howard Johnson
Plaza Resort Universal Gateway at 5905 Kirkman Road.
This rate is due to a "Seasonal Promotional Offer" and it
sounds great but how great could the hotel be? Has anyone
stayed at this hotel and if so, how was your experience?
We are driving down ao renting a car is not an option -
we most likely will be spending most of the time at the parks
so we just want to know how the service is, how clean the
rooms are, nice pool - things of that nature. Any advice is
most appreciated. Thanks!
Hi DNBois

We've stayed at the Howard Johnson Plaza Resort Universal Gateway twice. The last time we were there was early in 2000, so I can't really say how the hotel is now.

We had some problems on our last visit and needed to switch rooms. Initially we were told that the manager was coming to see us, however after 20 mins I went to the front desk and he'd gone out - they wouldn't move us. We were told to check again the next day. Next day came, and the lovely lady on front desk had absolutely no idea what we were talking about. There'd been no note's made (even thought they'd promised that they would make a note for us), and no-one had set aside another room for us. Evenutally she took pity and moved us.

Our first visit while the hotel was still the Gateway Inn was fine, and we had no problems. However on our second visit to the HGPRUG, we found some of the reception staff unhelpful. Maybe we were there at a bad time for them, but most of them really didn't try to help us at all. I must say that the rest of the staff, housekeeping, bar staff etc. were all very nice, and the place was clean and tidy.

As with any hotel I'm sure you'll get good and bad reports about them. I know others from this board have stayed there and had no problems.


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