How soon can we expect a schedule of events?


banana fanna fo fenny
Aug 19, 1999
I'm sorry if this sounds impatient. I totally understand how busy Pete & Linda & the other coordinators are, but since the schedule is going to be a huge factor in whether or not we purchase an 'event only' package, I was hoping there would be rough outline for us to look at in the not-too-distant future.

We're going home on the afternoon of Saturday Dec. 1st. From what I've read (although, for the life of me, I can't seem to find it again) the Epcot dinner and Illuminations dessert might be that night, which means we would miss it. I'm not sure I can rationalize spending $229 for the 'event package' if we'll be missing such a major event.

On the other hand I don't want to miss out on purchasing the 'event only' package if it turns out we won't be missing anything. Any advice or comments?


<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="ff69b4">Jennybºoºbenny</font>
<font color="4169e1">DVC Member: 3/99
Onsite: Poly '76, Contemp '98, BWV '99, CBR '00, BWV '00, CBR '01
Offsite: '74 '80 '82 '88
Next trip: AKL/BWV~June '01, BWV~Nov '01</font>
<a href="">Jillian & Kyle's Disney Character Website</a></font>
I recall that in the tentative schedule, Saturday night is indeed dinner at Epcot, followed by the dessert party for Illuminations. :( You MAY be able to find someone who won't arrive until Friday (when nothing is scheduled yet), so you could possibly split the cost and "share" the events tickets with them.

Just found the schedule! It's at the top of page 3, posted by Linda:

[This message was edited by NancyIL on 02-07-01 at 07:28 PM.]
Thanks Nancy :)


<font face="Class Garmnd BT"><font color="ff69b4"><big>Jennybºoº benny</big></font>
<font color="9400d3">~~DVC Member~~
Onsite: Poly '76, Contemp '98, BWV '99, CBR '00, BWV '00, CBR '01
Offsite: '74 '80 '82 '88
Next trip: AKL/BWV~June '01, BWV~Nov '01</font>
<a href="">Jillian & Kyle's Disney Character Website</a></font>
jennybobenny - our family just decided on the 7-day cruise which arrives in port 8:00am 12/1. We want to stay at WDW overnight and leave 12/2. I posted a question to see if it's possible to just do 12/1-2 events. But, no one has responded yet. I would love to do the Epcot dinner, etc. Maybe we could work out something. How many tickets are you buying? There are 4 of us (2 adults, 2 kids, 5& 9).
treloarf....maybe you should e-mail jennybobenny if she doesn't get back to you soon. just an idea. :) Good luck planning. :)

<font color=red size=4>HAVE A DISNEY DAY</font>

<font color=navy size=3>M-I-C...see you at The DIS Convention, K-E-Y...why? Because we LOVE Disney, M-O-U-S-Eeee...</font>
Hi Treloarf, got your email and just finished responding. Let me know what you think :)

Thanks luvdsny :)


<font face="Class Garmnd BT"><font color="ff69b4"><big>Jennybºoº benny</big></font>
<font color="9400d3">~~DVC Member~~
Onsite: Poly '76, Contemp '98, BWV '99, CBR '00, BWV '00, CBR '01
Offsite: '74 '80 '82 '88
Next trip: AKL/BWV~June '01, BWV~Nov '01</font>
<a href="">Jillian & Kyle's Disney Character Website</a></font>
Treloarf I sent an email to the address listed in the above post. Just wanted to let you know so you can keep an eye out...


<font face="Class Garmnd BT"><font color="ff69b4"><big>Jennybºoº benny</big></font>
<font color="9400d3">~~DVC Member~~
Onsite: Poly '76, Contemp '98, BWV '99, CBR '00, BWV '00, CBR '01
Offsite: '74 '80 '82 '88
Next trip: BWV~June '01, ASM/BWV~Nov '01</font>
<a href="">Jillian & Kyle's Disney Character Website</a></font>
I took the time to check out your webpages. Man are they ever great!!! I'm glad that I took the time to see them. You have done a terrific job on them. I also have to say that your kids are gorgious! I LOVE red hair! Always have, but alas, since my DH and I adopted our children and even with us having had over 39 foster children, we have yet to have a red head. ( maybe the good Lord knows I'd spoil them to death ;) ) Anyway, I just had to comment about your website. Gerri

Ohmygosh, thank you!

You just made my day!


<font face="Class Garmnd BT"><font color="ff69b4"><big>Jennybºoº benny</big></font>
<font color="9400d3">~~DVC Member~~
Onsite: Poly '76, Contemp '98, BWV '99, CBR '00, BWV '00, CBR '01
Offsite: '74 '80 '82 '88
Next trip: BWV~June '01, ASM/BWV~Nov '01</font>
Jillian & Kyle's Disney Character Website</font


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