How long from WDW to IOA?


Earning My Ears
Jan 23, 2001
We will be staying at the Hilton at Downtown Disney. How long will it take us to get to IOA (on a Thursday morning in May)?
It will take 15 - 20 minutes, I take I-4 to work every morning and it usually does not start getting congested until you get around JohnYoung Parkway exit. There is also a back way to go but this might be more confusing Palm Parkway which becomes Turkey Lake Road, that will bring you right to Universal.
We left Universal to go to HWY 192 which is very close to Disney and it took us over an hour because of traffic and road construction.
Was this recently? Is the road construction still going on? (More importantly, will it still be going on during the first week in May!?)
If you are staying at the Hilton at Downtown Disney you do not have to worry about 192, just jump on I-4 East. I will try to explain the other way, when leaving the Hilton go towards the Crossroads opposite of the MarketPlace instead of making a right towards I-4 make a left on 535 get in the right lane pass the Burger King and make a right at the first light follow this road for about 4-5 miles and you will be at Universal.

[This message was edited by Rainman on 04-12-01 at 10:48 AM.]
Would I follow the same directions as DavidnLA if I am staying at BoardWalk Villas....?



DVC Member !
Yes, just leave the villas and head for I4 east, no reason to go any other way...universal is exit 30A. Have a great trip! ;)
Definitely go the Palm Parkway route - we did this each time and it's a lot faster (also we it found a quicker way to Sea World).

DWC - June '84 & Oct '94
WDW - Oct '89, Mar '99 & Mar '01
DLP - Dec ' '97


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