How dressed up do people normally get on formal night on the Fantasy?

On Fantasy I've done tuxedo for formal night and suit for semi-formal night. I love the opportunity to go out with my wife (more because I like looking at her when she is dressed for formal night!). However, I've seen plenty of people show up in shorts for formal night.

I'd definitely say that there is more participation on pirate night than formal night.
You will see every level of dress. The formal nights are more about them setting up the photo backgrounds and selling pictures. Some people use this as their family photo and will dress up nice. Some people don't care and will just be in cruise casual and will skip all of that. So wear whatever you want.
I miss the formal event.
There’s a magic when everyone’s cheering at a football game. But then when you see a large section that is just sitting there because they have to and they don’t care about the game. Well that just deflates the enthusiasm.
The transatlantic I just went on was amazing. It felt wonderful to get dressed up there.

So I should have shame in how I feel? I was shamed for not looking like the other kids in school. Pants always too short, I’d hear about it. I had the longest hair in middle school, girl trapped me in a room chasing me with a scissors. Knife fighting kept the police escorts frequent. And the list goes on.
You probably don’t mean it like I take it. But my road was different then most. I should be over it but I’m not. I didn’t grow up around “you-do-you” kinda people.

I know there's been some feathers ruffled recently with Disney adjusting dress code as a requirement on the restaurants to being less formal (for the life of me I'm blanking on which one(s)) and that brought out more your first statement.

How you were criticized and treated as a kid while unfortunate and sad and horrible in ways isn't truly connected to seeing others not dressed according to a recommendation such as formal or semi-formal night, that's a projection on your part. The others guests aren't patrolling what you're wearing and it wouldn't be your role to patrol what they wear (that's the cruise staff) nor form an impression about their enthusiasm.

Truly right now I'd be concerned about bringing nice stuff due to all the issues with luggage being lost, I used to not worry about that as much but it's hard to escape that.
Unless you try entering the MDR in a swimming suit, you will be fine. I wear a suit and tie for work most days, so I go all out with a tuxedo for formal night. Wear whatever level of “formal” makes you comfortable…some people choose to go extra for photos…but it is your vacation, be you.
You were very honest and that is what you communicated to me. Thank you for sharing. Someone else may read it and be better prepared for what to expect. For those of us who watched The Love Boat, cruising = formal night.
With respect better prepared for what? The story, while really sad, doesn't convey any level of preparedness. Knowing that there's various attire seen yes that let's someone know but how someone feels about seeing various attire is personal and subjective and won't prepare anyone unless they are preparing to be on a possibly judgy cruise and that's probably not a good recommendation to have out there.
As you can see, it does affect others.
As a passenger that's not exactly their business to worry about that. You really can't control how someone else feels. What about a passenger that thinks your church clothes aren't good enough nor formal enough? There's been threads where someone's church attire various by region such that what you may wear in the south is vastly different than the northeast or the midwest, etc. What about the passenger who feels they are sitting next to a passenger in a cocktail dress while they are in a floor length gown and thinks they should have been more dressed.

Some of that is down to personal preference for which no one can truly be responsible for.
With respect better prepared for what? The story, while really sad, doesn't convey any level of preparedness. Knowing that there's various attire seen yes that let's someone know but how someone feels about seeing various attire is personal and subjective and won't prepare anyone unless they are preparing to be on a possibly judgy cruise and that's probably not a good recommendation to have out there.
I believe the preparation she intended was of level of attire one may choose for their family with this information.
My “sad” experiences in life were only shared to address the “shame” comment made to me to belittle my feelings as unjust. I felt bullied and over shared to defend my feelings.
I believe the preparation she intended was of level of attire one may choose for their family with this information.
My “sad” experiences in life were only shared to address the “shame” comment made to me to belittle my feelings as unjust. I felt bullied and over shared to defend my feelings.
Please get over yourself. I said “That’s a shame” not you should be ashamed and I stand by it. It is a shame that you felt that way regardless of your life history.
My “sad” experiences in life were only shared to address the “shame” comment made to me to belittle my feelings as unjust. I felt bullied and over shared to defend my feelings.
This topic can get heated and truly not intentionally IMO.

"it's a shame" is a common phrase to use. I could have easily seen someone saying "it's a shame people don't want to dress up" or some variation of that and I'm positive I've read that on other threads so it can be used in just as easily that way. I really don't think they were trying to belittle you just by saying "that's a shame" but I realize that's just my impression.

Perhaps you're one of those that feeds off the crowd, I'm like that in some ways but in terms of attire I like to dress up for me when I do and me alone, it's about how I feel when I get that dress on (well when I'm having good days cuz that isn't every day :laughing: ) although bonus if my husband appreciates it too lol. How others are dressed wouldn't matter to me in the least in this context. But not everyone is like that and that's okay.

When I read Disney's website right now it says: (underlying is mine)
"Most cruises have special theme nights that provide opportunities to dress up for a one-of-a-kind family photo."

For 3 and 4 night:
"One optional “dress-up night"—jacket for men, dress or pantsuit for women"

For 7 night:
"One formal and one semi-formal night—both give you the opportunity to dress up and take advantage of the onboard photography services. Though optional, we recommend dress pants with a jacket or a suit for men, and dress or pantsuit for women"

For Remy, Palo and other 18+:
"Formal or semi-formal attire is recommended. Dress casual attire with a polished look is permitted (such as dress pants, jeans in good condition, collared shirts and blouses and lifestyle shoes). Clothing such as T-shirts, swimwear and sports attire is not permitted."

Now part of this was the recent update by Disney for the restaurants at least but you've got Disney advertising dressing up for a photo which is optional, that's what formal and semi-formal nights are promoted as. Not about the ambiance of guests dining together. If I read that and went on a Disney cruise and was like "yeah not really interested in a photo" I'm unlikely to pack and then wear formal or semi-formal wear and Disney is telling me it's optional to do so. That shouldn't be a reflection of me as a person just because I'm not interested in a photo if you know what I mean.

For the restaurants you've got recommended but not required stuff with exception to no t-shirts or sportswear (swimwear goes without saying IMO unless at pool bar/restaurant but yeah). Disney themselves is not promoting their cruises as everyone has to wear formal or semi-formal rather about photo ops.

Some of the cruises we've been looking at (not DCL at the present moment) we've been paying attention to what is listed in these respects so I get wondering.

Of course people can lament the years past of how things used to be done for which I get :flower3: When it comes to Disney I feel like there's a lot of that we can all do just on different topics, there's some comradery there I believe :grouphug:
We will dress nicely but not over the top as it’s not in the budget. It takes me years to save enough to afford an inside cabin on a Disney cruise. Last time I stressed about formal/semi-formal nights and bought dresses I felt would be appropriate and enjoyed wearing. While they were nice, they’ve hung in my closet, never being worn again and now out of style.

While I appreciate each person’s circumstance is unique to them, our family will wear what is appropriate for us and let other families do the same. I long ago gave up allowing others to choose what I’m comfortable wearing. That’s part of my teenage years I was happy to leave behind.


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