How does the 2 or 3 days park passes work?


<font color=royalblue>Nothing beats a nice clean-c
Jun 3, 2000
When we buy a 2 or 3 day park passes, does this work like parkhopper? We would like to park hop? Do you have to go to the park for 2 or 3 consecutive days or can you skip a day to relax and then go back again to the park? I would like a break in the middle instead of going to the parks back to back. Thanks in advance!

Ps....How do I change info under my screen name? I prefer to say something different instead of Welcomed Guest.
It's just like a Disney park hopper. You can go back and forth between US and IoA as much as you like in a day, and it only counts as one day off your ticket. You can use the days as you like - consecutively, or months/years apart. I have a 3-day ticket. Used two days (not consecutively) on my last trip, and have a day left for future use.
Thanks John! I haven't been to Universal for about 20 yrs now and this was in California!! So all this are new to me! Thanks again!!

aka: Fantasia_


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