how do you pack...


Cause afterall, a dream that you wish, will come t
Jan 29, 2001
was wondering how everyone packed their shampoo and toiletries. I seem to have trouble with them bursting in the plane (i do put them in plastic bags, thank God) and the last time we went, a cologned bottle (my DH cannot go a day without cologne) broke in our luggage - needless to say, we knew which bag was ours, and everyone sure could smell it. The cologne was in between 2 towels and still broke. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to pack better so next time our shampoo won't leak, cologne won't break, etc.... I don't want to have to clean up that mess again.

I really don't know what you could do (I always use ziploc bags) but never that anything break. You could always put breakables in carryons - or else buy some products when you get there. Good luck
We always take our breakables on board in our carry on luggage and have never had a problem.And yes ziploc bags are the greatest invention! lol :)

We either get the travel sizes of things we need (Shoppers has a good selection), or put things in those travel plastic bottles (also at Shoppers, or at a dollar store). If those don't work, ziplocs seem to do the trick.

4 More Sleeps! :) :) :) :)


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