How Do I Love Thee, WDW...COMPLETE- 3/8/2018-Post 157&158-So Long, Farewell, Sanaasee You Later!

Loving your hoop dee doo of an update and all the fixins you served up with it :-) So great to hear they had so many gluten free options for you so you didn't feel like you were missing out on anything. And how great is it that 20+ years later hoop dee doo really hasn't changed. I remember going when I was a kid and thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever done. And that was without doogie houser in the audience :-) I would have flipped my mind
Day 3, October 31st, 2016-Part 1- A Burger, A Sprinkle, Lots of Meat & Treats, & a Halloween Party!

We've never spent Halloween in WDW, so today was a special treat! So exciting! I'm getting excited all over again just thinking about this day! So fun! How many explanation points can I insert into this paragraph? As I previously mentioned at the beginning of this dining report, we originally were planning on a November 1-November 9 trip, going to MVMCP on the 7th, which would be the first one of the season. After toying around with the idea of possibly leaving a few days earlier, I thought wouldn't it be great if we were able to do MNSSHP on this trip too! We had an AP discounted room at POFQ garden view booked. I anxiously looked on the Disney site to see if I could change my dates, adding a few days prior, but there was nothing with an AP discount available for the entire trip at any of the moderates. I did see there was an AP discounted River View room for the three extra days at FQ, so I booked that, and had the reservations linked. I asked that we be able to stay in the same room if possible. I'm happy to say we were granted our request!

We wanted to take it easy today, so we'd be nice & refreshed & ready to party the night away at the MK! One of the perks of staying at POFQ or Riverside, is the ability to take the beautiful boat ride to Disney Springs. I truly love the view along the Sassagoula River. As I said in my previous installment, I love taking rides on the Disney boats! I consider them an attraction in themselves, and it is one of my very favorite things to do at WDW. It was a gorgeous day on the river! The first boat to arrive was coming from DS & heading to POR, so we hopped on for a trip up the river, and then back down to DS!

Me & my honey!


I just love the grounds of POFQ & Riverside!



Heading for the dock of the bay...oh wait, that song was Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay, and we're actually heading for the dock on the river!


I love this newish bridge! It's so awesome that you can walk from Saratoga Springs Resort to Disney Springs via this nice shortcut! Much safer than the previous path.



We were undecided as to whether we wanted to eat an early lunch at Frontera Cocina or D-Luxe Burger. We ended up choosing D-Luxe, and I'm so glad we did! We'll give Frontera a try on our next trip.



There was really nice outdoor seating, and as I said, it was a beautiful day, weather wise.


This was the view from our table. So pretty!


I made DH wait to dig in until I took pics. Some things take priority, right? Love how you get your food in these cute takeout bags!


It looks like DH took a bite out of his burger bun, but I swear he didn't!


Bacon and Bleu Burger - topped with bacon, bleu cheese, onion jam, lettuce, tomato and onion $11.99 I used to love bleu cheese, but now not so much. I don't know what happened. Maybe my taste buds changed as I got older. I don't hate bleu cheese, but if given the choice, I won't choose it.


My burger, a classic, like me! Look at that juicy goodness! Seriously, I loved this burger, and the gluten free bun was pretty good, too! My mouth is drooling just thinking about it. Maybe I can convince my sister & my bff to eat there on our May Girls' Only trip, which is just 10 short days away!!!

Classic Cheeseburger - beef patty topped with cheddar, lettuce, tomato, onion and pickle $9.99


The dipping sauces! I was having a hard time choosing, so the nice castmember suggested we try them all since there is no extra fee! Sure, why not? If I remember correctly, the garlic ranch, horseradish & chipotle mayo were my favorites. Loved the fries, too. They were hot, crispy & salty, just like I like them! Yea, I definitely have to convince the girls to go back with me. Maybe we'll head here right after our late evening arrival. Our plane lands at 8:30pm, so I'm expecting to arrive to SSR around 9:30 or so. We'll be having our luggage delivered by ME, so once we check in and drop our carry-ons at the room, I think we should go get something to eat at DS, and D-Luxe is open until 11pm. Of course, we probably won't be able to fall asleep with all that greasy goodness in our bellies, so maybe not such a good idea. Don't want to be feeling like this all night! :sick:

Dipping Sauces -
Garlic ranch
Chipotle Mayo
3 Mustard and honey
Buffalo blue cheese
Curry ketchup



After our very delicious and satisfying lunch, we continued to walk around Disney Springs. Wow! It is huge! The stores! Good thing I'm not a shopper! Well, I should clarify that I'm an online shopper, and I love shopping for craft items, clothes not so much. Actually, I hate clothes shopping. This is where my sister & I are so different. She could open a clothing store in her closet, and I could open a craft store with all the supplies I have! Not kidding!

We were walking past Sprinkles and my DH suggested I should try one of their gluten free cupcakes, since there was no line outside, and on our last trip you couldn't get near the place. I really wasn't feeling hungry, but what the hey! I'm really not a sweet eater, DH definitely wins the contest in that category, but when in Disney... So we go inside, and it smelled so good. There were a few people ahead of us, so it gave me time to check out the offerings & the menu.


As you can see in the photo below, there was only one gluten free option.


I don't think I've ever had any red velvet anything, so this would be a first for me. It's finally my turn. Yippee!!! I'll have the gluten free red velvet cupcake please. "Um, sorry, we don't have any ready yet". Say what? It's 11:55am, and you already ran out? What do you make, 3 per day? Well, I wanted to say those things out loud, but I'm polite, so was saying them in my head. Then the cast member tells me she thinks there is still one loaded in the cupcake ATM, so I could go outside and try that. Hmmm. Really?, I wanted to say. Is it like a stale one left over from last night? Ugh. Okay. I go outside, and I'm staring at the ATM machine like, "I'm buying a cupcake from a machine". A VERY expensive cupcake at that! I'm one of those people that save all the food, beverage & snack receipts from our WDW trips, and of course, this is the one receipt from this day that I can't find! It was around $5, if not $6, for a cupcake! I remember it was more expensive buying it from the ATM, as opposed to inside. I place my order, & Voila! A cupcake! Crazy! This older gentleman happened to be watching me, unbeknownst to me, and starts a conversion that goes sort of like this, "isn't it the darndest thing, with these high fallutin computers and such? There was a time we had to bake these things in an oven"! :rotfl2:


I carry my precious cargo over to a nearby table, so I can give this special cupcake my undivided attention. The DISboards will want to know if this extremely expensive cupcake that came out of an ATM is worth it.


So, you're all wondering with baited breath, "well, was it, TeresaNJ, was IT worth it?" O.M.G. Yes, YES IT WAS WORTH IT! I was so happy! So delirously happy! I hate hate hate spending money on yukky food! This cupcake was actually worth the money! So so good! I don't even like icing, but this icing was amazing! The cake was heavenly. Moist, but not too moist, thank goodness, because I hate wet cakes (and fat sandwiches, and thickly sliced meats)! I still can't describe what red velvet tastes like, so suffice it to say it was really really good! I was only going to eat half, and save the rest for later, but nope, the cupcake didn't make it back to the resort.


To be continued....
We've never spent Halloween in WDW, so today was a special treat! So exciting! I'm getting excited all over again just thinking about this day!

That is exciting! We've never done that either.

We had an AP discounted room at POFQ garden view booked

Ooo a discounted room at POFQ I've only found one of those once before.

I did see there was an AP discounted River View room for the three extra days at FQ, so I booked that, and had the reservations linked. I asked that we be able to stay in the same room if possible. I'm happy to say we were granted our request!

We had to do something like this once too. Love the river view rooms.

It's so awesome that you can walk from Saratoga Springs Resort to Disney Springs via this nice shortcut! Much safer than the previous path.

That's so cool, we're thinking of heading there next time to check it out; and it's good it's so easy to get to.

We ended up choosing D-Luxe, and I'm so glad we did! We'll give Frontera a try on our next trip.

DLuxe Burger is awesome! We eat there every time. Although I've been meaning to try Frontera and we're supposed to on this coming trip.

Maybe I can convince my sister & my bff to eat there on our May Girls' Only trip, which is just 10 short days away!!!

Ooo you should! We'll also be on vacation in 10 days!

I remember it was more expensive buying it from the ATM, as opposed to inside.


"isn't it the darndest thing, with these high fallutin computers and such? There was a time we had to bake these things in an oven"! :rotfl2:


O.M.G. Yes, YES IT WAS WORTH IT! I was so happy! So delirously happy! I hate hate hate spending money on yukky food!

So glad it was good! I had a non GF red velvet one and thought it was a little dry especially for the price :confused3
I'm now all caught up!
Your gala dress is really pretty...and your daughter's wedding...beautiful! What a lovely location!
You are giving me a craving for a baked potato and I honestly haven't craved them much as I like fries more but you make them look so tasty and good!
Ah beignets...I love them so! Haven't tried the GF ones yet though.
Wow can't believe you saw NPH at HDD!! That looks like a ton of fun. I've not done HDD before but it's always on my radar. I guess it's just such a time commitment and I like to be at the parks every waking moment, LOL.
I've never been on Halloween either but we will this fall and are planning on doing MNSSHP on that day! Nov 1st is our anniversary so I really want to do Victoria and Albert again, plus it's food and wine. I can't wait for the fall after seeing all your F&W pictures!
D-luxe burger looks very good but they look very big. I prefer a thinner beef patty and bun ratio. I like shake shack and in n out. But I will have to let my brother in law know because we're going in August and he loves burgers.
Sprinkles! I used to love them when I ate a lot of sweets. My favorite were the salty caramel ones.
Looking forward to more!
That is exciting! We've never done that either.

I felt kind of bad about not being with my grandkids on Halloween, but they do have other grandparents, and there's always sort of a tug of war on holidays, so I figured I'd be generous and kind and let the other grandparents have the kids to themselves on Halloween. ;)

Ooo a discounted room at POFQ I've only found one of those once before.

We lucked out, right? Doesn't happen to often at POFQ, getting a discounted room!

We had to do something like this once too. Love the river view rooms.

Well, in order to stay in the same room, we had to take a garden view for the entire stay, but that's okay, I got the exact room I requested on Touring Plans, and it was perfect!

That's so cool, we're thinking of heading there next time to check it out; and it's good it's so easy to get to.

On this upcoming trip, it's me, my sister, and my bff, and we're staying at SSR, so we'll have a chance to try the walking path out. Can't wait!

DLuxe Burger is awesome! We eat there every time. Although I've been meaning to try Frontera and we're supposed to on this coming trip.

There's just not enough days to try everything!

Ooo you should! We'll also be on vacation in 10 days!

Going to keep an eye out for you, Raeven!


That's what I said!


So glad it was good! I had a non GF red velvet one and thought it was a little dry especially for the price :confused3

It really was good. I'm sure you know how picky people on GF diets can be regarding baked good, pizza crusts, pasta, bread, etc. This cupcake was worth every penny, especially since I rarely get delicious gluten free baked goods. For instance, I've never had luck at Erin McKenna's. I just don't like her products.

I'm now all caught up!
Your gala dress is really pretty...and your daughter's wedding...beautiful! What a lovely location!

Thank you! That was my daughter's backyard!

You are giving me a craving for a baked potato and I honestly haven't craved them much as I like fries more but you make them look so tasty and good!

I love a good baked potato! We had a Lone Star restaurant in the area years ago, it's now since closed, but they had the most awesome baked sweet potatoes with butter & cinnamon! So good!

Ah beignets...I love them so! Haven't tried the GF ones yet though.

I'm sure the non GF ones are better, but the GF ones at POFQ were amazing! I think I may have to get some on our upcoming trip!

Wow can't believe you saw NPH at HDD!! That looks like a ton of fun. I've not done HDD before but it's always on my radar. I guess it's just such a time commitment and I like to be at the parks every waking moment, LOL.

He was with an entourage, and they surrounded him completely, but as you can see, he was only a few tables away from us!

I've never been on Halloween either but we will this fall and are planning on doing MNSSHP on that day! Nov 1st is our anniversary so I really want to do Victoria and Albert again, plus it's food and wine. I can't wait for the fall after seeing all your F&W pictures!

We did V&A on our honeymoon at WDW back in 2000. Loved it. That's the last time we ate there. Will have to do it again sometime in the future. Maybe on our 20th anniversary, which is in three years.

D-luxe burger looks very good but they look very big. I prefer a thinner beef patty and bun ratio. I like shake shack and in n out. But I will have to let my brother in law know because we're going in August and he loves burgers.

Too funny, because I normally hate fat sandwiches, but I love thick burgers!

Sprinkles! I used to love them when I ate a lot of sweets. My favorite were the salty caramel ones.

I wish they had other GF options to try, but am happy for the one!

Looking forward to more!
You did luck out with the POFQ discount!

If you do want to meet up or will be in the same area as me on any of the days you'll be there let me know!

Josh loves Erin Mckennas, he's not a big cupcake person though sadly or I'd take him to get one.
BTW, We will be there too next week, staying at Boardwalk. Let me know if you'd like to meet up! I'm meeting Raeven on May 7th at Epcot!

We should be in Epcot on May 7th! I'll have my sister and my bff with me, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind meeting up!

You did luck out with the POFQ discount!

If you do want to meet up or will be in the same area as me on any of the days you'll be there let me know!

Will do!!!

Josh loves Erin Mckennas, he's not a big cupcake person though sadly or I'd take him to get one.
We should be in Epcot on May 7th! I'll have my sister and my bff with me, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind meeting up!

That sounds cool! The 7th is our last day, we'll be arriving on the 3rd in case you want to meet up beforehand. I will PM you my info :)
So, so far behind..............................:o

We usually go to Trail's End for breakfast, or for a late lunch or early dinner.
Funny, just tonight at dinner youngest DS requested that on our August trip, we go back to "where we ate Thanksgiving dinner last year" which was TE. All four of us loved it, and DH and I have done their weekend brunch. Thinking we'll do the brunch again in August. I also think strolling around FW is a nice way to spend some time :)

I don't know why I feel the need to speak like this during this section of my dining report, but I just do. I need to be in character so as to tell the story properly! In fact, we're having Easter leftovers for dinner tonight, and I just got up from typing this report, opened the fridge, told my husband where the ham was, and then said, "and here's the rest of the fixins"!
You cracked me up doing this!

We hadn't done the HDD in years, and I mean YEARS! I think we did it last in 2001. Yep, that long ago. Every trip DH would say we should wait and do it when the little guys are a little older and can come with us, but I really, reeeaalllly wanted to do it this trip, so I booked it! I'm so glad I did.
We did this in 2014 and again, younger DS has been asking to do it again! Such a fun time, much more fine I think than what it appears just from descriptions and reviews.

I wished I could have had a doggie bag for the butter & corn bread!
LOVE the cornbread there! And the mashed potatoes, and the salad.......
Also great they had so much GF stuff for you :thumbsup2

DH liked his strawberry shortcake though. I mean, it is hard to mess it up.
True, but that was another thing there I loved. I certainly ate my fill of carbs that night!

I don't think I've ever had any red velvet anything, so this would be a first for me.
What??? :scared1: Where have you been living the last few years :rotfl: Red velvet is what all the cool kids are eating nowadays!

It's finally my turn. Yippee!!! I'll have the gluten free red velvet cupcake please. "Um, sorry, we don't have any ready yet". Say what?
Now this is NOT cool. Especially since it was the only GF option they were offering. Did they not expect any GF customers until after 12pm or something?

Glad you liked it and are now a red velvet fan! I've read mixed reviews on their cupcakes so I haven't tried yet, but someday I might. We did go to Amorette's in Nov. so that's knocked off my list but we still, after all our trips, need to make our own rice krispie treats at Goofy's, so that might have to come before Erin McKenna's :scratchin
Day 3, October 31st, 2016-Part 2- A Burger, A Sprinkle, Lots of Meat & Treats, & a Halloween Party!
We interrupt this DR for a few real life events, including a sneak peak F&G Trip!

Wow, wow, wow...It's been over a month since I've updated! Yikes! I'm so sorry!!! I bet you all thought "well there ya go, another flake started a DR, went away & didn't finish. How RUDE!". This was one of my fears of even starting a DR, that life would get in the way, and I wouldn't finish. I didn't want to be one of "those people". So, yes, I do have excuses, and life did get in the way, as well as a WDW trip with my sister & BFF. I will tell you a little about that fiasco before I carry on with this dining report in progress, as I know inquiring minds will want to know. At least my inquiring mind would want to know, lol! I posted my last DR installment on April 23rd, and my father-in-law was hospitalized on April 18th. He and my MIL have chronic health conditions & she was actually worse than him, and he was basically her caregiver. She is pretty much confined to a wheelchair and can ambulate very little, and needs a lot of assistance. He was diagnosed with CLL a few years ago, and diabetes, and up to last summer it had been pretty stable, but then all heck broke loose. He's been in and out of the hospital & rehab since last summer, and has gone downhill very quickly. My inlaws are not old. They are 70, but basically haven't taken care of themselves over the years. They have two children, my DH & his sister, who lives hours away, so everything falls to DH. Add to that fact that I'm babysitting my grandkids two to three days a week, plus have my almost 84 year old mom to take care of, & we try to visit my severely brain injured nephew, Dom, at his facility at least once a week. I seriously don't have time to breath it feels like, most days. We'll be moving my inlaws to an independent senior living facility closer to us next weekend, as right now they live about a 45 minute drive from us. That took a small act of God to convince them they needed to move out of their crime & drug infested neighborhood that they've lived in for forever. It was a nice neighborhood at one time. I can't imagine how hard it is to leave your home, but there comes a time when there's no other choice. So for now my MIL will be moving in to this very nice community, into a one level, two bedroom apartment. It is set up nicely for her, as she can get to a bathroom without assistance, there is plenty of room for her scooter and wheelchair, her meals will be taken care of, and the facility is attached to an assisted living section also, and there is always help nearby. My FIL will join her when he is healthy enough to leave the rehab, which coincidentally, is about a five minute drive from there. They will now be about a 15 minute drive from us, so that alone will help a lot with time management. My poor DH doesn't know if he is coming or going between his very high pressure job, and all his other responsibilities.

My husband & his sister, visiting with their mom & dad on Mother's Day at the rehab facility, and also celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary!


Okay, a little bit about the "Girls' Only" trip I took to WDW with my sister & my bff from May 3-May 9 of this year. I should have known this was a bad idea. I've taken separate girls' trips with my sister & my bff. I went with my sister in December 2012 to celebrate the end of my breast cancer treatment. My hair was just growing back, & coming in curly! It normally only has a slight wave. We stayed at the Villas at Wilderness Lodge, and it was spectacular! Love this resort, especially during the holidays!


I went again in May 2013 with my bff just because we wanted to go! We did a split stay between Animal Kingdom Lodge Kidani & Jambo House. My second favorite Disney resort! Another fabulous trip! My hair was a little longer, & curly! The curliness has since gone away, as I've heard is common thing to happen after chemo.


Both trips were awesome. I really enjoyed doing WDW with them, separately. Each trip was different in all aspects, as far as planning, touring, dining, attractions, etc, as the girls are VERY different in EVERY way. My sister and my bff have known each other as long as I've known my bff, around 30 years. In fact, at one point they lived two houses away from each other, with me in the middle. When my sister got divorced way back when, my bff bought my sister's house, as my bff lived in a tiny rancher to my left, and my sister lived in a fairly large two-story to my right. My point is, we have all known each other for forever, and we all know very well our personalities. Thank God I wasn't the one who invited my bff to go on this trip!

We always go out to dinner in January to celebrate my & my bff's wedding anniversaries and my sister's husband's birthday. My sister & I had already planned this trip a few weeks prior. I wasn't going to tell my bff about the trip until it got closer to the time we would be going, as I knew she would want to go, and I didn't think my sister would want her to, knowing how different they are. So who spills the beans at our dinner, my sister! Of course, immediately, my bff turns to her husband and says "I'm going too"! Now mind you, my bff and her husband have been retired for about five years now. He's a teacher, so was able to retire early. She only worked part time, so retired as well. They travel extensively. Over the years they've visited all 50 states, and they go to Florida every spring for six weeks, and in fact, would be getting back from this spring's trip a few days before we were to leave on our Disney trip. They camp all summer, as well as take several other out of the country vacations throughout the year. So it's not as if she never gets to go anywhere. I'm thinking, oh no, I hope this trip works out.

So everyone was very excited about our upcoming girls' trip. My sister didn't want me to make any plans regarding dining, schedules, attractions, nothing. Okaaay. She said she just wanted to spend time at the pool, have a Dole Whip wth rum at Epcot, and take each day as it comes. You can tell from this statement that she is not an avid or experienced WDW vacationer. Oh, and she also wanted to see Rivers of Light, so agreed to let me make a dining reservation package for that, so we wouldn't have to stand in line forever. I knew my bff and I would want to do Soarin and a few other attractions, so I did make us FPs for a few things, and had a loose itinerary written down. I'm sorry, but there is no way I was going to WDW without some kind of plans. I also snuck in a lunch reservation at The Plaza in the MK, as knowing my sister, I knew she wouldn't be happy with the counter service lunch offerings there.

Our flight was heading to MCO at 6:30pm on Spirit out of Atlantic City. We landed at 8:40pm and were at Saratoga Springs Resort by 9:30. I got the exact room I requested, thanks Touring Plans, and we immediately went to Artist's Palette to get a bite to eat, as we were all starving.

My bff, Kathy, my sister, Mary Ann, & I, on the plane!


Lobster Club Sandwich - Lobster Salad, Smoked Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato, and Lemon Mayonnaise; comes with house-made chips or vegetable slaw. $13.49 This was Kathy's. She said it was very salty, but otherwise enjoyable.


I had the same as Kathy, but the gluten free version. I did not think this was too salty.


My sister had the Turkey & Brie Cheese Sandwich - turkey, Brie Cheese spread, Arugula, and Chambord-Cranberry Mayonnaise; comes with house-made chips or vegetable slaw. $10.49, also on gluten free bread. We both have auto-immune issues, so try to stay away from gluten as much as possible. She LOVED this!


I'm not going to get into a whole other DR/TR here, just going to give a few highlights of this crazy trip. We got back to our room, and our luggage still hadn't arrived. At this point it was around 11pm. I didn't expect it to be there yet, as like I said, we landed at 8:40, and I read that it can take up to four hours for luggage to arrive when you land later in the evening. I offered to stay awake & wait. My sister is a notoriously early to bed person. On our December 2012 WDW trip we didn't see one evening fireworks show. Not one. At any park. Seriously. So she basically passed out when we got back to the room, and Kathy and I stayed up watching homicide shows, lol. Okay, midnight, no luggage. I'm getting slightly nervous. 12:30am no luggage. I tell Kathy I'll wait until 1am, and then I'm calling bell services. 1 am. No luggage. WTH! Now I'm panicking that my sister is going to FREAK OUT when she finds out. So I call bell services and get a very unhelpful cast person. I explain the current situation. She says what airline did you fly on? I say Spirit. She goes "UGH". Really? Wow, that makes me immediately feel better, NOT! Then she proceeds to tell me that our luggage may have not even gotten on the flight. WHAT!!! She says they have this problem with Spirit all the time. Really, as I fly Spirit ALL THE TIME, and I've NEVER had this problem! Anyway, she says there is nothing she can do, as she can't call the airport until 7am and I should call back her back then, and in the meantime she'll send up toiletries and will that help? Hmmm. I'm seriously panicking here. We packed something to sleep in on our carry ons, but that is all we packed! We had NOTHING else with us. I'm envisioning our luggage is either still in NJ, or in Fort Myers, as that is where our flight was heading after we landed at MCO. OMG!!! Meanwhile, my sister is sleeping through all of this. So now I'm up half the night worrying.

At 6 am my sister perks up and says no luggage? Nope. I tell her the story, and she is happy as a clam. "Oh well", she says, "we'll just have to go buy some new clothes. It's only clothes. We're in WDW!" I told you she LOVES clothes shopping. Uh, okay, but I can't afford all new clothes. At exactly 7am I call bell services, and I get to talk to a much more helpful cast member this time. She hears my story, and laughs and says do NOT WORRY! I'm certain your luggage will be on the morning transfer to the resorts. She proceeds to tell me that sometimes Spirit won't leave luggage just sitting out at the airport in the evening waiting for the ME luggage transport people, so they lock it up for safekeeping, and then the ME luggage people can't get it until the morning. Well it would have been REALLY helpful if the night time bell services lady had told me that little tidbit. I would have slept a whole lot easier. Our luggage was at our room by 7:45 am, no joke, with a priority label on it, and they credited our account $150 for our inconvenience. I didn't even ask for anything. I just wanted my stuff! Whew. That crisis averted.

So we excitedly get ready for our first day at WDW! We're going to Epcot! Did I mention that my bff, Kathy, had been complaining about her knee hurting? No? Well, she was. In fact, she told me a few weeks before our trip that her knee had been really hurting for a while now. So much so that her husband asked her how did she think she was going to walk on our upcoming Disney trip. I didn't relay this info to my sister, and was hoping for the best. We get to the bus stop at The Springs, and Kathy is limping the whole way there. Now, we were in The Springs section of SSR, right across from the bus stop, so not very far to walk. Here is my sister and bff waiting. Note the knee brace. They're both very smiley right now. It doesn't last.


We make it off the bus at Epcot, and I swear to you, before we even got to Future World, Kathy is complaining about her knee, saying she doesn't think she's going to be able to walk. Say what, Willis? We get through security and are passing Spaceship Earth, and Kathy is now really limping and sweating. First stop, Butterfly Garden. My sister is shooting me looks like, WTH! OMG. Now what. I ask Kathy if she took anything for the pain and she said Tylenol. She can't take Ibuprofen due to medical reasons. I think, maybe aspirin will help, so I run to Mouse Gears and leave Kathy hanging over the railing near Journey Into Imagination, with my sister.


I'm going from cast member to cast member, saying "aspirin, please?" I feel like a Charles Dicken's type street urchin begging for aspirin! LOL. I keep getting passed from CM to CM. Finally, yes, someone knows where the aspirin is! I turn around, and my sister is behind me, saying %$#!!(8! She has waited so long for this trip. All she talked about was this trip, and how she needed to get away and just relax. She has a very very stressful job managing a huge dental practice with several offices. I'm like, "she's going to have to get a scooter, it will be okay". My sister's like "why the HE!! did she come on this trip if she can't walk!!!!!" I'm like "OMG. Calgon take me away."

We get back to Kathy with the aspirin, and start walking. Kathy continues to limp. My sister asks her what is she going to do. She says one of us will have to push her in a wheelchair. Say what, Willis? Uh, no. My sister says, "we can't push you in a wheelchair", with a great deal of incredulity & horror to her voice. My sister has a bad back, for real. I'm like, "Kathy, if we push you in a wheelchair, we're going to need a wheelchair." OMG. OMG. Okay, so we make it to Soarin, for which Kathy & I had FPs for. My sister goes to Sunshine Seasons to get something to eat, as rides like Soarin and Impressions de France, Oh, Canada, etc., make her nauseous from motion type sickness. We're walking up the ramp for Soarin, and Kathy is limping badly. I tell her she is going to have to get a scooter. She senses my sister's irritation. She starts defending herself to me saying things like what does she want me to do, meaning my sister, and how was I supposed to know it would be this bad. Ugh. We catch up in line, and there is a gentleman right in front of us on a scooter. Kathy starts asking him questions, such as how much did you have to pay? I tell Kathy when we get back to the room she is going to call some scooter companies. We do Soarin, which is fabulous as always, and then catch up with my sister.

We get as far as the entrance to World Showcase, and Kathy says she feels sick. Faint. Nauseous. Like a veil is coming over her eyes. O.M.G. We walk a little farther to a bench, which just happens to be right in front of Pineapple Promenade, home of the infamous Dole Whip with rum. My sister definitely needs one of these right now. She asks Kathy if she wants one. She says no, I feel sick. Now, we know Kathy must REALLY feel sick, as she is not one to ever turn down a tasty adult beverage. Kathy is sweating. She keeps asking me if it's hot. No, not really. It's around 11:45, and the weather was beautiful. Warm, but not hot. Now I'm getting a little nervous. I'm thinking maybe the aspirin on an empty stomach has caused the nausea, and the knee pain the rest? I don't know. I'm an ER nurse, so her complaints were making me a little nervous, okay a LOT nervous. She didn't have chest pain and wasn't pale and clammy though, and wasn't short of breath, and doesn't have a history of heart problems. I felt like it really was the pain getting to her. We told her she had to go back to the room and rest. We offered to walk her back to the bus stop and wait till she got on the bus, but she was adamant that she would be fine walking back herself after drinking some water and resting a bit. My sister's like, okay, see you at the room! I was very uncomfortable letting her do this, but she seemed much better after we sat for a while, so we let her go.

My sister and I continued our way around WS, but our heart wasn't in it. Bummer. We stopped at Tangierine Cafe for some lunch, and shared the Vegetable Platter - Falafel, tangierine couscous salad, hummus, tabouleh, lentil salad and marinated olives $12.99 We swapped out some things to make it gluten free. Don't have any pics, sorry, was too busy listening to my sister ranting & raving, lol. We both really liked it, and it hit the spot. It looked something like this, minus the couscous and pita, courtesy of the Disney Food Blog. In fact, most of these upcoming photos are from the Disney Food Blog, as I was too nervous & distracted to take pictures.


I had also tried the Seared Scallops with French Green Beans, Butter Potatoes, Brown Butter Vinaigrette and Apple wood Smoked Bacon from the Northern Bloom booth. It was very, very yummy. I love scallops, and these were perfect, not rubbery at all.



My sister tried the Pear Cider-brined Shredded Corned Beef with Braised Cabbage and Branston Dressing with Pears offered at the Cider House. This was really, really, really good! Yes, it deserves three reallys! The portion was huge, the beef was tender, and it was just delicious!


Sadly, these were the ONLY two items from the F&G Festival that we tried during our entire trip. My husband still can't get over it. He loves the F&G Festival, and he knows I love trying all the different food booths. What can I say? This is one of the things that happens when you travel to WDW with people who don't do Disney like you do Disney. I am definitely going to make up for it during our upcoming F&W trip, and next year's F&G. Hubby has already signed up for the Star Wars half marathon next spring, so I get a do over! Don't get me wrong, I love traveling with my sister and my bff, just not together. Not. Ever. Again.

We did have some fun moments though. Really, we did. See, here's proof. Us goofballs trying to take a selfie.




We even managed one Photo Pass pic this day, prior to the pseudo heart attack episode!


After a visiting a few countries and their shops, my sister and I decided we better head back to the resort to make sure Kathy made it back okay. I remembered to text her to make sure she got off at The Springs bus stop, as it was the last of five bus stops at Saratoga, and I could just see her getting off at the wrong stop. Fortunately, Kathy did get my text in time to get off at the correct stop, but unfortunately, she took a left at the Epcot bus area instead of a right, went way out of her way, had to turn around and walk all the way back to the correct bus stop, which was stop 2. If any of you are familiar with the Epcot bus station layout, SSR's pickup is number 2, via the path to the right, and all the way down there. I don't know how she missed the signs. Anyway, we got back a short time after she did, due to her not paying attention, or something.

We rested for a bit, and called the scooter company that the person we had spoken to in line for Soarin used. They said they could deliver a scooter the next morning, bright and early, and it would be $125 for the rest of our trip, which was four more nights. Sold! Thank God! Kathy's DH is a bit of a, shall we say penny pincher, for lack of a nicer word. I mean, he's a really nice guy, but very very penny pinching. VERY. There was no choice though. She had to get a scooter. Period. We decided not to go to a park that evening in deference to Kathy & her knee, and planned to go to dinner somewhere not in a park. After checking out all the menus and the MDE app, we all decided on Kona Cafe at the Poly. Cool! I love the Poly, and thought it would be a great place to spend the evening. As it got closer to the time to leave our room, Kathy decided she wasn't going to go. She thought it best to just relax for the evening and ice her knee. Okay. We did choose this restaurant because it was one you said you would like to eat at, and we decided not to go back to a park for your convenience, but okay. My sister was slightly put out. No matter. We brushed the aggravation feelings off, and went on our merry way. Kathy had half her sandwich from Artist's Palette from the night before that she could eat for dinner, plus the numerous snacks we brought, so she was happy.

We loved our meals at Kona! I had the GF version Volcano Roll for my app, and my sister had the Kona Salad. Both were delicious!
Volcano Roll - Spicy Tuna Seafood Lau'ai with Tempura Crunch $16


Kona Salad - Mixed Greens, Blue Cheese, fresh Fruit, Red Onions, and Smoked Almonds with Citrus Vinaigrette $9


For our entrees we both had the Togarashi Spiced Ahi Tuna - served on a warm rice noodle salad with a sweet chili dressing and a wild mushroom broth $26. Wow, so so good! I love Ahi tuna when it's done correctly. Mouth watering right now!


Sadly, we were too full for dessert, but did enjoy a nice adult beverage to ease our worries & aggravations. My sis had the Habanero Lime Margarita, and I had the Watermelon Margarita. Suddenly, we were both able to laugh over the escapades of the last 24 hours!

The next morning Kathy had her scooter delivered, and more crisis were averted, or were they? Sadly, they weren't. The company she used is Walker Mobility, and they were great! They even came out very promptly a few evenings later when Kathy was worried she was having battery charging issues, an incident that almost caused her and my sister to come to fisticuffs! For real! Well, let's say verbal fisticuffs. I was certain my sis was going to call Magical Express right then and there, and take the next plane back to NJ that night!


Hopefully I'll get this current DR finished in a somewhat timely fashion, and I'll be able to do a more in-depth one of this F&G trip, before I embark on my next WDW adventure with DH for the F&W Festival in September!

To be continued, hopefully soon, maybe later today! Must tell you all about the MNSSHP!
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It does sounds like you've been busy! When is your F&W vacation? We'll be there too in September!

Both trips were awesome. I really enjoyed doing WDW with them, separately. Each trip was different in all aspects, as far as planning, touring, dining, attractions, etc, as the girls are VERY different in EVERY way.

Oh no! This is one of my fears about bringing people on vacation (other than Josh and Jenna who are the only people I've gone on vacation with). That you can get along with people separately, but when you put them together it doesn't work. I used to have sleepovers as a kid and none of my friends would get along with my other friends and it was always a nightmare :rotfl:

My sister is a notoriously early to bed person. On our December 2012 WDW trip we didn't see one evening fireworks show. Not one. At any park. Seriously.

Wow that is early to bed!

So she basically passed out when we got back to the room, and Kathy and I stayed up watching homicide shows, lol.

Josh and I watched a lot of those too on our last vacation it seemed like they were always on haha

Then she proceeds to tell me that our luggage may have not even gotten on the flight. WHAT!!!

They told me that once at the airport and I was so distressed the whole flight. But it made it.

They're both very smiley right now. It doesn't last.

Uh oh :laughing:

why the HE!! did she come on this trip if she can't walk!!!!!" I'm like "OMG. Calgon take me away."

That's fair question. She invited herself, knowing she had an injury that would make getting around hard.

She says one of us will have to push her in a wheelchair. Say what, Willis? Uh, no. My sister says, "we can't push you in a wheelchair", with a great deal of incredulity & horror to her voice. My sister has a bad back, for real. I'm like, "Kathy, if we push you in a wheelchair, we're going to need a wheelchair." OMG.


Sadly, these were the ONLY two items from the F&G Festival that we tried during our entire trip. My husband still can't get over it.


Don't get me wrong, I love traveling with my sister and my bff, just not together. Not. Ever. Again.


. Okay. We did choose this restaurant because it was one you said you would like to eat at, and we decided not to go back to a park for your convenience, but okay.

This was quite a day you had. You must have a lot of patience.

Sadly, they weren't.

Oh no!
So sorry @Raeven that I didn't get to meet up with you & @chunkymonkey Su-Lynn! As you can see, it would have been pretty much impossible with the tension already going on. We're going September 13th-21st. You? This time it will be just me and my husband, so we shouldn't have any problem meeting up with our fellow Disney fans!
So sorry @Raeven that I didn't get to meet up with you & @chunkymonkey Su-Lynn! As you can see, it would have been pretty much impossible with the tension already going on. We're going September 13th-21st. You? This time it will be just me and my husband, so we shouldn't have any problem meeting up with our fellow Disney fans!

Haha I can see how it would've been difficult!

We're going the 8th-17th, but the 13th-17th we'll be over in USO.
Wow, it sounds like you have had quite the adventures as of late. Hope your FIL is feeling better. I know that has to be hard on your hubby and you. Especially without any help nearby.

I hope you plan on doing a full TR on your most recent disney trip. Because, wow, just wow! Now while I totally appreciate the not planning, it sounds like your sister and BFF have some serious oil and water syndrome going on
Haha I can see how it would've been difficult!

We're going the 8th-17th, but the 13th-17th we'll be over in USO.

Aww, darn, we'll just miss you!

Wow, it sounds like you have had quite the adventures as of late. Hope your FIL is feeling better. I know that has to be hard on your hubby and you. Especially without any help nearby.

I hope you plan on doing a full TR on your most recent disney trip. Because, wow, just wow! Now while I totally appreciate the not planning, it sounds like your sister and BFF have some serious oil and water syndrome going on

Haha, to put it mildly!
Hopefully, everything with your family settles down for good. I was wondering about your girls' trip and wow.... I don't know even know what to say about the whole F&G trip. I would probably want my trip compensated somehow. :headache: Thankfully you have the F&W trip to look forward to.
Whoa. We went with friends back in 2012 and it ended up being great, but over a week we only spent 3 days together. We also took my MIL and stepsons once - ONCE. It was our worst vacation ever!!!!
I hope all works out with your in-laws, we had to convince my MIL to sell her house a couple years ago and move to an over 65 residential community. It's super nice but getting her to agree she couldn't handle the house anymore was hell. She was in the very early stages of Alzheimer's at the time but now she's getting to the point where we have to begin thinking about where she'll go next unfortunately :( so I feel you on how hard that all is.


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