How and Why Does One Get "Tagged"?

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calypso*a*go-go said:
And how many Tag Fairies do you think they will try to cram into a studio?

I really think you mean, "how many tag fairies does it take to change a light bulb?".
jnrrt said:
I really think you mean, "how many tag fairies does it take to change a light bulb?".

The answer is one. But s/he'll change some light bulbs two or three times, and some not at all.

idratherbeinwdw said:

I know there are plenty of bigger things to whine about in life, and I am sure not losing any sleep over this, but I just had to vent.

Mar' (who shall more than likely remain forever tagless.) :sad1: :sad:

There are people being blown up on busses and subways and you are worried about this? :sad2:
Bexx said:
If you want, you can ask the people on the Tech board to colour the tag you already have. Then you have the tag you want, and it looks pretty too!! :rotfl:

Are you sure about this Bexx? I thought only the Tag Fairy could give you the color tags although the Tech folk will help you adjust. For instance, I could no longer see the color in my tags....apparently my computer settings...and Caskbill tweaked the colors so I could see the color again. But the colored tags originally came from the mysterious Tag Fairy with random things I had posted over time. I got all three tags at once and was so surprised and yep, happy.

CarolMN, your tag is so funny! Congratulations.
Cass said:
There are people being blown up on busses and subways and you are worried about this? :sad2:
First, if we change our lives in any way, the terrorists win. If they win, how is that any way to honor the memory of the people who died at the hands of these idiots. My heart broke when I heard the story, and I hugged my wife extra hard before I left for work. I feel so sad for the families involved.

Second, I guess we all think different things are important at times like this:
Cass said:
My last dog "Loser" had a thing for discarded maxi pads :eek: I would have to put them in the garbage with the lid, but sometimes I would forget and throw one (wrapped) in the powder room waste paper basket.... and then when I came home from work ~ oh the carnage all over the living room - shredded always with wings everywhere!!
Oh, no.....please wars on a Tag Fairy thread!!!!!!! :earseek:

Come on now....let's be a community! :grouphug:
BCV23 said:
Are you sure about this Bexx? I thought only the Tag Fairy could give you the color tags although the Tech folk will help you adjust.

No - I'm never sure about anything!!! But that is what I thought this post by the Tag Fairy meant. :)

Cass said:
There are people being blown up on busses and subways and you are worried about this? :sad2:

I wasn't under the impression that the OP was worried about this - just interested to know how the Tag Fairy ticks!
Bexx said:
No - I'm never sure about anything!!!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Sounds like me. :)

Thanks for the link.....I stand corrected!
I didn't know you could put your own tag line under your name. To me, that takes the fun out of it. I'd rather be tagged by the fairies by surprise. For now, I too will remain tagless until a fairy finds me. ;)
Cass said:
There are people being blown up on busses and subways and you are worried about this? :sad2:

Thanks to all those who already defended me here.

Let me just say that first of all, when I posted this originally it was before I heard about the attacks. BUT I have to add, that although of course it was an awful incident that doesn't mean we have to discuss that here, and I probably would have posted what I did even if I had heard. One thing has nothing to do with the other, and I think it's unfair to judge me or anyone else for posting a DIS board question on the DIS boards! There are plenty of places to discuss those horrific attacks.

BTW Cass, if you feel so strongly about this, why were you reading and responding to posts that clearly have nothing to do with terrorism? I guess judging others and their motivation is more important? :rolleyes:
Bexx said:
I wasn't under the impression that the OP was worried about this - just interested to know how the Tag Fairy ticks!

Thanks Bexx, you are correct. :goodvibes
idratherbeinwdw said:
Let me just say that first of all, when I posted this originally it was before I heard about the attacks. BUT I have to add, that although of course it was an awful incident that doesn't mean we have to discuss that here, and I probably would have posted what I did even if I had heard. One thing has nothing to do with the other, and I think it's unfair to judge me or anyone else for posting a DIS board question on the DIS boards! There are plenty of places to discuss those horrific attacks.

Absolutely right! Such horrendous occurences should never be ignored, but sometimes we need to be able to take our minds off these things. Chatting about Tag Fairys - their whims and vacationing habits does just that for me!!

idratherbeinwdw - I hope you get your tag coloured soon!
Bexx said:
idratherbeinwdw - I hope you get your tag coloured soon!

Thanks Bexx but at this point (as I already posted on the tech boards) I think the tag fairies are treating me like I have cooties LOL. Guess I'll have to survive with the plain black tag. I don't know if can stand it but I'll try to be brave and keep my chin up (sob sob). :) ;)

By the way, love your name, my oldest daughter's name is Becky. :goodvibes

idratherbeinwdw said:
BTW Cass, if you feel so strongly about this, why were you reading and responding to posts that clearly have nothing to do with terrorism?

Actually, I had no idea what "tags" were until I visited this thread last night.

However, having thought about this through the course of the evening, I am going to offer the unpopular opinion that one should *not* be tagged by the TF unless one is a financial DIS-supporter of some kind.

No, scratch that.

But, I do think that all of those people who support the DIS financially (i.e., those who are sponsors) should definitely be tagged in recognition of their support for the DISboards.

Yep, that's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it.
By the way, love your name, my oldest daughter's name is Becky.

Thank you - I like it too. Sounds like your daughter is a lucky girl!! ;) Indeed I think they both are - for all sorts of reasons! :goodvibes
Hi Bexx -- I'm glad this thread was able to take your mind off the tragedy in London. It can be very overwhelming...our thoughts and prayers are with you and your country. :sad1:
Bexx said:
Thank you - I like it too. Sounds like your daughter is a lucky girl!! ;) Indeed I think they both are - for all sorts of reasons! :goodvibes

Awww shucks, what a nice thing to say! They'd agree with you--most of the time, anyway, LOL! I'm lucky to have them too, they are both loving and supportive kids.

My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to you and everyone in the UK. As a native NY-er (and one who, through my job, was very involved in collecting blood from donors during 9/11) I know all too well what you are going through. As Calypso already posted, I am glad if coming to the DIS boards gives you a little relief from the awful reality you are experiencing now. Hugs to you! :grouphug:

Duckfan-in-Chicago: Thanks for sharing the post by Cass :scared: seem to have lost my appetite, think I'll give my lunch to my dogs.

IMO, these boards are for both education & entertainment (something we all need for escapism in the scary world we occupy).
idratherbeinwdw said:
My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to you and everyone in the UK. As a native NY-er (and one who, through my job, was very involved in collecting blood from donors during 9/11) I know all too well what you are going through. As Calypso already posted, I am glad if coming to the DIS boards gives you a little relief from the awful reality you are experiencing now. Hugs to you! :grouphug:


calypso*a*go-go said:
Hi Bexx -- I'm glad this thread was able to take your mind off the tragedy in London. It can be very overwhelming...our thoughts and prayers are with you and your country. :sad1:

Thank you :grouphug:
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