How and Why Does One Get "Tagged"?

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<br><font face="comic sans MS" color=violet>I'll n
Oct 31, 2000
I wonder how the lucky "winners" are chosen? Just a whim of the Tag Fairy? I will probably NEVER get tagged since I am posting this, but I have to say it doesn't seem very fair or very nice of the fairies to give some folks 2-3 tags and some none. I understand we all can't be Chosen People, but why bless someone multiple times and leave so many others out completely? It strikes me as "Tag Fairy Discrimination".

I know there are plenty of bigger things to whine about in life, and I am sure not losing any sleep over this, but I just had to vent.

Mar' (who shall more than likely remain forever tagless.) :sad1: :sad:
lol what is probably going to happen now is you will get tagged with something about being a griper about taggings :p

I haven't ever really seen a pattern to the taggings!
I don't think the tag fairy comes to this forum.

go try the community board - the big one.
spiceycat said:
I don't think the tag fairy comes to this forum.

go try the community board - the big one.

I don't want to go there, this community is my home! Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
(But I do apprediate the info, thanks for the advice spiceycat!)
Sorry, but this is just the way life is unfair....
I saw a post similar to this somewhere else and it said............ DON'T ASK TO BE TAGGED :earboy2: YOU DO and YOU WON'T :teeth:
Why do you want to be tagged, anyway? FWIW, I kind of like the one you picked for yourself. Who knows what some raggedy old fairy will leave you!

Best wishes -
CarolA said:
Sorry, but this is just the way life is unfair....

Agreed. That's why I said I was venting. I didn't expect anything to change. Just because life isn't fair doesn't mean I can't whine about it. :sunny:
tamu91 said:
I saw a post similar to this somewhere else and it said............ DON'T ASK TO BE TAGGED :earboy2: YOU DO and YOU WON'T :teeth:

I know, that's why in the OP I said I probably will never be tagged now because I mentioned this, I read that too.

BTW carolmn, thanks, I like my self-generated tag too. The purpose of my post was not for me to get tagged, although it would be nice I have to admit (i'd keep the one I made for myself even if I was "blessed" by the fairy). The purpose was to say that it seems mean to give some folks 2-3 while ignoring others. Fine with me if I never get tagged, but I get annoyed seeing some people with multiple tags while others get none. Just goes against my notion of "fair play". As carol A said, life isn't fair, but I that doesn't stop me from saying I don't like something. I have a BIGGGG mouth, and it's hard to keep it shut, even when I suffer negative consequences when I open it.
If you want, you can ask the people on the Tech board to colour the tag you already have. Then you have the tag you want, and it looks pretty too!!

Who knows what some raggedy old fairy will leave you!

Have to agree with this remark!! I was really excited to get a tag, but I do wish it didn't give people the impression I was a lady of a certain age!!! It's suppose to be about the "big change" on the DIS boards a while back - I'm actually only 36!!! :rotfl:
Life is so unfair isn't it.

A while back, there was a thread with people clapping to be tagged and then they stopped it and announced that it would be random.

If you are tagged, you can go in and put your old one back in - BUT doing so will remove your new tag.
Well, I think of them as taglines.

They are below your screen name to the left.
kathleena said:
Life is so unfair isn't it.

A while back, there was a thread with people clapping to be tagged and then they stopped it and announced that it would be random.

If you are tagged, you can go in and put your old one back in - BUT doing so will remove your new tag.

Interesting that you can't keep your "own" tag if you are tagged by someone here, I wonder why, since the "fairies" are able to put multiple tags in. Oh well, if by some miracle I get tagged I guess I'll have to decide if I like it more than what I have there now. I do like the suggestion Bexx made to have the one I made myself colorful. I have to check that out, as I had been under the impression that the way you can tell someone has been tagged was the color font--black was your own, any color was due to the tag fairy. If Bexx is correct, I was under the wrong impression, and for all I know some (or many) of the multiple tags could have been user-posted.

In the meantime I repeat, at the risk of being obnoxious, that the main reason I posted this was not to get tagged. It was to say that I find it discriminatory to pick some people multiple times and others none. I know life isn't fair, I was just speaking my mind. I don't expect anything to change due to this thread.
I have to check that out, as I had been under the impression that the way you can tell someone has been tagged was the color font--black was your own, any color was due to the tag fairy.

That was absolutely right, until a couple(?) of months ago, when the Tag Fairy herself (!!!) posted about now being able to get your own tags coloured by the tech board!! I'll try and find the post!!

Here's the thread to join if you want to give your tag a bit of colour!!

And here's the Tag Fairy's post!!
Duckfan-in-Chicago said:
I got a PM saying if I wanted to be tagged to rent them points at $5 each. I think it may be a scam.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :earseek: :earseek:
I was surprised to read your post, and realize that you didn't have a tag. I think you were witty to give yourself a tag that says it all!

Bobbi :flower:
CarolMN said:
....(snip).......... Who knows what some raggedy old fairy will leave you!

Best wishes -

Oh, dear! :o

Look at the trouble my big mouth just got me into! :duck: :duck: I knew I should watch the adjectives!!!

That fairy must have a very good "intelligence-gathering" network!!!! :teeth::teeth::teeth:

Best wishes -
CarolMN said:
Oh, dear! :o

Look at the trouble my big mouth just got me into! :duck: :duck: I knew I should watch the adjectives!!!

:rotfl: Congrats on your lovely new tag!!! :rotfl:
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