thru 5/15**UPDATE**


Pixie Dust or Bust!!
Aug 25, 2000
Hot! New! Save $25 on a Hotel Reservation! (Enter code "HOTUW5CGC1")
Enter the coupon code in the "Additional savings" box to get this offer at

[This message was edited by tink2dw on 04-25-01 at 05:36 PM.]
I've never used Hotwire. Can you give a brief explanation. I heard that you state the area and type of room you want and they give you a price quote, but don't tell you what it is for until you accept. Is there an extra service charge?


Hotwire is like Priceline, with a couple of differences.
With Hotwire, you enter the city (and area within the city) that you want to stay in, and the dates. They come back with a list of prices and "key ratings." The key ratings are somewhat inflated. Subtract one "key" to get the approximate Priceline/AAA rating. (ie: A 4 "key" hotel is equal to a Priceline 3 "star" hotel.)
Here is the catch: You do not know the name of the hotel until you accept their offer.
Here is an example:
I tell them that I want to stay in the Disney area of Orlando. They tell me that I can geta 3 "key" hotel for $25 a night, a 4 "key" hotel for $38 a night, and another 4 "key" hotel for $59 a night. I choose the 4 "key" hotel that is $38 a night. They charge my credit card and give me the name of the hotel.
I have used them before and have no complaints.

Hope this helps
does the 25$ come off the "quoted" rate ....since one does not see it until you actually book the room ....

am about to do the booking but do not want to be burned....the rate they quote is 39$ with 11$ tax etc...i guess they do have a fee ...=))

with 25$ this would be a good rate...

is this code specific to an individual....???

[This message was edited by lawgs on 04-25-01 at 11:02 AM.]
I have used Hotwire for airfare and was very pleased, so I am considering using them for hotel accomodations especially since they are offering $25 off. Has anyone used them for hotels in the Disney or Universal area? If so, what hotel did you get once you accepted the bid?
The rate they quote you does NOT include the $25 discount. The discount is entered on a later screen.
there seems to be a problem with this code...

have just spent most of the morning trying to get a hotel room in disneyland area for next week and they are having trouble accepting the code....told me to call back later....maybe it is a priority code
The code was meant for employees of Hotwire, and was leaked to the public. I wouldn't be surprised if they retracted it.
I just tried the code, and it works for me. You enter it at the same time you enter your CC#, and if you click "Next" on that screen, you are not yet purchasing your travel so you will get a chance to see your discounted total before you have to buy.

Note that I have also been told (by a reliable source) though that this code was intended for Employees of Hotwire (I am not an employee of Hotwire or any affiliated/related company).
yes it give you the discount when have entered all your billing information...

but does not seem to let you purchase it....did not get a definative answer from them when i called.....just that they were having trouble with the code....and to call back...

one of the "customer service reps" even said that the code was alright to use....but that they were having trouble with it in the system....

if kil is right ....i can see why... while clicking thru on Milesource. It is listed with several other deals at Hotwire. I know that there are several people who like Hotwire,so since this was posted on a .com available to the world,I saw no harm in posting the info.

I'am sorry that it only works for some.

Lawgs-could this be another site that Canadians can't access,ie priceline??? :( :(

You get the $25 off the first price you see (before taxes and fees). So, if you get a rate of $30 it really is $5 plus taxes and fees. Hotwire displays the total cost before you give them your credit card, so you know exactly how much you are paying before you pay :) :D
TravelSheryl is right, the discount is per stay not per night and you get your total before you pay as well!
In response to kilarney about Hotwire key ratings, friends of mine have purchased rooms on Hotwire and found the Hotels nicer than they expected because they got such great deals for 4 key hotels! ;)

[This message was edited by Chellah on 04-25-01 at 06:52 PM.]
was able to access and had a US address and billing address but still they could not do anything for of yet

the last i talked to them ....they said they were having problems with the Hotel reservations and to try again today

tink the url .....correctly spelled....

could not seem to get to that site today

just found this url ...

does not say anything other than a new HOTWIRE thingy

[This message was edited by lawgs on 04-26-01 at 12:04 PM.]

just got off the phone after spending almost an hour with HOTWIRE trying to figure out why it is not going through....

it is a glitch in their computer system supposedly which is a "booking" computer setup...they have two to verify credit cards and one to she told me..they were able to verify credit card .....but were still getting the error...

all they said was i could try again tomorrow....but now i do not have to use the code since they have placed 25$HOT dollars in my account.....which i appreciate...

will keep you updated as to what is occurring.....hopefully i can get the room i want in anaheim before this is over..

[This message was edited by lawgs on 04-26-01 at 12:57 PM.]
Thanks Lawgs, Hotwire is awesome for offering a $25 discount to the general public. Thanks for finding the coupon url! I am going to try to use the coupon to surprise my husband for a little getaway! I will let you know how it goes.

[This message was edited by Chellah on 04-26-01 at 09:24 PM.]
just got off the phone again to hotwire...

as was stated earlier ...evidently that code was not suppost to get out.....but once it seems hotwire is honouring was a code for employees to use...however, since it was posted, on such places as dealcatchers and couponcraze they "changed" their system to accept it...

alas, we could not book a hotel since their system still cannot complete the transaction.....seems there is a breakdown in their system communicating with credit card companies, even though the credit card company approves the "cost"...when it gets back to their system they do not know what do with it and "locks" them out of the "hotel booking" system which is the final key to getting a booking....

it has been a frustrating 3 days and a lot of time spent on the phone with them....and still no resolution.....except they are working on it...

my question was why they could not contact their payment processor "company" to see what was happening....but it seems like it is just a computer....???? ...and no one knows why this is happening.....the only suggestion was to use another credit card which we do not have....

the one last thing we might try to do is use brother-in-laws credit card to see if that makes a difference

will update later..

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