hopper keeper?



Just wanted to know how you all keep your hopper passes neat when you walk in the park? They are so thin of paper and I don't want to have one mangled from water or sweat or pocket wear. You get the idea.. a lot of money to mess one up. Thank you ahead of time!Oh yea can you keep the hopper as a keepsake after the days are used up? Scrapbook fan!
On arrival day, head to a water park and pick up a carrier for passes. I believe they sell them at all the water parks.

You may also want to try bringing picture holders.

Can you use a picture protector and still use it for fastpass or do you have to take it out of the clear holders? I wanted to laminate and then thought it would not be scanable. Anybody got an idea? Can I purchase a protector other than water park? :rolleyes:
FYI - Hopper passes are now made out of a plastic much like a credit card.


Castmember Laura
I just got my 5 day hopper from AAA and they are not plastic like a credit card. Guess I got sold the old version for the new more expensive price! <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
Little plastic ziploc. We wear ours on neon shoelaces around our necks; stays handy for Fastpass that way.
thanks that is a check out! I think that sounds like just what I wanted. The money is right too. A dollar to protect hundreds seems worth it! <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">
Just purchased our 4-day hopper passes yesterday at out local Disney Store and got the fishing license holders at Wal-Mart-$0.67! They just fit! The holders have pins which I attached to lanyards (also from Wal-Mart-$2.67!) and we will be ready to hit WDW when we land in May! Learned about these helps from previous tips, every little bit from past visitors helps all of us new visitors and I thank everyone who shares all their ideas! (Wal-Mart was out of lime green ribbons, so next trip I will have to hit a fabric store for those!) Thanks again for all the help!


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