Hoop De Doo or CP Package


Oct 8, 2000
Really starting to firm up our dining options for our upcoming December visit......have eliminated some....have added some....

One of my final decisions is this one......

As a vegetarian....I'm not sure the package price would be worth it for me and the 15% EPCOT discount isn't a motivating factor....

My dd's were at the HDDR six years ago (6 & 8 at the time) and still talk about it!!!

So.....thinking I would "surprise" them with HDDR (I'll request the veggie option) on our last WDW evening and just stand in line and take whatever seating is available to us for us at CP..........

Does anyone think that we will "seriously" regret not doing the CP package?????
Does anyone think that we will "seriously" regret not doing the CP package?????

The Dinner Package? NO. The Candlelight Processional show itself? Absolutely!

But you can see the show without the package. Personally, I wouldn't even think of going to WDW in December without seeing the CP. It's beautifully done and so inspirational. Really gets us in the mood for Christmas.

Enjoy your trip!
As a vegetarian, would the $47.00+ veggie option at HDDR be worth it as well?

If DD's are the driving force behind going to HDDR, you always have the option of waiting in the stand-by line for the CP. But honestly, for vegetarian value, I would think Chefs DeFrance would provide a far superior vegetarian experience than HDDR at a cheaper price.


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