Honeymo78's Wedding Journal (Comments Welcome)

The past couple days have been tough for me emotionally and therefore affecting my food and excercise b/c DH is having some problems at work and may end up without a job - hopefully that won't be the case.

Dinner - went to a launch party with DH and had 1 piece quesadilla, 4 cocktail weiners, 1 chicken wing, veggies and dip, 2 pieces cheese
Got in water, vitamins and journal

Breakfast - 3 1/2 pumpkin walnut cookies, 1% milk
Lunch - 4 slices deli ham, 1 1/2 manwich open face sandwiches
Dinner - 5 slices deli ham, 2 servings pasta w/marg
Snack - 1% milk
Got in water, journal, vitamin

This morning I was down another pound so now I only have about 8 more to go to get to pre wedding weight.

Breakfast - frosted flakes w/1% milk, 2 slices italian toast w/pb
Lunch/Dinner - will be at 50's style diner
Journal 5/7
Water 4/7
Vitamin 5/7
Exercise 1/3 - it looks like I'll only get 2 days in this week but it's better than nothing.
The troubles for DH still aren't resolved but we are prepared regardless of how they work out. I'm still a big ball of emotional stress and hopefully I can control my eating. If you could send some :wizard: our way we would be grateful.

Dinner - cheeseburger hoagie, cheese fries, black and white shake
Did not get in my water yesterday but got in journal and vitamins

Breakfast - strawberries and cream oatmeal
Lunch - chicken fettucini
Dinner - hot roast beef hoagie, chicken noodle soup, (here's where I lost it) small bag of salt and vinegar chips, regular cherry coke
Dessert - 2 pieces toast w/marg and pb, 1%milk

Journal 6/7
Water 5/7
Vitamin 6/7
Exercise 1/3
Well another day of waiting for DH. His manager is making some calls tomorrow so we'll see how it goes. Right now he is suspended without pay until friday and hopefully his manager can get him back to work before then. Regardless of what happens DH has realized it is time to find a new job since he keeps getting kicked around at his current one.

Breakfast - strawberries and cream oatmeal
Lunch - will be hoagie and soup
Dinner - hopefully DH will make pasta sauce while I am at work and we'll have pasta

journal 7/7
water 5/7
vitamin 7/7
exercise 1/3

It looks like I'll finish up this week one day short on water (not too bad) and way short on exercise (doesn't stress burn more calories?). Hopefully next week will be much better all around.

My mom also decided to join us on our disney trip in Feb - wait before you say don't forget what happened the last time you did that - she has her own room at POP and we're at CR. We'll basically be eating together and touring together but we all will get some down time if we need a break from each other. Not staying in the same room is key. She's reallly excited about going since she hasn't been in almost 2 years. I was surprised that DH was the one who suggested she should come along. He really is a great guy.
Well, I'll first post what is going on with things then get to the food. DH has officially quit his job - they were trying to get rid of him and rather than let them fire him he decided it would be better in the long run if he quit. He has an interview tomorrow with UPS and on Thurs with Best Buy. I hope at least one of these pans out so he can start working again right away. I know they won't pay as much as what he had been doing but it shouldn't be too bad at least while he is looking for a permanent solution. He is also thinking about going to culinary school (something he has wanted to do for a long time) and this spring might be his opportunity. We'll definitely have to sit down and look at financials but I think we can do it. In the meantime this should help out my weightloss - no more eating out/fast food, bring my lunch to work, and no buying snacks at work. The exercise might fall by the wayside since I'll be working about 55hrs per week but I guess just the food intake should help out some.

lunch - ham and cheese hoagie, chicken noodle soup, baked lays
dinner - pasta and meatballs - I overate, as usual and had lots of garlic bread
vitamin, journal, not enough water

lunch - pasta and meatballs - more reasonable this time
dinner - fish sticks and tater tots - went overboard on the tater tots
dessert - 3 pumpkin walnut cookies
vitamin, journal, enough water if you count the crystal light I drank

Breakfast - fruit loops, skim milk, bagel w/lite cream cheese
lunch - 3 cheese rotini bowl appetit
dinner - maybe kielbasa and potatos?
water, journal, vitamin

Hopefully the emotional eating is over. Please send good thoughts for my DH in finding a job quickly.

Hey sweetie! I'm sorry to read about all that is going on with your DH's job.:( I will definitely keep you and you husband in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:

Sending you lots of :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for the days ahead. Take good care of you, Steph! :hug:
Thanks so much for the :wizard: Tracy!
DH's UPS interview got pushed back to friday due to the interviewer being sick. Hopefully we'll have some good news in the next couple days.

Dinner - kielbasa, potatos, corn (I used a really small plate b/c the big ones were in the dishwasher and the only thing I went back for was 2 more little slices of kielbasa)
water, journal, vitamin

Breakfast - fruit loops, skim milk, everything bagel w/cream cheese
Lunch - LC beef and broccoli, chicken noodle soup
Snack - 94% ff popcorn
Dinner - leftover pasta and meatballs
Dessert - 2 donuts (woops!)
water, journal, vitamin

I'm definitely feeling the TOM bloat. I weighed the same this morning as I did last night - usually I'm a few pounds lighter in the morning. I'm hoping for a nice woosh after this weekend when TOM is gone. I think even with the donuts I got in fewer calories than I have been eating in the past. That LC for lunch really makes a difference in calories and having a slightly larger breakfast than before keeps me from needing a snack in the morning - plus it's an easy way to get in my dairy.
Oh Steph - sorry I haven't been here for a while but I came and saw about your dh's work situation. I'm sorry to hear that. But around here working for UPS is a great job. Generally they make pretty good money and have decent benefits, depending on the position. So good luck to him!!!!

And you are keeping up with the goals you have set which is great. And you are like me, I don't like my food touching unless I made it touch on purpose. LOL And my dd does it to and I know she got that from me!!!! ROFL

Keeping your guys in my thoughts!!!!
Take care
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Grrr - I just tried to post for the past 3 days and it had an error. I really dont want to type it all out again so you'll get the condensed version. DH got hired at Best Buy - not full time but they will try to give him as many hours as possible. He goes to the culinary school on monday - I'm worried that we'll have a problem with our vacation. I don't know what the school's attendance policy is. I'm sure we'll argue over that one.

Food has been on track except for finishing up the last 2 donuts on Thursday. Water and vitamin have been there too. I'm ditching exercise for a little while. I'm only taking 1 day off a week now and after 11 hours at work the other days I'm not in the mood to exercise.

Breakfast - bagel w/cream cheese
Lunch - will be LC salisbury steak
Dinner - will be leftovers
DH and I went grocery shopping when I got home from work - we actually got lots of food and not just junk. Well DH did get some oreos but I won't be tempted by them. We were starving by the time we got done and DH really wanted some pizza so we got Papa Johns. That thin crust pizza is the devil. I ate 6 pieces!!! and there are only 8 pieces in the whole thing!! Oh well, I don't think we'll be having pizza again for a while so I might as well enjoy myself. I'll be getting home an hour before DH today and I have some much to do before he gets home. He really doesn't like to clean up after himself and the living room and computer room have gotten really bad since I usually don't have time to clean. I'm going to try and get them straighted (but not his desk - that is his problem to deal with) and vacuumed before he comes home. I know I won't be able to get anything done once he's there. I also have to put some laundry away but I can do that while he plays on the computer tonight.

Lunch - LC salisbury steak and mac and cheese
Snack - slim fast peanut butter crunch snack bar
Dinner - 6 slices thin crust pizza
water, journal, vitamin

Breakfast - bagel w/lite cream cheese, banana
Lunch - will be LC madarin chicken
Dinner - definitely some kind of leftovers
Hi Stephanie!

Stopping by to WISH you a wonderful day today! :goodvibes I'm glad to hear that your DH has a new job! I hope everything works out for you both! :goodvibes

Have a Happy Thanksgiving! :goodvibes
Pizza is a definite downfall for me too - so I try to only get pizza that I know I can control.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Thank goodness the Thanksgiving holiday is over. It was my excuse to eat anything and everything – from my favorite diner in my hometown, to popcorn at the movies twice, to numerous wawa hoagie runs, and of course Thanksgiving dinner. My water intake was horrible too. I did manage to take my vitamins all but one day (when I was at my mom’s house). My scale may be working again – I think it’s a battery problem – and I’m back up to 206. I was so happy to see 202 early last week but of course I couldn’t control myself. I’m hoping to see some of that disappear as I up my water intake this week.

Breakfast – total, skim milk, raisin swirl bagel
Lunch – salad w/ff honey mustard dressing, veggie barley soup (mainly just broth)
Snack – small piece of extra dark chocolate and I’ll probably have some popcorn lightly seasoned with olive oil and I’ll try really hard not to eat the whole bag! I wasn’t quite that good, I ate ¾ of the bag (3 servings) but at least I didn’t eat it all. I am so stuffed now though. I wish the little store downstairs sold them in smaller bags, then maybe I would be able to control myself.
Dinner – should be hamburger helper
I was feeling a little ill Monday night when I got off the train so dinner started out as just some Minestrone soup but a little later I was feeling much better and a lot hungrier so DH and I had some chicken nuggets and crinkle cut fries.

Yesterday I kind of splurged with food. Breakfast was bacon, egg, and cheese bagel and morning snack was the last of the popcorn. Lunch was some onion rings and chicken noodle soup. I had also ordered a chicken cheese steak but was full after the other stuff and I didn’t force myself to eat it. I just put it in the fridge and I’ll have it today. Afternoon snack was 5 dark choco Hershey kisses and boy were they so yummy. By the time dinner was ready I was famished. I guess I didn’t eat enough to fill me up at lunch. I had two servings of hamburger helper crunchy taco and some corn and green beans. I was very glad my pig out day wasn’t as bad as it could have been.

I’ve gotten back to getting in my water but I still “feel” a little bloated. Hopefully by the end of the week I’ll be feeling normal.

Today I had cheerios and skim milk for breakfast. I’ll have my cheesesteak from yesterday for lunch. I’m not sure about dinner since DH will be at work until 10 and I know I won’t wait that long to eat. Hopefully it will just be some soup and sandwich or some noodles and sauce.

I’ll probably leave work early today b/c I want to get a haircut. I’m going for something a bit shorter. I want to get it done with plenty of time to spare before Feb in case I don’t like it. That way I would be able to grow it back out a bit if I don’t like it or get the cut freshened up before we go if I do like it. I have to call a little later to get an appointment – if I can’t get one, then no leaving work early. DH has his second interview with the culinary school today. I don’t know if they’ll tell him whether he is accepted or not until after all his paperwork is reviewed but hopefully she’ll be able to give him a good idea whether he’ll be admitted. Supposedly his loan went through pending verification of his enrollment – at least we don’t have to worry about that. I hope it won’t be too long before he finds out since he’ll have to order uniforms and his equipment and classes start in a little over a month.
Hey Steph!

Stopping by to WISH you a wonderful weekend! :sunny: We'll be leaving for WDW on Sunday so I'll see you when we get back! :jumping1:

Take care! :hug:
Hi Steph!

Stopping by to WISH you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year! :goodvibes I hope to "see" you here soon! Take care, sweetie! :hug:


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