Honeymo78's Wedding Journal (Comments Welcome)

Thanks pearlieq. I'm definitely not living on milk duds :rotfl: and my mom never leaves the house without tums so I think I'm good :)

I was pleasantly surprised this morning. I'm now only up 1lb from a couple weeks ago. I very well may see 194 again but if I don't no sweat. It must have been my body readjusting after 2 days of not getting much water in, then 2 days of lots of water. It's amazing what not drinking enough water will do to you.

I was pretty good yesterday, with the exception of the coke and some fritos, but since I had to leave the building to get them I at least got in a 4 big city block walk. I'll probably go again today but I'm getting a diet soda this time and maybe no snack but we'll see how work goes. Dan and I also watched Team America while we ate dinner. That is one crazy movie and we couldn't stop laughing, but then again we're still at that point where basically anything by the South Park creators is funny to us. And just to let you know, freedom costs a buck oh five.

Well I'm off to work - just doing a few hours today so I have off tomorrow and half of tuesday with Dan. Those will be the last days we have off together until friday right before the wedding. Oh and did I mention I need new jeans. I hate shopping for them but there is a big mirror in the bathroom at work and I realized how saggy these jeans are pretty much everywhere (butt, hips, legs) and I remember when they were tight and not just b/c I keep putting them in the dryer.

Have a great day everyone :sunny:
Wow Steph!

Your wedding/honeymoon is soooo close! I want to send you and your DF some :goodvibes and :wizard: for the weeks leading up to the wedding. I remember how busy and stressful they can be. Keep in mind that after everything is said and done, you're going to Disney World! ;) :Pinkbounc ::MickeyMo

Have a great weekend! :sunny:
Okay, a little late but better than never. Here is a picture of my wedding dress. I'm not wearing the full length gloves with it, just to the wrist and my veil is very similar to the one in the picture however it will attach under my updo since I have a tiara type thing for my hair.

Hi Steph!

Your dress is beautiful! princess: I bet you are getting so excited! :Pinkbounc Just a few more days now! :goodvibes

Sending you and your husband-to-be many good WISHes for many years of love, prosperity, blessings, and happiness! :goodvibes Best WISHes to you both, now and always! :groom: :bride:
I hope that everything has gone well for you and that you are having a truly magical time!!!!! Can't wait to hear from you when you get back.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Well I’m back from the wedding and honeymoon and ready to get back on track. I had a great time – ate myself silly and walked nonstop. I’ll post some pictures from both once I get some scanned in. I don’t think I’ll be weighing in this week for a couple reasons – TOM starts next week so I’m super bloated from that, I didn’t drink nearly enough water while I was away, and my feet and ankles are super swollen. I really don’t want to get discouraged by seeing a number that doesn’t really reflect where I am. I’m taking it easy on exercise this week too – my feet are just too sore for any extra walking. Next week I’ll be back to walking and hopefully 2 days in the pool. Today is my first day back at work and it will be my first day back at food journaling.

Breakfast – peaches and cream oatmeal, cinnamon applesauce cup
Snack – 100 cal chips ahoy, sugar free hot chocolate

I’m really glad that the weather has turned cooler. Before we left it was still kind of warm but now all the days are in the 60s and it’s cool enough at night to sleep with the windows open. The electric bill should go down some now and the cats love sitting in the open windows.

I’ll work on visiting journals later this week/weekend and hopefully I’ll be posting a trip report soon.
Can I have a do over? Yesterday was a food mess. I ate my lean cuisine a little early and by the time I went to get some soup since I was still hungry I ended up with a ham and cheese sandwich too. Then it was someone’s anniversary for working on our project so there was cake and of course I had a piece. Then I got a bag of popcorn when I went to get a diet soda. At least it was organic popcorn lightly flavored with olive oil and not the processed butter flavor high fat stuff. Dinner wasn’t too bad – home made breaded chicken strips, corn and a potato.

I think I have to admit that a lean cuisine doesn’t fill me up for lunch. I know it’s supposed to but 300cal really isn’t enough to keep me satisfied until a snack at 4pm. I need to plan on adding some soup, salad or a sandwich and not feel guilty about doing it.

Today is a new day.
Breakfast – peaches and cream oatmeal, cinnamon applesauce cup
Welcome back Stephanie! :Pinkbounc

I'm glad to hear that you had a great time at WDW! :goodvibes Can't wait to read your trip report! :teeth:

Don't worry too much about yesterday. Remember.... sometimes it takes a few days to get back in the swing of things after a magical trip to WDW. You CAN do it! :cheer2:

Have a great weekend! :sunny:
Thanks for stopping by Tracy :wave: I'm sure I'll get back into the groove soon.

Yesterday’s food wasn’t too bad – definitely better than Thursday’s. I also need to remember that I’m not going back to the strict calorie counting I was doing over the summer. My focus (once my feet heal) will be geared more toward exercise and healthier eating (like getting in fruits and veggies).

Lunch – garden salad with egg, bacon, sliced turkey and thousand island dressing
Snack – 100 cal peanut butter cookies
Dinner – breaded chicken strips, mashed potato, cheesy noodles
Dessert – 5 el fudge cookies, 2 choc chip cookies

Maybe my fruit and veggie goal will be to eat at least 1 serving of fruit and 2 servings of veggies each day. I know that is less than what is recommended but since there are days when I don’t eat any fruit and the only veggie I have is a potato, I think this is a pretty good goal.

Thursday’s fruit – applesauce, chunks of peaches in the oatmeal
Thursday’s veggies – garden salad (surely more than 2 servings of veggies)

Our new couch arrived yesterday morning. It’s a bit smaller than our old couch length wise which is actually good considering the size of the living room but it really is nice and fluffy and even sits up a little higher. I now just have to find another outlet to plug the heat/massage into.

DH is back to work today. He had to go in an hour and a half early b/c he has his interview for the assistant manager position and then an individual meeting with the new manager to lay down her plan for the store. I’m really nervous for him. He has given so much to his job and taken on so much extra responsibility for his store, basically stepped up when no one else wanted to, and then he keeps getting passed over for a promotion. It’s really starting to frustrate him too and is making him enjoy his work less and less each time this happens.
Breakfast - peaches and cream oatmeal
Snack - bagel with cream cheese
Lunch - less than 1/3 order of beef broccoli and fried rice, pt wonton soup, vegetable eggroll, bag of noodles, fortune cookie

I ate a lot less chinese than I usually do but I shouldn't have eaten that much at all cause now I'm so stuffed. Part of it is b/c I was upset after talking to disney. DH got a pin code in his email for jan/feb which would be great for our valentines trip. It would give us about $100 off per night at WL - great. But you can't book the premium package with this code but you can do the disney dining add on. Now I have to talk to DH about what we want to do if we go - tours and some recreation, or just parks and shopping. If it's tours and recreation we'll have to forgo the discount and do the premium package. If we'll do basic touring we can go with the discount and get basic dining and just pay extra for the other meals.

Oh and I just got a text message from DH saying he is going to look for a new job b/c he thinks he is getting screwed at work again.
Lets see what I ate the rest of yesterday.
Snack - tomato juice and sliced tomato
Dinner - dbl qtr pounder w/cheese, large fries
Dessert - 1 choc chip cookie

I ddi well on veggies yesterday but the only fruit I had was in the oatmeal. I plan on eating a full piece of fruit today.

Good news, we booked our Valentine's Day/DH Birthday Trip. We'll be spending 4 nights at the Contemporary tower MK view. We've never stayed there before and I had asked if we could do it for the first night of an anniversary trip before we started our package just so I can stay "where the monorail lives." Since we had the pin code DH suggested we see about the Contemporary for this shorter trip and just not use the premium package this time since it will be cooler and we won't be out on the water or doing tours. We did add the dining plan since it seems silly not to. A TS and CS definitely would cost us more than the cost of adding it. Now I have to figure out our ADRs since I have to call in less than a month. I'm so excited!!!
Well yesterday ended up being my "off" day for the week since I couldn't control myself at all. I think it would have been better if I had gone into work instead of staying home and doing chores - I wouldn't have had access to all that food.

Breakfast - minestrone soup, sliced tomato
Lunch - chicken noodle soup, ham and cheese hoagie
Dinner - beef pasta hamburger helper, mashed potato
Snacks - (this is the bad part) 2 payday bars, coke slurpee, 4 choc chip cookies

I had planned on taking a walk yesterday too but mom intervened. At least I got some walking in at the mall. My mom had to pick up her brother at the airport which is near where I live so she called and asked if I would ride over there with her. I haven't seen my uncle in years since he lives in Colorado so I went along just to say hi. I also got all my thank you cards done :)

Well my schedule at work has changed a bit at DH's request - it's not a bad thing, just will take me a little to adjust and figure out where to fit in some exercise. He likes me to take a day off during the week when he has off so we can spend at least one day a week together - that I have been doing for a while now. Last night he asked if I could go to work an hour later so I don't have to go to bed so early. To be at work at 7am I would be in bed by 10:30 and when he doesn't come home from work some nights until after 10 that meant we didn't really see each other for more than a hello/goodnight. It just means that I have to work an extra hour later (get home at 8 instead of 7) if I want to keep up my current schedule of 50hrs with 2 days off. I guess that's a good excuse to go to the pool since it's open until 9:45 most week nights.

I better get back to work. The client is visiting sometime today so we need to be on our best behavior which means staying off the internet :(
Breakfast – peaches and cream oatmeal, banana
Snack – sugar free hot chocolate, 100 cal peanut butter cookies
The client was supposed to be in around 12:45 but a half hour later, still hadn’t arrived so none of us can break for lunch. My tummy was growling pretty bad so I had 2 saltines to tide me over until I could go get soup and salad. They ended up not showing until after 2 and boy was I hungry by then. Of course I end up overeating but at least it was on relatively healthy foods and not junk

Lunch – large chef salad w/thousand island dressing, large Italian wedding soup
I'm having a bad food day already. I just ate a 99cent size bag of choc covered pretzels. TOM starts tomorrow so I know why I was craving the sweet and salty but I really didn't need that snack. I'm going to try to skip my afternoon snack today since I definitely don't need more snacks today. It might be hard since I'm going home early to spend the rest of the day with DH and I don't know what he has planned.

Breakfast - bagel, half w/lite cream cheese, half w/butter, banana
Snack - bag of choc covered pretzels
Ahh the TOM-induced salty sweet snack attacks! 3 billion women know exactly what you're talking about! I hope it passes soon and you can get back to normal.

So glad to hear the wedding and honeymoon went well. How exciting to be planning another trip already!
Kind of a late welcome back but WELCOME BACK!!!!

Sorry to hear about your dh and his job. Hope things are continuing to go well for you.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
Thanks for stopping by again Chris :sunny: I've been neglecting other journals for a while so I really need to make that a priority over the next few days.

I've been away for a week and off the wagon as well. DH and I had upper respiratory infections and were out of comission for the past week. That meant eating a lot of crap/fast food since neither of us really felt like cooking. And exercise was definitely out of the question. Well after all that and the honeymoon I'm back in the 200s =( I really need to start working my way out of there. I have another disney trip coming up in 3 months and I need to get in shape. It's never too late to start over, right? I did end up cancelling our gym membership since we weren't using it and no sense in throwing $50/month down the drain. I had thought that paying it would make me go but no such luck. I'll get back to the treadmill; I have plenty of good books to read - plus I know I won't want to leave the house once it gets cold.

Yesterday was the first day I was feeling well so we'll start there, even though I didn't do a great job eating. I can tell it will take a while to get back on track.

Breakfast - 2 tastycake cookie bars
Snack - Slurpee (I was drinking one almost every day when I was sick since the cold really made my sore throat feel better)
Lunch - 2 home made taco wraps
Snack - cherry coke
Dinner - 1 packet ring noodle soup, tomato juice
Dessert - bowl of lucky charms
Exercise - 1 mile treadmill

Breakfast - Egg BLT sandwich, orange mango nantucket nectar
Snack - banana
Lunch - chicken salad club wrap, small french onion soup, diet soda
Snack - apple bagel w/butter, diet tea

I probably won't exercise tonight since I won't be home until 8pm and I want to spend some time with DH. He is transfering to a new store next week - getting out from under the new evil manager (she was telling everyone that he was faking sick just to get time off - DH never misses work for no reason, and he must have felt really bad since he actually went to the dr) and going back to working for his last manager with whom he gets along great. My dad is coming up this weekend to show me the proofs from the wedding so I can order my wedding album. I really can't wait to see how those pictures came out.
Oh Stephanie how absolutely beautiful you are!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing that picture. That is a gorgeous dress also!!!!

You sound so happy in your posts, even when your day hasn't been great (not that you didn't sound happy before, it's a different happy). And good for your dh, he doesn't need to work under those conditions; it's not healthy for ANYONE (including his boss).

Keep on :banana: :banana:

Thank you so much for your encouragement in my journal. I appreciate you! :goodvibes

That is a beautiful picture of you and your DH! :bride: + :groom: = :cloud9:

I bet your DH is happy to be transferring to a different store. ::yes:: WISHing him the best in his new job! :goodvibes

By the way... if you ever have any questions about eBay, please feel free to ask. I'm not an expert, but I will help you the best I can. :goodvibes

Have a wonderful weekend! :sunny:


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