Honeymo78's Wedding Journal (Comments Welcome)

Hi Tracy and Chris!!

Thank you for the compliments on the wedding picture. I'm so happy to be able to share it with you.

Last night was good and bad food wise. Dinner was 2 helpings of three cheese hamburger helper, 2 helpings corn, and a handful of fries. Dessert was 2 halloween frosted cookies. It's really hard for me not to go back for seconds on dinner. For so much of my life I have eaten 2 helpings and now I always feel hungry after just one. I think I should try taking smaller amounts both times and see how that works out. I also didn't need those cookies, even DH said I didn't need them, but I wanted something sweet. At least there are only 4 more left.

DH switched shifts with someone at work so instead of closing today, he opens so I doubt I'll get in any walking when I get home from work since we'll be making dinner and I'm staying late again. However, tomorrow DH is working a double so when I get done work I'll have plenty of time to exercise.
Good job acknowledging what you need to change. What kind of plate/bowl do you use? Try using a smaller one when serving yourself, that's an easy way to cut calories. Also, if you're eating dinner in front of the TV (something DH and I are guilty of), you may be eating too fast and your body may not recognize when it's full.

Keep up the good work!
I had a hard time not going for seconds either and I just made sure I made more items to eat for dinner. Made sure to also eat a salad before eating my main meal. That really helped me out. I agree that maybe using a smaller plate or bowl might help too. Or like you said, measure out 1/2 a cup of something and then go back for the other 1/2 cup if you normally eat a cup. Or one half serving of something so you can go back and get the other half serving.

Another idea that was always told to us when I was in Weight Watchers was dish out your food and immediately put the leftovers away before eating. I have done that on occasion and it has helped me not go back and eat more.

Good luck
Keep on :banana: :banana:
Chris and goodeats - those are some great ideas. I think I'll be trying the half portion method at dinner tonight. I might need to get some new plates too - we have 2 sizes right now, regular and size of a slice of bread (and I have issues with my food touching so I doubt I could fit more than 1 thing even small sized on that plate).

Breakfast - bacon, egg, cheese on mutli grain bread and 4 slices bacon
Not the healthiest I know but less than $2 and very yummy and kept me from snacking all morning except for my banana which I knew I had to eat.
Snack - banana
Lunch - Lean Cuisine Beef and Broccoli w/rice
Snack - slice of choc cake
It's a good think I stuck with the LC for lunch. It was someone's last day and I gave in to a small piece of cake. I'll probably grab another snack around 4 or 5 (pretzels) since I'm here until 7:30 and I know I will be hungry before then.
I typed up a post yesterday but it refused to post and I forgot to copy the text.

Fri night I tried the whole salad before the main meal and also smaller helpings. It sort of worked even though I had seconds on salad. DH forgot to put the chicken in the oven when I left work so it was another hour after I got home before we could eat and I was so hungry. I guess there's nothing really wrong with 2 helpings of salad - even the dressing was lo cal. I still had 2 servings of cheesy chicken & potato but they were each a bit smaller than ususal. And no dessert either.

Yesterday I pigged out at lunch. I was a little cranky about our reservation issues (see my post on resorts board). Breakfast was lean cuisine meatloaf (the only other thing I had at work was oatmeal and I really didn't want that). Lunch was ham and cheese sub w/mayo and bacon, chicken noodle soup, salt and vinegar chips and regular root beer. Dinner was pretty good though, sliced cucumber, minestrone soup and tomato juice. Late snack was sweet tea. I was supposed to work out last night but I was having some intestinal issues that have also carried over until today (maybe its all the veggies?)

Today's food has been pretty good too. Breakfast was lucky charms. Morning snack was 4 slices of deli ham. Lunch was minestrone soup, ham and cheese sandwich, sliced cucumber, tomato juice. Afternoon snack was just some grape koolaid.

I'm going to try and take a half hour walk outside if my tummy allows. It has been in the mid/low 50's all week but today it is up in the mid 60's so I better take advantage of it.
Hi Steph! :wave2:

I hope your tummy is feeling better this morning. :goodvibes I hope you have a great Monday! :sunny: Take care! :hug:
Yesterday I did manage to get a walk in. The weather was beautiful for my ½ hour walk around the neighborhood. I didn’t really power walk, but it wasn’t a leisurely stroll. I’d like to get out today while the weather is still nice but even with leaving work early to be home in time for trick or treaters I’m not sure I’ll have time before they come calling. It all depends on the trains. Right now there is a transit worker strike and the only transit running are the regional rail trains so everyone is packing on them since there are no buses and they are predicting longer than normal waits, delays, etc. As long as I’m home before 5:30 I’ll be able to get a walk in.

Dinner last night was KFC. I had 1 drumstick and picked at a wing and thigh and 2/3 of a large mashed potato w/gravy.

I definitely didn’t have a healthy breakfast. I went to the cafeteria to get an egg and cheese sandwich and the guy make the egg and cheese part huge (of course I ate it all though) and I had a 4 slices bacon. Lunch will be better. I’m planning on veg barley soup and a ham and cheese sandwich w/lettuce, tomato and onion – no mayo. I also think I’ll skip my morning snack or just get a banana and have some tea w/honey (it will help warm me up too).
We didn't have nearly as many trick or treaters as I had expected and now we have plenty of candy left over. I think I'll be taking it to work so I don't pig out.

Snack - banana, tea w/honey
Lunch - veggie barley soup, ham and cheese sandwich
Dinner - salad, 4 fun size candies
Snack - 1/2 bowl of ramen
Exercise - 20 min walk

DH and I both had off today and we kinda vegged most of the day but he did make me breakfast while I was out for a walk.

Breakfast - pancakes, bacon, milk
Lunch - tomato and cucumber salad, minestrone soup,
Snack - fun size candy
Dinner - pot roast w/potato and carrots, 5 slices bread w/butter (I can't say no to fresh italian bread, good thing we don't have it more than every other week), glass of apple cider
Exercise - 30 min walk

I have come up with a few goals for Nov - journal all my food even if I'm having a bad food day (hopefully this will help me come up with a healthy way to eat that I can stick to it forever, and not just a diet), exercise 3x/week, take multivitamin every day, 5 disney mugs of water every day (not just when I'm at work and drink about 10). I may add to this later but this will be a start.

Food journal - 1/7
Exercise - 1/3 for the week
Vitamin - 1/7
Water - 1/7 I just came up with this goal now so I wasn't really following it today. I've had 2 mugs of water, and 2 glasses of crystal light (close to water right?) and I'm gonna fill up my mug again before bed. I'll count today since I really came close even though I didn't have a goal in mind until now.
Today has been pretty good.

Breakfast - 2 slices italian bread w/honey, special k w/skim milk
Snack - banana
Lunch - 2/3 large garden salad w/creamy italian (not lite :(), chicken noodle soup
Dinner - 2 cheese, onion tomato quesadilla's w/low fat sour cream, 4 slices thin deli ham, tomato juice
Snack - glass of apple cider

I decided to count monday in my totals for the week since I'll never remember to start the week on a tues

Journal - 3/7
Exercise - 2/3
Vitamin - 3/7
Water - 3/7
Thanks for stopping by Tracy - while I haven't posted in your journal, your entire family is in my thoughts.

I'm still holding steady well above the 200 mark :( I'm sure that will change this month if I stick to my new plan.

Breakfast - 2 slices 12 grain toast w/pb, special k red berries w/skim milk
Lunch - bbq chicken wrap (chicken, lettuce, cole slaw, fried onions)
Dinner - will be bacon cheeseburger hamburger helper and probably some corn, I'm going to measure out my servings so each is only 1 cup (1 cup=1serving) and if I really need 2 helpings at least I have kept them to a reasonable size. UPDATE - I had 2 cups of hamburger helper, definitely much less than I usually eat but I was still full afterwards, and some corn.

Journal - 4/7
Water - 4/7
Vitamin - 4/7 (i'm trying to take it with my bc pills in the morning so i dont forget)
Exercise - 3/3 (I hope to get a walk in this afternoon before dinner, still have some laundry to put away but I think I'll put half away and then go for a walk) UPDATE - got in my walk and put away half the laundry. It was really getting dark when I walked and I never realized how few streetlights we actually have. I hope to get in another walk sometime this weekend.
So my new plan for Nov must be working. I've lost 3lbs this week - only 4 more to go to get back to the 190's.

Breakfast - fruit loops (less cals than the special k yesterday), skim milk, 12 grain toast w/marg
Lunch - takeout beef w/string beans and rice (I only ate half, I'm so proud), pint wonton soup, fortune cookie
Dinner - should be leftovers, maybe salad

Water - 5/7
Journal - 5/7
Vitamin 5/7
Exercise 3/3

Tomorrow will be a bad food day but I'm okay with that. We are going to see my dad and eating at a local diner that we love but don't get to eat at often (closed during summer and holidays which is when I visit my hometown the most)
Last night's food wasn't that good but I didn't show a gain this morning either. Some of the leftovers had gone bad and DH ended up eating the good stuff for lunch. He really wanted fishsticks but I was craving a burger so I said we should get wendys and he agreed.

Dinner - big bacon classic, fries, frosty

I don't plan on having breakfast today, just an early lunch since dinner will be around 4pm and I have to eat something before then. I forgot to grab a lean cuisine from home so I'll probably just get a hoagie and soup from wawa (my usual working weekend lunch). I know DH will be hungry again tonight after dinner since it's so early but I hope I can convince him to find something and let me eat just a little bit - like breakfast sized meal. Nothing wrong with eating lunch, dinner and then breakfast right?

Lunch - ham and cheese hoagie w/let, tom, onion, no oil or mayo, italian wedding soup
Dinner - cheesesteak, gravy fries, sweet tea

Journal - 6/7
Water - 6/7
Vitamin - 6/7
Exercise 3/3 hopefully tomorrow I'll get in a walk after work

We ended up going to the casino with my mom last night after getting my picutres from my dad. That meant no later dinner which was not a problem for me. We didn't win anything but we didn't lose that much either and we all had a greally good time.
Congrats on 3lbs down! Good for you! I'm glad things are working out for you!

Sounds like you had a very fun night last night! Hope today is great as well!!!

Yesterday was okay but I didn't get any exercise in, the day just seemed to slip away from me.

Lunch - KFC chicken wrap, fries, 6 hushpuppies, nestea
Snack - coke slurpee
Dinner - sliced cucumber, ham and cheese sandwich, minestrone soup, tomato juice
Dessert - 2 pumpkin walnut cookies
Water - 7/7
Vitamins - 7/7
Journal - 7/7
Exercise - 3/3

It looks like I did a pretty good job last week on my goals. I was up again on the scale this morning but I think it has to do with my water consumption/salt intake yesterday. I have a feeling it will all be gone tomorrow. I did get in my 5 mugs but I think that wasn't enough compared to what I drink the rest of the week at work and with a saltier food day. I'm still keeping my goal at 5 mugs b/c that is much better than what I was doing before when I'm at home.

New week
Breakfast - frosted flakes, skim milk, 2 slices 12 grain toast w/marg
Lunch - large garden salad w/ff italian dressing, roll
Dinner - LC turkey dinner

Journal - 1/7
Water - 1/7
Vitamin - 1/7
Exercise - 0/3 probably won't get any in until thursday - I did clean the kitchen after work (swept and mopped too) but I won't count that as "official" exercise
Hi Steph!

You did a great job on your goals last week! :goodvibes Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

Have a wonderful week! :sunny: :cheer2:
Thanks for stopping by Pearlieq and Tracy :wave:
Your encouragement really means a lot to me.
Breakfast - corn flakes w/skim milk, bagel w/lite cream cheese
Lunch - minestrone soup and LC cheddar potato
Snack - 100 cal pack
Dinner - manwich w/fries - I only had one helping (2 slices bread with manwich on both, open face style) and a good amt of fries. Normally I would have gone back for another sandwich
Dessert - 2 pumpkin walnut cookies (so yummy!!), cup of 1% milk

Journal - 2/7
Vitamins - 2/7
Water - 2/7
Exercise - 0/3
Mmm...Manwich. I keep meaning to make it and I don't get around to it. You've inspired me--we're having Manwich this week!

I hope you have a great day. Keep up the good work!!! :goodvibes
Hi Pearlieq :sunny: I have been begging DH for months to have manwich and he finally was in the mood :) I'll probably have more for dinner tonight or lunch tomorrow.

Breakfast - fruit loops w/skim milk, 2 slices 12 grain w/grape jelly (I wonder which topping is better for me jelly, marg, or lite cream cheese?), hot tea w/splenda
Lunch - turkey reuben, italian wedding soup
Snack - lipton cup of soup
Dinner - manwich??

Journal - 3/7
Water - 3/7
Vitamin - 3/7
Exercise - 0/3 I'll thinking of getting in a walk tonight after dinner but we'll see.


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