Hillary Supporters unite....no bashing please! only smiles

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How exactly is that different than what Geraldine Ferraro said? Didn't she make the claim that the black community was voting for BO?

Excuse the interruption.....

No have not heard it from her. I heard it from CNN when they had there panel talking/discussing who will be getting who's votes. And that came up. I also heard it on FOX. I have hered it so far about 6 times here and there from different commentators.

They have brought it up when discussing that Obama cant win with just the Black and young vote and that if he is not the nominee than the party runs the risk of Offending the black voters and that they will not come out and vote if that happens.

I watch the news all day long while at home. SAHM and it is always on while cleaning or on the DIS. Also when going to bed. So I catch and switch through all the channels so catch a lot of junk.
I absolutely would love to hear hard questions (and answers) for both of them. There has been too much fluff in this election. There has been almost no discussion of their respective economic plans despite the fact that we are heading into a serious recession.

I always said that they should ask the Democrat candidates the same questions they asked the Republican candidates & vice versa during the debates.
I always said that they should ask the Democrat candidates the same questions they asked the Republican candidates & vice versa during the debates.
I remember debates where the candidates were all asked the same questions. It seemed fair.

The problem has been the lack of issues in these debates. I would like to see a discussion of health plans, the economy, the war and so on. I would like to know where all of the candidates stand on these issues today. If we could just have one without moderators then we might be on to something.
I always said that they should ask the Democrat candidates the same questions they asked the Republican candidates & vice versa during the debates.

These last debates have been horrible (or so I've read). I stopped watching them because I voted already, and know who I want.

I think we all (the collective we) need to stop treating this like a horse race or a sporting event ........

I think we Hillary supporters should take a step back and think -

Will it be the end of the world if Obama gets the nomination? Yeah - he's not our first choice (by the way - my sort of first choice was Biden) - but would it really be that bad if he won?

Will it be worse if McCain ends up winning?

By the way - Obama supporters should probably do the same thing.
I remember debates where the candidates were all asked the same questions. It seemed fair.

The problem has been the lack of issues in these debates. I would like to see a discussion of health plans, the economy, the war and so on. I would like to know where all of the candidates stand on these issues today. If we could just have one without moderators then we might be on to something.

This is true. The questioners already know the campaign canned answers on the issues - so they ask questions on the controversies in the news.......

The questioners need to remember that they are performing a service for the American citizenry.......
Will it be the end of the world if Obama gets the nomination? Yeah - he's not our first choice (by the way - my sort of first choice was Biden) - but would it really be that bad if he won?

Will it be worse if McCain ends up winning?

By the way - Obama supporters should probably do the same thing.
Good points. After GW Bush, anyone is an improvement - no disrespect meant to Obama. It's good to have decent choices.

By the way, my first choice was Edwards. I THINK that Obama would have been my third choice either way but I admit not knowing as much as I should about Biden.
CNN is talking about Rev. Wrights new speech today. I listened to the whole thing and it definitely IMO had racial undertones to it. He also said Barack Hussein Obama 3 times out loud trying to make a point about his middle name and about how black children do not get the same education as other children and things like that.

Some are saying that it will cause problems for Obama again because it is going to be analyzed and pulled apart. After listening to his speech I cant but help feel that his comments(Rev) in a hidden way of a word or sentence thrown in here and there are racist.

If this is how he speeks all the time than after listening to him for 20 years of this he and his wife cant help but to carry some of the same views as the REv does or why would they stay at that church.

Rev Wright does not like white people plan and simple.

EDIT: before posting this I called my friend Richard who is black and asked him and his girl friend if they watched the speech they said yes they just finished watching it. I asked if they thought it had racial undertones and they both said O for sure. But that is who Rev wright is and what he is about, and Rev lives in the past and keeps black people from moving forward and keep them feeling like it has been and always will be whites against the blacks and keeping blacks hating white people......there words not mine.

they also said he sounded very sarcastic and snobbish. Richard said read between his words he is a bigot. But again that is who he is not Obama.

so did you watch it and what did you think??? :confused3 I wish he would just go away till this election was over. Why did he have to throw in Obama 3 times and also talk about Change and hope. I only heard him mention Jesus maybe 2 times.
I think that the Reverend is going to be a thorn in Obama's side throughout all of this. I too wish that he would go away because it would probably be better for everyone if he did.
[QUOTE="Got Disney";24768154]EDIT: before posting this I called my friend Richard who is black and asked him and his girl friend if they watched the speech they said yes they just finished watching it. I asked if they thought it had racial undertones and they both said O for sure. But that is who Rev wright is and what he is about, and Rev lives in the past and keeps black people from moving forward and keep them feeling like it has been and always will be whites against the blacks and keeping blacks hating white people......there words not mine.[/QUOTE]

That is what I have been saying all along. From what I have seen, the man obviously hates white people and is mired in the past. People like this keep dragging the progress we make through the mud. Such a shame to have people who would otherwise not be mentioning race in this election bringing it up. But I didn't hear it before we started hearing these clips.

Obama may not feel the same way. I keep hoping he doesn't, but I"m afraid he might. Why else would he go to this church at all? If my priest said these things, I'd be out the door. I'd be so shocked and saddened that I'd never, ever return. I'd be afraid to have my children exposed on a regular basis to an authority figure that might warp their values. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. It's not because I'm white and he's spewing hate about whites. I'd say the same if the minister was saying bad things about blacks. I just can't stomach it.

Clinton Challenges Obama to a 'Lincoln-Douglas' Debate

ABC News' Eloise Harper and Sunlen Miller report: The Hillary Clinton campaign has challenged Sen. Barack Obama to a debate with no moderators, in the spirit of Lincoln-Douglas.

Obama said NO!:sad2:


IMO...Its over for Obama. Running from debates is something that SD's dont look at as a "good thing"!

I was bummed that it was turned down. I would have loved to have seen a REAL debate without moderators. Some have said that they've heard it all before, so no need of another debate. I think it would have been great to talk about the real issues and more REAL responses. I think Hillary would have nailed it, but I have to admit it doesn't look so good for Obama to decline.
[QUOTE="Got Disney";24768154]

Some are saying that it will cause problems for Obama again because it is going to be analyzed and pulled apart. After listening to his speech I cant but help feel that his comments(Rev) in a hidden way of a word or sentence thrown in here and there are racist.

If this is how he speeks all the time than after listening to him for 20 years of this he and his wife cant help but to carry some of the same views as the REv does or why would they stay at that church.

Rev Wright does not like white people plan and simple.

EDIT: before posting this I called my friend Richard who is black and asked him and his girl friend if they watched the speech they said yes they just finished watching it. I asked if they thought it had racial undertones and they both said O for sure. But that is who Rev wright is and what he is about, and Rev lives in the past and keeps black people from moving forward and keep them feeling like it has been and always will be whites against the blacks and keeping blacks hating white people......there words not mine.

they also said he sounded very sarcastic and snobbish. Richard said read between his words he is a bigot. But again that is who he is not Obama.

so did you watch it and what did you think??? :confused3 I wish he would just go away till this election was over. Why did he have to throw in Obama 3 times and also talk about Change and hope. I only heard him mention Jesus maybe 2 times.[/QUOTE]

I look at people like Rev. Wright as trying to be a self fulfilling prophecy for their own gain.

For instance, if he continually says things against whites, and emphasizes Obama's middle name, that may turn voters against Obama. Then the Rev. can say "See, I told y'all, white folks wouldn't vote for a black man. Just call me Right Wright." It's really pathetic.
Good points. After GW Bush, anyone is an improvement - no disrespect meant to Obama. It's good to have decent choices.

By the way, my first choice was Edwards. I THINK that Obama would have been my third choice either way but I admit not knowing as much as I should about Biden.

Actually, Richardson was my first choice, but Edwards was right up there. I really thought it would be a Richardson-Obama ticket. I don't understand why Richardson just didn't catch fire.

Btw, here's one reason why I don't think the Florida non-primary results should be counted and it has nothing to do with Hillary. I voted in the Florida primary and I voted for Kucinich as did my DH. Certainly, if the choice had been between Obama and Hillary, I would've voted for Obama. But, that's not the way it was in January.

As it stands now, the January primary does not reflect the reality of today. Honestly, it has nothing to do with Hillary. My opposition is a reflection of what happened that day.
Poll indicates Clinton has better chance than Obama of beating John McCain in November

WASHINGTON - Hillary Rodham Clinton has a better chance than Barack Obama of beating Republican John McCain, according to a new Associated Press-Ipsos poll that bolsters her argument that she is more electable in the fall than her rival for the Democratic nomination.

The questioners need to remember that they are performing a service for the American citizenry.......

If I remeber correctly, they use to have "Non News" agencies perform debates, etc....like the Leauge of Woman Voters...etc.

Good points. After GW Bush, anyone is an improvement - no disrespect meant to Obama. It's good to have decent choices..

:thumbsup2 Just having W & Team out of power is ENOUGH Hope & Change for me.:lmao:

By the way, my first choice was Edwards. I THINK that Obama would have been my third choice either way but I admit not knowing as much as I should about Biden.

Honestly Obama was even in my top 5! Simply because he was only a Senator for 1 year, and really has no way of 'vetting" him. Too much of a unknown for me, and too much of a "not a sure thing"...in a election that we NEED a sure thing.

I think that the Reverend is going to be a thorn in Obama's side throughout all of this. I too wish that he would go away because it would probably be better for everyone if he did.
More like a noose around his neck. Rightly so, IMO. But better that this came out now, than in October.

I look at people like Rev. Wright as trying to be a self fulfilling prophecy for their own gain.

For instance, if he continually says things against whites, and emphasizes Obama's middle name, that may turn voters against Obama. Then the Rev. can say "See, I told y'all, white folks wouldn't vote for a black man. Just call me Right Wright." It's really pathetic.
:thumbsup2 Good Point. If America did vote for a Black Man, what would the Rev and his ilk talk about!:confused3
Actually, Richardson was my first choice, but Edwards was right up there. I really thought it would be a Richardson-Obama ticket. I don't understand why Richardson just didn't catch fire.

Btw, here's one reason why I don't think the Florida non-primary results should be counted and it has nothing to do with Hillary. I voted in the Florida primary and I voted for Kucinich as did my DH. Certainly, if the choice had been between Obama and Hillary, I would've voted for Obama. But, that's not the way it was in January.

As it stands now, the January primary does not reflect the reality of today. Honestly, it has nothing to do with Hillary. My opposition is a reflection of what happened that day.

I was also for Richardson and just cannot understand why he never "caught" However, not counting votes is just bad form and not good for the long term vitality of the Democratic party.
:thumbsup2 Just having W & Team out of power is ENOUGH Hope & Change for me.:lmao:

Honestly Obama was even in my top 5! Simply because he was only a Senator for 1 year, and really has no way of 'vetting" him. Too much of a unknown for me, and too much of a "not a sure thing"...in a election that we NEED a sure thing.

I have no patience to listen to him. It don't take much for me for a leopard to show his spots!
Remeber his gd america speeach was his Christmas day msg!:scared1:

More like a noose around his neck. Rightly so, IMO. But better that this came out now, than in October.

:thumbsup2 Good Point. If America did vote for a Black Man, what would the Rev and his ilk talk about!:confused3

I don't know why I bother to write my own posts. I think I'll just start quoting you and say "DITTO" :thumbsup2
Poll indicates Clinton has better chance than Obama of beating John McCain in November

WASHINGTON - Hillary Rodham Clinton has a better chance than Barack Obama of beating Republican John McCain, according to a new Associated Press-Ipsos poll that bolsters her argument that she is more electable in the fall than her rival for the Democratic nomination.


They were talking about that last night. They had a great panel. A panel that you could not tell who was for whom for once and they did not let on either. They (all 6 of them) agreed that Obama runs a better campaign but Hillary is a better candidate. That was there exact words.

The discussion was very good. Than watched Howard Dean on an interview with Fox( I think) late at night and it was a good interview on how the rules are and why they have been made and about the SD and Delegates and Popular vote.

He did say that the SD have a mind of there own and that they can sway away from the delegates and popular vote. There job is to elect the best candidate to run against McCain. That is there purpose. They will usually vote on the lines of the voters and delegates however. But in a situation like we have at this time and with Bush and McCain the important thing is to get a DEM in office.

The interviewer asked how he felt if Obama was not picked how the young and black voters would feel(there is that question AGAIN grrrr) and he said there will be upset people along all lines but we will come back together because the main thing is a Dem in office.

He made it clear he was not there to vote for any candidate...he by the way did a great job of that. I have no clue who he wants...and it was very refreshing to here that and get true facts without all the media hub bub.

Good interview. :thumbsup2
I don't know why I bother to write my own posts. I think I'll just start quoting you and say "DITTO" :thumbsup2


[QUOTE="Got Disney";24776440]The discussion was very good. Than watched Howard Dean on an interview with Fox( I think) late at night and it was a good interview on how the rules are and why they have been made and about the SD and Delegates and Popular vote.[/QUOTE]

Did he mention that the resaon the SD's were created were for this very reason. Since many states have Democratic open elections, there has been too much room for 'mischeif", so the SD' were created after Carter won the nomination. They are to ensure the TRUE DEMOCRAT nominee gets the nod.
BTW Hillary has met all the ponts for the SD's too go her way.

She won all, but 1 or 2, closed primaries, she wom all the MUST HAVE states....etc.:thumbsup2
[QUOTE="Got Disney";24776440] They (all 6 of them) agreed that Obama runs a better campaign but Hillary is a better candidate. That was there exact words.

So let's have Hillary as the candidate and Obama's machine can run her campaign. Sounds fair to me. :thumbsup2 :rotfl:
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