Hillary Supporters unite....no bashing please! only smiles

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Every single one of those things is a lie. Not one of them, not a couple...every single one. :sad2:

anti-American- Sen. Barack Obama's pastor says blacks should not sing "God Bless America" but "God damn America."



The lengthy Newsmax report by Ronald Kessler said its correspondent, Jim Davis, attended services on July 22, 2007, at the Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago's South Side and saw Obama in attendance. "In his sermon that day, Wright tore into America, referring to the 'United States of White America' and lacing his sermon with expletives as Obama listened. Hearing Wright’s attacks on his own country, Obama had the opportunity to walk out, but Davis said the senator sat in his pew and nodded in agreement."
:lmao: The first is a completely made up hypothetical by a "man" that has done nothing but slam Obama from the time he got in the race.

The second is from a self-styled "conservative christian" that references the first article.


What else can be expected from His supporters. Let's see Bill Clinton is the biggest racist according to
Obama Supporters. Every individual saying anything against him is an idiot, uneducated, racist fool
right? And he is bringing us hope and change and going to enlighten us especially those of us who are
racists white Americans for thinking 20 years listening to garbage from Wright, taking your kids to his
sermons, Giving more to that church than any other charity, calling him your uncle is just wrong. But oh
yes we will all run to our churches and hug our guns because we are desperate.:rolleyes:

Why worry now? Racist pictures of Obama don't seem to bother anyone, so why should lies? :confused3

Everywhere I turn someone is doing crazy pictures of all three candidates so I take that picture as someone just doing another crazy picture of one of the candidates rather than anyone trying to be racist.

Any link to your unbelievable "Stem-Cells-R-Us" convention and a transcript? Methinks not.

The lengthy Newsmax report by Ronald Kessler said its correspondent, Jim Davis, attended services on July 22, 2007, at the Trinity United Church of Christ on Chicago's South Side and saw Obama in attendance. "In his sermon that day, Wright tore into America, referring to the 'United States of White America' and lacing his sermon with expletives as Obama listened. Hearing Wright’s attacks on his own country, Obama had the opportunity to walk out, but Davis said the senator sat in his pew and nodded in agreement.

You must've missed it. The New York Times retracted the story.

Generation Obama? Perhaps Not.

Published: March 17, 2008
In this column, I cite a report that Sen. Obama had attended services at Trinity Church on July 22, 2007. The Obama campaign has provided information showing that Senator Obama did not attend Trinity that day. I regret the error.


Like Kristol, you ought to check your facts.

There's nothing wrong with having honest policy differences with someone, but you don't have to lie about them to embellish the story.
I see that things are back to normal around here. Oh well, I can only see part of the argument and that helps at least.

As for the pictures, I've seen plenty silly ones of Hillary and for some reason, those cause great mirth. I don't like that picture of Obama but I don't see why it should surprise anyone.
Why worry now? Racist pictures of Obama don't seem to bother anyone, so why should lies? :confused3

OH please that picture has nothing to do with Racism....and it is supose to be one of the SNL people I believe in a skit that was done about Obama and the picture is just silly how they did it....it's just a stupid picture. You made it into a racist picture when you added the fried chicken and watermellon remark. Funny how that never crossed my mind what so ever when I looked at it as just another silly picture that SNL made of the candidates. I truly think the OS have gone over the edge. Talk about taking something personal.

You and everyone else on the OS thread have been posting pictures of Hillary since you started that thread and have had a good laugh of all how silly she looks in all her pictures.

I will remove the picture since you find it so offensive. Hope you will go do the same on yours of Hillary. But somehow I dought you will and find a way to put a spin on it as you put a spin on everything else.

Thomas B. Edsall

The Huffington Post

Media Jump Ship From Obama To Clinton

April 24, 2008 10:02 PM

In a blink of an eye, the media has jumped ship from the Obama campaign and become a crucial Clinton ally, pressing just the message -- that Obama is a likely loser in the general election -- that Hillary and her allies have been promoting for the past six weeks.
The new tenor of media coverage is visible almost everywhere, from Politico, Time and The New Republic to The Washington Post and The New York Times.
For Hillary, the shift is a potential lifesaver as she struggles to keep her head above water; without it, she would, metaphorically, drown.
Until now, she, her husband, and her campaign aides have been trying, with little success, to make the case that Obama has potentially fatal flaws. For the first time, reporters working for magazines, newspapers and web sites have abruptly decided that she might well be right, and the results for Obama have been brutal:
The first hard punch was thrown by my friend and colleague John Judis in a widely distributed piece on The New Republic web site, filed sometime around 3AM Wednesday, seven hours after polls closed in Pennsylvania. In the article titled, "The Next McGovern," Judis wrote:
"f you look at Obama's vote in Pennsylvania, you begin to see the outlines of the old George McGovern coalition that haunted the Democrats during the '70s and '80s, led by college students and minorities....Its ideology is very liberal. Whereas in the first primaries and caucuses, Obama benefited from being seen as middle-of-the-road or even conservative, he is now receiving his strongest support from voters who see themselves as 'very liberal.'...[H]e is going to have trouble in Indiana, Kentucky, and West Virginia, where he will once again be faced by a large white working class vote. He can still win the nomination and lose these primaries. Pennsylvania was the last big delegate prize. But if Obama doesn't find a way now to speak to these voters, he is going to have trouble winning that large swath of states from Pennsylvania through Missouri in which a Democrat must do well to gain the presidency."
Joe Klein, in his weekly column for Time magazine, noted that Clinton has taken a beating,
"But that was nothing compared with the damage done to Obama, who entered the primary as a fresh breeze and left it stale, battered and embittered - still the mathematical favorite for the nomination but no longer the darling of his party [ Klein could have added, 'no longer the darling of the press.'] In the course of six weeks, the American people learned that he was a member of a church whose pastor gave angry, anti-American sermons, that he was "friendly" with an American terrorist who had bombed buildings during the Vietnam era, and that he seemed to look on the ceremonies of working-class life - bowling, hunting, churchgoing and the fervent consumption of greasy food - as his anthropologist mother might have, with a mixture of cool detachment and utter bemusement."​
Politico's Mike Allen describes the changed approach to Obama as a "paradigm shift," specifically citing the "seminal" [Allen is not one to mute his compliments] report of former colleague Chris "The Fix" Cillizza on WashingtonPost.com, the headline of which undoubtedly brought tears of joy to the Clinton campaign: "How Clinton Can Win It."
"A path does exist for Clinton," Cillizza wrote. "The best argument Clinton has at her disposal right now is that Obama cannot win over blue collar, white voters who have been hit hard by the economic slowdown and are looking for a politician to look out for them."
The critical chorus is even resonating across the Atlantic. Under the headline "The Democrats must admit it: Obama would lose to McCain," London Times columnist Anatole Kaletsky wrote: "the conclusion would be fairly obvious, were it not for the political correctness that makes it almost impossible for American politicians or commentators to express such a view: Mr Obama may by unable to carry large industrial states with socially conservative white working-class populations simply because of his race."
The New York Times, never so declarative in a news story, poses the issues as questions. Adam Nagourney writes, "Why has he (Obama) been unable to win over enough working-class and white voters to wrap up the Democratic nomination? ... Is the Democratic Party hesitating about race as it moves to the brink of nominating an African-American to be president?"
While Nagourney raised questions reinforcing doubts about Obama's credibility as a general election candidate, his colleague at the New York Times, Patrick Healy was one of the few reporters to write favorably of the Obama bid in light of recent criticisms. Healy wrote:
"[E]xit polling and independent political analysts offer evidence that Mr. Obama could do just as well as Mrs. Clinton among blocs of voters with whom he now runs behind. Obama advisers say he also appears well-positioned to win swing states and believe he would have a strong shot at winning traditional Republican states like Virginia."
Healy, however, is the exception. While reluctant to speak on the record, Clinton supporters are very pleased with the overall switch in tone of the coverage, particularly the willingness of the media to explore the question of whether Obama could be a loser in November.
The Clinton critique of Obama, and now the critique of much of the press, was further reinforced from another source, Republican strategist Karl Rove, writing in the Wall Street Journal:
"Mr. Obama is befuddled and angry about the national reaction to what are clearly accepted, even commonplace truths in San Francisco and Hyde Park. How could anyone take offense at the observation that people in small-town and rural American are 'bitter' and therefore 'cling' to their guns and their faith, as well as their xenophobia? Why would anyone raise questions about a public figure who, for only 20 years, attended a church and developed a close personal relationship with its preacher who says AIDS was created by our government as a genocidal tool to be used against people of color, who declared America's chickens came home to roost on 9/11, and wants God to damn America? Mr. Obama has a weakness among blue-collar working class voters for a reason."​
[quote="Got Disney";24750824]OH please that picture has nothing to do with Racism....and it is supose to be one of the SNL people I believe in a skit that was done about Obama and the picture is just silly how they did it....it's just a stupid picture. You made it into a racist picture when you added the fried chicken and watermellon remark. Funny how that never crossed my mind what so ever when I looked at it as just another silly picture that SNL made of the candidates. I truly think the OS have gone over the edge. Talk about taking something personal.

You and everyone else on the OS thread have been posting pictures of Hillary since you started that thread and have had a good laugh of all how silly she looks in all her pictures.

I will remove the picture since you find it so offensive. Hope you will go do the same on yours of Hillary. But somehow I dought you will and find a way to put a spin on it as you put a spin on everything else.[/quote]

It never crossed my mind either. He is supposed to be a clown.
[QUOTE="Got Disney";24751090]http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/04/24/media-jump-ship-from-obam_n_98545.html


Clinton Challenges Obama to a 'Lincoln-Douglas' Debate

ABC News' Eloise Harper and Sunlen Miller report: The Hillary Clinton campaign has challenged Sen. Barack Obama to a debate with no moderators, in the spirit of Lincoln-Douglas.

Obama said NO!:sad2:


IMO...Its over for Obama. Running from debates is something that SD's dont look at as a "good thing"!
I would love to see a real debate where they discuss the actual issues that are important to us! I think the Lincoln/Douglas would work well. Without moderators asking questions we don't need to listen to either candidate say the questions were unfair or favored one candidate over the other.
I would love to see a real debate where they discuss the actual issues that are important to us! I think the Lincoln/Douglas would work well. Without moderators asking questions we don't need to listen to either candidate say the questions were unfair or favored one candidate over the other.

it will never happen. Why should Obama agree? Hillary would wipe the floor with him in anything where he has to speak "off the cuff" He does not have the same intuitive grasp of the issues as she does. Politics (as in the day to day running of a country) has been her life for decades. Obama, on the other hand, has been "running for president" since his dem convention speech.
But of course the OS and Obama say that they have had 21 already we already know what we need to know...well no we dont. Not just that if it were coming time for me to vote in the upcoming primaries than I would want to see another debate so to help sway me one way or the other if i were a undecided voter.

It will not sway the committed on either side except to maybe make them more committed to there candidate. But for the undecided that is where the Debates hold strength.

Obama knows this and that is why he does not want to do it. He does not debate well and runs the risk of loosing them if they are swaying his way.
I for one think his debating needs practice and if he debates the way he is know he will loose the general and McCain will chew him up and spit him out.

The pull at this point is 50/50 voters. Although OS seem to think that he has more than 50% of the vote and he has won it and Hillary has been out for months and can never win it because he has already won it...all I can say is Never say never.

In addition if I hear on the news one more time that if Hillary gets picked than they run the chance of insulting the black community because 98% have voted for him... I am going to puke. What about the White community and the Asian and the Hispanics...:confused3
I would love to see a debate like that. Moderators ruin them IMO and it would be interesting to see the candidates think on their feet.
[QUOTE="Got Disney";24757153]But of course the OS and Obama say that they have had 21 already we already know what we need to know...well no we dont. Not just that if it were coming time for me to vote in the upcoming primaries than I would want to see another debate so to help sway me one way or the other if i were a undecided voter.

It will not sway the committed on either side except to maybe make them more committed to there candidate. But for the undecided that is where the Debates hold strength.

Obama knows this and that is why he does not want to do it. He does not debate well and runs the risk of loosing them if they are swaying his way.
I for one think his debating needs practice and if he debates the way he is know he will loose the general and McCain will chew him up and spit him out.

The pull at this point is 50/50 voters. Although OS seem to think that he has more than 50% of the vote and he has won it and Hillary has been out for months and can never win it because he has already won it...all I can say is Never say never.

In addition if I hear on the news one more time that if Hillary gets picked than they run the chance of insulting the black community because 98% have voted for him... I am going to puke. What about the White community and the Asian and the Hispanics...:confused3[/QUOTE]

:sad2: :rolleyes:
I personally haven't heard that yet, but you got to be kidding me! So now Obama has to be the candidate because we don't want to insult the black community! :rolleyes: Yeah, this election is not about race, is it? :rolleyes1

I agree OBama said no to another debate has nothing to do with the fact that Clinton/Obama already had 21 debates, Obama knows he STINKS at debates! Those uncommited voters will see that. Obama can not think on his feet, plain and simple.

Obama just looks like a chicken for saying "no" to another debate :snooty:
I'd love another debate with the candidates asking the questions. And not just because I think Hillary would do a better job. I think it would draw more attention to their differences, since they know their plans better than any of the talking heads do.

And I'd love to have them ask each other tough questions. (Yes, I'd like Obama to ask Hillary tough questions too.) Sounds like a great evening to me. :thumbsup2 And Obama couldn't say "I'm with Hillary on this one."
I'd love another debate with the candidates asking the questions. And not just because I think Hillary would do a better job. I think it would draw more attention to their differences, since they know their plans better than any of the talking heads do.

And I'd love to have them ask each other tough questions. (Yes, I'd like Obama to ask Hillary tough questions too.) Sounds like a great evening to me. :thumbsup2 And Obama couldn't say "I'm with Hillary on this one."

I absolutely would love to hear hard questions (and answers) for both of them. There has been too much fluff in this election. There has been almost no discussion of their respective economic plans despite the fact that we are heading into a serious recession.

I would also like to hear Obama explain away Rev. Wright without a set speech.
[QUOTE="Got Disney";24757153]In addition if I hear on the news one more time that if Hillary gets picked than they run the chance of insulting the black community because 98% have voted for him... I am going to puke. What about the White community and the Asian and the Hispanics...:confused3[/QUOTE]

How exactly is that different than what Geraldine Ferraro said? Didn't she make the claim that the black community was voting for BO?

Excuse the interruption.....
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