Hidden M....wait...Bear?


Emma and Christopher's Mommy - Best job ever
Jun 18, 2000
On a recent visit to Wl, Fw area I was on a boat traveling back to the WL. As we were approaching the lodge the driver of the boat asked us all to look at the lodge. We look over and much to our surprise the lodge has the distinct look of a BEAR!! This is only visible at night and best viewed on Bay Lake as approaching the lodge. Anyone else ever see this. It is really neat. Check it out next time.

You can ask the captain to swing out wide to show it to everyone.

We were on the ferry and I had read about the bear. The captain brought the boat around past the dock and let everyone in the boat have a look.

Pretty cool!

aka TDC Calvin
Rigger of Tuna Fish Sandwich Tiger Traps, Counselor to Disney Tour Commandos and Boy of Destiny

DL: Off 68 // WDW: Off 87, DxL 96, FW 97, WL 99 // DVC: 99
Future: BWV 01, 7 day Magic 01, VWL 01
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Yeah, it looks kind of like a bear. I think that it is stretching it a bit. It is best viewed at night from the lake. It took DH and I quite a while to find it. Happy hunting!


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font-family:"Comic Sans MS";color:#3366FF'>’79 Poly, ’80 Cont, ’81 Disney Inn, ’82 Poly, ’83 Fairway Villas, ’84/’85 Off-site condo, ’87 Days Inn<o:p></o:p></span>
<span style='font-size:8.0pt;
font-family:"Comic Sans MS";color:#3366FF'>'92 Dolphin (Honeymoon), '94,'95,'95 WL, '96 ASMu, '96,'98,'00 WL<o:p></o:p></span>
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