Hey, You Lions Can't Do That! This is Disney! A Frozen Harambe Trip Report! NEW 8/27!

Your Disneybound looks great! Too bad Jeremy had to ruin his! After all the hard work you put into it too! :rotfl: ( I kid! I kid! You guys both look nice!)

Finally the trip report title! That is so bananas and awkward! I love the safari driver just being stunned too. I bet he couldn't wait to get back and tell/warn all the other drivers!! That would be cool of a baby Simba came along cause you now know when it happened!

You guys take such great magic shot photos! Some people look awkward but you guys are old pros it seems like(and well you should be by now! lol)

Also thumbs up on the selfies! :thumbsup2

(And you can totally fix your signature now! :blush::blush::blush::blush: :thumbsup2)
you guys look great! Though, you know what would have made it infinitely better? A red belt ;)

I was narrating the beginning of that scene with the lions in my head with the approaching lionese all "oh no you didn't! Get your paws of my man!" ....

... would have been great if your driver just deadpanned it with "The circle of life folks, the circle of life"

Great EE ride photo! :thumbsup2
Your Disneybound looks great! Too bad Jeremy had to ruin his! After all the hard work you put into it too! :rotfl: ( I kid! I kid! You guys both look nice!)

Finally the trip report title! That is so bananas and awkward! I love the safari driver just being stunned too. I bet he couldn't wait to get back and tell/warn all the other drivers!! That would be cool of a baby Simba came along cause you now know when it happened!

You guys take such great magic shot photos! Some people look awkward but you guys are old pros it seems like(and well you should be by now! lol)

Also thumbs up on the selfies! :thumbsup2

(And you can totally fix your signature now! :blush::blush::blush::blush: :thumbsup2)

Yeah, Jeremy and the red belt! What am I gonna do with him!

Poor driver, she was so embarrassed, it definitely seemed like something that had never happened to her before! It is also pretty amusing to think about because if we would have made our actual fastpass time, I would not have had this story to tell, so the fact that we were late put it in our laps...:rotfl2:

It is funny that you say we are old pros at Magic shots, I think it is only because I have seen most of them before, I don't think before that June trip we had ever taken one? We never really stopped for Photopass before ever. It is definitely something we are starting to really enjoy though!! There is one that is my absolute favorite Magic Shot, it will be coming up on the Sunday part!!

Fix my signature! You mean, you don't like it like that...:rotfl:
you guys look great! Though, you know what would have made it infinitely better? A red belt ;)

I was narrating the beginning of that scene with the lions in my head with the approaching lionese all "oh no you didn't! Get your paws of my man!" ....

... would have been great if your driver just deadpanned it with "The circle of life folks, the circle of life"

Great EE ride photo! :thumbsup2

:lmao: If only he had worn that red belt, then of course everyone would have known he was Rafiki :crazy2:

That is totally what they would have been saying! Because she saw the other lioness over there and went straight for them. That is so funny! :rotfl2:

Yeah, if it was a jungle cruise skipper, they may have been quicker on the fly! I just think it took her so aback that she had no idea what to say! I mean how often do you get to really see the lions well anyway, but then we got to see them...uh...really well! :crazy2:
Your safari driver could have jokingly said something like "cue Barry White music for the lions!"

That EE photo is fantastic! I love when people really get into it!
Oh. My. Gosh. The lion story is hilarious!!!! Did the safari driver just take off once it started? What were the people around you doing? I just can't get over it - that is just hysterical!

I also have to comment on your 1,2,3,4 I declare a trunk war comment - too funny!

Really enjoying all your reports!!! :):):)
OMG that must have been a sight to see on that safari! lol I love all your disney bound outfits, I love disney bound and have always wanted to give it a try. Maybe for this upcoming trip!

Yeah, if it was a jungle cruise skipper, they may have been quicker on the fly! I just think it took her so aback that she had no idea what to say! I mean how often do you get to really see the lions well anyway, but then we got to see them...uh...really well! :crazy2:

Makes me think that just in general it would be fun if like Fridays at 5 they change out the normal safari drivers with JC Skippers

"Those ostrich eggs are actually the same size at regular chicken eggs - it's just because of Disney forced perspective that they look bigger"

"and if you look to your left you will see ... nothing. What? You thought we would actually have live lions in a park full of children? You all are some sick individuals!"

"You'll notice that the giant ant hills never get any larger - that is because Disney as relocated them to Down Town Disney and they currently are being used to build the new parking garage ... why did you think it is taking so long?"

"The name of this truck is Simba 1 ... part of a tie in Disney is doing between the Lion King and Sophia the First"

"At this point I would like to point out some of my favorite animals on the savanna .... that one .... that one over there ... and that one"
Your safari driver could have jokingly said something like "cue Barry White music for the lions!"

That EE photo is fantastic! I love when people really get into it!

Hahaha!! That is so funny!

Yeah, I really love that photo, it makes me laugh when we get photos where other people are being silly too! Those are my favorite! :rotfl:
Oh. My. Gosh. The lion story is hilarious!!!! Did the safari driver just take off once it started? What were the people around you doing? I just can't get over it - that is just hysterical!

I also have to comment on your 1,2,3,4 I declare a trunk war comment - too funny!

Really enjoying all your reports!!! :):):)

It is definitely something we are going to remember for a loooong time! She literally did not know what to do, she was almost in a stunned daze. Everyone is the safari truck just sort of went into an uncomfortable laughter, then she did just finally move on and started talking about other things. But there was definitely an awkward feel for the remainder of the safari!
OMG that must have been a sight to see on that safari! lol I love all your disney bound outfits, I love disney bound and have always wanted to give it a try. Maybe for this upcoming trip!

Awesome! I am so glad that you like our Disneybounds! We have really enjoyed ourselves doing them! It is so fun to try and figure out who we want to be for our next trip! You should totally give it a try! You could even start slow with one outfit and then work your way up to more if you enjoy it!! :thumbsup2
Makes me think that just in general it would be fun if like Fridays at 5 they change out the normal safari drivers with JC Skippers

"Those ostrich eggs are actually the same size at regular chicken eggs - it's just because of Disney forced perspective that they look bigger"

"and if you look to your left you will see ... nothing. What? You thought we would actually have live lions in a park full of children? You all are some sick individuals!"

"You'll notice that the giant ant hills never get any larger - that is because Disney as relocated them to Down Town Disney and they currently are being used to build the new parking garage ... why did you think it is taking so long?"

"The name of this truck is Simba 1 ... part of a tie in Disney is doing between the Lion King and Sophia the First"

"At this point I would like to point out some of my favorite animals on the savanna .... that one .... that one over there ... and that one"

You should totally go and be one of the drivers! That stuff is classic! That would be so hilarious if they did that!! :laughing::laughing:
We finished up watching Finding Nemo the Musical and it was time for us to start heading over to Harambe for the Welcome Reception! We made it over there right before 7:00, the start time, but it seemed that we were the last ones to actually get there!! There were tons of people over there already and it looked like it had started prior to 7:00!


I knew right away that I wanted a Jungle Juice, non-alcoholic, so that was our first stop! I think Jeremy grabbed a Bud Light. Then we ventured over to the appetizers to see what those looked like! We were ready to start eating!


We each filled us up a little appetizer plate and walked over toward the theater and found us a place to stand to eat them! As soon as we began to eat our appetizers they started letting people enter the theater! I was like already!! We had just gotten there and gotten our food, so we quickly ate everything on our plates, it was all delicious by the way!!


We had the premium seating, and I had seen beforehand that the premium seating was on the floor. I knew that we needed to get in there a little early because if we didn't we would be at the back of a flat area, and it could potentially be difficult to see! We ended up being on the fourth row from the stage in the center section!


The thing that made the seats great for me and worth it was two things! It was cushioned, and it had a back to it! I really don't know if I could have made it through that show without those two things! It seemed like it lasted forever!! They made a big spiel at the beginning about blocking peoples views with cameras and ipads and such, so I did not want to take very many photos during the show because since the people behind us weren't elevated, I didn't want to hinder their view in any way. I did manage to get one of our celebrity narrator of the night, Alfre Woodard!


The live orchestra was pretty amazing, definitely something fun to have at the performance. The dancers and storytellers were also fabulous! I swear the tallest people in the entire theater were on that front row when the show started so, at times it was pretty difficult to see the dancers. We always had great views of the screens though! It was a really nice show...to see once. I don't think I would do it again. It seemed to last a really long time, but after all, it was to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the movie, so it almost took as long as the whole film did. You pretty much got to see all of the important pieces of it, told with dancers and the actual film on screen! Oh and the choir/singers were phenomenal!! I mean, GREAT!

After the show it was time to head out to the street party and dinner!! We were ushered through the streets of Harambe at night, alive with music and performers and characters!! It was definitely a sight to see!! I can't ever remember being at Animal Kingdom at night, so it was truly a new experience for us!


While we were on our way back to find a seat and grab some dinner, Jeremy started doing a little dance with Pluto, I didn't catch the dance on camera, but I did manage to snag a photo of Jeremy with him!


We found a nice quiet table back toward Kilimanjaro Safari, about as far back as you can get into Harambe and settled ourselves in to get some grub!


It was much less crowded back here and no wait at all for all of the hot food everywhere!! There were stations set up all over the place! But all of them were pretty much empty back where we were!


I seemed to take a bunch more video than photos while we were there, I didn't realize it at the time though. I didn't even really get any photos of what we ate, I am sad about it now because it was all so delicious!! I do remember our favorites being the Butter Chicken with Basmati Rice and the Pork with Pap! They had really great samosas too, oh and the breads with dipping accompaniments like they have at Sanaa!! The food was definitely worth coming for us!! I swear we each had like 2 or 3 plates of food, plus desserts! We paid for it, might as well eat our moneys worth!!

We were so full and tired after we ate, I don't think we were up for too much dancing! We decided to head out a little before it was over and also to beat the crowd out! I took a photo on the bridge of Everest as we were leaving!


Oh and guess what else we found on the bridge??? A Photopass Photographer!!


As we were leaving I started to notice all of these really cool details that I never really picked up on during the daytime!! Like what cool bug lights!!


I was so nice and quiet as we were walking out!! A nice cool leisurely stroll back to the tram! It was so dark and really fun to be here this late at night!


We said our goodbyes to Animal Kingdom and headed for the tram to get back to the car!


As we were riding the tram we caught the end of the Frozen Fireworks show happening over at Hollywood Studios! We kind of did get to see them after all! As soon as we got back to the resort it was time for bed! We had a really fun day planned for tomorrow! It was an extra Disney day! Jeremy was able to get an extra day off work last minute and so we had something we had never done planned for tomorrow!! :thumbsup2

Last Trip Report I did a budget post so we could see how we did in relation to how much I budgeted for our trip. We got a lot of positive feedback on it, so I am going to do the same thing this time, only a tad differently. Instead of doing a budget post at the end of each post, I am going to do one for an entire day once I am finished with it. That way, with it being in a separate post, if someone wants to read it they can, and if not they can just skip over it!

This fourth post is going to be for Saturday July 25! Our fourth day on vacation! So let the budget posting commence!

Budgeted Amounts:
Breakfast - $20.00
Lunch at Blizzard Beach - $30.00
Remaining Overall Snack Budget - $34.92
Remaining Overall Souvenir Budget - $123.00

Actual Spent:
Breakfast at McDonald's - $13.62
Locker Rental at Blizzard Beach - $8.00
Lunch at Lottawatta Lodge - $21.64

Budget Status:
:banana: $13.90 UNDER BUDGET!! :banana:
$34.92 Remaining in Overall Snack Budget
$115.00 Remaining in Souvenir/Extras Budget

It worked out well that Harambe Nights was pre-paid and it included pretty much all we could eat/drink! Score for that! I also took the unexpected locker rental from the souvenir budget! I am pretty psyched that we are under budget, unfortunately it may not stay that way considering we added a whole extra day to the trip which was not budgeted for in advance!! :eek:
Glad you had a good time at Harambe Nights. AK at night is very cool! I've never been there after dark.

I love that you share your budget with us. I'm the numbers nerd in our house and like knowing exactly how much we spend wherever we go.
Aww, Animal Kingdom is so pretty at night!

Sucks that you had to wolf down the before food but sounds like you made up for it afterwards! I had heard sitting in the back area(at the after party) was a lot less crowded. Happy you guys got to enjoy it. And dance with Pluto!

I have heard mixed reviews on Harambe Nights, nice that you guys enjoyed it and atleast got to experience it. I wonder if they will do it again next summer. I know it was to celebrate the Lion King but considering it sold out may make them consider bringing it back. Although of course they are going to have the Rivers of Light show and Avatar coming so who knows!

Yay for extra Disney day tomorrow!
Glad you had a good time at Harambe Nights. AK at night is very cool! I've never been there after dark.

I love that you share your budget with us. I'm the numbers nerd in our house and like knowing exactly how much we spend wherever we go.

It was so pretty at night! Definitely a fun and new experience for us! I'm still thinking about all of the food now!

:thumbsup2 Yay Budgets! It is always helpful to me to share the budget numbers. I know it is not everyone's thing, but a lot of people comment that they enjoy seeing them! It is very important for me to make sure that we stay right at or under our budget, since it is all saved up beforehand. It may not seem like it because of some of the places we go, but we are very strict with how much we spend while we are on vacation! :thumbsup2 It would be VERY east to overspend there, that would not be good!
Aww, Animal Kingdom is so pretty at night!

Sucks that you had to wolf down the before food but sounds like you made up for it afterwards! I had heard sitting in the back area(at the after party) was a lot less crowded. Happy you guys got to enjoy it. And dance with Pluto!

I have heard mixed reviews on Harambe Nights, nice that you guys enjoyed it and atleast got to experience it. I wonder if they will do it again next summer. I know it was to celebrate the Lion King but considering it sold out may make them consider bringing it back. Although of course they are going to have the Rivers of Light show and Avatar coming so who knows!

Yay for extra Disney day tomorrow!

Yeah, I was so shocked at the fact that is obviously started earlier than it said it was going to! I should have known though. At least it was only the appetizers that we had to eat quickly, The good thing was that drinks were allowed inside as was the Lion Chow, so Jeremy went out and got drinks while we had already found our seats!

I had read lots of mixed reviews too. I enjoyed it, it was definitely something fun and new to do. The food was Awesome!! If it were me, I probably would not go back to it again and just eat dinner at Sanaa or something instead :rotfl2: We are so bummed that we are missing the Villains Unleashed Event on Saturday, I seriously contemplated driving down just to go to that, then driving back home...LOL
I definitely think being at Animal Kingdom at night is one of the huge draws for Harambe Nights - it is so pretty. And that is a lovely picture of you two on the bridge! ... like holiday card pretty ;)

The food all sounds really good - glad that you thought it was! Bummer about the rush at the beginning.

Also, while I agree with you that it is great your seats were padded and had a back the fact you had "premium" seats and had to look at the screens a lot because your seat wasn't elevated above those tall people in front row just seems off/wrong - but glad you enjoyed it anyway. Seeing it with a live orchestra must have been amazing
Harambe nights looked amazing and great idea to get the premium so you both had seats with backs ... A major plus at a longer show. Too bad it all started so quickly and you had to Hoover down your appetizers and drinks though ... If start time was 7 pm I wonder how soon they let guests in the event? Animal kingdom at night looks beautiful and loving this bug lights so adorable : ) So hoping they continue the event through November for our upcoming trip, but if not will be there next summer with our grand twin girlies : ) I keep looking daily to see if Frozen events and harambe nights with extend like a crazy person wanting to give disney more special event money$$$$ ... Frozen seems possible since they already did one extension for that, harambe nights I haven't seen any current info.


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