***Hey, Hey! Come right in and plan, OFFICIAL OCTOBER 2017 thread!!!***

Sigh. I sort of feel like this is a safer space because we're all excited about our trips...but do the semi-frequent "Disney just isn't worth it" threads elsewhere on the boards ever get to you?

We've been planning this trip (the first in four years for my family and the first in 14 years for my parents) for nearly a year. It's gotten us through some rough stuff this year. We're all very, very excited.

And then I see stuff like that and I start second-guessing things. Am I getting everyone all excited for a trip that's going to be "meh?" Are my parents going to regret it? Are the resorts really filthy, like some people say? The cast members rude and the crowds so ridiculous it's impossible to do anything? I thought I had a great touring plan in place, but will it even help?

I know that it's all often in the attitude, but I just find it really depressing. :(
Sigh. I sort of feel like this is a safer space because we're all excited about our trips...but do the semi-frequent "Disney just isn't worth it" threads elsewhere on the boards ever get to you?

We've been planning this trip (the first in four years for my family and the first in 14 years for my parents) for nearly a year. It's gotten us through some rough stuff this year. We're all very, very excited.

And then I see stuff like that and I start second-guessing things. Am I getting everyone all excited for a trip that's going to be "meh?" Are my parents going to regret it? Are the resorts really filthy, like some people say? The cast members rude and the crowds so ridiculous it's impossible to do anything? I thought I had a great touring plan in place, but will it even help?

I know that it's all often in the attitude, but I just find it really depressing. :(

I see those posts also, and I sometimes begin to wonder if its worth it or not, all the planning, the having things planned and Disney changes things up and you have to rearrange, and parties closing the parks early most nights, the upcharge events..... :crazy2: The "is it worth it" is all relative to you and your family.

Last year's trip I was having some health issues and I was drugged up and sick the entire trip, plus DH got a stomach bug our first day there, we didnt do nearly as much as we had planned. One day we felt so bad and went to Epcot and had to stop every 50 feet and sit down because we just got so exhausted, but we still had a blast! And now we laugh about just how tiring that one walk around World Showcase was. But on the plus side we met some amazing CM's that made the trip even better. And DH wanted to go back again this year.

There are always going to be good things that happen on the trip and bad, its how you overcome them and just enjoy being with the people you love and not being at home or at work! At least that is how I feel. :mickeybar
Sigh. I sort of feel like this is a safer space because we're all excited about our trips...but do the semi-frequent "Disney just isn't worth it" threads elsewhere on the boards ever get to you?

We've been planning this trip (the first in four years for my family and the first in 14 years for my parents) for nearly a year. It's gotten us through some rough stuff this year. We're all very, very excited.

And then I see stuff like that and I start second-guessing things. Am I getting everyone all excited for a trip that's going to be "meh?" Are my parents going to regret it? Are the resorts really filthy, like some people say? The cast members rude and the crowds so ridiculous it's impossible to do anything? I thought I had a great touring plan in place, but will it even help?

I know that it's all often in the attitude, but I just find it really depressing. :(
Yessssssssssssss! A thousand times yes!!! The boards have been a giant BUMMER lately. I'm so glad that I'm not alone! I can't take any more talk about the crowd levels being insane, MNSSHP not being any fun, the transportation never works the way it should, Photopass is messing up every picture, how I shouldn't use a double stroller for my kids, the food is overpriced, the rides are going offline left and right, and on and on and on.

I also think a number of those threads are in the wrong spot. I only check a few of the sub forums and "Theme Parks Attractions and Strategies" is the main one I check. It doesn't seem like the right spot to debate whether a trip to Disney is worth it or complain about an issue during the trip. Kind of wish those were over in a more applicable spot so those of us planning an upcoming trip wouldn't run into the Debbie Downer's left and right.

I think I'm going to stay away from the boards except for searching for any specific questions I might have, etc. Only 17 days until I leave. WHOO HOO!!!
Also, I do think there is a bit of a Disney hangover. We had a GREAT trip last time and I remember questioning to DH when we got home if it was "worth it." You spend all of that time and a massive amount of money and then it's over. And then you start to think about all of the other things you could have done with that money (other vacations or otherwise). But, our memories from our last trip were worth every penny even though we didn't do our trip cheaply. ;)

I see those posts also, and I sometimes begin to wonder if its worth it or not, all the planning, the having things planned and Disney changes things up and you have to rearrange, and parties closing the parks early most nights, the upcharge events..... :crazy2: The "is it worth it" is all relative to you and your family.

Last year's trip I was having some health issues and I was drugged up and sick the entire trip, plus DH got a stomach bug our first day there, we didnt do nearly as much as we had planned.
That is basically my worst nightmare! The stomach bug at Disney!!! So glad you were able to have a good time anyway! And, yes, the "is it worth is" is definitely relative to each family. So many factors!
Yessssssssssssss! A thousand times yes!!! The boards have been a giant BUMMER lately. I'm so glad that I'm not alone! I can't take any more talk about the crowd levels being insane, MNSSHP not being any fun, the transportation never works the way it should, Photopass is messing up every picture, how I shouldn't use a double stroller for my kids, the food is overpriced, the rides are going offline left and right, and on and on and on.

I also think a number of those threads are in the wrong spot. I only check a few of the sub forums and "Theme Parks Attractions and Strategies" is the main one I check. It doesn't seem like the right spot to debate whether a trip to Disney is worth it or complain about an issue during the trip. Kind of wish those were over in a more applicable spot so those of us planning an upcoming trip wouldn't run into the Debbie Downer's left and right.

I think I'm going to stay away from the boards except for searching for any specific questions I might have, etc. Only 17 days until I leave. WHOO HOO!!!

I hear you! I think I'm going to stay in here and the Cake Chatter thread from now on. :) I feel duty bound to report on the progress of ordering ODS' birthday cake! And maybe the MNSSHP thread. We'll see.

I understand providing information so that people don't run into the same issues, but is there really any purpose in just trying to bring other people down? I feel like that's what it is more than half the time. Just depressing.
Sigh. I sort of feel like this is a safer space because we're all excited about our trips...but do the semi-frequent "Disney just isn't worth it" threads elsewhere on the boards ever get to you?

We've been planning this trip (the first in four years for my family and the first in 14 years for my parents) for nearly a year. It's gotten us through some rough stuff this year. We're all very, very excited.

And then I see stuff like that and I start second-guessing things. Am I getting everyone all excited for a trip that's going to be "meh?" Are my parents going to regret it? Are the resorts really filthy, like some people say? The cast members rude and the crowds so ridiculous it's impossible to do anything? I thought I had a great touring plan in place, but will it even help?

I know that it's all often in the attitude, but I just find it really depressing. :(

Make up your mind to have a great time and you will. One or two things may not go exactly according to plan. But overall you will have a blast. No trip is perfect, but I always seem to remember the good stuff. If I try hard, I can recall what didn't go right. Coming up on my third trip within twelve months, and my 5th in just over two years. Have not come away with a negative feeling yet and definitely don't believe that the resorts are filthy or the cast is rude. I have had just the opposite experience. Even if crowds are big, prepare for that and you will have a great time.
I am busting at the seams! I want to tell my kids so badly! They keep trying to make plans for that week; there's local Halloween events and a birthday party. But I keep having to make excuses and say I'll think about it. :confused3 I know it's better this way, they'll stayed focused in school and the surprise will be so great!:woohoo:

2 weeks feels very long when you're not allowed to talk about it.

How do you plan to surprise them? Maybe you can let the "cat out of the bag" early and then the torture will be over and they can have fun planning, too. :)
Sigh. I sort of feel like this is a safer space because we're all excited about our trips...but do the semi-frequent "Disney just isn't worth it" threads elsewhere on the boards ever get to you?

We've been planning this trip (the first in four years for my family and the first in 14 years for my parents) for nearly a year. It's gotten us through some rough stuff this year. We're all very, very excited.

And then I see stuff like that and I start second-guessing things. Am I getting everyone all excited for a trip that's going to be "meh?" Are my parents going to regret it? Are the resorts really filthy, like some people say? The cast members rude and the crowds so ridiculous it's impossible to do anything? I thought I had a great touring plan in place, but will it even help?

I know that it's all often in the attitude, but I just find it really depressing. :(
I think a lot of it is attitude and less than realistic expectations. I haven't been to wdw in 6 years and before that we'd go in June or Spring Break. It was always packed but it was also always FUN! I'm going into our Oct trip with the same mindset as previous trips, have a plan, take breaks and know when to throw the plan out the window.
A touring plan is always a good idea. No time spent having the "Okay what do we do next?" conversation with your party. With the lines app you can literally adjust on the fly and I totally plan to take advantage of that. Magic doesn't happen when it's forced and when you sit around looking for flaws that's all you're going to see.
As for the CMs being rude, I think a lot of it is them being human and reacting to people being rude to them. If you're kind and patient you'll have some great experiences, some people are just grumpy but no reason to let it ruin your fun. Smile, say "have a great day!" and move on.
And for every "Disney lost its magic" post there's several replies from people there at the same times who had fantastic trips. Don't worry, it will be great!
That is basically my worst nightmare! The stomach bug at Disney!!! So glad you were able to have a good time anyway! And, yes, the "is it worth is" is definitely relative to each family. So many factors!

It was awful, thankfully he only felt bad for about 12 hours. We did have to check out of POFQ and in to OKW that day, but Disney was great and let us do a late checkout and by that time he was up and moving around. He missed the Sense of Africa tour we had scheduled, I still went, and they refund the money for his tour, which was nice. I ended up booking the Wild Africa Trek for us, so I a made out well in that deal!

I think because we had to slow down we had a better time and sat and talked to a bunch of CM's. Going to try and catch up with some them the end of the month. :)
How do you plan to surprise them? Maybe you can let the "cat out of the bag" early and then the torture will be over and they can have fun planning, too. :)
They're getting a special delivery the evening before we leave with balloons and gift bags filled with trip things.pixiedust:
My little one might drive his teacher nuts with Disney talk if I tell him early :sad2:. I feel sort of guilty they're missing a couple of school days already I'd hate to make it more of a bother.
At least I can share my excitement here!:yay:
They're getting a special delivery the evening before we leave with balloons and gift bags filled with trip things.pixiedust:
My little one might drive his teacher nuts with Disney talk if I tell him early :sad2:. I feel sort of guilty they're missing a couple of school days already I'd hate to make it more of a bother.
At least I can share my excitement here!:yay:
It sounds like a wonderful surprise. :) You'll have to let us know how it goes. ::yes::
Thanks all. I'm pretty good with rollin' with it. (Our older son has special needs. We've had to make "rollin' with it" an art form! :D) But the downers get to me some days.

Many times I feel like it's just people with their expectations set too high, but then I wonder if I'm one of those people. Really, I just want everyone to have fun!

Anywho. ;) My 9-year-old decided he'd like to try pin trading while we're there, so I just ordered him a starter set (plus one). Anyone into that? The child doesn't have a shy bone in his body, but he's quizzing me on pin-trading etiquette and I'm all :confused3 (Beyond "be polite," of course!)
Sigh. I sort of feel like this is a safer space because we're all excited about our trips...but do the semi-frequent "Disney just isn't worth it" threads elsewhere on the boards ever get to you?

We've been planning this trip (the first in four years for my family and the first in 14 years for my parents) for nearly a year. It's gotten us through some rough stuff this year. We're all very, very excited.

And then I see stuff like that and I start second-guessing things. Am I getting everyone all excited for a trip that's going to be "meh?" Are my parents going to regret it? Are the resorts really filthy, like some people say? The cast members rude and the crowds so ridiculous it's impossible to do anything? I thought I had a great touring plan in place, but will it even help?

I know that it's all often in the attitude, but I just find it really depressing. :(

We typically go to Disney twice a year, and rarely we will also go to Disneyland as well in the same year. This will be our 13th trip since April 2010. We usually do one 7 night trip and one 5 night trip. What I've learned from extensive Disney vacationing both with my wife and now the past 3 years with our son is that a Disney trip is as wonderful as you make it. Disney Parks and Resorts are a beautiful canvas on which you can paint your memories and adventures and special family moments. At this point, it's no longer about experiencing the attractions and entertainment- I've seen it all and done it all enough times to be a bit burned out (save for Pandora, which I am looking forward to seeing). Now these trips are about what I can bring to the table as a father and husband- how I can make the trip special and unique for my family. If you are a fun person with an imagination and a positive and grateful attitude then Disney is a wonderland. If you are a negative and inflexible person who expects Disney to create the magic and enjoyment for you, then you'll be bummed out. There's nothing "magical" about Disney- it's a profit-churning mega food court and mall with attractions and restaurants of varying quality- the majority of it is mediocre, some is bad, and some is sublime. However, what you bring into that context is the difference between joyful memories that last a lifetime because you chose to believe and appreciate what is there.... or it will just be another life experience where you thought things like food, drink, merchandise, and themeing can deliver happiness... and those things can't deliver happiness... they are an invitation to it.
Has anyone here had trouble with planning burnout? DH and I've been researching, planning, and saving for this trip for two years, and about a month ago I just stopped looking at anything Disney oriented. Maybe I was afraid I wouldn't enjoy the trip? Maybe I overdid the websearches on which rides to FP, which ADRs to get, which park to visit on which day? Maybe I don't want to be "that visitor" who shows up, ticket in hand, with no clue of what to do? Can you really overdo Disney trip planning?

This is my first trip to WDW since 1979, so most of everything will be new to me. I just don't want to mess it up with micro-managing.
A lot of it is about expectations - there are those who visit regularly - "appear" to know everything and are more than happy to see nothing but the negative.

We have to keep our expectations fairly reserved as if DGS is not having a good day we will throw our plans to one side and roll with it.

Yes I've done the planning (enjoyed most of it), the reservations, researched DAS, etc etc but just being together, 3 generations, how blessed are we!

DD has already said to me a couple of times to stop worrying about it not being perfect - we will be on holiday it it will be great!
My 9-year-old decided he'd like to try pin trading while we're there, so I just ordered him a starter set (plus one). Anyone into that? The child doesn't have a shy bone in his body, but he's quizzing me on pin-trading etiquette and I'm all :confused3 (Beyond "be polite," of course!)

Any Cast Member with pins will trade one pin for another. They don't turn any pin away, even if they aren't Disney pins. There are pin boards that are sometimes out of sight and you have to ask. Some of the resorts like Wilderness Lodge will have a big pin board on display in the lobby with a CM watching it. They also have pins to sell. Not all CM's wear their pins on a lanyard. Some of them have them on a thing that looks like a big pocket hanging from their waist. If you lose one of the backs to a pin then the CM's with pins can give you one.

We did the Keys to the Kingdom tour and saw the place where the CM's go to pick up new pins and switch out any non-Disney pins that they receive. This particular location was in the secret corridor under the MK. I thought it was very interesting to learn how Disney handles pin trading for guests.
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Has anyone here had trouble with planning burnout? DH and I've been researching, planning, and saving for this trip for two years, and about a month ago I just stopped looking at anything Disney oriented. Maybe I was afraid I wouldn't enjoy the trip? Maybe I overdid the websearches on which rides to FP, which ADRs to get, which park to visit on which day? Maybe I don't want to be "that visitor" who shows up, ticket in hand, with no clue of what to do? Can you really overdo Disney trip planning?

This is my first trip to WDW since 1979, so most of everything will be new to me. I just don't want to mess it up with micro-managing.
I hear you with the planning burnout. I had everything the way I wanted, touring plans made etc...then Irma so I had to cancel my trip. Rebooked, and the replanning has been so crazy with such short a time period. I'm burnout trying to rework our plans. I like planning but doing it twice for the same trip has been nuts!
Final nail in the coffin today. Did our grocery order, through Garden Grocer, since they deliver to bell and not the convention center at VFG, or so I have read (and am hoping is true). We leave Sunday afternoon. I am so over work, it is not even funny.

JAYS2013 - so many people on the boards complain about the smallest thing. I would take everything with a grain of salt. It is all about attitude. :) If you go knowing you are going to have a good time, no matter what, you will.
The negativity doesn't really get to me, because I think a lot of those folks may just be trying to do "everything". I long ago accepted we will only be able to go on a few rides, see a few shows. We have two littles, so I don't mind the slower pace, taking midday breaks, etc. I think the grumpy folks burn themselves out. It's supposed to be a vacation!

I just found out that my grandmother has terminal cancer and they're giving her a few weeks, maybe a month. Flying home with the kids this weekend without DH because he has a long-ago scheduled business trip. I went on my own to see her last Friday because she wasn't eating and insisted she be taken to the "good" hospital. The nursing home she was in was sort of writing off her complaints as dementia or depression. Turns out it was lung cancer and the pain was from fluid around her heart. I feel such a mix of emotions, angry that her doctor never informed us about an alarming scan she had several years ago, sad that the time she has left is even shorter than I thought, and also grateful that at least she is comfortable now and being taken care of.

I'm not canceling our trip to WDW yet, but I don't know what to do if she goes really quick and the funeral winds up being scheduled for that weekend. Can you reschedule with Disney for bereavement with just a few days notice? We never got trip insurance but I don't think it would be covered anyway.


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