Help with Itinerary


oh bother!
Aug 23, 1999
Hi everyone! My boyfriend and I will be in Orlando from April 20 - 28. The first four nights will be at WDW, and then on the 24th (Tuesday) we will be switching to stay for 4 nights at Hard Rock Hotel.

Originally I had planned our itinerary to look like this:

Tuesday April 24 - Check in at Hard Rock around 10 AM. Go to IOA. Lunch at Confisco's 1 PM.
Wednesday April 25 - Universal all day. Lunch at Finnegans or Monster Cafe (any opinions?).
Thursday April 26 - Sea World all day. CityWalk night.
Friday April 27 - split between IOA and Universal.
Saturday April 28 - depart

We are interested in eating at NBA City, Mama Della's, Pat O'Briens and Sunset Grill for dinners. We may or may not eat at Sunset and Mama's. We haven't made any priority seatings/reservations yet, we will play it by ear, except Thursday is definitely Pat O'Briens. The other nights depend on the NBA playoff schedule :D We also plan to visit either Guiness Records Museum or Ripley's. Any opinions on either?

At any rate, I was just reading that there is early entry for park guests at IOA on Wednesday and Universal on Thursday. I was wondering if I should change my schedule to accomodate for early entry. Is it worth it to do EE? How much more can you accomplish beyond what you can do with FOTL? How early does early entry begin?

Any help with these questions and my itinerary would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

Click on the link in my signature for EE information. As for FOTL, it does shave a lot of time off since you aren't spending your day waiting in long lines. You can probably do the entire park in a few hours.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

What to know how to get to the front of the line at Universal Orlando? Click HERE!


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