hello! should we take 4 and 8 yo to universal or IOA or both?

Camping Griswalds

DIS Veteran
Aug 6, 2000
We'll be camping at Disney for 12 nights from Jan 24-feb 5, we are planning on going to SEaworld for one day, I was just wondering if it is worth taking time from Disney to try the other two worlds. Would our 8 and 4 yo get enough enjoyment to cover the costs. Is it worth the extra $$ for our family of four, or should we wait until the kids are 6 and 10?? We've been told that the shows and rides are too advanced and scarry for our kids. Any help??
It is worth it!

We left the WORLD one day for a Universal day a few years ago and fell in love w/Universal.
One of our fav. parks is USF perhaps, because of ET Adventture, Animal Actors Stage,Hanna Barbara and Nick tours(one or our fav. memories,Dad got to be in the "show"). True, some of the rides and shows may be too scary but, our kids were 4 and 6 the first time we went and we had a BLAST!
We just did Baby Swap on BTTF and T2, we are really looking forward to MIB!!!

IOA is awsome! My kids loved theSeuss Landing and Jurasic Park islands. Believe me, there is plenty for the lil ones!!

On our last Orlando visit we spent a whole day for each park and still didn't see everything.



We did both universal and IoA in Oct. My kids 4 and 7 loved both parks. IOA water rides have height requiremnts! But my 4yr old had fun playing in the water fountain instead.
you and them will like it very much. the flying unicorn will make both very happy.
Griswolds I understand your plight. I have never been there but I would go if I was at Disney for 12 days. My DD's are 4 & 10. The 10 yr old is quite aware of Universal. So I thought that my husband and I would take one to MK and one to Universal. But alas after reading these boards I've realized that it wouldn't make for good memories for the future in our album, so we did rethink the vacation and planned in US/IOA & SeaW at the beginning of our vacation. Now my problem is deciding where to stay(or convincing my husband to stay at HardRHotel to gain FOTL).

2001- CBR in Jun


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