Healthy Living around the World Showcase ~ June 2016 WISH Challenge!

Amazing that you've run 10 miles. So you're almost to the half marathon distance, yes? Thinking about signing up for Tink in a couple of months?

Thinking about it? Absolutely. I'm still kinda thinking about Avengers (I'm still kinda thinking about the Disneyland Half too, but that one's not too likely).
Am I going to sign up? Unfortunately, not likely. For some reason Disney won't let me stay in their hotel for free and the airlines expect me to pay for my flights, and that's where I run into trouble.
I'm hoping I can do it (I'm hoping I can do Princess too and get the Pink Coast to Coast), but we'll see.

I'm also thinking about Rock 'n' Roll Philadelphia in September, but that will depend on whether or not I can convince my sister to come with me even if she's not running (she's not quite close to half marathon ready yet).
Question of the Day for June 15:

We are still in France and are talking about the Eiffel Tower. If one would have to pick one structure to symbolise France, it would be the Eiffel Tower for sure. No wonder that the Epcot World Showcase version of France sports its own Eiffel Tower:


It is built to a 1/10 scale, so is only 103 feet tall. But it does add a lot to the World Showcase skyline!

When the Eiffel Tower was built for the 1889 Exposition Universelle, which was to celebrate the 100th year anniversary of the French Revolution, it was consideren an extraordinary acchievement. But it was also highly criticised and considered to be a crazy project by Mr Eiffel. But Mr Eiffel was an engineer who believed in doing the "impossible" - a few years before he helped to construct that present from the people of France to the USA, now known as Statute of Liberty. Interestingly, this statute might be the structure one would chose if one would have to pick one structure to symbolise the USA. And to come to another Disney connection: It might very well be the only statute that plays a role in two attractions in different Disney parks - at the American Adventure in Epcot as well as in a small display on Main Street in Disneyland Paris, where you can watch the opening ceremony for the Statute of Liberty.

So, Mr. Eiffel appears to be the specialist for doing crazy and impossible things. Tell us the most craziest thing you have done, or something that you did everyone would have deemed to be impossible.

ETA: I totally forgot that it is Wednesday today - the Woohoo Wednesday will be rescheduled to Friday this week. So keep your woohoos until then and we will celebrate the end of the week in style with lots of woohoos!

Real France Story Time:
There's a restaurant inside the Eiffel Tower called "Jules Verne" and it's so amazing. We had dinner there during sunset and it was a 4 hour experience. Think Victoria and Alberts from WDW meets France and there you go. It was simply amazing and we highly recommend everyone doing it!

Craziest thing: I have two.
1) I'm still in process, but this weekend marks Half Marathon 8 of 15 this year through Rock n Roll --- so this puts me at over 50% of my goal after this weekend's race. Seven months ago when I signed up... this seemed like an impossible thing. And now, here I am six months into the year and half way done!
2) I went to grad school and got my MBA. I can't balance a checkbook and intense makes me miserable, but I conquered my fear of the GMAT exam, got accepted into a competitive and difficult program and graduated.

WooHoo Wednesday:
I'm still making Disney Dining Reservations but so far have been able to wake up at 3am every morning and get just about everything that I want. Tonight will be a real pressure scenario because we have Magic Kingdom Mickey Christmas Party to account for and we want to eat dinner at around 5pm in the park. The struggle is real man. This 3am every day reservation is exhausting. :rotfl2:
I'm also thinking about Rock 'n' Roll Philadelphia in September, but that will depend on whether or not I can convince my sister to come with me even if she's not running (she's not quite close to half marathon ready yet).

I wish I was going to be there --- I originally planned on it for my birthday but my "sister" is having her baby shower that weekend and I have to be home for that. We will find a race to run together soon... for sure! :D
I love this question!

I'd have to say...
Running. I've run 10 miles. I've done it 2-3 times now.
I'm someone who has had knee problems since I was a teenager. There were days when I could barely walk. Running was out of the question.
But eventually ... I convinced myself that I could try. Just one block. Then a minute at a time. Somehow, a few years later, that became 10 miles.
Definitely crazy. But pretty amazing too.

My heart is really breaking for Orlando right now. So much sadness in what should be such a happy place. As crazy as it sounds ... I really wish I could be there. I wish I could just hop on a plane and fly down to show my support for the city. (And, while I'm there ... hang out a bit with my main mouse, Mickey)
Unfortunately ... not possible for me right now. :(
I had exactly the same thought... I think I'll poke around and see if I can throw something together for a quick trip over the 4th of July.
I think the craziest thing I have done recently was retire. I was teaching the top level of the school but I felt it was time to retire. I was lucky enough to get to teach some college classes in the town where I live. The craziest part of that is that I am teaching the kids who fail the basic skills test and enjoying helping these kids who have struggled with math all their lives. It brought a great deal of satisfaction.
Tell us the most craziest thing you have done, or something that you did everyone would have deemed to be impossible.

Having my kids - it wasn't a simple thing to do but I did it in the end.
This is one I would have thought impossible but turned out not so much - ending up raising my kids alone - sure some days are difficult but they are turning out awesome.
Going to university in my mid 30s (for the first time- I left high school 2 weeks into year 11 and went to work) - first one in my family.
My Mum thought I was absolutely CRAZY to take the kids on my own to Disneyland/LA in 2014. She doesn't like flying, she thought I should put that money towards saving to buy a house, she was nervous if we would be ok all the way over there - I managed to shake off all that mum guilt and just do it - BEST decision ever.
I kind of thought the Disneyland/LA trip might have been impossible for a long time I just couldn't see how I could afford it as a single mum - but just shows you want determination to get to Mickey can do.

Yes all the news of Orlando is just heartbraking. I just cried yesterday - I had seen a mother on a news clip when it first happened and she had gone to club but couldn't find her son - yesterday the news update said he had been killed - I just cannot and do not ever want to imagine that. My heart just broke for her - what a wonderful supportive, accepting, loving mother she is. I couldn't get to it due to kids sports training but here at Cotton Tree (where I exercise at the river) they held a candlelight vigil for the Orlando community on our Tuesday night - the world is thinking of Orlando.
Having my kids - it wasn't a simple thing to do but I did it in the end.
This is one I would have thought impossible but turned out not so much - ending up raising my kids alone - sure some days are difficult but they are turning out awesome.
Going to university in my mid 30s (for the first time- I left high school 2 weeks into year 11 and went to work) - first one in my family.
My Mum thought I was absolutely CRAZY to take the kids on my own to Disneyland/LA in 2014. She doesn't like flying, she thought I should put that money towards saving to buy a house, she was nervous if we would be ok all the way over there - I managed to shake off all that mum guilt and just do it - BEST decision ever.
I kind of thought the Disneyland/LA trip might have been impossible for a long time I just couldn't see how I could afford it as a single mum - but just shows you want determination to get to Mickey can do.

Your post gives me the fuzzies. I am so glad that you took risks and challenges -- and look at the amazing things you've accomplished. I guess you never know your full potential until you test the limits and break though. (Uh, I think i accidentally quoted Frozen here. Sorry!)

I think the craziest thing I have done recently was retire. I was teaching the top level of the school but I felt it was time to retire. I was lucky enough to get to teach some college classes in the town where I live. The craziest part of that is that I am teaching the kids who fail the basic skills test and enjoying helping these kids who have struggled with math all their lives. It brought a great deal of satisfaction.

Yay retiring. I hope that you're enjoying this part of your life!! :D
Your post gives me the fuzzies. I am so glad that you took risks and challenges -- and look at the amazing things you've accomplished. I guess you never know your full potential until you test the limits and break though. (Uh, I think i accidentally quoted Frozen here. Sorry!)

Thank you. That's I ok I don't mind a Frozen quote every now and then :-) - Its funny I don't often think about the things I have managed to accomplish - as things came up there were and are times I am an absolute mess but (and here's another shameless quote - Dory this time) I guess I 'just keep swimming' and then get there in the end. You are very similar I think Courtney - I know you have overcome lots of challenges and even though you also don't always recognise it you are a strong, caring, determined woman who is also achieving her goals. Have a happy day (or evening I have lost track of the time difference lol)
Did we have a teacher participant in this group? or parents of kids of 9 years or older? I am finding myself in situation that I feel little unprepared and I feel I need to educate myself little on tweens. I would appreciate book recommendations or personal advise so please send me a message and I will take it outside this forum


my son have been lying to me. I am gutted after the year I had, his down had meltdown, his dad had cancer, I had major stress and I just found out that he has not been doing his homework, cot in school and still preforming well in the test I have seen but I am not sure how much he is behind and on what. It seems it has been going for few months. I never cot a lie before

I am so upset, and I feel unprepared. Until now I felt he is reliable to be left with very little supervision on homework.

I ate large bowl of watermelon yesterday after I had all my calories, and I while I am still in maintenance I need to sort out other ways of dealing with stress situations
I don't know how much help I can be but I'll message you if I can work out how to do that! Mum of 3 and one of them I also found out some school stuff he had been keeping to himself a couple of months ago at parent teacher interview.

Sorry you are having a hard time.
Here I was expecting a woohoo Wednesday question today and you got my thinking for the past 15 min about anything crazy/impossible that I've done!

I really can't think of anything crazy or impossible that I've done... the easy answer would be the weight loss or recent running journey, but that isn't crazy (probably the opposite - might be the smartest thing I've done) or impossible (hard, but I truly believe anyone can do it if they have their mind set on it and want it bad enough).

I guess my answer is leaving my job as a technical recruiter two years after I graduated from college and taking a job as a teacher aide that paid next to nothing - this allowed me to go back to school to get my teaching certification. Best decision I ever made... maybe not for my bank account, but every other aspect of my life! I learned that year that teaching is what I wanted to do and the following year I got my first teaching job. Fifteen years later and I'm still at it!

Slightly crazy, I agree! Teaching is HARD... teaching special ed is ESPECIALLY hard. But you've clearly found what you were meant to do!

That's phenomenal, P. If you don't mind me asking, what are the statistical norms. I've always been curious!

I don't know the actual statistics..... but I know that statistically losing weight AND keeping it off is unlikely. I am determined to prove that wrong! I'll look around and see if I can find numbers for you.

Real France Story Time: There's a restaurant inside the Eiffel Tower called "Jules Verne" and it's so amazing. We had dinner there during sunset and it was a 4 hour experience. Think Victoria and Alberts from WDW meets France and there you go. It was simply amazing and we highly recommend everyone doing it!

Craziest thing: I have two.
1) I'm still in process, but this weekend marks Half Marathon 8 of 15 this year through Rock n Roll --- so this puts me at over 50% of my goal after this weekend's race. Seven months ago when I signed up... this seemed like an impossible thing. And now, here I am six months into the year and half way done!
2) I went to grad school and got my MBA. I can't balance a checkbook and intense makes me miserable, but I conquered my fear of the GMAT exam, got accepted into a competitive and difficult program and graduated.

WooHoo Wednesday:
I'm still making Disney Dining Reservations but so far have been able to wake up at 3am every morning and get just about everything that I want. Tonight will be a real pressure scenario because we have Magic Kingdom Mickey Christmas Party to account for and we want to eat dinner at around 5pm in the park. The struggle is real man. This 3am every day reservation is exhausting. :rotfl2:

You are a ROCK STAR!! I bow down to your marathon goals and your dinner reservation determination!!

Did we have a teacher participant in this group? or parents of kids of 9 years or older? I am finding myself in situation that I feel little unprepared and I feel I need to educate myself little on tweens. I would appreciate book recommendations or personal advise so please send me a message and I will take it outside this forum


my son have been lying to me. I am gutted after the year I had, his down had meltdown, his dad had cancer, I had major stress and I just found out that he has not been doing his homework, cot in school and still preforming well in the test I have seen but I am not sure how much he is behind and on what. It seems it has been going for few months. I never cot a lie before

I am so upset, and I feel unprepared. Until now I felt he is reliable to be left with very little supervision on homework.

I ate large bowl of watermelon yesterday after I had all my calories, and I while I am still in maintenance I need to sort out other ways of dealing with stress situations

I'm so sorry to hear this.... but good for you for indulging in watermelon.... it could have been so much worse!

I guess I would talk to my child about why he was lying about the school work. Perhaps he is struggling with the subject and didn't want to tell anyone? Maybe he finds it boring? Is he just disorganized and doesn't remember to do it? And no matter what the reason, I'd set up a system for the next school year that involved some check points (you see his completed homework before he is allowed to do something else, an assignment book/calendar that you and the teacher see every day, etc), and if that isn't enough, you could talk to his teacher about setting up a home/school communication notebook... that way you always know about that day's assignments.

If he is TRULY behind, I would expect him to spend part of his summer vacation playing catch-up. It may seem like a miserable way to spend vacation but it will be a lesson learned.

Remember, he is still young (if he isn't even a teen yet) and while the lying to you is disheartening, the avoidance of school work isn't unusual. I always reminded my kids that our FAMILY was a team.... and Dad's job is to earn the money that we all need, Mom's job is to keep the house running smoothly, and the KIDS job is to work hard in school.


Morning all! I'm working right now, but things have been quiet. My shift ends at 7 am and then DS and I are off our first day of summer work. I'll be honest and say I'm not looking forward to it... especially since I feel like I have SOOOOO much to do to get ready for DS's party next week! But I AM looking forward to the paychecks all summer!

Off to grab a call and a coffee!..................P
Question of the Day for June 16:

There is only one country that fits for today: China!! Because it is time to welcome a new Disney park into the family:

Happy Opening Day to Shanghai Disneyland!!


With this, the sixth Disney Resort finally is officially open, the sixth Disney castle joins the family and the 12th Disney park welcomes its visitors!

If you want to watch the official dedication, you can find it here:

I am pretty sure that no one of us is there for the opening day as I would think that if you were there, you would have told us! So, the question for today is: If a fairy god mother would grant you a on day visit to one specific Disney park anywhere in the world that you have not visited yet (just one park, no park hopping!!), which one would you pick and why?

This is the list you pick from: Disneyland Resort, California: Disneyland and Disney California Adventure; Walt Disney World, Florida: Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios and Disney's Animal Kingdom; Tokyo Disney Resort: Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo Disney Sea; Disneyland Paris Resort: Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios Paris; Hong Kong Disneyland; Shanghai Disneyland
So, time to catch up on some replies!! It has been far too ong since I chatted with you all!

Not so happy with my scale today, but I am starting to move into my "heavy" phase of the month and at least the number is still not too bad for that. But in general I feel that my weight is not reflecting my efforts recently. I will see what the next month brings and then I will go back to my doctor to see what my thyroid is doing. I also have some of the other usual symptoms (cold feet and tired) now and then, so I suspect that there is something not right. Which kind of is scary as it seems that my thyroid is getting worse and worse...

But my PT was impressed with me at how good I am at keeping up with my exercises and that my posture has definitely improved since I started to work on it. She said it will be a long process, but so far she is happy with me. That was encouraging! I need to get an appointment with my doctor to finally get the inserts for running. I so much want to run again!!

Tell us the most craziest thing you have done, or something that you did everyone would have deemed to be impossible.

I think I follow Sarah's answer there: If you had known me as a kid, no one would ever have thought that I could be a runner. I am not up to 10 miles (yet), only 10km. But for me that is amazing! And I guess in the categories of crazy things, my trans-atlantic long distance relationship has a spot as well.

Anyhow.... obviously that long rambly response tells me that you hit a nerve, at least with me (and not necessarily in a bad way). Having a TEAM to help with this is WONDERFUL... and I have credited "Team DIS-boards" with at least a portion of my ongoing success! Especially during the years when I was doing WW on my own at home (not attending meetings) and struggling with DH's unhealthy habits. I could always count on a group here to let me vent and to cheer for me when I was successful and lift me up when I struggled. The members of the group have changed over time (I'm thinking that @donac and I may be the only original members still active), but the group MENTALITY hs remained strong!

I absolutely agree with you there! I do see the DIS people as my team, one that has been of so much value for me over the last years!

I guess my answer is leaving my job as a technical recruiter two years after I graduated from college and taking a job as a teacher aide that paid next to nothing - this allowed me to go back to school to get my teaching certification. Best decision I ever made... maybe not for my bank account, but every other aspect of my life! I learned that year that teaching is what I wanted to do and the following year I got my first teaching job. Fifteen years later and I'm still at it!

That is a great story! And it is wonderful that you love your job, there is nothing better than a teacher who has a passion for what he is doing!

So the fact I took on a triathlon as my first ever race of any kind was surprising to many. I enjoyed the running the most, so I then decided to do a half marathon. Of course right after I committed to it they announced the Glass Slipper Challenge, and I decided to go ahead and register for that, having never run more than 4 miles. I guess my fitness journey has made me a bit more brave. I am a highly anxious person and generally used to shy away from anything I was not sure I could succeed at. But, now I see the preparation for success as a fun part of the journey.

I still think your triathlon sounds crazy even now! ;) But it is fantastic that through it you found your love for running and were able to find new challenges!

Chucking this corporate world and living a fully creative life.

That sounds like a great adventure!

I'd have to say...
Running. I've run 10 miles. I've done it 2-3 times now.
I'm someone who has had knee problems since I was a teenager. There were days when I could barely walk. Running was out of the question.
But eventually ... I convinced myself that I could try. Just one block. Then a minute at a time. Somehow, a few years later, that became 10 miles.
Definitely crazy. But pretty amazing too.

I remember when you started posting on these threads you were just starting out, it is amazing how far you have gotten!

I'm still learning how to eat in real-life scenarios and it's difficult for me.

Oh, I absolutely struggle with this, too! For me and my personal mental wellbeing it is important to take part in social eating events. But it is hard to find a way that does not negatively impact my healthy eating. I have an event coming up this weekend and I know it will involve sitting around a table that will be filled with unhealthy snacks. And the hostess will have cake and there will be pizza. I will be there the whole afternoon and evening and I am afraid it will be a struggle. I am thinking of setting a timer on my phone and when it goes off, I need to track everything in the last hours. Maybe that will help me to see where I am standing and make me refrain from eating or drinking more...

I'm still making Disney Dining Reservations but so far have been able to wake up at 3am every morning and get just about everything that I want. Tonight will be a real pressure scenario because we have Magic Kingdom Mickey Christmas Party to account for and we want to eat dinner at around 5pm in the park. The struggle is real man. This 3am every day reservation is exhausting. :rotfl2:

For me your 3am is 12pm, so a very good time to make reservations! :rotfl2: But we are not making a lot for out next trip. I am rather tired of WDW restaurants by now. And the ones that we love don't really require reservations anyway.

I'm still in process, but this weekend marks Half Marathon 8 of 15 this year through Rock n Roll --- so this puts me at over 50% of my goal after this weekend's race. Seven months ago when I signed up... this seemed like an impossible thing. And now, here I am six months into the year and half way done!

Yes, that definitely counts as slightly crazy, but I think it is a fantastic challenge for you! Will you miss all those races next year?

The question today is a tough one for me. I stay with in my comfort zone all the time. Even in school and college I did not push the limits. I am going to have to think on this one longer. Hopefully I can come up with something by the end of the day.

Maybe tackling the World Showcase counter clockwise?? ;)

The craziest part of that is that I am teaching the kids who fail the basic skills test and enjoying helping these kids who have struggled with math all their lives. It brought a great deal of satisfaction.

I think that this is wonderful that you are doing this! I hope you can really make a difference for some of these kids!

Having my kids - it wasn't a simple thing to do but I did it in the end.
This is one I would have thought impossible but turned out not so much - ending up raising my kids alone - sure some days are difficult but they are turning out awesome.
Going to university in my mid 30s (for the first time- I left high school 2 weeks into year 11 and went to work) - first one in my family.
My Mum thought I was absolutely CRAZY to take the kids on my own to Disneyland/LA in 2014. She doesn't like flying, she thought I should put that money towards saving to buy a house, she was nervous if we would be ok all the way over there - I managed to shake off all that mum guilt and just do it - BEST decision ever.
I kind of thought the Disneyland/LA trip might have been impossible for a long time I just couldn't see how I could afford it as a single mum - but just shows you want determination to get to Mickey can do.

See, that's why we all believe in you when it comes to losing weight as well! :goodvibes

I am so upset, and I feel unprepared. Until now I felt he is reliable to be left with very little supervision on homework.

I am so sorry! I can't offer any advice since I really don't know anything about parenting. But I can offer you a hug!! :hug:

My shift ends at 7 am and then DS and I are off our first day of summer work.

Hope you have a good day at work! So, DS and you are working there together? How fun!

If a fairy god mother would grant you a on day visit to one specific Disney park anywhere in the world that you have not visited yet (just one park, no park hopping!!), which one would you pick and why?

This question is easy for me:

Tokyo Disney Sea. From everything I have heard this sounds like the most spectacularly themed park of all of them and I like it that it is so different from any of the other parks. It will be something totally new to me to explore!
Oh, I absolutely struggle with this, too! For me and my personal mental wellbeing it is important to take part in social eating events. But it is hard to find a way that does not negatively impact my healthy eating. I have an event coming up this weekend and I know it will involve sitting around a table that will be filled with unhealthy snacks. And the hostess will have cake and there will be pizza. I will be there the whole afternoon and evening and I am afraid it will be a struggle. I am thinking of setting a timer on my phone and when it goes off, I need to track everything in the last hours. Maybe that will help me to see where I am standing and make me refrain from eating or drinking more...

Can you pack some sneaky healthy snacks in your handbag? That sounds so funny - I know - But then you might not eat as much of the party food.

If a fairy god mother would grant you a on day visit to one specific Disney park anywhere in the world that you have not visited yet (just one park, no park hopping!!), which one would you pick and why?

This is the list you pick from: Disneyland Resort, California: Disneyland and Disney California Adventure; Walt Disney World, Florida: Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios and Disney's Animal Kingdom; Tokyo Disney Resort: Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo Disney Sea; Disneyland Paris Resort: Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios Paris; Hong Kong Disneyland; Shanghai Disneyland

Oh this is tricky - I tend think most of the time that Disneyland also represents the USA for me - so I think it would be a little funny to me to visit one in another country - but I must say that spectacular castle in Shanghai and some of their rides/themed areas sound pretty cool so it might just win me over with a fairy godmothers help.

I have had a sneaky look at the scales this morning - and I won't count me chickens yet but I think I have a achieved a loss - I will save the happy dance for official reporting in on the weekend.
Did we have a teacher participant in this group? or parents of kids of 9 years or older? I am finding myself in situation that I feel little unprepared and I feel I need to educate myself little on tweens. I would appreciate book recommendations or personal advise so please send me a message and I will take it outside this forum


my son have been lying to me. I am gutted after the year I had, his down had meltdown, his dad had cancer, I had major stress and I just found out that he has not been doing his homework, cot in school and still preforming well in the test I have seen but I am not sure how much he is behind and on what. It seems it has been going for few months. I never cot a lie before

I am so upset, and I feel unprepared. Until now I felt he is reliable to be left with very little supervision on homework.

I ate large bowl of watermelon yesterday after I had all my calories, and I while I am still in maintenance I need to sort out other ways of dealing with stress situations

I understand your frustration. We went through something similar with my newly 10 year old about a month ago. We were able to catch it quickly because our schools uses an online system to enter grades and we get notified as soon as something is entered. We had several talks about the importance of grades and homework and we also took away his electronics for a week. It was too late in the year to see if that worked or not. They only had 2 weeks left of school and the teachers were pretty much done teaching. I can tell you that he was very upset and I think he cried himself to sleep the first night.

In your case there may be more going on. It sounds like you guys had a rough year. It might be his way of dealing with things. This might be the one thing he can control right now. I think I would start off talking to him and his teachers. Have the teachers tell as soon as his misses an assignment. Does he use an assignment notebook? If he does see if the teacher would sign it every night so you know that he has written down everything he has for homework and then check it every night.

I wish I could give your more advise. This is a new territory for me too. Just know you are not alone and you will get through this.
Question of the Day for June 16:

There is only one country that fits for today: China!! Because it is time to welcome a new Disney park into the family:

Happy Opening Day to Shanghai Disneyland!!


With this, the sixth Disney Resort finally is officially open, the sixth Disney castle joins the family and the 12th Disney park welcomes its visitors!

If you want to watch the official dedication, you can find it here:

I am pretty sure that no one of us is there for the opening day as I would think that if you were there, you would have told us! So, the question for today is: If a fairy god mother would grant you a on day visit to one specific Disney park anywhere in the world that you have not visited yet (just one park, no park hopping!!), which one would you pick and why?

This is the list you pick from: Disneyland Resort, California: Disneyland and Disney California Adventure; Walt Disney World, Florida: Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios and Disney's Animal Kingdom; Tokyo Disney Resort: Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo Disney Sea; Disneyland Paris Resort: Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios Paris; Hong Kong Disneyland; Shanghai Disneyland

I would pick Disneyland in California. I am desperately trying to get my husband to agree to a trip their. He thinks it is pointless since it is smaller then the WDW and we have been their a few times. I want to be to be in the park that Walt was in. Feel the magic that he created. Yes he started Disney World but he did not build it.

I would like to see Paris but I have this fear of leaving the county. My kids want to travel. My son really wants to go to Germany. He has talked about it since he was like 5. At some point if money allows we will take him and I will have to get over my fear. Maybe you guys can answer my sons question this morning. "Is there a road in Germany that does not have a speed limit?" I just told him I don't know.
Maybe tackling the World Showcase counter clockwise?? ;)

I still have not made it though the world showcase :sad2:. I did see a few more countries though. We did enter the park through the International Gateway twicee this trip. The first time we only had time to get to Teppen Edo for dinner and then get a spot for the night time show. The second time was the day I was feeling sick so we just quickly went through France, UK and Canada. I can say Canada is very beautiful. Next trip (when ever that will be) I will finish all of them.
Oh this is tricky - I tend think most of the time that Disneyland also represents the USA for me - so I think it would be a little funny to me to visit one in another country - but I must say that spectacular castle in Shanghai and some of their rides/themed areas sound pretty cool so it might just win me over with a fairy godmothers help.

I could have sworn that you would pick one of the parks at Walt Disney World! :goodvibes

I would pick Disneyland in California. I am desperately trying to get my husband to agree to a trip their. He thinks it is pointless since it is smaller then the WDW and we have been their a few times. I want to be to be in the park that Walt was in. Feel the magic that he created. Yes he started Disney World but he did not build it.

Ah, you should tell him that the Disneyland resort has about the same number of attractions in two parks that WDW has in four! :thumbsup2

And I totally agree with your sentiment of wanting to see "Walt's park"!

I would like to see Paris but I have this fear of leaving the county. My kids want to travel. My son really wants to go to Germany. He has talked about it since he was like 5. At some point if money allows we will take him and I will have to get over my fear. Maybe you guys can answer my sons question this morning. "Is there a road in Germany that does not have a speed limit?" I just told him I don't know.

Yes, I can answer this, I live in Germany! Theoretically all our highways have no speed limit. However, there are many areas where specific speed limits are in effect because those are high density traffic areas. But, yes, there are roads where you can drive as fast as you can safely handle your car (that's the rule, most people forget about the second part about being able to safely handle your car). Personally, I start getting queasy when the car hits 100 mph. Highways here are built for speeds like that and most non German drivers find driving here very stressful as you constantly need to watch out for cars appearing behind you very quickly. But there are plenty of nice country roads to drive on that are not as scary and there are fantastic trains to travel through the country!
If a fairy god mother would grant you a on day visit to one specific Disney park anywhere in the world that you have not visited yet (just one park, no park hopping!!), which one would you pick and why?

Well, the park I really want to go to the most is Disneyland since I've never been... BUT if my fairy godmother is paying for this trip I feel like I need to step it up a bit. I'll go with Tokyo - no reason other than my so would love to go to Japan.


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