Healthy Living around the World Showcase ~ June 2016 WISH Challenge!

Question of the Day for June 17:

Since we missed it on Wednesday, here it is on Friday!! We are having a Woohoo Friday!! Share something that made you happy this week and hopefully this will all help us to finish the week strong and go into the weekend with a smile on our face!

I have a pair of terry cloth capris that I wear with my swim suit and I have had since I got married almost 12 years ago. Last trip they did not fit at all. I brought them with me on this trip only because I was wishing they would fit but knew they wouldn't. Guess What! To my surprise they fit. I still need to loose a few pounds for them to fit really good but I was so excited. I really saw the difference.

Now to get rid of this horrible cold so I can work out again. It got worse over night and I was most of the night coughing. If it was not for just getting back from vacation I would have stayed home in bed today. I have had this for about a week now and i am so over it. I have to work a half day tomorrow but hopefully I can still get some extra rest.

Happy Friday to everyone!!!
TOUGH question!! Wow!! Well.... as much as WDW is my "home" resort and I love it all, I wouldn't choose any of those. And Disneyland is ICONIC.... the ORIGINAL park where Walt walked (and I am beyond excited about my upcoming trip).... but I wouldn't choose that park either.

I think ANY of the overseas parks would be wonderful! Disneyland Paris was my first thought, but honestly.... any of them!! So bring it on Fairy Godmother.... SURPRISE ME!!

Don't be embarrassed! You work hard... if that is how you choose to spend your money, so be it!! Am I super jealous?? YOU BET! ;)

You are a rock star! Finishing school is hard.... being a single mom is hard.... both at the same time?? WOW!


Good morning friends! Well..... Happy Birthday to me. Today I am another year older. Why can't my biological age be more in line with my MENTAL age? I'm thinking.... 35 sounds perfect! Old enough to not be considered immature, but young enough to still have good skin! But I spent my first few awake moments thanking GOD for the blessings of the past 52 years.... my parents (and their continued good health), my DH (at times he makes me want to scream, but after 24 years of marriage and 30 years together, I'll keep him), my kiddos (truly the lights of my life ALL THE TIME), my health (without it I would have NOTHING), my country and my extended family and friends (including you all). I awoke with sunshine streaming into my home, a kitty snuggled next to my leg, and the quiet country chirps and bird songs that are typical of a summer morning here. Hard to ask for much more than that.

And the cherry on the "sundae" of today...... last week's suspiciously low number on the scale (that I didn't report) actually STUCK and brought a tiny friend along with it!! I'm not sure yet (gotta check my numbers) but that MAY mean I am close to 100% of my goal for June!

Okay.... I've been awake for nearly 2 hours and the breakfast fairy has not appeared, despite the fact that it is my birthday (I think that is because she lives in Rhode Island now.... ;) ), so I guess I'll go feed myself! Going to have a delicious but on-plan breakfast to start the day.... but Raisinets WILL happen at the movies later. Yup... celebrating by going to see Finding Dory with my whole family! Isn't it KIND of Disney/Pixar to open their movies on or very near my birthday!!??

Have a wonderful day!................P

Happy Birthday!!!! I hope you have a great day. You will need to let us know how the movie is. I have been hearing good things about it.
Happy birthday @pjlla !!!!!

Question of the Day for June 17:

Since we missed it on Wednesday, here it is on Friday!! We are having a Woohoo Friday!! Share something that made you happy this week and hopefully this will all help us to finish the week strong and go into the weekend with a smile on our face!

I got a couple woohoo's:

This past weekend I went to a couple graduation parties for some former players and saw a lot of people that I hadn't seen since last season - parents mostly - and had a lot of positive feedback about my weight loss. A lot of people couldn't believe how different I look... that was nice to hear.

Over the past few weeks I've been going through all my old clothes. I donated about a two huge trash bags full of things, but decided to sell some of my name brand stuff on eBay. I made a little over $500 on the clothes I sold and last Tuesday made a trip to the outlet mall. I ended up showing good restraint at Nike/Under Armour, but I did a lot of damage at the Polo store! Turns out I sent from wearing big/tall 3XL stuff 6 months ago to now wearing XL (but not slim fit, those shirts are the work of the devil). Best part was on my way there I got a text from Polo offering an additional 20% off code, so shirts that were normally $75 I ended up only paying $29 on after all the discounts. Needless to say I did a lot of damage! Shopping is fun again!

I've also had a pretty good week weight wise and done well with the running. I think I'm just about ready to pull the trigger and sign up for a half marathon too - the more I think about it the more I like having a goal to shoot for in October to keep me accountable through the football season.
TOUGH question!! Wow!! Well.... as much as WDW is my "home" resort and I love it all, I wouldn't choose any of those. And Disneyland is ICONIC.... the ORIGINAL park where Walt walked (and I am beyond excited about my upcoming trip).... but I wouldn't choose that park either.

I think ANY of the overseas parks would be wonderful! Disneyland Paris was my first thought, but honestly.... any of them!! So bring it on Fairy Godmother.... SURPRISE ME!!

Don't be embarrassed! You work hard... if that is how you choose to spend your money, so be it!! Am I super jealous?? YOU BET! ;)

You are a rock star! Finishing school is hard.... being a single mom is hard.... both at the same time?? WOW!


Good morning friends! Well..... Happy Birthday to me. Today I am another year older. Why can't my biological age be more in line with my MENTAL age? I'm thinking.... 35 sounds perfect! Old enough to not be considered immature, but young enough to still have good skin! But I spent my first few awake moments thanking GOD for the blessings of the past 52 years.... my parents (and their continued good health), my DH (at times he makes me want to scream, but after 24 years of marriage and 30 years together, I'll keep him), my kiddos (truly the lights of my life ALL THE TIME), my health (without it I would have NOTHING), my country and my extended family and friends (including you all). I awoke with sunshine streaming into my home, a kitty snuggled next to my leg, and the quiet country chirps and bird songs that are typical of a summer morning here. Hard to ask for much more than that.

And the cherry on the "sundae" of today...... last week's suspiciously low number on the scale (that I didn't report) actually STUCK and brought a tiny friend along with it!! I'm not sure yet (gotta check my numbers) but that MAY mean I am close to 100% of my goal for June!

Okay.... I've been awake for nearly 2 hours and the breakfast fairy has not appeared, despite the fact that it is my birthday (I think that is because she lives in Rhode Island now.... ;) ), so I guess I'll go feed myself! Going to have a delicious but on-plan breakfast to start the day.... but Raisinets WILL happen at the movies later. Yup... celebrating by going to see Finding Dory with my whole family! Isn't it KIND of Disney/Pixar to open their movies on or very near my birthday!!??

Have a wonderful day!................P
Yesterday's QOTD... Oddly enough I'd chose DL Paris. Odd because two co-workers just got back from Paris and asked me if I ever went would I go to DLP and I said no, if I went to Paris I'd stay in Paris. But if my Fairy Godmother wants to gift me a day at DLP I would gladly take it... Then tack on a couple days in Paris.

Today's Woohoo? I'd like to recognize and thank everyone for their "craziest" things answers... And thank Flossbolna for asking the question. It is so easy, and natural, to discount and downplay the choices we make in our lives, but so often the things that appear to be the most mundane take a great deal of courage. So Woohoo for all of us!
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Weekly check in:

Let's be real... I've eaten a lot of food this week. But somehow the scale was down a pound this morning. So that is 20% of my weight goal.

I'm still 100% for days of at least 10,000 steps, my longest streak.

Average %to goal... 60%
Hi Friends - we are literally on the plane to Seattle for Half Marathon number 8! Hope everyone has a great morning - I'll check in and reply once we land. My brother doesn't arrive for four hours after we land - so we are hanging out in the terminal with free wifi and lunch until he gets there.

Until later...:)
Hi Friends - we are literally on the plane to Seattle for Half Marathon number 8! Hope everyone has a great morning - I'll check in and reply once we land. My brother doesn't arrive for four hours after we land - so we are hanging out in the terminal with free wifi and lunch until he gets there.

Until later...:)
Was thinking about you when the covered weekend events on the news this morning (I live in Seattle). Hope you have a fabulous race!
I've also had a pretty good week weight wise and done well with the running. I think I'm just about ready to pull the trigger and sign up for a half marathon too - the more I think about it the more I like having a goal to shoot for in October to keep me accountable through the football season.

Rock n Roll St Louis? :D

If you put down a 3:00 time finish we'd likely be in the same corral. I'd love to wait with you in the corrals. They're massive races - and a lot of fun!
I am feeling horrible again. Somehow I have some kind of cold that cannot decide if it wants to make me really sick or not. Have been battling it for 10 days now... And am so tired of it!!

I think my only woohoo for today is that despite feeling so low, I managed to get all the laundry done that needs to be done before I leave for one week on a training course... (don't worry, I will have access to a computer there, so will be able to take care of you all!)
Since we missed it on Wednesday, here it is on Friday!! We are having a Woohoo Friday!! Share something that made you happy this week and hopefully this will all help us to finish the week strong and go into the weekend with a smile on our face!

Woohoos for the week are:

I have had a really good week tracking food with MFP
I have taken lunch to work EVERYDAY
I have stuck to my meal plan all week - well except for one night we ended up with take-out but I stayed under calorie goal for the day - I tweaked my choice and made it work.
All this hard work has been rewarded this week as of this morning (Saturday here) I lost 1.1kg or around 2.4pounds in your language after one week of getting serious with myself.
I have had my small office to myself all week - the person I share it with is on leave for 2 weeks and whilst we get on OK - it is so nice and peaceful right now and that lasts for one more week.

Good morning friends! Well..... Happy Birthday to me. Today I am another year older. Why can't my biological age be more in line with my MENTAL age? I'm thinking.... 35 sounds perfect! Old enough to not be considered immature, but young enough to still have good skin! But I spent my first few awake moments thanking GOD for the blessings of the past 52 years.... my parents (and their continued good health), my DH (at times he makes me want to scream, but after 24 years of marriage and 30 years together, I'll keep him), my kiddos (truly the lights of my life ALL THE TIME), my health (without it I would have NOTHING), my country and my extended family and friends (including you all). I awoke with sunshine streaming into my home, a kitty snuggled next to my leg, and the quiet country chirps and bird songs that are typical of a summer morning here. Hard to ask for much more than that.

And the cherry on the "sundae" of today...... last week's suspiciously low number on the scale (that I didn't report) actually STUCK and brought a tiny friend along with it!! I'm not sure yet (gotta check my numbers) but that MAY mean I am close to 100% of my goal for June!

Okay.... I've been awake for nearly 2 hours and the breakfast fairy has not appeared, despite the fact that it is my birthday (I think that is because she lives in Rhode Island now.... ;) ), so I guess I'll go feed myself! Going to have a delicious but on-plan breakfast to start the day.... but Raisinets WILL happen at the movies later. Yup... celebrating by going to see Finding Dory with my whole family! Isn't it KIND of Disney/Pixar to open their movies on or very near my birthday!!??

Have a wonderful day!................P

I loved your description of waking up and all the things you were grateful for. I know I don't do enough of this - so thank you for that reminder.

Hope you loved Finding Dory and had a wonderful day.

so shirts that were normally $75 I ended up only paying $29 on after all the discounts. Needless to say I did a lot of damage! Shopping is fun again!

I love a good bargain like that - so jealous that you are having fun shopping - but you have definitely earned it.

I am feeling horrible again. Somehow I have some kind of cold that cannot decide if it wants to make me really sick or not. Have been battling it for 10 days now... And am so tired of it!!

I think my only woohoo for today is that despite feeling so low, I managed to get all the laundry done that needs to be done before I leave for one week on a training course... (don't worry, I will have access to a computer there, so will be able to take care of you all!)

Boo to you feeling unwell still - hope you feel better soon.

I will report tomorrow - I have to force myself off this couch and organise the kids to clean the house.
Rock n Roll St Louis? :D

If you put down a 3:00 time finish we'd likely be in the same corral. I'd love to wait with you in the corrals. They're massive races - and a lot of fun!

Just registered. I feel like I'm about to have a minor panic attack, but I'm in!

I ended up putting 3:00 for my time, but I have no idea on what kind of time I will be able to do. I'm thinking I'll probably go down Saturday night and get a hotel room - the family might join me too.

Good luck tomorrow!
Just registered. I feel like I'm about to have a minor panic attack, but I'm in!

I ended up putting 3:00 for my time, but I have no idea on what kind of time I will be able to do. I'm thinking I'll probably go down Saturday night and get a hotel room - the family might join me too.

Good luck tomorrow!
you don't look like the same person on your new picture! Well done for your amazing persistence and transforming your lifestyle so well
I am feeling horrible again. Somehow I have some kind of cold that cannot decide if it wants to make me really sick or not. Have been battling it for 10 days now... And am so tired of it!!

I think my only woohoo for today is that despite feeling so low, I managed to get all the laundry done that needs to be done before I leave for one week on a training course... (don't worry, I will have access to a computer there, so will be able to take care of you all!)

Oh no, sorry to hear. I hope you feel better soon. Did you check with your gp? He may be able to help


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