Guest of Honor badges


Apr 8, 2001
Has anyone bought the guest of honor badges or pins at AK? If so where?
Yes i brought them in august when i was down. You can purchase them in MGM on Sunset Blvd at the photo shop. You can get magnets key chains or with pins to put on your shirt or whatever. They have different characters on them Mikey, tigger pooh etc. they are really cute and about 5 bucks
I just had 4 delivered to our house from Jane at Gifts of a lifetime. My sons birthday is coming up soon. His guest of honor badge will be in a Disney World box along with pressed penny book and EpCot passport. Mothers day is coming soon so my MIL will be getting hers then. My husbands birthday is in August so he will be getting his guest of honor pin.
You can also get them at DTD at the open air store next to the train. If you can't find your name, they can engrave one for you. However, when we got ours on 4/5, they were out of "Tigger" blanks.

I think you can also get them in Tomorrowland at MK. Can't remember the name of the store.

I live in the real world, so I choose to vacation in Fantasy Land!!


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