Ghost Stories????

My maternal grandmother died when I was about 3 years old. I don't remember her at all, but she babysat me and Mom says sometimes at night I would cry for her and they would have to take me back to her house so she could rock me and calm me down. It bothers me that I have no memory of her.

I dreamed about her a few weeks ago. First dream I have ever had about her. I was standing at this table, and she came over to me, (wearing this faded housedress that I have seen her wear in a picture Mom has of her) and she was just smiling at me, this gentle loving smile. I could feel this intense emotion coming from way I can describe it was peaceful, loving. She did not say anything to me and I didnt say anything to her. Finally she turned and walked up the stairs, and I woke up. I still felt this overwhelming sense of love that was coming from her. I told my mother about it, she thinks it was just a dream, and maybe thats all it was. I would like to think somehow she visited me.... :goodvibes

I used to have no emotion when I thought about her. She was just some relative. I know that is going to sound bad, I mean, I love her because she is my grandmother, but having no memory of her, there was no connection, if that makes sense? I can't explain. But since that dream (?) I feel like, she must have loved me alot and I feel closer to her somehow.
Our house is haunted by the man who died in it. The floor in the hall way will creak, I close the extra bedroom door and walk back two minutes later and it will be open. If you look in one of our bathroom mirrors you can see the hallway, and everyonce in a while you catch just a glimpse of "something" Things get moved where neither dh or I would ever put them. When it starts to get too annoying I call out "Hi Dave" And it stops.
SplashLover93 said:
you scared me! lol i luv to watch most haunted on travel channel and ghost hunters on sci fi but after i watch i can't sleep!

We've been watching a lot of that show, and it really kindof freaked me out last night...especially when I had to walk to bed in the pitch black....

I never slept with my feet under the sheets until last night!
My dad's name is Larry. When we moved into our house, the man who lived there before us was also named Larry.

Two weeks after we moved in, everyone was asleep in the house. My mom was sleeping on the couch (she had a cold) and my dad was in their bed.

Dad said he woke up in the middle of the night and a woman was standing in the bedroom. He could see her outline as plain as day. She kept saying, "Larry? Larry? Larry?" Dad thought it was my mom - said her name and nothing. Then he thought maybe it was me - said my name and nothing. He closed his eyes very tight, opened them, and she was still there. He put his head under his pillow for about 15 minutes, then she was gone.

The next day, he asked if either of us had come into his bedroom in the middle of the night. Nope. Then, we found out a few days later that the previous owner's (also named Larry) mom and grandmother were in a car crash and died a week before! It freaked us all out, my dad especially. He is a very scientific and truthful man - he would never "make up" a story to scare us. To this day, he refuses to talk about that night.

Could it all have been some weird dream/coincidence? Maybe. I don't know. But it's a spooky story all the same...
I had a strange occurance in an old hotel in Pa. We were staying for my Dear Nephews wedding....the hotel was a restored older one(maybe at least civil war era)

We had a very nice room .....
whenever we would go out we would come back to the water running in the tub and a steamy bathroom.....
not a drip overnight......nothing when we were in the room.....only when we left and returned.... :earseek:

a very clean ghost.....
Yep. Many many many. I'm used to it. Though I haven't seen one for about... 5 months now.

The last time I saw one, it was sitting on my bed, looking at me. A Shadow Ghost. Yes thats an actual ghost terms from ghost hunters. They are a type of ghost that has human shape but appears as a shadow. You can't touch them but they are more tangible than a regular shadow. They also respond to things. Its creepy but they can't hurt you.

I have alot more experiences. I seem to attract ghosts and it happens fairly often though not constantly. Its happened since I was little.

Thing is, it would take hours of typing that I'm not willing to do to tell all of it. :)

I know very well that ghosts exist. They most definately exist.
When my cousin was about 4 she used to like to play in the closet. We all thought it was weird but she was always just singing and playing dolls in there. Well one day she comes out of the closet and she's singing a song. My aunt stops her and ask her where she learned that song from. She says " the old lady in the closet taught it to me, why?" Her Mom says no reason, but she ran to the phone and called my grandma. It turns out it was a song my aunts grandma had taught her when she was a little girl. Just a little bit creepy!
I would love to find out what ever happened to the original owners of my house.

I believe the original owners only lived here a few years(we are the 3rd owners)and for a while about 5 years ago, I would see and hear things. I really believe that it is a child. I saw a shadow of a child and I once heard something yell out "MOM"
Houses aren't the only things that can be haunted. So can objects and even the land its sitting on. the night. Keep them coming I love this type of thread. Go to if you really want to find some good ghost stories. I have had a few things happen to me also so I belive. The funny thing is when they do happen I try very hard to find a real cause for them but never can.
My experiences have been mostly with smells. Most recently, DH, myself and our kids were sitting in local restaurant having breakfast. Out of the blue, I could distinctly smell my grandmothers perfume. It didn't linger as if someone walked by, it was simply there one moment and gone the next. She died back in the early 70's and at that time, I had no idea for this sudden visit. Well, the next morning I got a call from my aunt to let me know that my grandfather had passed peacefully in his sleep the previous morning. Coincidentally, very close to the time I felt my grandmothers presence.

A comforting story that I heard from my brother, was about the night our mother passed away. She had been battling cancer for a few years. I had just given birth to my daughter the day before she died, so I wasn't able to be with her when she passed. My brother told me that he had gone by with a video tape of me and the baby to show her. Once she saw us, she said that it was okay for her to go because she knew we were both going to be fine. In the last moments of her life, she grabbed my brothers hand and told him that he had to quickly pack her suitcase. She explained to him that her mother was there and it was time for her to go home.
Too many to write about. My family has always believed in these things and my mother was tuned in to these things. I think in my siblings, I have it more than they do.

My mother passed away 4 years ago due to a botched heart bypass. One stitch didn't hold, so she bled out during the night. She was in cardiac ICU for a month, 3 weeks of which she was unconscious. The first week after surgery she was conscious enough if I went to talk to her, she'd open her eyes and blink in response, so I know she heard me. Every day, I was over there 3 times. Twice during the day, once at night. One morning I dreamed we were sitting up in bed together. She had her hospital gown on, but she looked refreshed, hair beautiful. She didn't say anything, but she was giggling. Laughing so hard her shoulders were shaking. She died that evening.

A day or so after she died, I walked from my kitchen to my bedroom and back and in that time one of my canisters had turned itself around (print on it, so I could tell it had moved).

Two years ago, I had a hysterectomy. The morning after my hysterectomy my mom was standing by my bed, telling me how to move to get out of bed (I hadn't been up yet) so that it wouldn't hurt. She then leaned over and said, "We're tough old birds!" At that point, I woke up -- but I was laying and looking at the same area where she'd been during my "dream."

I've had other what I call "real" dreams since then. Some dreams you have you know they're dreams, but other ones you can actually feel things. One dream, not to long after she passed was one where she told me, "She didn't mean what she said." It took me a while to figure out what she meant, but I realized it was something hurtful she had told me when I was a snotty teen.

Other real dreams I have of her -- in fact I had one just a couple of weeks ago. She always looks refreshed, younger than when she passed, hair beautiful. She always takes my hands and kisses me on the lips like she used to .. and I can actually feel it.

I have had many instances of "feeling" things in houses, forts, etc. And let me tell you, you can always feel if they are good things or bad things!

Most people think we're crazy -- but I'm glad to hear some others have had some instances - the child playing in the closet, we've had something like that in our family, too.
This is hands down one of my favorite topics. My house was built in 1872, so alot of living went on here. When we first moved in my husband was alone in the house after midnight ripping up old carpet. As he was pulling it up, he started to hear a whispered conversation. He assumed he was hearing a conversation from outside or something, so he continued working. After awhile he investigated, looked outside, around the house and in all the rooms, nothing. He decided to just sit down and listen to what was being said. He said that it was two people talking, a man and a woman. But the weird thing was no matter how loud the whispering was, he couldn't make out the exact words. This continued for about 20 minutes. When he reproduced how it sounded to me, it was sooooo scary. Also, there used to be a door leading from my kitchen into my living room that was sealed off years ago, and now there are cabinets blocking it. My husband has said if he is up late around 11:20-11:40 p.m., like clockwork a woman wearing very old clothing walks through the wall where the doorway used to be! Yikes! I have alot more stories, but I will be typing all night!
After my FIL died my MIL was thinking of dropping out of college (yes, college...she was going back to get her masters degree in her late 40's) We were discussing it and telling her not to drop out because Dad really wanted her to do this. All of the sudden we all (5 ) people looked at each other because we could smell cigarette smoke. No one had smoked since FIL died. Windows were closed. We all think Dad was listening and telling us he agreed. MIL stayed in school. Jump ahead to graduation. After she received her degree we were standing in the big entrance way, SIL and I had the kids (2 and 1 1/2) with us so we were having them stand by the window to look outside. I smelled cigarette smoke and said to my SIL..."who is smoking in here it's not allowed?" She didn't smell it at all. At that moment we looked down at the kids leaning on the window ledge and there was an empty crumbled package from camel non filter cigarettes...the same brand my FIL smoked and that package was no where around when we let the kids start looking out that window. We both looked at each other and at the same time said "Dad was here" I believe to this day that he came to watch Mom get her degree.
Stacey2grls said:
This is hands down one of my favorite topics. My house was built in 1872, so alot of living went on here. When we first moved in my husband was alone in the house after midnight ripping up old carpet. As he was pulling it up, he started to hear a whispered conversation. He assumed he was hearing a conversation from outside or something, so he continued working. After awhile he investigated, looked outside, around the house and in all the rooms, nothing. He decided to just sit down and listen to what was being said. He said that it was two people talking, a man and a woman. But the weird thing was no matter how loud the whispering was, he couldn't make out the exact words. This continued for about 20 minutes. When he reproduced how it sounded to me, it was sooooo scary. Also, there used to be a door leading from my kitchen into my living room that was sealed off years ago, and now there are cabinets blocking it. My husband has said if he is up late around 11:20-11:40 p.m., like clockwork a woman wearing very old clothing walks through the wall where the doorway used to be! Yikes! I have alot more stories, but I will be typing all night!

This is so similar to what happened to me and my husband on different occasions. We both work at the same hospital on the night shift. The hospital is very old, but the section this happened in was built within the last 12 years. One night between 2-3am my husband was in this part of the building alone, it closes at 6pm. He heard whispering coming from the women's bathroom, but like your husband, could not make out what they were saying but could determine it was a woman, so he went and knocked on the door. No answer, he called out, no answer, so he went in and looked in all 3 stalls, the bathroom was completely empty. Finding this a little odd he went next door to the men's room, a little while later he hears the women's restroom door open and footsteps walking down the hall. He runs out of the men's room but there is noone in the hall. He still to this day will not accept that this experience was ghostly, he just says he can't explain what happened.

My story happened in the lobby of this building as I was entering around 9pm. Often the housekeepers take breaks in that area so when I heard women whispering from the sitting area around the corner I didn't think anything of it. But once I rounded the corner, the sitting area was totally empty, you can't leave that area without being seen. It really freaked me out.

Also, while the construction was going on, they worked late into the evening trying to get the building completed. The workers told tales of seeing a woman in white in the unfinished building.
As a matter of fact, my DS(11) just had an experience last night. The first that we've ever had that he saw the face, arms and feet. I've always been interested, but didn't expect to see one in our house - needless to say I was freaking out when I went to bed last night.

It was around 10:50-10:55 last night and just my son and I were up watching TV. He went around the corner from the living room to the hallway to the restroom and right in the entrance to the restroom was what he explained as a white/grey cast of a woman with hair down no longer than her shoulders, younger adult (30's). As soon as he saw her, she looked at him and he said, "it was like she wooshed away into the wall". He was so calm and serene when he came out to tell me. He said, "Mom, I think I just saw a ghost or something". He also said that he was so calm and no alarmed or scared at all. He definately said it was a woman - he thinks it might be his grandma who passed a couple years ago. He definately felt very comforted by her. He also said that there was cold air and a breeze for a quick instant before it was back to normal.

He has had dreams about his grandma before and she was just smiling at him and asking if he was okay. He also had another one where she and his grandpa (whom he never met) were saying for him to do well in school.

For those skeptics, my son doesn't watch scary stuff and had not been doing anything like reading a ghost book, talking about it. He gets quite skirmish about things in his room and a little bit jumpy and I couldn't believe his calmness. Not too many minutes later we both went to bed and he was calm like "no big deal". Unlike me who was trying to stay calm and not make a big deal about it - not to scare him. I went to bed with my eyes wide open hoping it was my MIL or at least an angel. I don't mind either of them being around, but I don't want to deal with someone I don't know!!!

This too comes after I've been feeling like someone is watching me when I'm on this side of the house. My son also said he feels a lot of times that someone is watching him - not scary, just feeling like someone is there.


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