Ghost Stories????

I lived in a beautiful Victorian home when I was just out of college. I had the lower flat of a huge house. Anyway, when I would come home from work, I'd take my necklace off and leave it on the dining room table. I'd be getting ready to go out (shower and dress) and I'd go back to the table for my necklace and it'd always be gone. I would find it in the strangest places ... in the china cabinet, on the mantlepiece ... places where I wouldn't put it. I would even leave a note on the table stating that I put the necklace on the table (b/c I thought I was going crazy!). Sure enough, I'd go for the necklace and it'd be gone. I'd find it the next day somewhere other than the table.

When Daxx and I moved into our new home, I was bringing up boxes. As I was coming up the stairs (they curve around), I swear I saw a man in jean overalls and a plaid shirt standing at the top of the stairs near the boxes. It was one of those "did I just see what I thought I saw?" moments. So, I said "Oh ... we're living here now and we're really happy this is our house and we'll take good care of it!" I have yet to see that figure again.

I used to work in a turn-of-the century mansion that used to be someone's home. When I'd work late at night w/my team, we'd hear sounds of children giggling and running. We'd always go check it out, wondering whose kids were in the building at such a late hour (sometimes 1 am). We were discussing the children at one of the holiday office parties and the owner of the company said that they were spirits and have been in the mansion for a long time.

When a friend of mine moved into his house, he would always smell pipe tobacco. He isn't a smoker (pipe or otherwise) and lived alone. One day, he was in his attic putting things away and he stumbled upon this rolled up piece of paper. He opened it up and it was a drawing of a man smoking a pipe. He took the paper to some neighbors who had lived there for awhile and they said "Oh, yeah -- that's a drawing of John. He owned the house long before you bought it! Have you ever smelled his pipe tobacco?" It turns out that the previous owners also smelled the tobacco smoke and they all attributed it to the ghost of John.
I have had many experiences but one just happened to my son the other day. He was sitting in the den and a figurine that is maybe 8 or 9 back from the edge fell off the entertainment center. It fell in to the middle of the floor about a good 4 feet. Previous to this I had been sitting in the same room a couple of times all alone in the house and I heard movement behind me. Like things were being pulled off the book cases. At first it was just background noise then I realized I was completely alone. I said nothing to anyone because most of the time people think I am crazy when I relate experiences so I was shocked when my son had an experience a few days later. In addition I did not want to believe I heard something but the funny thing was once I heard it I would turn around and it would be gone. I know I do not have a mouse etc because the noises were up too high in the room and it is just not mouse season. I would rather it be a ghost than a mouse.
I too along with my previous post have had things fall off unexpectedly.

After my MIL passed 2 years ago, My husband and I had some personal issues with my SIL that were really hard on us emotionally. Especially me! As a part of us working through all the BS, we would talk a lot about SIL and not all of it was nice all the time. Well, when this all started, I had salt & pepper shakers on top of my stove and they all of a sudden kept on falling down all the time. Well, after a while I picked up on the fact that they always fell when my husband and I were talking about SIL or even when I was thinking about it really hard. You see, this is my MIL's daughter and her favorite one at that! It happened so much that my husband and I used to joke that mom is getting pissed at us talking about her and showing it by sending the salt and pepper shaker off the edge.

Well, to make a long story short, we finally had to resolve our emotions about our SIL and go on because it was taking a toll on our health. Needless to say, we have stopped discussing the problems and I haven't had a salt/pepper shaker fall down for 5-6 months. Coincidence - who knows!
Dizzy for Dsny said:
Needless to say, we have stopped discussing the problems and I haven't had a salt/pepper shaker fall down for 5-6 months. Coincidence - who knows!
I think you need to start talking smack about your SIL again to see if those salt/pepper shakers go flying!!!! Wouldn't that be a unique experiment?
I am to scared to go to another website to hear about these stories. I feel safer reading about them here because we are all "disney" people :earsgirl: :earsboy: ! Keep them coming!

I too have heard a voice very clearly on a night that I could not sleep. It was years ago and maybe I was worried about something. All of the sudden I heard, "Everything will be OK". I was shocked my husband did not hear it.
I did not freak out about it at all. I do not think it was my imagination.

Another story. In high school I was having a rountine procedure performed. I was scared. This "nurse" came in held my hand and I felt so much better. She never really talked to anyone just came in, held my hand and left. Years later when my son was only months old, we were in the ER. He had a high fever and they needed to draw blood. (thankfully it was just a virus) DS was screaming at the top of his lungs and I was a mess. Then standing at the door was the same "nurse" she never spoke just had a look on her face like I know this is hard but things will be ok. Then, she was gone.

On Oprah once I remember hearing that if you do not want bad spirits to be around you are supposed to ask God to send Arc Angel Michael. I like to think of him around saying ,"Alright you guys get on out of hear,go bother someone else!" ;) If they are good spirits you are just supposed to ask them politely to leave.
P.S. For those who wanted to know, the thread I was reading that got me all weirded out was something about photo orbs. I can't find it now though.
I don't know for sure but it would seem for a period of time my SIL was with us. My daughter was only 18 months when she died and we were all grieving terribly for a long long time. My daughter would wake up at night for about a year following her death saying "the lady" was visiting her again. After awhile of this happening, I pulled out a family picture with my SIL in it and asked my daughter if she saw "the lady" in the picture and in a picture of about 12 people, she didn't hesitate to point to my SIL.

A few other little things would happen...I was sitting at my computer and broke down crying one night and I felt someone come in the room and felt hands on my shoulders...I felt the pressure of hands and felt instantly calmed. I turned around thinking it was Chris and nobody was there. He was sleeping in the living room and the kids were in bed.

At the time we were trying to conceive and having a hard time. I had a dream that I was in a waiting room with a few chairs and an elevator. I was sitting with my SIL and the elevator opened up. I went to walk towards it and she told me to go ahead...that she had to wait there for the boy. I got on the elevator and then woke up. Shortly after that I found out I was pregnant with my son.

Those are my "moments". Could be weird coincidences but part of my likes to think it was her and that she is there for us still.
I've had a few minor "make you stop and wonder" moments but the one incident that happened left no room for doubt for me.
My grandfather raised me after my parents divoreced. He was my mom, dad and best friend while growing up. In 1995, 9 months after I got married our phone rang at almost midnight one night and without even thinking, I pick up the phone and blurted out "he's dead isn't he?". His health had not been the best but no way anyone in our family thought he would die when he did. In fact, it was my grandmother on the other end of the line calling to tell me my Papa had died that evening. I was devestated to say the least. I was in GA and he was in FL. There was no sense in our leaving that late so we set out for FL first thing the next morning. It was a miserable trip, I was so upset and just beside myself with grief. We got to my grandparents house and I just couldn't shake the feeling of really not wanting to be there. For the first time in my life, I was in Jacksonville and not staying at his house. I insisted on staying in a hotel that night. We got a room with 2 beds and I had resigned myself that this was going to be a long miserable night. I couldn't stop crying and just kept replaying what my grandmother had told us about him dying over and over in my head. My ex-husband was in the other bed watching TV when I crawled beneath the covers. All of a sudden I felt someone lay down next to me and put their arms around me...and heard my Papa say just a plain as could be "don't worry about me baby, I'm okay". I fell immediately asleep and slept all night long without waking. The next morning I asked my ex if he had tried to comfort me, telling him what happened and he looked at me like I had lost my mind. I know my Papa was letting me know he was alright. I've not heard him or felt him since but he always worried about me and how I would handle his passing and I honestly think he had to let me know he was okay before he could go on.
Sigh....I miss him so much.
goodness me, im freaked out! (especially since its 4:00 am here!) i even found myself skipping posts that seemed too scary! guess ill be sleeping with the lights on!
KlInger said:
goodness me, im freaked out! (especially since its 4:00 am here!) i even found myself skipping posts that seemed too scary! guess ill be sleeping with the lights on!

Well you think these are bad?? Go to one of the sites with the EVP and LISTEN to the voices. You well get chills all the way to your toes!! Some of the websites out there will paralyze you with fear. I pretty much feel comfortable with the ones on here as they are fairly mild in comparison NOT that these are not ineteresting.
I am not sure what I believe, but I do seem to be sensitive to "good and evil" feelings. I have been places that I felt it was hard to breathe and I have been places where I could actually smell evil. I am a Christian so some of my experiences conflict with what I have been taught. Basically, I have a lot of questions for the Lord when I finally meet Him face to face. Here is one of my favorite experiences that I can't explain.

My grandfather, "Papa" and I were very close. He passed away on Thanksgiving day 10 years ago. It was extremely hard on my whole family. He was a great man and I was so fortunate to have him in my life as an adult. Anyway, I had a picture of him that was perfect. It was the absolute perfect picture of him as I love to remember him. We didn't know the picture existed until after he passed away, but my family all reacted very strongly to it. I was the keeper of the picture and was planning to make copies for other family members. I couldn't find the picture for about a year. I looked everywhere, I asked family if they had taken it to copy. Nobody knew anything. One night I had a dream that Papa was standing in my room, sat down on my bed and talked to me. I don't remember what we talked about but I woke up feeling very comforted and happy. I got out of bed and turned around only to find the photo propped up on my bookcase. In plain view. I have no explanation for this. It is nice to think that maybe my Papa really did visit me and leave me a special gift.


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