Getting VGC in November?


<font color=blue>My little pirate is here<br><font
Jun 6, 2000
Yes I know there are a million variables but we are considering DL next Nov just before my YDS turns 3. We are not picky about dates (just after the Xmas stuff is up) and a studio or 1 bedroom would work) What do you think my chances are at 7 months?
I know someone who booked the 3 rd week of November ( for this year) at 7 mos. no problem. They even got a studio so you will have even better chances with a 1bedroom. I think your chances are pretty good.
Two conflicting opinions, lol. We are totally flexible on dates so I will probably just start Nov 10 or so and go from there. We have done a split VGC/DL before so we would be open to that.

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