Getting used to this pin trading thing!

Quentin Disney

Minnie > Everything.
Dec 3, 1999
Ever since December, I've been trading pins casually. While I certainly don't have a gazillion pins in my collection, its a heathly number of 28. (I won a few Millionaire pins the other day!). At first, I just picked up any cool-looking pins to trade. Then, I started to trade online via pinpics, now I'm buyin' and sellin' them on eBay.

Of course, I wouldn't take advantage of younger kids by the term you call "sharking" , but I tend to stick to the Cast Members since they are so easy to trade with. I did a few trades with some big traders, I even purchased and traded a pin once. I'm past the beginning stages, but I really need to cut back on them a bit. I do have a lot of expenses for my next year in college next fall. At least I don't use the pathetic amount of money for beer!

If anyone of you guys have been in the parks in the past few days, including today, I have somewhat have been inspired by Larry's "Theadore P. Trader" teddy bear of fame. I carry my pins around with a Minnie Mouse plush! All of my pins are on her dress. I get so many comments about it.

I met Larry yesterday at Epcot and he was very nice and knowledgable. I even got a good trade from him! I hope to meet him again...and his bear.

Expect to see a picture of me and "Minnie" soon on Dizpins.

I've posted here before, but I guess I'm going to start getting in the groove of things here. Not as a regular or something.

One day, "Born to Shop" will be mine!
Hey Quentin its good to see you over on this board perhaps i'll see you at the tables some time soon :cool:
I met you at Pin Central in Epcot in February ( or was it March?).

I was thrilled to have met you since I had read your paper on the other CB . I was the one that gave you Spacesuit Minnie. I think that was the only Minnie I had that day. I am so glad that you are out and about trading for Minnies. Good luck in all of your pin quests.


Kath....weren't you there with me that day?


My fav smilie
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Hi Quentin! Glad to see you here.

I just want to add a reccomendation for Quentin. He and I traded, by mail, a few weeks ago and everything went great! Thanks again for the trade. Now I just have top get the rollerblading Mickey to go with Minnie.
I guess it a small world after all! (Now that song is going to be in my head again!) To see two pin traders that traded with me!

I had my greatest trade today when I finally snagged My First Minnie! I am so elated! I traded the Fantasyland Minnie for it from a Japanese trader. I don't know if she knew how hard that was to get this pin, but I hope she is satisfied with her pin!

Anyone who is going to the Long Island pin meet, I should be attending next week. Hope to see you there!


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