Getting to know you...


do something that MATTERS!
Mar 14, 2001
Borrowed from Chele at YDF thankyou :)

1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign?

3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?

4. Favorite Board Game?

5. All Time Favorite TV Show?

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?

12. Favorite Scent/Smell?

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?

15. Mustard or Mayo?

16. Color Your Car Is?

17. # of Computers in Your House?

18. One Thing You Say Too Much?

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?

20. Nickname?

Mine are....

1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution? YES and will again this year!

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign? Cancer

3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?
Medium I guess

4. Favorite Board Game?

5. All Time Favorite TV Show?
West Wing

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own
4 or 5

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?
Earlly Bird

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?
Mocha Cheesecake

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?
Great memory


10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?
Just right leaning towrds super organized

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?

Oregon Coast

12. Favorite Scent/Smell?
Coffee, my kids hair right after a bath

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?
coffee maker

15. Mustard or Mayo?

16. Color Your Car Is?

17. # of Computers in Your House?

18. One Thing You Say Too Much?
"find something for your sisters to watch!"

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?
a little French

20. Nickname?
Borrowed from Chele at YDF thankyou :)

1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign?

3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?

4. Favorite Board Game?

5. All Time Favorite TV Show?

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?

12. Favorite Scent/Smell?

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?

15. Mustard or Mayo?

16. Color Your Car Is?

17. # of Computers in Your House?

18. One Thing You Say Too Much?

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?

20. Nickname?

Mine are....

1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution? YES and will again this year!

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign? Cancer

3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?
Medium I guess

4. Favorite Board Game?

5. All Time Favorite TV Show?
West Wing

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own
4 or 5

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?
Earlly Bird

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?
Mocha Cheesecake

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?
Great memory


10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?
Just right leaning towrds super organized

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?

Oregon Coast

12. Favorite Scent/Smell?
Coffee, my kids hair right after a bath

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?
coffee maker

15. Mustard or Mayo?

16. Color Your Car Is?

17. # of Computers in Your House?

18. One Thing You Say Too Much?
"find something for your sisters to watch!"

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?
a little French

20. Nickname?
1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?

Nope, don't make firm resolutions.

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign?


3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?


4. Favorite Board Game?


5. All Time Favorite TV Show?

I Love Lucy

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own


7. Early Bird or Night Owl?

Early bird

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?


9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?

Great Memory

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?

Super Organized

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?


12. Favorite Scent/Smell?

Ocean air

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?


14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?

My art

15. Mustard or Mayo?


16. Color Your Car Is?


17. # of Computers in Your House?


18. One Thing You Say Too Much?

Get over it

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?

Yes, English, Italian

20. Nickname?

Lucy, Snoopy

1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?


2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign?


3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?


4. Favorite Board Game?


5. All Time Favorite TV Show?

Saturday Night Live

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own

More than 5

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?

Night Owl. ALL night owl.

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?


9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?

Excellent Memory

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?


11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?


12. Favorite Scent/Smell?


13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?


14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?


15. Mustard or Mayo?


16. Color Your Car Is?


17. # of Computers in Your House?

Two, when the laptop is here

18. One Thing You Say Too Much?


19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?

Yes, Pig Latin ;)

20. Nickname?

1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution? I resolved to be a kinder person last year. I thought I kept the resolution, I'll have to poll my acquaintances to know for sure.

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign? Leo

3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long? Medium

4. Favorite Board Game? Parcheesi

5. All Time Favorite TV Show? Everybody loves Raymond

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own? about 20

7. Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl

8. Favorite Kind of Cake? Chocolate

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes? Used to have a wonderful memory....I need more notes these days

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered? Cluttered

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation? WDW

12. Favorite Scent/Smell? Freshly mown grass

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House? jeans and sweatshirt

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best? My pc

15. Mustard or Mayo? Mustard

16. Color Your Car Is? White

17. # of Computers in Your House? 3

18. One Thing You Say Too Much? it's a bad word :( starts with "s"

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language? Used be fluent in French. Think I've just about lost my vocabulary

20. Nickname? Don't have a nickname, unless you count Kath
1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?


2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign? Stop!

3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long? Medium

4. Favorite Board Game? Life

5. All Time Favorite TV Show? South Park

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own? Aprox 20

7. Early Bird or Night Owl? Owl

8. Favorite Kind of Cake? Chocolate

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes? Memory

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered? Just Right

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation? Vegas

12. Favorite Scent/Smell? Mens Cologne

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House? Jammies

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best? My Bed

15. Mustard or Mayo? Mustard

16. Color Your Car Is? Black

17. # of Computers in Your House? 1

18. One Thing You Say Too Much? Whatever

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language? nope

20. Nickname? megs, Meg, MegaMoo, Baby,
1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution? Can't remember, probably not!

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign? Scorpio

3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long? Medium/Long

4. Favorite Board Game? Monopoly

5. All Time Favorite TV Show? Sex and The city

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own Too many to count!

7. Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl

8. Favorite Kind of Cake? Italian Cream

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes? I have been told I have a memory like an elephant!

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered? Organized at work, cluttered at home

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation? Virginia Beach

12. Favorite Scent/Smell? Citrus/Oranges

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House? Sweats

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best? My photo albums

15. Mustard or Mayo? Mayo

16. Color Your Car Is? White

17. # of Computers in Your House? Two

18. One Thing You Say Too Much? Whatever!

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language? Oui

20. Nickname? Blondie/Kate/Stella
1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?


2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign?


3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?


4. Favorite Board Game?


5. All Time Favorite TV Show?

Everybody Loves Raymond

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own

too many to mention

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?

Night Owl

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?


9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?

Excellent Memory

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?

Just Right

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?


12. Favorite Scent/Smell?

homemade apple pie

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?


14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?


15. Mustard or Mayo?


16. Color Your Car Is?


17. # of Computers in Your House?

Two, when the laptop is here

18. One Thing You Say Too Much?


19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?


20. Nickname?

Cindy Lou (Who)
1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?
Once :) (don't make them anymore though)

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign?

3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?
Long (I guess)

4. Favorite Board Game?

5. All Time Favorite TV Show?
I Love Lucy

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own
Enough :)

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?
Night Owl who can wake up really early very easily

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?
Yellow or Angelfood (tie)

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?
Great memory

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?
WDW :)

12. Favorite Scent/Smell?
My DH's cologne

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?
Jeans & T-shirt

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?
my computer :teeth:

15. Mustard or Mayo?

16. Color Your Car Is?

17. # of Computers in Your House?
4 or 5 (sometimes more)

18. One Thing You Say Too Much?
Um (stutter/pause too much)

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?
Sort of (Spanish)

20. Nickname?
El, Ellie, Lainers, Lainey.... anything like that
1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign?

3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?

4. Favorite Board Game?
Give me time to think???

5. All Time Favorite TV Show?

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own
Around 8

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?
Definite Early Bird

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?
Yellow with white frosting

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?
Great memory for stupid things, take notes for important stuff

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?
Super Organized

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?
Ill give you one guess....

12. Favorite Scent/Smell?

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?
Long Johns with sweats over them, socks & slippers

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?
My Bed, computer, or Mickey bathroom...I cant decide

15. Mustard or Mayo?

16. Color Your Car Is?
Green, hoping to get a blue one soon

17. # of Computers in Your House?

18. One Thing You Say Too Much?

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?
I can pick out quite a few words in Spanish

20. Nickname?
Katie from most people, Squeezy from my friends from HS.
1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?
If so, I don't remember it ;) I'm horrible at "resolutions"

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign?

3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?
Medium at the moment

4. Favorite Board Game?
Disney Trivia, of course. :D Not that I can get anyone to play with me :rolleyes:

5. All Time Favorite TV Show?
Star Trek Next Gen or Macgyver, I think.

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own
I have no idea. Maybe a dozen?

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?
Night owl. Definitely night owl.

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?
My mom's "princess" cake, which is white cake layered with raspberry jelly/puree/etc and lemon merangue.

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?
A little of both, depends on the situation.

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?
A cross between Super Organized and Cluttered. ;) More cluttered than anything else, though.

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?
Disneyland! Before that was Washington DC, and before that was New Mexico.

12. Favorite Scent/Smell?
Baking cookies, I think. Or that scent along Main Street. :)

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?
Jeans and a t-shirt

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?
Oooh, toughie. Because I love our couch, entertainment center, and TV.

15. Mustard or Mayo?
Mayo between the two.

16. Color Your Car Is?
Right now a kind of mint green. I'd like one that is pretty royal blue or a burgandy, though.

17. # of Computers in Your House?
More than we really need. ;)

18. One Thing You Say Too Much?
Good question. I'm not sure.

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?
Does "cat" count? :D At one time I was passable with German, but now I'd just fumble over anything I tried to say in it.

20. Nickname?
Rajah, of course. ;) Though in the past I've also answered to Trisal, Tris, Topaz, and Sammy -- all role-playing characters
1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution? Can't remember, probably not!

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign? Scorpio

3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long? Medium/Long

4. Favorite Board Game? Monopoly

5. All Time Favorite TV Show? Sex and The City

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own Too many to count!

7. Early Bird or Night Owl? Night Owl

8. Favorite Kind of Cake? Italian Cream

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes? I have been told I have a memory like an elephant!

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered? Organized at work, cluttered at home

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation? Virginia Beach

12. Favorite Scent/Smell? Citrus/Oranges

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House? Sweats

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best? My photo albums

15. Mustard or Mayo? Mayo

16. Color Your Car Is? White

17. # of Computers in Your House? Two

18. One Thing You Say Too Much? Whatever!

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language? Oui

20. Nickname? Blondie/Kate/Stella
1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?


2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign?


3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?


4. Favorite Board Game?


5. All Time Favorite TV Show?

Everybody Loves Raymond

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own

too many to mention

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?

Night Owl

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?


9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?

Excellent Memory

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?

Just Right

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?


12. Favorite Scent/Smell?

homemade apple pie

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?


14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?


15. Mustard or Mayo?


16. Color Your Car Is?


17. # of Computers in Your House?

Two, when the laptop is here

18. One Thing You Say Too Much?


19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?


20. Nickname?

Cindy Lou (Who)
1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign?

3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?

4. Favorite Board Game?
Trivial Pursuit

5. All Time Favorite TV Show?
SNL-the early years

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own?

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?
take notes

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?
just right

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?
Disney cruise/WDW

12. Favorite Scent/Smell?
fresh ground coffee

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?
jeans and sweater

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?
old family photos

15. Mustard or Mayo?
mustard on hotdogs and pretzels, mayo on all else

16. Color Your Car Is?

17. # of Computers in Your House?

18. One Thing You Say Too Much?

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?

20. Nickname?
1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?
If so, I don't remember it ;) I'm horrible at "resolutions"

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign?

3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?
Medium at the moment

4. Favorite Board Game?
Disney Trivia, of course. :D Not that I can get anyone to play with me :rolleyes:

5. All Time Favorite TV Show?
Star Trek Next Gen or Macgyver, I think.

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own
I have no idea. Maybe a dozen?

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?
Night owl. Definitely night owl.

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?
My mom's "princess" cake, which is white cake layered with raspberry jelly/puree/etc and lemon merangue.

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?
A little of both, depends on the situation.

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?
A cross between Super Organized and Cluttered. ;) More cluttered than anything else, though.

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?
Disneyland! Before that was Washington DC, and before that was New Mexico.

12. Favorite Scent/Smell?
Baking cookies, I think. Or that scent along Main Street. :)

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?
Jeans and a t-shirt

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?
Oooh, toughie. Because I love our couch, entertainment center, and TV.

15. Mustard or Mayo?
Mayo between the two.

16. Color Your Car Is?
Right now a kind of mint green. I'd like one that is pretty royal blue or a burgandy, though.

17. # of Computers in Your House?
More than we really need. ;)

18. One Thing You Say Too Much?
Good question. I'm not sure.

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?
Does "cat" count? :D At one time I was passable with German, but now I'd just fumble over anything I tried to say in it.

20. Nickname?
Rajah, of course. ;) Though in the past I've also answered to Trisal, Tris, Topaz, and Sammy -- all role-playing characters
1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?


2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign?


3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?


4. Favorite Board Game?

Anything I play with family or friends

5. All Time Favorite TV Show?

7th Heaven

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own

about 6 pairs that I wear frequently, lots more that I hardly ever wear

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?

Night Owl

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?


9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?

take notes in class, good memory otherwise

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?

semi cluttered

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?

Pittsburgh, Pa

12. Favorite Scent/Smell?


13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?

my pajamas

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?

my pictures of my family and friends

15. Mustard or Mayo?

mustard, but not a lot

16. Color Your Car Is?


17. # of Computers in Your House?

Two, three if you count the one that only works occasionally, one if you are talking about computers that I can use

18. One Thing You Say Too Much?

not sure exactly, but fillers, things such as like and um, etc.

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?


20. Nickname?

1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?
Yes, but only if I make easy ones.

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign?

3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?

4. Favorite Board Game?

5. All Time Favorite TV Show?
Whose Line

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own?
Maybe 8 or 10

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?
Night Owl by choice, Early Bird during the school year by necessity

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?
Chocolate or cheesecake if that counts

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?
Have a great memory, but still take notes :-)

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?
Super Cluttered

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?
Magic cruise and WDW

12. Favorite Scent/Smell?
Baking cookies, citrus, the smell before it rains

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?
Jeans and a flannel shirt

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?
My scrapbooks full of family photos and memories

15. Mustard or Mayo?
Mayo and ketchup!

16. Color Your Car Is?

17. # of Computers in Your House?
3 that work, 2 that are in production for the kids

18. One Thing You Say Too Much?
Dh says I say cute too much, in fact he says all women say it too much!

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?
A little Spanish

20. Nickname?
Missy to family and close friends, Merry on the DIS
Borrowed from Chele at YDF thankyou

1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign?

3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?

4. Favorite Board Game?

5. All Time Favorite TV Show?

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?

12. Favorite Scent/Smell?

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?

15. Mustard or Mayo?

16. Color Your Car Is?

17. # of Computers in Your House?

18. One Thing You Say Too Much?

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?

20. Nickname?
1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?

Don't remember ever really making a NY's resolution.

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign?


3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?

Long straight brown hair :)

4. Favorite Board Game?

Hmmm... I love board games, so it's hard to choose. Depends on my mood and who I'm playing with, but I really like Scattergories.

5. All Time Favorite TV Show?

The Mole

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own

Quite a few... a few pairs of black, a couple brown, clogs, sandals (fancy, sport, casual), boots, etc.

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?

TOTALLY a night owl! :teeth:

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?

Angel Food :)

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?

I have a great memory but I do take notes as well.

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?

Depends on the situation, can vary.

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?

Toronto, Ontario

12. Favorite Scent/Smell?


13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?


14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?

Computer I guses for me too... not counting sentimental items

15. Mustard or Mayo?

Neither really.

16. Color Your Car Is?

No car for me yet

17. # of Computers in Your House?


18. One Thing You Say Too Much?


19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?

A teeny tiny bit of French

20. Nickname?

#1 Disney Fan, #1, D Fan ;)
1. Have you ever made and kept a New Years’ resolution?
No, but I will this year

2. Hey, Baby, what’s your Sign?

3. Hair, Short, Medium or Long?

4. Favorite Board Game?
Trivial Pursuit

5. All Time Favorite TV Show?
Little House On The Prairie or The Waltons (toss-up)

6. How Many Pairs of Shoes do You Own

7. Early Bird or Night Owl?
Early Bird (unless I'm out with friends or on a date)

8. Favorite Kind of Cake?

9. Have a Great Memory, or Take Notes?
Great Memory

10. Are You Super Organized, Just Right or Cluttered?

11. Last Place You Went On Vacation?
Salt Lake City

12. Favorite Scent/Smell?
Vanilla, peach

13. Favorite Thing To Wear Around The House?
bathrobe or fleece nightgown

14. The One Thing (not alive) In Your Home You Like Best?
my computer

15. Mustard or Mayo?

16. Color Your Car Is?
don't have one

17. # of Computers in Your House?

18. One Thing You Say Too Much?
I'm Sorry

19. Can You Speak More Than One Language?
Yes, francais et anglais

20. Nickname?


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