Getting back in shape for Disney

Hello all!

Well, I did it. I went and booked a trip to WDW this fall. It definitely isn't my first time at WDW, but my fabulously fluffy body has gotten a bit more fluffy than I would like. The goal is to enjoy the parks without subjecting other guests to the moan, "My knees! For the love of Walt, my knees!" at regular intervals.

My average mile count at WDW is usually about 10 miles a day. So increase the walking, of course. Does anyone else have a plan of attack to make sure they arrive at WDW with happy knees and ankles after this year of not moving as much as usual?
Going in July. Started a walking program March 1. I have added light weights. Having said the latter I needed to do both even if not going to Disney but the motivation of vacation sure helps.
I have found that in my 50’s I simply cannot do the parks at the same pace that I did in my 20’s. The walking doesn’t seem to get me nearly as much as the standing ... standing in one place for parades or in long lines for rides. Getting tired sooner used to bum me out so bad, but I’m learning in life that sometimes less is more. I notice so many more magical details that I rushed by before. Kudos to you for working on your health ... hope you have a fantastic pain-free trip!
This. I am 62 and really worried about keeping up on our September trip. It’s going to be hot, too, and we are going to be forced to take it slow which is ok by me. It’s going to be a much different trip for sure.
This. I am 62 and really worried about keeping up on our September trip. It’s going to be hot, too, and we are going to be forced to take it slow which is ok by me. It’s going to be a much different trip for sure.
I’m from West Virginia and we do have some hot, humid days in summer. But the Florida heat and humidity really wear me out fast. Adding a mask to the mix is another concern. I think taking time to drink in the details of the parks is really more what Walt had in mind.
I have found that in my 50’s I simply cannot do the parks at the same pace that I did in my 20’s. The walking doesn’t seem to get me nearly as much as the standing ... standing in one place for parades or in long lines for rides. Getting tired sooner used to bum me out so bad, but I’m learning in life that sometimes less is more. I notice so many more magical details that I rushed by before. Kudos to you for working on your health ... hope you have a fantastic pain-free trip!
I could not agree more. I am fine with walking but the standing in line is killer. This is the reason I pray for a return of fastpasses. My chiropractor has directed me not to even stand at the sink for meal clean-up etc. with moving due to my back issues. Yet I have no problem of pushing the lawn mower. Problem is you look fine and to get a pass to not stand in line at WDW would certainly draw judgement. Fastpasses please return.
I could not agree more. I am fine with walking but the standing in line is killer. This is the reason I pray for a return of fastpasses. My chiropractor has directed me not to even stand at the sink for meal clean-up etc. with moving due to my back issues. Yet I have no problem of pushing the lawn mower. Problem is you look fine and to get a pass to not stand in line at WDW would certainly draw judgement. Fastpasses please return.
We stood in line once for Space Mountain for over two hours because we didn’t have fast passes. It was later in the day. My sister-in-law said she had an easier time doing a half marathon. No kidding. I will never wait that long again. My back and legs ached so bad. It was a miserable time trying to get back to our resort that night. I wanted a scooter soooo bad.
We stood in line once for Space Mountain for over two hours because we didn’t have fast passes. It was later in the day. My sister-in-law said she had an easier time doing a half marathon. No kidding. I will never wait that long again. My back and legs ached so bad. It was a miserable time trying to get back to our resort that night. I wanted a scooter soooo bad.
Oh my, I understand. I have done 65 marathons. I donot run marathons these days but still walk a good deal. It is the standing issue for me too. Last year from August to December did a chiropractor visit three times a week, then two and then one. Visits stopped in January. The WARNING is standing!! It is tough for any length of time. I would sit and wait my turn w/o fastpass but standing, no can do. Hope the WDW gods here our concern. lol :worship: :worship: Have a great week!!
I have bulging discs and interestingly the pain I felt while standing wasn't that but was in my feet. I figured out it was in certain areas of my feet and on the heel. I figured out I have dry, cracked feet so I am working on that with Kerasol and moisturizing. So if the pain is in your feet look at that!
Hello all!

Well, I did it. I went and booked a trip to WDW this fall. It definitely isn't my first time at WDW, but my fabulously fluffy body has gotten a bit more fluffy than I would like. The goal is to enjoy the parks without subjecting other guests to the moan, "My knees! For the love of Walt, my knees!" at regular intervals.

My average mile count at WDW is usually about 10 miles a day. So increase the walking, of course. Does anyone else have a plan of attack to make sure they arrive at WDW with happy knees and ankles after this year of not moving as much as usual?
We started walking last weekend! We did 2 miles last Saturday and another 2 today. We go in Nov and I feel the same way. I told my son once school is done; we are going to walk most days after I get off of work. I want to enjoy my trip and not be tired and have legs/feet that I feel may revolt at any moment.
The majority of walking that you do in a day at Disney is nothing comparable to walking a marathon. At Disney you might walk “spurts” that end up equaling 13 miles, but that is going to be over a 12 hour plus day. You will have water breaks, coffee breaks, ice cream breaks, lunch breaks, ride breaks. There is no need to go all out in your “training” ( unless you need a motivation to do so) but realistically the longest stretch you would need to be ready for might be a straight mile or two before having something to do in between. I would just make sure you are eating healthy, taking care of yourself and can walk 2-3 miles comfortably. Odds are you won’t even go that far without stopping. Walking 13 miles in 13 hours only comes down to 1 mile an hour, mist everyone can accomplish that easily ( not including those with physical or medical limitations)
As far as knee pain, ibuprofen in the am, mid day and before bed will help the most. You can also always take a “day off” from the parks and a few long soaks ( no longer than 15 minutes at a time) in the hot tub or bath
The majority of walking that you do in a day at Disney is nothing comparable to walking a marathon. At Disney you might walk “spurts” that end up equaling 13 miles, but that is going to be over a 12 hour plus day. You will have water breaks, coffee breaks, ice cream breaks, lunch breaks, ride breaks. There is no need to go all out in your “training” ( unless you need a motivation to do so) but realistically the longest stretch you would need to be ready for might be a straight mile or two before having something to do in between. I would just make sure you are eating healthy, taking care of yourself and can walk 2-3 miles comfortably. Odds are you won’t even go that far without stopping. Walking 13 miles in 13 hours only comes down to 1 mile an hour, mist everyone can accomplish that easily ( not including those with physical or medical limitations)
As far as knee pain, ibuprofen in the am, mid day and before bed will help the most. You can also always take a “day off” from the parks and a few long soaks ( no longer than 15 minutes at a time) in the hot tub or bath
Thanks so much, Randy. For me, I have a great deal of excess weight. I can walk distances, but my knees revolt. So, I need to accustom my knees to distance, as well as try to stretch the muscles and build up the supporting muscles. Otherwise, I am limping and that is no fun for me. I like your idea of the hot tub-I have never used the hotel hot tubs before. 15 minute limit is going to be the hardest!!! :)
Thanks so much, Randy. For me, I have a great deal of excess weight. I can walk distances, but my knees revolt. So, I need to accustom my knees to distance, as well as try to stretch the muscles and build up the supporting muscles. Otherwise, I am limping and that is no fun for me. I like your idea of the hot tub-I have never used the hotel hot tubs before. 15 minute limit is going to be the hardest!!! :)
Use that ibuprofen ( or ask doctor of you need stronger) the key is to stay ahead of the pain. Once your knees are hurting it is too late! Get on a pain management schedule! You will do great!
I'm in the same boat - was put on steroids for an illness just before Covid hit so needless to say its not pretty! Working my way back to regular movement and stretching...
Pre-pandemic I was a substitute teacher, and I walked to the schools where I worked. So I was mostly on my feet and moving around from 7am-3pm every weekday. After not doing that for the last 15 months, I no longer have the endurance to be on my feet and moving around, plus the extra 20lbs that weren't there last year. My almost-50 year old body was exhausted walking even a mile, so I knew I would not do well walking all day at WDW (June 2022) or DLR (June 2021). I've started walking every morning, gradually increasing my distance, just to start getting myself back in shape in general, but also so I'm able to enjoy the days in the parks without feeling tired and sore all day.
I was surprised at what a proper insert did to my sneakers. It took me about 2-3 weeks to adjust, but the support has me thinking that when I go to walking in the parks, I'll be better prepared.
What kind of insert, if you don't mind me asking? Prescription, or OTC? Brand?

Not at all. I got a set from my podiatrist with a super-duper reinforced arch (about 3X the cost of OTC). I also purchased an OTC set based on my size, but it doesn't feel nearly as strong. I learned when it comes to my feet, I will not cheap-out.
I would add in some strength/weight training. You obviously walk all over creation in Disney but strong muscles help with functional fitness and also will help keep pain out of your joints.


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