Geeks on a budget - 12/22, complete! Read reflections within....


When my mom finally makes it on to DCL... the only way they are going to get her off is to carry her and the chair off!!! She's already looking forwards to Deck 4 (told her to pack more than one book...) and I believe a teak deck chair may be on her birthday list this year...
the waves actually look pretty cool! oh and a Café Toledo sounds yummy right now! ... sounds like you really had a relaxing time. I cant wait LOL only how many more months.. yet Ill be with kids not sure how much relaxing ill get.. hopefully they will like that kids club so Ill be able to try a bunch of Erica creations LOL

This pic sorta looks like the Milky Way in need of a Tums.

Uh... okay, now who's a geek? ;)
I've lived in fear of a bad weather day on CC. I fear no more and actually hope for one now. It sounds like a fun experience to see the island in a different light. I'll probably just see things I never did on sunny days!

As one of the TA veterans, and I actually went both ways, there is nothing like an exciting rocking boat! When the goofy pool has 10 foot, no joke, waves, you know you are living!
Oh no! :umbrella: on CC. Sounds like it gave you the opportunity to see and do some other things. Your notes after your night on Deck 4 are beautiful! I can tell you are a talented writer - I could taste the salt and feel the breeze!

When my mom finally makes it on to DCL... the only way they are going to get her off is to carry her and the chair off!!! She's already looking forwards to Deck 4 (told her to pack more than one book...) and I believe a teak deck chair may be on her birthday list this year...

I need to put one on my Christmas list, too. I would never leave my porch again.

the waves actually look pretty cool! oh and a Café Toledo sounds yummy right now! ... sounds like you really had a relaxing time. I cant wait LOL only how many more months.. yet Ill be with kids not sure how much relaxing ill get.. hopefully they will like that kids club so Ill be able to try a bunch of Erica creations LOL

:rotfl: :thumbsup2

This pic sorta looks like the Milky Way in need of a Tums.

Uh... okay, now who's a geek? ;)

Geeks unite! :upsidedow

I've lived in fear of a bad weather day on CC. I fear no more and actually hope for one now. It sounds like a fun experience to see the island in a different light. I'll probably just see things I never did on sunny days!

As one of the TA veterans, and I actually went both ways, there is nothing like an exciting rocking boat! When the goofy pool has 10 foot, no joke, waves, you know you are living!

I remember seeing the pics! With the way the boat felt on these seas, I think I might have been in the middle of a panic attack if I had been on the TA :scared1:

And you know, a bad day on CC is still better than a perfect day at home. I think Konk Koolers might taste even better when it's cloudy out!

Oh no! :umbrella: on CC. Sounds like it gave you the opportunity to see and do some other things. Your notes after your night on Deck 4 are beautiful! I can tell you are a talented writer - I could taste the salt and feel the breeze!

:flower3: Thank you very much.

I will be working on my next update today and tonight, so hang tight! I'll have this sucker done before the holidays if I keep this up!
Yeah :yay: 2 updates.

I have not been blessed with a good weather day on CC yet either Erica. 1999--cold & misty rain. 2006--cold & overcast. 2007--missed it entirely because of Hurricane Noel.

We deserve a :sunny: day on CC by goodness!!!!!

Loved your description of your time on Deck 4.
Yeah :yay: 2 updates.

I have not been blessed with a good weather day on CC yet either Erica. 1999--cold & misty rain. 2006--cold & overcast. 2007--missed it entirely because of Hurricane Noel.

We deserve a :sunny: day on CC by goodness!!!!!

Loved your description of your time on Deck 4.

I think we deserve TWO! Both of us!
When we last left off, we were admiring an “ephelant” made of towels. In fact, Sarah was squealing EPHELANT! And, because salt air and towel animals make you thirsty (who knew?), we opted to head up to the drink station for a final “free” coke.
But it was closed for cleaning.

Do you know how much it stinks to really REALLY want a coke, and to find the deck completely waterlogged and full of men in yellow jumpsuits running really loud buffing machines to and fro so that even if you did try to get under the ropes, you would be knocked to your knees before you managed to run to the closest fountain?
Well, in case you don’t know, it really stinks.

There was not much left to do, but to go to a bar.

Lionel and I have wanted to go to the Cadillac Lounge for the last three sailings, so I came up with the bright idea that we should put on our formals and head out to dinner early, stopping at CL along the way. And then, instead of a coke? I could get something a little more…..shall we say……toxic?
Everyone seemed to be in agreement, and we dressed up in record time. Booze, in case you were wondering, is a great motivator.

If you have never been to the Cadillac Lounge, it is dark, dark, DARK. Nice ambiance, and not a bad piano player at all (not like that act that plays in the Promenade Lounge, hooooo boy). But rather hard to see what is going on. Example:

Somewhere in here, there is a bar......


All dressed up, I felt it would only be proper to order some kind of a martini. I opted for the Mae West, which is made of vodka, amaretto and midori. Sweet and sassy. Or something like that. I looked to Lionel, expecting him to order a Vodka Gimlet or something equally dapper, when I hear the most blasphemous thing come out of his mouth:

“I’ll just have a coke, please.”


And then Sarah:

“No thanks.”

So there we were, all gussied up, sitting in the dark, with nothing to do but wait for dinner and watch me drink. I have to admit, I felt a little self conscious about drinking alone. I started to feel like I was drinking just for the sake of drinking, but then my cocktail came and it was so lovely that all regrets were washed away in a warm flood of booze. I love warm floods of booze. They make me feel special. And they turn my cheeks pink.

Mae West tries to be a bad influence on Mister a'Cola.


One of us is a lush. Can you guess who?


Lionel consulted his watch, and realized it was almost time to line up for dinner. Now, I know we don’t actually have to LINE up, as it clearly explains in the Navigator every single day. We have a table and it will still be there even if we are late. And yet? I can’t shake the feeling that I’m missing out on something when people are starting to queue. Plus? We are ALWAYS at Animator’s waaaaay later than anyone else, no matter when we arrive. This evening we thought that perhaps if we were at the front of the line? We might have a chance of getting back to the room before we arrived at Cape Canaveral.

Boy, was I wrong. More on that later.

In line, I continued sipping my cocktail and noticed a few stares of jealousy from the people around me. I think they all wished they had a Mae West as well. Or maybe they thought I was one of “those people” – you know, the ones who are never without a drink on a cruise, and who come home and write trip reports detailing their intoxicated adventures and thus encourage others to partake in the Devil’s water.
Oh, wait. I AM one of those people. Stare away, my friends.

We spotted our tablemates from the previous evening, out of their pirate attire and back into their formals. We waved, and then called them suckers because they had to go to the back of the line. Ok, so maybe I’m the only one who called them suckers. And maybe it was the cocktail talking. I’m pretty sure they didn’t hear me anyway. My taunting was lost in the crowd which murmured its displeasure at my being the only drunk in my party. And then, finally? They let us in. Yay! We were first to our table, what do we win?

What's black and white and.....well, just black and white, I guess.


Sarah was very excited about dinner, because she had heard so much about the Animator’s show. If not for her geometric sunburn, she would have been bouncing in her seat. Apparently redness subdues Canadians. After a few moments, our tablemates arrived. And then, two more showed up.


Apparently, THEY had been at Palo the night before. I can only imagine what they must have felt like that first night at dinner, when they were the only ones at a table for 8. We did the normal chit-chat, and discovered that the gentleman had been on numerous Disney Cruises. And, do you know what else?

And, brace yourself, because if you are anything like me you will fluff up in a fit of jealousy upon hearing what I am about to say. Are you sitting? Good.


Yes, he worked for DCL and lived on the island. He had barely let the words fall from his lips when the barrage of questions started. “What’s it like? What do you do on your days off? Do you ever get bored? Do you swim all the time? And why on Earth don’t you do it anymore????”

As it turns out, nighttime on the island is less than pleasant. There are bugs. Lots of bugs. And, there is much less down time than you would think. Almost every day, there is a boat pulling in or pulling out, and between prep time and visiting time, there is a ton of stuff that needs doing. Also? In case you were unaware, we are a pretty messy lot. Apparently after the boat pulls out, most of the rest of the day is spent picking up the trash we have carelessly strewn about on the island.


You know, as soon as he said this I thought about the parks, and how many times I have seen people just throw paper and such right down on the ground, I assume with the attitude that “oh, someone gets paid to pick that up.” I have always felt that while yes, someone IS paid to do that, just because you are on vacation does not give you the right to be a littering slob. What does that look like to your children, when you toss your hot dog wrapper into the street? Would you do that at home? Than why, pray tell, would you do it at Mickey’s home?

I guess CC is just an extension of the park for people like this.

So let’s all make an oath, right here, right now, right in the middle of this TR:

I solemnly swear that I will always put my trash in the proper receptacle, even when I am on vacation, and especially when I am on Castaway Cay.

Thank you. We will now rejoin our dinner.

Up until this point, we had all been aware that the boat was swaying a little bit. We had seen the spray. We saw the waves. We had dark and blurry photographic evidence. But all of the sudden? We were rocking like there was no tomorrow. On top of that, despite being one of the first people through the door, dinner took an extraordinary amount of time, as it always does for us in Animator’s. I saw people at other tables getting dessert as we were getting our entrees, and I wondered……who do they know and can they introduce me?

When the lights dimmed, Sarah was very excited. The show! I always enjoy the show, no matter how many times I see it. But by the time it was over, I was so done with sitting in that chair and swaying back and forth that I almost ordered “nothing” for dessert. In fact, Sarah DID order “nothing” for dessert! I snickered to myself, and got my camera ready to capture her reaction to……oh, look. They really did bring her nothing. And not the usual “nothing”, where they have spelled out “nothing” in chocolate sauce. It was literally nothing. How disappointing! Sarah, naturally, did not know she was missing anything because in fact, she had ordered nothing.


At 10:40, we were finally finished with dinner and dessert. TWO HOURS LATER. Not that we had anything special planned or anything. Can I just say? Boy, am I glad we already packed. Back at the room, we simply added our evening wear to the bags and set them outside. Done! And, with 10 minutes to spare. Many of you might have read about last year’s fiasco, where dinner also took about 30 minutes longer than I had anticipated. I ended up back in the room with my glass of wine, feverishly throwing things into our bags any way it would fit.

With the bags safely out in the hall, we grabbed cameras and headed back up on deck to get a better view of the rocking boat. And guess what was open again? The drink stand! Which was fortunate, because yours truly was starting to get a little green from all of the motion. I’m sure it had nothing to do with drinking a martini on an empty stomach before dinner. Absolutely nothing to do with that at all. Anyhow, coke in hand, we headed up to deck 10, where we saw one of the victims of the high winds.

Evidence of the mighty gusts, in lieu of a bad hair picture.


Fatigue was setting in, and Sarah headed back to the room. Lionel and I stayed up on deck. I was tired, but I wasn’t ready to turn in just yet. As soon as we went to bed, the magic would be over. I would wake up in port already, and we would have to debark. But if we stayed up a little longer? We could take in the smell of the sea, and listen to the waves some more. Plus, Pirates was showing on the giant screen again and it sucked us in.

After watching a little more of the movie, we wanted to get a closer look at the waves, which were even bigger now. Over the edge of the starboard side, we could see giant peaks of white foam. However, when we attempted to go out on starboard deck four, we found it to be closed. I guess they didn’t want anyone slipping and falling, because I can only imagine how soaked it must have been out there. The port side was still open, but it was remarkably less dramatic. And then? We had a genius idea: Diversions! We raced to the bar and found it to be open, but rather sparsely populated. No matter, we were only there for the window show. Outside, the waves were stretching up past the porthole, and all we could see was white water. It was absolutely incredible. I looked at Lionel.

“Too bad Sarah’s asleep, our cabin is even closer to the water!”

Oh, little did I know.

When we tiptoed back into the cabin, we were greeted by a giggly, bouncy Canadian who was not sleeping. Not one bit. No, instead, she was parked in front of the window, laughing and pointing and squealing at the ocean. We turned off the cabin lights and watched for a bit, until I started to feel sick again. It was officially bedtime. I noticed the curtains were slowly opening at the bottom, and then returning to their upright position as we rocked our way home. I ate a few ginger chews, tried not to think about how close we were to the water, and fell asleep.

It was over.

Up next: earliest debarkation ever, and a little reflection.
& don't forget to let us all know how you came in under budget!!! Of course I plan to totally blow my budget....:cool1:
When we last left off, we were admiring an “ephelant” made of towels. In fact, Sarah was squealing EPHELANT!

K for the record not my FAVORITE animal..but ya we got the 2 best "aminals" ever...."ephelant" and monkey!

Sarah was very excited about dinner, because she had heard so much about the Animator’s show. If not for her geometric sunburn, she would have been bouncing in her seat. Apparently redness subdues Canadians. After a few moments, our tablemates arrived. And then, two more showed up.

Redness also forces THIS Canadian to find a way to remove her bra from under her dress WHILE eating dinner and have no one at the table notice. *grin* By the way my sunburn? Still visible! only now it's a nice geometric brown. Maybe it'll still be there in March when i come visit again...for MY next cruise!

When we tiptoed back into the cabin, we were greeted by a giggly, bouncy Canadian who was not sleeping. Not one bit. No, instead, she was parked in front of the window, laughing and pointing and squealing at the ocean. We turned off the cabin lights and watched for a bit, until I started to feel sick again.

The view from that porthole was fantastic! I adore the ocean, esp when she's a bit angry. :)
& don't forget to let us all know how you came in under budget!!! Of course I plan to totally blow my budget....:cool1:

It's coming!

K for the record not my FAVORITE animal..but ya we got the 2 best "aminals" ever...."ephelant" and monkey!

Redness also forces THIS Canadian to find a way to remove her bra from under her dress WHILE eating dinner and have no one at the table notice. *grin* By the way my sunburn? Still visible! only now it's a nice geometric brown. Maybe it'll still be there in March when i come visit again...for MY next cruise!

The view from that porthole was fantastic! I adore the ocean, esp when she's a bit angry. :)

You better write a trip report entitled "vacations suck without Erica and Lionel" :rolleyes1
We had set the wakeup call for 6:40, but in retrospect we needn’t have. You see, the arrival at port meant the gangplank would be going out again, which (in case you did not recall from the Castaway Cay day) was located exactly one deck up from where our room was. We woke up at the following times, to loud whirring and clanking:

4:45 am
5:15 am
5:45 am
6:15 am

And just when we fell asleep again? Mickey called.

“Hiya, folks! Get the heck off my boat!”

Three micro-showers later, we were at the Cove Café, for one last Mochaccino. Coffee in hand, we headed to the Beach Blanket Buffet for breakfast, where we ate in near silence. There were no Mickey waffles to be seen. Nobody was smiling. In fact, it was a real bummer, all around. But, it always is.

Normally, we go to the dining room for our last hurrah with the servers, and stay in the lobby watching everyone leave until we absolutely HAVE to get off the boat. But we had a Canadian with a flight to catch, and we had to get to the airport.

Up on deck, we took one last walk around, waiting for the call to debark. We took a few photos of the port in the morning light.

It’s much prettier before the sun comes up…..


We don’t speak of the “other boat”


The terminal ALWAYS looks beautiful, except when you are leaving.


You can look at the pool, but please don’t touch it.


At around 7:15, they announced that we could begin debarking. By 7:30, we were off the boat, luggage in hand, and on our way to the car. I would say it was painless, but let's be honest: grown men and women have been known to cry over debarkation from the Wonder. Maybe I was one of them. Just maybe.

One last look.


The ride to OIA was not too long, but it was rather quiet. No one wanted to admit that the vacation was over. At one point, Lionel asked Sarah what she thought of our favorite way to travel. And do you know what she said?

“It was fun.”

IT WAS FUN. No exclamation point. No talk of favorite things. It was as if we had been to a three-day movie. But, for those of you who don’t know Sarah like we do, that is as good as OMIGOD OMIGOD BEST VACATION EVAAARRRR!
Sarah is very low-key, unlike me, who gets excited over the smallest things.

We waved goodbye at the airport, and headed back toward the house. Normally, we go out to one of the parks so that the day is not so much of a bummer, but that day we were exhausted. We hadn’t slept much, and we missed our dog. In fact, we stopped at my Dad’s house on the way home just to pick him up. At home, I did some laundry and put the suitcases away, and we caught up on some television shows that we had recorded last week during Sarah’s visit. The house was quiet, and we felt a little bit strange, but we tried to make it just like any other Sunday.

Sarah called in the early evening to let us know she had made it home.

And then? It was officially over.

Next: reflections on our mini vacation.
No... Sarah was just in an end of vacation enducing funk over having to leave sunny Florida and her favorite new Yacht..........

She's coming back... and next time she promises to kick and scream all the way to the airport... right Sarah???? :rotfl2: & :scared1: (kicking and screaming...)
No... Sarah was just in an end of vacation enducing funk over having to leave sunny Florida and her favorite new Yacht..........

She's coming back... and next time she promises to kick and scream all the way to the airport... right Sarah???? :rotfl2: & :scared1: (kicking and screaming...)

Coming less than 100 days baby!

Mini cruise #2 is booked and dinner reservations at Palo set to be booked when i hit the 90 days till sail mark.

And Erica..cruising without Lionel and Erica isn't necessaily LESS fun...just different. Afterall when big brother's not around I can get away with more *grin*
Thanks a lot:sad2: ...just read the "getting off the ship" addition. Now I'm depressed. Nothing worse than getting off the ship. :guilty: I think I'll go make (and eat!) cookies to console myself.;)
Oh no it's over.......:sad2:
You are a great story teller Erica. Thanks for bringing us along with you again & making us feel like we are right there.
And I so agree about the 2 days at Castaway Cay for us both......we booked a 2008 double dip while on board, but might move it forward to 2009, haven't decided yet.
Happy Holidays too..... :santa:
No... Sarah was just in an end of vacation enducing funk over having to leave sunny Florida and her favorite new Yacht..........

She's coming back... and next time she promises to kick and scream all the way to the airport... right Sarah???? :rotfl2: & :scared1: (kicking and screaming...)

Usually she just sleeps on the way to the airport ;) :rotfl:

Coming less than 100 days baby!

Mini cruise #2 is booked and dinner reservations at Palo set to be booked when i hit the 90 days till sail mark.

And Erica..cruising without Lionel and Erica isn't necessaily LESS fun...just different. Afterall when big brother's not around I can get away with more *grin*

What, you mean you might go crazy and have more than one drink this time? :rolleyes1

Yup... you get to eat their ice cream too!!!


Thanks a lot:sad2: ...just read the "getting off the ship" addition. Now I'm depressed. Nothing worse than getting off the ship. :guilty: I think I'll go make (and eat!) cookies to console myself.;)

Did someone say cookies? ;)
I had so many cookies today at work, that when my Dad offered to buy me a treat at Starbucks after he took me out to dinner, I actually said "no thank you."
I had to take a step back and figure out who I was and what was wrong with me.

Oh no it's over.......:sad2:
You are a great story teller Erica. Thanks for bringing us along with you again & making us feel like we are right there.
And I so agree about the 2 days at Castaway Cay for us both......we booked a 2008 double dip while on board, but might move it forward to 2009, haven't decided yet.
Happy Holidays too..... :santa:

Thank you!
And you should keep with the Double Dip. Especially if it's OUR Double Dip. Just sayin.

I'll have the final update in the next day or so!
aww I have to admit it is somewhat depressing. Cant wait to hear the final.


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