French Quarter to the Fantasy With an EPIC Cherry on Top…Spring 2019! Updated 10/25!

:tigger:Yeah! So happy you started the WDW/Fantasy trip report! We are doing the same trip in November of next year, and I want to take notes! Our group will be grandparents / parents / grandkids also, but the kids will be age 7 and under. I hope you had a great time!
:cool1: Terri

Sorry it took me so long to get here! I always think I'll have more time to write in the summer and end up being busier than ever!

It was such an amazing trip. My mom and I were just saying how much we would love to go do it all again.The cruise was just awesome :love:
Blasphemy! Now is your chance to correct that!
Actually, I've only had a few myself, and always in WDW. It's just not something we find up here in CT. The Plaza's FGT is really good, as was the one I got a couple years ago at Rosie's All American Cafe in DHS. If I recall, I think I liked that one even better but it's been a couple years so I don't even know if it's still on the menu.
It's not something we find up here either.
I don't have an ADR at the Plaza this trip (or at Rosie's) so won't be getting it this time around for sure.
I did check and Rosie's does still have it. :)
Fried Green Tomatoes topped with Jalapeño Ranch Dressing, Pepper Jack, Tomatoes and topped with Arugula on Ciabatta Bread

Yikes! I hope you were able to sleep on the plane!
Haven't had that plane ride yet.
I have never been able to sleep on planes, but...
I'm just finishing up my second night shift in a row and basically have another one (I'll set my alarm for 1:30am and doubt I'll sleep before that) so who knows?
Have an amazing vacation! I'm super jealous of all of you down there right now!
I'm super jealous of everyone down there right now too!
You can be jealous of me tomorrow afternoon. :laughing:
I don't have an ADR at the Plaza this trip (or at Rosie's) so won't be getting it this time around for sure.
I did check and Rosie's does still have it. :)
Fried Green Tomatoes topped with Jalapeño Ranch Dressing, Pepper Jack, Tomatoes and topped with Arugula on Ciabatta Bread

Rosie's is counter service so you don't need an ADR. I'm glad they still have it!

I'm just finishing up my second night shift in a row and basically have another one (I'll set my alarm for 1:30am and doubt I'll sleep before that) so who knows?

Ohhhh…I was a day or so early!

I'm super jealous of everyone down there right now too!
You can be jealous of me tomorrow afternoon. :laughing:

Ok! In a few hours, I'll officially be jealous! Have fun!
Don’t they know you’re pkondz?? Pkondz of the VIP bus and weather passes?? They better hold the plane for you!

Good luck!
Apparently, they didn't get the memo.
On the bright side, I now have an extra four hours to cancel all of today's Disney plans.
Apparently, they didn't get the memo.
On the bright side, I now have an extra four hours to cancel all of today's Disney plans.

And you’ll have a good story to tell for your next trip report.
I was so behind, I didn't quote anything, but it was fun reliving the end of your EPIC trip with you! I enjoyed my time machine ride back to April :) I'm excited to hear how EMM was for TSL!! And really excited about the cruise part of your TR. We are less than 100 days away from our Very Merrytime Cruise, so I'm soaking up any and all cruise info I can come across!!
I was so behind, I didn't quote anything, but it was fun reliving the end of your EPIC trip with you! I enjoyed my time machine ride back to April :) I'm excited to hear how EMM was for TSL!! And really excited about the cruise part of your TR. We are less than 100 days away from our Very Merrytime Cruise, so I'm soaking up any and all cruise info I can come across!!

Believe it or not, I'm jealous of you having a cruise in less than 100 days! I want to go back and I don't know when we'll be able to :sad1: You're going to love it!
APRIL 3, 2019

After a nice long, restful night of sleep…all four hours of it, we were all super well rested and energetic,
and ready to head to the bus stop at 6:22 am...

The bus sign kept changing times, but I was hopeful...

I do think the time was fairly accurate and we made it to DHS at 6:50.
We felt like we were the only people there...

After a brief stop at Guest Services to activate my AP :banana:, we headed into EMM.
The CMs tried hard to get us to go straight to breakfast, which had recently been moved
from ABC Commissary to Backlot Express,
but we had no interest in breakfast that early
and went instead to wait with the small crowd in front of the Chinese Theater...

Nicholas could barely contain his excitement this morning...

My poor mom, who is cold when it's 80 degrees outside, was absolutely freezing this morning.

It was actually really cold and kind of breezy this morning and once we got into the crowd,
we tried to kind of stay in the middle to shield ourselves from the breeze…

The CMs led us back around 7:23, so we were glad we just stood and waited for 15 minutes
instead of going to breakfast...

I was dying for the kids to see TSL and specifically SDD.
They are huge roller coaster fans and I thought they'd love it as much as I do.
My mom was a little trepidatious at first, but we convinced her to come with us once
and if she hated it she wouldn't have to go again.


The kids ended up being kind of unimpressed with SDD…whomp, whomp.
I guess it's not thrilling enough for them. My mom, on the other hand, loved it!

When we got off we noticed the coffee stand set up so my mom headed over to have some
and the kids and I went on Alien Swirling Saucers...

Continued in next post...



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I'm jealous of you having a cruise in less than 100 days! I want to go back and I don't know when we'll be able to :sad1: You're going to love it!
We went for our Honeymoon in 2006 on the Wonder, and I went once before in 2000 with my best friend, also on the Wonder. I cannot wait to experience one of the "new" boats and see everything that is new and different since way back then!!!

After a brief stop at Guest Services to activate my AP :-)banana:),
Is this supposed to be a dancing banana!? What happened here? :)
APRIL 3, 2019

It's kind of an ongoing joke that my mom seems to get lost or separated from us everywhere and we were laughing because we could see she didn't know where we went even though we told her...

At least she got to enjoy her coffee and warm up some :rotfl:

We had a fun little ride on AS2...


But if you think the kids were unimpressed by SDD, imagine how unimpressed they were with this.
Personally, I think it's cute, and it's nice for the little kids but I could take it or leave it.

We all grabbed some coffee and snacks and then headed to TSM.
This has always been a favorite of all of ours...


Allie took some pics in front of the new TSM walls.
Coincidentally, she happened to match this one perfectly…

We went on SDD a couple more times
and Nicholas' coffee must've started to kick in because he actually even smiled...


You'll be shocked to hear that the kids didn't want any pictures with Woody, Buzz or Jessie,
but they did indulge me with a couple Toy Story Ball pictures...

We went on TSM again...

My mom and I with our 3D glasses "on" :rotfl2:


We took a couple more pics of an empty TSL, and then headed over to breakfast
right around 9 am when the park was opening



Actually, the kids headed over to RnRC while mom and I headed to breakfast.

That's up next!
We went for our Honeymoon in 2006 on the Wonder, and I went once before in 2000 with my best friend, also on the Wonder. I cannot wait to experience one of the "new" boats and see everything that is new and different since way back then!!!

I've been on each ship once. The Fantasy was my favorite, closely followed by the Dream. I think I liked the Fantasy better because it was a longer cruise, but they are both beautiful :love:

Is this supposed to be a dancing banana!? What happened here? :)

Haha! yes! Thanks for pointing that out…I fixed it!
I love those late flights! But I too learned that same lesson after getting to CSR after midnight in August lol but still seemed like a great travel night!

My brother felt the same about SDD but I think its fun! Sounds like a great morning so far!
APRIL 3, 2019

DM and I headed over to Backlot Express for the breakfast that's included with EMM.
I had previously done TSL EMM in October 2018 and the breakfast at that time
was served at the ABC Commissary. After having experienced both now,
I would definitely prefer that they had just left it there.
Not that Backlot Express was bad…the food was pretty much the same…but I liked
the proximity of ABC Commissary to TSL, as well as the layout of the food and tables.

The kids got to RnRC only to find that it was either down or not open yet.
In any case, it wasn't running so they came back and joined us for breakfast.
We got a couple choices to share, and hit up the buffet for fruit and yogurt and pastries...

Sorry, no matter which way I rotate this, it looks upside down...



When we were done, we went on Star Tours,

and then back to TSL for our FP...

It was slightly more crowded now...

Yup…SDD again!

I think after making them go on it so many times, it kind of grew on them and they kind of liked it.
I guess it just doesn't have that "WOW" factor like their new favorite ride, FOP.

Our next FP was for ToT, so we headed there.
Allie did her best David Lee Roth impression on the way...


Once she was done dancing in the street, we finally made our way there...

Continued in next post...

APRIL 3, 2019

I forgot to say this in my last post, but in case you couldn't tell, I really love EMM in TSL.
I'm sad they are no longer being offered, but I hope that once things calm down with SWGE,
they go back to having them in some form or another.

My mom waited in her favorite secret spot while the kids and I plunged to our deaths...

We were all kind of hitting a wall from staying up so late and getting up so early,
so after poking around a little and using our Star Tours FP,
we decided to head back to the resort and rest a little bit...

Once there, my mom, Allie and I all got Mickey Bars...

but Nicholas, being the growing boy that he is, got a burger...


(and then a Mickey Bar!)

Since this was our first time here, we had fun just looking around the resort.
We just thought everything there was so cute!



The view from right outside our room 2329...



Nicholas literally collapsed in the room...

We had a nice break for a couple hours and then headed to DS for the evening
where Nicholas and I did something I totally thought I wouldn't enjoy,
but actually ended up being a lot of fun!

Any guesses on what we did??

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