FP FAQ ADDENDUM: Park Hopping Tips; Refresh; Additional Tier 1 Booking; Anytime (Bonus) FPs; CL FPs

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Booking for Onsite Stays Longer Than 14 Days

When the 60-day FP Booking Window opens for an onsite stay of longer than 14 days, you'll be able to book up to a maximum of 14 consecutive days.

After this, your ability to book for additional park days continues with each passing day. The open 60-day Booking Window continually rolls forward each day allowing you to book for your total number of onsite park days.

There seemed to be some confusion over this on some other recent threads and I just wanted to report our recent experience for anyone interested. We have Gold AP's and for our upcoming trip we had no problem booking FP's for each day of our onsite stay which exceeded 14 consecutive days. The process occurred just as is reported here. Day 1 we booked first 14 days and then continued on booking an additional day of FP's each subsequent day.
Just wanted to give people some encouragement in this thread if you’re like me and wasn’t shut out of some big attractions at 30 days out.

Today we went to AK but we were not staying on site. It was an early morning entry day, so by the time we were allowed to get in FOP had a 180 minute wait. I used the refresh method from about 9:20-9:45 and was able to score 2 FO for Flight of Passage at 3:55pm.
Just wanted to give people some encouragement in this thread if you’re like me and wasn’t shut out of some big attractions at 30 days out.

Today we went to AK but we were not staying on site. It was an early morning entry day, so by the time we were allowed to get in FOP had a 180 minute wait. I used the refresh method from about 9:20-9:45 and was able to score 2 FO for Flight of Passage at 3:55pm.
Thanks! Enjoy your day and your Flight! :)
I cannot find this answer even though for sure it's described somewhere. But here's what happened today. I hope someone can enlighten me.

We had FP+s for TSM in DHS. This was our only FP+ in DHS. We booked an evening FP+ for NRJ. Tonight, after we rode NRJ, we tried to make another Tier 1 FP+ in DAK--NRJ kept appearing as a choice--but MDX wouldn't let us book this, saying something like (sorry, I don't have the exact language) we had already chosen that experience and we couldn't choose it again.

Is it that we'd booked only 1 ride in park #2? Or that this was only our 2nd FP+ of the day? Or does one have to book 3 FP+s in park #2 in order to get another Tier 1 FP+ in that park? Or something else entirely?

If we'd known that we had to make 3 FP+s in DHS or DAK in order to try for another Tier 1 in the 2nd park (DAK), we would've done so, since we had plenty of time between DHS and DAK.

Help! We're still here and I'd love to know how this works. And apologies if this is described in this thread or even elsewhere, but I can't find it.

I cannot find this answer even though for sure it's described somewhere. But here's what happened today. I hope someone can enlighten me.

We had FP+s for TSM in DHS. This was our only FP+ in DHS. We booked an evening FP+ for NRJ. Tonight, after we rode NRJ, we tried to make another Tier 1 FP+ in DAK--NRJ kept appearing as a choice--but MDX wouldn't let us book this, saying something like (sorry, I don't have the exact language) we had already chosen that experience and we couldn't choose it again.

Is it that we'd booked only 1 ride in park #2? Or that this was only our 2nd FP+ of the day? Or does one have to book 3 FP+s in park #2 in order to get another Tier 1 FP+ in that park? Or something else entirely?

If we'd known that we had to make 3 FP+s in DHS or DAK in order to try for another Tier 1 in the 2nd park (DAK), we would've done so, since we had plenty of time between DHS and DAK.

Help! We're still here and I'd love to know how this works. And apologies if this is described in this thread or even elsewhere, but I can't find it.


You wouldn't have been able to ride the same ride in your first 3 FP's. If you had used 3 FP's you should have been able to do NRJ a 2nd time.
I cannot find this answer even though perhaps it's here somewhere. But here's what happened today. I hope someone can enlighten me.

We had FP+s for TSM in DHS. Great. Worked fine. Then we had lunch and booked a FP+ for NRJ in the evening. After we rode NRJ we tried to make another Tier 1 FP+ in DAK--NRJ app--but MDX kept saying that we'd already chosen that experience and we couldn't choose it again
You wouldn't have been able to ride the same ride in your first 3 FP's. If you had used 3 FP's you should have been able to do NRJ a 2nd time.

Thanks, JETSDAD. For clarification, could these 3 FP+s have been in either of the 2 parks we were in? And this means we were prevented from making another FP+ for NRJ because we'd had only 2 FP+s today? Apologies for being dense, but this is a situation I've never run into before. And thank you.
For clarification, could these 3 FP+s have been in either of the 2 parks we were in?

And this means we were prevented from making another FP+ for NRJ because we'd had only 2 FP+s today?
Yes. Only 1 Tier 1 within the park where you were trying to book.

Technically, you could have booked a Tier 1 for Epcot.

Yes. Only 1 Tier 1 within the park where you were trying to book.

Technically, you could have booked a Tier 1 for Epcot.

hiroMYhiro--Thank you so much. I think I understand the rules, although I do have yet another question! If i'd had a FP+ that I didn't use but that had expired, would that have counted as the 3rd FP+? Because we had a FP+ for VotLM and we canceled it since we didn't need it and I wanted to put it back in the pool in case someone else was looking for it.
hiroMYhiro--Thank you so much. I think I understand the rules, although I do have yet another question! If i'd had a FP+ that I didn't use but that had expired, would that have counted as the 3rd FP+? Because we had a FP+ for VotLM and we canceled it since we didn't need it and I wanted to put it back in the pool in case someone else was looking for it.

In theory that would work but it doesn't always work in reality. I've had it work perfectly, letting FP's expire, and I've had them not fall off and so they didn't count as having been used. Even if you didn't want to actually use the FP it would be safer to at least tap the FP to get rid of it.
Just wanted to thank JETSDAD and hiroMYhiro for your assistance. Super helpful.

And for all those of you despairing of FoP FP+s, yesterday, we had a FP+ for FoP that we booked the night before and another FP+ for FoP that we booked while standing in line after entering the FoP FP+ queue. So . . . it can be done.

In relation to Anytime FPs, could you please confirm me if my understandings are correct or not?

If I receive an Anytime FP due to the closure of the ride of one of my initial 3 pre-booked FPs, I need to go into MDX and book another regular FP to replace the downed ride FP, in order to complete my total 3 initial FPs. I understand that in that case it is necessary to go into MDX and exchange the FP because if i did not it, i wouldn't book any FP#4, is it correct?

If I receive an Anytime FP due to the closure of the ride of one of my FP#4, is it still necessary to go into MDX and book another regular FP to replace the downed ride FP#4? My question is because I can not understand how an Anytime FP doesn't prevent your possibility to book another FP#4 (having at the same time in MDX your Anytime FP and another FP#4), if it is necessary to exchange the Anytime FP to concret FP for a ride. Excuse me if I can't explain it well.

I have read that one strategy in order to obtain more FP#4 is when it is raining or it is going to star to rain, try to book a FP#4 for a ride that usually close when it is raining (i.e. Dumbo in MK) and obtain the Anytime FP in exchange (even in the case that we are not interested in Dumbo ride). However, i have read too that this strategy can allow you to obtanin multiples Anytime FP ¿how? If it is raining and Dumbo is closed, can I still booking FPs#4 for Dumbo one after another? If the ride is closed you still booking FP for that ride?

Thank you!

In relation to Anytime FPs, could you please confirm me if my understandings are correct or not?

If I receive an Anytime FP due to the closure of the ride of one of my initial 3 pre-booked FPs, I need to go into MDX and book another regular FP to replace the downed ride FP, in order to complete my total 3 initial FPs. I understand that in that case it is necessary to go into MDX and exchange the FP because if i did not it, i wouldn't book any FP#4, is it correct?

If I receive an Anytime FP due to the closure of the ride of one of my FP#4, is it still necessary to go into MDX and book another regular FP to replace the downed ride FP#4? My question is because I can not understand how an Anytime FP doesn't prevent your possibility to book another FP#4 (having at the same time in MDX your Anytime FP and another FP#4), if it is necessary to exchange the Anytime FP to concret FP for a ride. Excuse me if I can't explain it well.

I have read that one strategy in order to obtain more FP#4 is when it is raining or it is going to star to rain, try to book a FP#4 for a ride that usually close when it is raining (i.e. Dumbo in MK) and obtain the Anytime FP in exchange (even in the case that we are not interested in Dumbo ride). However, i have read too that this strategy can allow you to obtanin multiples Anytime FP ¿how? If it is raining and Dumbo is closed, can I still booking FPs#4 for Dumbo one after another? If the ride is closed you still booking FP for that ride?

Thank you!

When you receive an Anytime FP it is a bonus and does not count in your FP count. You do not replace the Anytime with another FP, you have it as well. If it is during your first 3 FP you would just use MDE to add another FP as though the original FP that turned into and Anytime never existed. Tiers are still in place so if it was a tier 2 you would have to replace it and use it before you could add a 2nd tier 1 (as a 4th+). Using an Anytime FP does not count as using a FP and you can have multiple Anytime FP's at any point in time. If it rains you do as you pointed out....if the ride goes down you get an Anytime FP....add another FP and the ride is still down, get another Anytime.
Thank you JETSDAD!

So, if a FP ride goes down or close due to the rain, does FP system allow you to book a FP for that ride regardless of the ride is not runing in that moment?

In order to a better understanding take an example. Supposing a day in Epcot with those 3 regular FP pre-booked: 9-10 Soarin, 10-11 Mission Space, 11-12 Spaceship Earth. If Soarin goes down, my Soarin FP turned into an Anytime FP which I can use for any ride in Epcot during that day since Soarin is a tier 1 ride ¿correct?

But in that case, if I want to use that Anytime FP in Test Track, simply I go to the ride and use the FP or I need to book a FP for Test Track through MDE in exchange the Anytime FP obtained?

I suppose the answer would be, no need any additional FP booking, go to the Test Track and ride. If it was correct, at what time I can use that Anytime FP? Between 9 to 10 I understand that it is no problem, but between 10-12 (two hours blocked by the other 2 FPs), can I use between 10-12 my FP for Mission and Spaceship plus my Anytime FP in Test Track?

I have read something about be carefull with using Anytime FP during an hour blocked by another FP, because sometimes in that cases you want to use your regular FP (or a FP4) and the system consider that you are using your Anytime FP, does it make sense? In what cases?
Hi again,

Sorry because I know that it is a question answered before but I can't find it... When if a ride goes down you are going to receive an Anytime FP for any park? It only happens it is within the last opening hour of the park when the ride goes down? Within the last 2 hours?

Or there is not a fixed rule?

Thank you JETSDAD!

So, if a FP ride goes down or close due to the rain, does FP system allow you to book a FP for that ride regardless of the ride is not runing in that moment?

In order to a better understanding take an example. Supposing a day in Epcot with those 3 regular FP pre-booked: 9-10 Soarin, 10-11 Mission Space, 11-12 Spaceship Earth. If Soarin goes down, my Soarin FP turned into an Anytime FP which I can use for any ride in Epcot during that day since Soarin is a tier 1 ride ¿correct?

But in that case, if I want to use that Anytime FP in Test Track, simply I go to the ride and use the FP or I need to book a FP for Test Track through MDE in exchange the Anytime FP obtained?

I suppose the answer would be, no need any additional FP booking, go to the Test Track and ride. If it was correct, at what time I can use that Anytime FP? Between 9 to 10 I understand that it is no problem, but between 10-12 (two hours blocked by the other 2 FPs), can I use between 10-12 my FP for Mission and Spaceship plus my Anytime FP in Test Track?

I have read something about be carefull with using Anytime FP during an hour blocked by another FP, because sometimes in that cases you want to use your regular FP (or a FP4) and the system consider that you are using your Anytime FP, does it make sense? In what cases?

Yes, for the most part you can add FP's for rides even if they are down. This of course is based on availability.

In your example, if Soarin' went down you would get an anytime FP. When you click on it there will be a list of rides that it is good for. FEA might not be permitted but TT will be. They are good to use anytime that day in that park. If you happen to have a ride go down in the last hour of park operations you will likely get an anytime that works for the following day as well at any park. There will again be restrictions depending on what ride went down.

So if you wanted to use the Anytime for TT you would just go through the TT FP line....it will automatically pull the Anytime FP and apply it to that ride. It is not tied to the original FP time period and is not blocked by any other FP that you have.

People say to be careful with FP return windows when you have anytimes. The key is that people have had it where they have shown up during the grace period, or just outside of the grace period, for their scheduled FP and when they have tapped in the system has pulled the Anytime rather than using the scheduled FP. This would not be fun if it happened to be a tier 2 ride and pulled your anytime instead. If you tap in during the scheduled window it will not use the Anytime.
Fantastic JETSDAD! All is clear now!!!

Considering that try to book a FP when it is raining or it is going to rain is a good strategy to obtain Anytime FP (mainly during the last hour of park operations), is it possible to check in MDE what rides are closed in every park in this moment (if it was the case)?

I think I read that Dumbo and TT are one of the rides which used to go down frequently, any others?
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