FP FAQ ADDENDUM: Park Hopping Tips; Refresh; Additional Tier 1 Booking; Anytime (Bonus) FPs; CL FPs

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DIS Veteran
May 2, 2014
This thread will be used to compile information specific to the most recent FastPass+ changes in My Disney Experience, particularly related to the most often discussed topics: park hopping, checking availability and obtaining multiple tier 1 attractions. We hope to keep this information fluid with additional changes and/or updates that continue to be rolled out; however it is my intent to keep the first few posts updated with the most current information.

*Checking Availability and The Refresh Method
*Additional Tier 1 Booking
*Park Hopping
*Directions for Booking for Park #2 While in Park #1
*Onsite Stays Longer Than 14 Days
*Club Level Extra FP Trial Program
*Anytime FPs - Multiple Experience FPs

For an introduction to FastPass+, how and when to book, and what attractions offer FP+ (including suggested priorities), please refer to the original FastPass+ FAQ Thread here: http://www.disboards.com/threads/fastpass-frequently-asked-questions.3491680/

Thanks to all who help to keep this info current, especially @mesaboy2, @hiroMYhero and @marciemi!!

Instructions for Checking Availability and Refreshing

You don't have to Cancel when checking availability, rebooking a new park, or when park hopping. Simply follow the instructions below.

From the app:
~ tap the "+"
~ select guests
~ select date and new park
~ continue beyond any warnings
~ you won't lose anything if just checking availability. After checking, back out of the window and your original FP+ remain.
~ when you confirm a FP+ for the new park, that's when any original FP+ are replaced.

Checking Availability for Same Park - Same Day
From the App

The REFRESH Method
When searching for a new FP:
  • Select the “+,” date, and park
  • Select a time and read the available selections
  • Select a different time and read the available selections
  • Continue until you select a FP

Remember to grab a chosen ride’s available FP and then use “Change” to find a better fitting time slot.
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Making a second Tier 1 FP+ within the same Park:
(test credit to @marciemi)

There are several ways to make a second Tier 1 FP+ within the same park. Most important to know though, only booking 1 Tier 1 (and no Tier 2’s) will NOT allow you to make another Tier 1 FP+ once you use the first one. You will get a message telling you that you are limited to one Tier 1 a day. So you have to “use” the Tier 2’s somehow.

Obviously, if you have an interest in using the Tier 2 rides, you can simply ride 2 Tier 2’s. Once you have scanned at the third ride (in whatever order), you can then book another Tier 1 if available. However, at Epcot especially, all the good Tier 1’s can be gone early in the day and the Tier 2’s frequently aren’t necessary to use a FP+ for. So your goal may be to be able to make a second Tier 1 as early in the day as possible.

You can book your Tier 2’s as early as possible, and simply tap your bands at the attractions and not actually ride. This can frequently allow you to move up your later Tier 2 (or replace it with an earlier available one). So for example, you could book the following as an example:

9:05-10:05 Spaceship Earth
10:20-11:20 Soarin’
11:30-12:30 Pixar Films

As you walk in the park, scan the band immediately at Spaceship Earth right at 9am as you work back to (let’s just say) Test Track. As you walk (or while you wait), try to then move the Pixar Films FP+ to around 9:15-10:15. After TT, walk by Pixar and scan there as you head to Soarin’. In this case, as soon as you scanned at Soarin’ at 10:15 (5 minutes early is allowed), you could attempt to book a second Tier 1 for (for example) Soarin’ again later in the day. If you hadn’t been able to move the Pixar earlier (to before Soarin’), you could try again as soon as you scanned at Soarin' to move it to as soon as possible. So again if you scanned there at 10:20, you might be able to get a 10:45 which you could go tap at right after riding Soarin’ and book the next Tier 1 at that point.

But what if you don’t want to deal with riding or tapping at Tier 2’s at all? The other alternative is to simply schedule your two Tier 2’s before your Tier 1 and let them expire before you get to the Tier 1. This would allow you to book another Tier 1 as soon as you tapped at the first. This option is particularly useful for the Frozen Ever After FP+’s (which begin at 11am). So you could schedule two at 9am and 10am and be eligible for another Tier 1 as soon as you scanned at FEA. During this time, you could sleep in, ride some of the Tier 1’s with shorter lines then (whether TT or Soarin’), or even begin your morning at another park with EMH before hopping to Epcot.

HOWEVER, it is important to use the correct method illustrated in post #5 below in order to do this. You simply can’t just cancel your Tier 2’s (or it will reflect you didn’t have them) or attempt to use the “Modify” option on MDE. You must book these FP+s as if they were new FP+s for the day. I have tested this multiple times, both at Epcot and HS, using both AP’s and MYW tickets and they all follow the same steps. The example in post #5 is from HS, but you’d do the same for Epcot.
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Booking a FP for another park while in the first park:

(test credit to @marciemi)

When 3 FP are booked for Park #1:
You can now book FP for a different park than the one you’re in. If you have booked 3 FP for the first park, as soon as you get in the FP line for your third FP, you can then make a 4th FP, either for the same park, or for another park.

When_2 or less FP are booked for Park #1:
If you book fewer than three FP and once you scan the first FP from within the first park, you can at that point make FP selections for a different park, even if you still have a FP remaining in the first park.

This can be especially helpful for Tiered parks – if for example you wish to hit Epcot at rope drop, use only a Tier 1 FP and then still have 2 more FP for another park later in the day.

Additionally, there is no restriction on Tier requirements BETWEEN PARKS during one day. So if you use a Tier 1 at Epcot you can then book a second Tier 1 at HS immediately upon scanning – Also, you can even book your remaining two FP at two different parks if you would like!

NOTE: Splitting FP between parks or booking for another park CANNOT be done until the same day, AFTER you have already scanned your card/MB at the first FP Mickey head to “prove” to the system that you’re in a park.

You cannot book for 2 different parks in advance or even on the same day until you have scanned your first FP (not just entered the park).
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Instructions for making a second Tier 1 FP+ within the same Park (with pictures):
I was testing a couple different things. “Helen” was my test person for the new Tier 1; while “Eric” was my test for booking for another park (as shown in post #6). Helen had the following FP+ booked:

http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y290/marciemi/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9860.png

(Ignore the second Star Tours which was for Eric only).

So we arrived at the park shortly before noon, and worked our way over to RnRC. Note that neither the Muppets nor Star Tours FP+ for Helen at 9:05 and 10:10 had been used. As soon as we scanned at RnRC, I started to make changes while we waited in the FP+ line. I first selected the FP+ option from the main (popup) menu. It then showed me that some of my party was eligible for additional FP+:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9861.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=36&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

I chose “View Eligible Guests” and then selected Helen and then Continue:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9862.jpg.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=39&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

I then selected today’s date and the park I was in (HS):

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9863.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=34&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9864.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=29&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

It then showed me available FP+, but also gave what could be interpreted as an error message telling me “You may only plan 1 of these per day” in regards to the Tier 1.

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9865.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=26&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

But it still showed me the times available for the Tier 1’s as well:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9866.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=30&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

So I selected Toy Story Mania for 2:20 and confirmed it:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9867.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=31&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

This gives the following message:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9868.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=32&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

At this point, I could still see the original two Tier 2’s on my home screen but could not change them. When I clicked on one of them, I got the following message:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9869.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=33&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9870.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=27&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9871.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=28&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

And when I went back to the home screen and refreshed, those original two Tier 2’s were gone and the new Tier 1 was there:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9872.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=25&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

(Note the Tier 1 I was still in line for still showed at this point, but would disappear shortly, and “Eric’s” Tier 2 still showed below).

I then went in and cancelled the FP+ since I didn’t intend to use it:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9873.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=24&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

Next I tested booking a FP+ from one park while in another – see post #6 below!
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Instructions for booking a FP+ for another park while in the first park (with pictures):
In this case, Eric has a Tier 1 (RnRC) and a Tier 2 (Star Tours) both booked at HS. As soon as he tapped at RnRC, I began to look for a new FP+ for him, this time at Epcot. I used the center Menu button and selected FP+ from the choices:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9875.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=19&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

MDE told me that some members of my party were eligible for additional FP+. I selected View Eligible Guests:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9876.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=20&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

I selected Eric and then the current date and park I wanted (Epcot in this case, although he was currently in HS):

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9877.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=23&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9878.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=22&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9879.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=16&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

The only Tier 1 available was Illuminations, so I selected it for testing purposes to show that you could get another Tier 1 in a different park:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9880.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=18&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

I then hit Confirm on the next screen:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9881.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=17&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

At this point, Eric now had 3 FP+ assigned for the day (including RnRC which he was in line for) so you’ll see the option on the bottom to choose more FP+ for the Same Day is greyed out. If you had only booked 1 FP+ for starters (only RnRC in his case), then he would be able to book a third FP+ for whatever park he wanted at this point:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9882.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=14&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

The Home screen at this point shows his current FP+ (RnRC – that was just scanned), his outstanding FP+ at the same park (Star Tours) and his remaining FP+ (Illuminations) for a different park:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9883.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=15&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

Next I decided to test changing to yet a third park for the day. I decided to change his Star Tours to see what I could find in MK. I first clicked on the Star Tours FP+ shown on the home screen and then selected the Cancel option:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9884.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=13&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9885.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=12&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

This leads to the same result as if he had just never scheduled that extra FP+, so selecting the new FP+ is like just choosing a new one for the day. I selected Eric as my FP+ party

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9886.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=11&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

Next, I chose the current date and the park I wanted (MK this time):

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9887.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=10&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

I next chose a ride for the afternoon time. Note that just like always, you cannot schedule FP+ for the same time as another FP+, even if in another park. In this case, I opted to choose Barnstormer for this FP+:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9888.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=8&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

I again clicked on the time I wanted and then hit Confirm:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9889.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=9&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

Again Same Day is shaded out since Eric now has his initial allotment of 3 FP+ selected for the day. He will not be able to select a 4th FP+ until he scans at the 3rd FP+ location:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9890.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=7&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

By this time, evidently the system had registered that he had used the RnRC FP+ and it was now gone from the FP+ shown:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9891.png.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=6&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

Although all of this was accomplished while waiting in the line or preshow (in addition to all the Tiered testing I did above for Helen) and we hadn’t actually gotten on the ride yet:

http://s7.photobucket.com/user/marciemi/media/2014 Trips/2015/FPP Testing/IMG_9892.jpg.html?action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=47&action=Copy&k=shared.media&o=37

So at this point Eric was physically in Hollywood Studios and had already booked FP+ for both MK and Epcot for later that day.

In general, I would recommend booking FP+ even if you’re not sure if you’ll use them as you can always cancel them and book for another park if you decide to do so. If we had wanted to do Star Tours and the line was long, he could have used that FP+ and still had the 3rd for another park already booked. If it was a short line or we were ready to leave HS, he could then just cancel that FP+ and book, well in advance of his arrival at another park. These recent changes to the system allow for a lot more flexibility in current day planning – you could even decide whether or not to hop or where to hop based on what FP+ were available at that time.

Also, one final note that if you had already booked 3 FP+ in your first park and wanted to book the 4th for a different park, your screen would look the same as in the second picture in this thread and you would select View Eligible Guests and continue in the process exactly as shown above.
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Booking for Onsite Stays Longer Than 14 Days

When the 60-day FP Booking Window opens for an onsite stay of longer than 14 days, you'll be able to book up to a maximum of 14 consecutive days.

After this, your ability to book for additional park days continues with each passing day. The open 60-day Booking Window continually rolls forward each day allowing you to book for your total number of onsite park days.
Club Level Extra FP Trial Program Summary
Credit to: @GADisneyDad14

Basic Overview
  • $50 per person, per day, plus tax - 3 day minimum
  • Available 3/13/2018 and beyond
  • Includes three “Extra FPs” per day (in addition to your three ‘regular’ FPs)
  • Extra FPs and Regular FPs per paid day are bookable 90 days from your check-out date (yes, your check-out date, not check-in date)
  • The minimum three days do not need to be consecutive
  • Not everyone in your party must purchase this program, you can choose the individuals
  • The program requires a minimum two night CL or other eligible room category reservation
  • You are charged at the time of booking
  • There is currently no announced end date to this trial program, but like any Disney trial it could end at any time
Booking Info for the Extra FPs
  • Bookable 90 days from your check-out date
  • Booked via phone with Disney Signature Services (DSS)
  • You select the Extra FP choices at the time of booking
  • The three Extra FPs can be modified via DSS later via phone, including the day of via phone (they give you an after-hours line to call as well since DSS closes at 5pm)
  • You cannot modify the three Extra FPs yourself, this can only be done by calling DSS
  • The three Extra FPs can be in any tier and any park
How this Works with the “Regular” Three FPs
  • Your regular three FPs per paid day can ALSO be booked via DSS at the 90-day before check-out mark (it’s not required, but is available at your discretion)
  • Once booked, you can immediately modify your three regular FPs yourself in MDX (but the three Extra FPs cannot be modified without calling DSS)
  • You cannot modify a regular FP to overlap a time window where you have an Extra FP booked
Cancellation Info / Reservation Changes
  • There is a 2 day cancellation period
  • If you book this and then cancel a CL (or otherwise eligible) reservation after booking or modify it to a non-eligible room, the package will be cancelled and you'll receive a refund
Trial Program Caveat
  • This is a trial program, all details are subject to change or modification
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Anytime FPs/Multiple Experience FPs

If you receive an Anytime FP due to a ride closure or as Guest Recovery from a CM, treat it as a Bonus FP - it doesn’t count as one of your initial 3 pre-booked FPs.

As soon as you receive the Anytime FP for a downed ride, go into MDX and book another regular FP to replace the FP for the downed ride to complete your total of 3 initial FPs.

Use your 3 initial FPs during their true hour-long window and save your Anytime FP for a ride of your choice as described by the Anytime FP - there may be restrictions and exclusions.

You must use (or allow to expire) your initial 3 FPs before you can book FP#4. You’ll be able to book FP#4 even if you are saving your Anytime FP to use later in the day.
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This post is so easy to understand. I told people (MNSSHP) they could have FP+ at two different parks on the same day and oh, was it crazy, people didn't even know the FP+ system was updated. How can they not confirm this information? They're willing to spend thousands of dollars on a vacation but not bother looking things up! Ugh! Sorry buddy, rant over, haven't had one of those in like forever! Delete me at your whim! Feel much better. Thank you!:rolleyes1
Wow, this is really helpful. I had to make my FP's this morning - on our last day we are spending the morning at EP and then hopping over to MK to finish out our trip. Right now I have FP's for TT, then Nemo, and then TAlk with Crush...I shouldn't really NEED the ones for nemo and crush, right? So could I cancel those that morning, and then right after we get on TT schedule a same-day FP for MK? Am I understanding that correctly?
Wow, this is really helpful. I had to make my FP's this morning - on our last day we are spending the morning at EP and then hopping over to MK to finish out our trip. Right now I have FP's for TT, then Nemo, and then TAlk with Crush...I shouldn't really NEED the ones for nemo and crush, right? So could I cancel those that morning, and then right after we get on TT schedule a same-day FP for MK? Am I understanding that correctly?
You actually can Cancel them because you won't need them.

As soon as you enter the FP line for TT, go on the app and schedule 2 FPs for MK.
This thread is great! Just another question...

If I only book one FP ahead of time and then decide to cancel it while I'm at the park, would I then be able to make all 3 FP at another park since I never used a FP at the first park?

Example: I book a FP for TT at Epcot 60 days in advance. I plan on arriving at rope drop to ride it, but in case we get there late, I wanted to have a FP. We then plan on going to MK for the rest of the day.

So if we actually do make it to rope drop, I would cancel my TT FP. Could I then make 3 FP for MK since I never technically used any FP at Epcot?

Thanks! I hope I explained that well enough. :)
This thread is great! Just another question...

If I only book one FP ahead of time and then decide to cancel it while I'm at the park, would I then be able to make all 3 FP at another park since I never used a FP at the first park?

Example: I book a FP for TT at Epcot 60 days in advance. I plan on arriving at rope drop to ride it, but in case we get there late, I wanted to have a FP. We then plan on going to MK for the rest of the day.

So if we actually do make it to rope drop, I would cancel my TT FP. Could I then make 3 FP for MK since I never technically used any FP at Epcot?

Thanks! I hope I explained that well enough. :)
Yes, as long as you never tap a FP at Epcot you could cancel and book 3 at MK. If you end up using the TT FP, you can schedule 2 at MK as soon as you scan your band at TT.
Going forward, the updated Disney Terms of Service needs to be followed when pre-booking FPs in MDE:

  • The valid theme park admission associated with your Site/App account and used to make FastPass+ selections must be the same valid theme park admission that you will use for entry into the park on the day the FastPass+selections are redeemed.
This does mean that discussion of booking or using FPs using ticket media that will not be used for admission into the parks (extra tickets, APs belonging to others, FPs for family members who decide not to enter a park, etc.) will not be allowed as that would be circumventing Disney TOS.
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