For the first time in like ever I'm going to Disneyland a Nov 14 TR... updated 8/17

Just want to say Happy New Year to all my Dis friends...

I haven't forgotten the trip report I will be back soon to do an update.
Christmas was busy. My sister and nieces were home and I was very sick. Got a chest infection and went all hoarse. My voice still isn't back 100% either! Do you know how annoying it is watching Disney movies and not being able to sing along :eek::rotfl2: Santy was good though and alot of my presents were Frozen or Disney themed :D Back to work tomorrow and then back to musical life on Thursday so yay for 3 month social life! :goodvibes
Happy New Year to you too, Emma. I hope you are feeling 100% really soon. And happy you got lots of goodies that were Disney related from Santa. :)
Happy New Year to you too, Emma. I hope you are feeling 100% really soon. And happy you got lots of goodies that were Disney related from Santa. :)

Re the feeling better me to.. I finished the antibiotic this morning and literally have not stopped coughing all day since. My stomach hurts from coughing so much. :sad2:
Well I was going to do an update soon but then I got sicker! Come off another round of antibiotics tomorrow lets pray it ends with those. Been in bed since Tuesday. On the plus side I finished the Kingdom Keepers series and I don't like how that ends I want more
Well I was going to do an update soon but then I got sicker! Come off another round of antibiotics tomorrow lets pray it ends with those. Been in bed since Tuesday. On the plus side I finished the Kingdom Keepers series and I don't like how that ends I want more

I didn't like how it ended either
I was going to leave the next update until I had a chance to load the video onto the computer but been to sick to do that so will just post the next update instead..

Day 2, part 5

So when I left you way back sometime last year, we were on the Columbia and the poor Melf that wasn't mine was drowning. Nobody rescued the poor Melf that I saw anyway and once we got off the Columbia it was about time to head towards Small World and get a spot for the parade. We passed Big Thunder Mountain:

and across from it we spotted one of the Disney Cats (they have a bunch of cats living in the parks there to keep down the rodent population apparently)

It actually looked fake from where I was but it wasn't there the next time we passed so it must have been real! :confused3 I thought we were going to be super early going to Small World at this point (it was like 5 ish and the parade wasn't on until 5.45) but apparently not as there was already loads of people there. I took some pictures while we were searching for a spot:

Eventually we found a spot across from Small World and I stood at the front and Momma sat on a wall beside a very strange lady (Momma said the lady was talking to her cola drink!) The strange lady told me I wasn't allowed to stand that anyone at the front had to sit. I was sitting on my rain poncho and coughing and coughing and coughing so much that by 5.15 I had coughed out my voice! At about 5.15 they lit up Small World, no big ceremony, just a bit of music and alot of lights:

Momma then asked a CM if I had to sit on the ground and the CM said that was ridiculous that I could stand, lie, sit whatever I wanted so long as I wasn't blocking the parade path. So I stood. Then the strange woman came and stood beside me and proceeded to give out to anyone else that tried to stand beside her. Anyways eventually she was forgotten as the parade came along.

I kinda missed Mickey and Minnie because I got over excited when I saw this guy:

IT'S DUFFY!!! Momma laughed because she said I was more excited than the children. Then I continued with the picture taking:

Oh look Frozen:

My Beast :lovestruc (Belle's dress is weird in this parade)

Santy kept telling everyone how many days were left until Christmas day:

I was more amused by the rabbits and snowmen on his float though:

Next up: Goodnight Disneyland
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Day 2, part 6:

After the parade we headed to Star Traders to try trade a Vinylmation, the trading options weren't the best and you were only allowed one go and then you either take it or leave it. In WDW the give you two goes or well they did when I was there last time. When I left Star Traders I spotted Pluto again but Momma wanted food so we headed for Pizza Port instead. We couldn't decide what to get so got a selection. Momma bought two slices of pizza:

I got the Chicken Fusilli

Then we divided it all between us. The Pizza wasn't the greatest but I'd have eaten that pasta all day. Around about this time I started to get upset though. I couldn't finish eating and the tears started. I was coughing a lot, felt all clogged up and at this stage had lost my voice and my throat was too sore to swallow from all the coughing. Momma wanted to leave and go back to the hotel but I wanted to see the fireworks. We went to change into warmer clothes then headed to the castle which was now all lit up.

We found a spot for the fireworks which I mostly cried through but they were good and I was happy I stayed.

After that I couldn't stand any longer so we found a bench with a bit of difficulty to sit on while the masses left. Eventually I took a few more pictures around the hub:

Then we joined the leaving masses on Main Street:

I stopped along the way for a few window pictures:

Lookie I found Copper and Todd :lovestruc

And how could I not take a picture of the giant tree lit up

Goodnight Walt:

Goodnight Disneyland

The Frozen themed gates:

As we were leaving more people seemed to be going in so I think there was some sort of press event as the park was meant to be closed at that stage.:confused3 We stopped off at a CVS across from our hotel on our way back. The girl in the pharmacy part was pretty useless though so I eventually just picked a cough bottle myself and she could suggest nothing but throat drops for my failing voice. I didn't get those, they don't work at home they're not likely to work in California! There was some Disney stuff in CVS as well though:

Those things ^ did some sort of song and dance. This played music as well:

Once we got back to the hotel, I pretty much fell asleep the second I got into the room while Momma was saying something about having more fun than she thought she was going to have!

Next up: A day in L.A.
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Thanks so much for the update..Hope you are starting to feel better.

DD & I have to visit Disney during the Holidays, it looks so festive and MAGICAL.

The pics are so neat and love the one with the cat..:thumbsup2
Thanks so much for the update..Hope you are starting to feel better.
I'm not as weak this week. Still coughing and stuff and on steroids for that now but sure at least i'm still breathing. :goodvibes

DD & I have to visit Disney during the Holidays, it looks so festive and MAGICAL.
Oh visit any Disney park during the holidays and you'll never want to go any other time of year. Those castles all lit up are just amazing.

The pics are so neat and love the one with the cat..:thumbsup2
Thanks. I thought it was cool that we found a Disney cat. I'd heard about them but never seen one wandering about.

Glad you're feeling better. Nice update.
Thanks :thumbsup2
How awful to have felt so horrible in the Happiest Place on Earth!

Really loved how beautiful your pictures turned out!

BTW, did you like your hotel?
So before I get in to posting about Day 3 I want to show you all the description of what were were supposed to do that day and then we'll see how they compare:

Deluxe City Tour of Hollywood & Los Angeles Highlights include:
Hollywood Blvd *
- Chinese Theatre
- Walk of Fame
- Dolby Theatre
- Hollywood & Highland
- Hollywood Sign

Beverly Hills
- Rodeo Drive *
- City Hall Hollywood/LA
- Farmers Market/Grove **
- Miracle Mile
- La Brea Tar Pits*
- LA County Museum Art
- CBS Television

West Hollywood
- Sunset Strip Downtown LA
- LA Memorial Coliseum *
- Chinatown
- Staples Center
- LA Live/Nokia
- Walt Disney Hall *
- Cathedral of Our Lady

(* indicates stop of 10-20 minutes; subject to availability ** 45 Minute Break at Farmers Market)

The Grand Tour of Los Angeles will allow you to see many of the highlights of LA in just 7 hours, including The Walk of Fame, Hollywood Sign, Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, Sunset Strip, Paramount Studios, Downtown LA, Walt Disney Hall and many more popular sights. Our fun & informative tour guide will highlight L.A.’s unique history and culture, with stops at some of LA’s most popular landmarks.

The tour includes a stop at the Original “Farmer’s Market,” where you will have the time to experience lunch – LA style - with more than 140 shops, restaurants, markets and cafes.
How awful to have felt so horrible in the Happiest Place on Earth!
It was horrible but I was determined to keep going for as long as I could because it was Disney :goodvibes

Really loved how beautiful your pictures turned out!
Thank you. I get a bit snap happy when I go to Disney

BTW, did you like your hotel?
I liked it. I had read so many negative reviews about it before we went that I didn't really know what to expect but the hotel looked nice and clean, the room was huge and the beds were really comfy. We never had any complaints with it so really don't see why people give out about it so much. :confused3 I'd have no problem staying there again if we go back to Anaheim.
I am not a fan of It's a Small World...but love the one in Disneyland all lit up and the Santa hat on the clock.

I'm sorry you were feeling so poorly during the parade and fireworks. But you got awesome parade pictures. I do love those little snowman that walked in the parade.

Your dinner looks yummy.

And LOVE the castle all lit up and the fireworks pictures.

And the Christmas tree is beautiful.
I am not a fan of It's a Small World...but love the one in Disneyland all lit up and the Santa hat on the clock.
Small World is my favourite but not at Disneyland... the wait time was never less that 45 minutes there and I had a few other issues with it that I'll get to on another days reporting!

I'm sorry you were feeling so poorly during the parade and fireworks. But you got awesome parade pictures. I do love those little snowman that walked in the parade.
Thanks just really bad timing. I hadn't been off work since April and was fine all year. The second I finished up work I started getting a cold :(

I loved the Snowmen as well they were to cute. There was more of them that what I got a picture of and they all had different hats or boots or whatever on.

Your dinner looks yummy.
The chicken pasta was yum. I actually want more of that now. The pizza not so much!

And LOVE the castle all lit up and the fireworks pictures.
I love the castle's lit up. I was happy with the DLR castle as well that the night time pictures turned out a bit better than they did in Paris. The lighting around the castle in Paris isn't great so my pictures didn't turn out well there :(

And the Christmas tree is beautiful.
I love all the Christmas stuff. Don't think I could go any other time of the year now :goodvibes
I am so glad Momma was having a good time. That is a big hurdle to get over right there.
I have met a few strange people like your parade lady at the parks too. You just really wonder what they are thinking or doing???? :rotfl:
LOVED your parade pics, our first trip was at Christmas but we only got 3 days so we completely missed that parade, that makes me want to go back for a longer Christmas trip now :goodvibes
I am so glad Momma was having a good time. That is a big hurdle to get over right there.
I know once Momma is enjoying it that's already a win :goodvibes

I have met a few strange people like your parade lady at the parks too. You just really wonder what they are thinking or doing???? :rotfl:
Most of the people I tend to notice are the rude ones. She was very strange though. I was doing the child mentality of if I don't look at her maybe she'll go away. :rotfl:

LOVED your parade pics, our first trip was at Christmas but we only got 3 days so we completely missed that parade, that makes me want to go back for a longer Christmas trip now :goodvibes
Thanks. Oh you definately need to take more time around Christmas and Halloween and stuff like that because there's so much extra to see on top of what's already there I think anyway
Day 3, part 1:

Wednesday, 19th of November.

I woke this morning at 5.17 again… there seemed to be a bit of a pattern going on here because every morning I was waking up shortly after 5am. There was no improvement on my failing voice and cough and I now had stomach cramps to go along with all that. I checked facebook with the free wifi in the hotel room for a while and then went back to sleep for a while. Momma wanted to get a doctor for me and cancel today’s plans but we had booked a tour and I didn’t really want to cancel it as I wasn’t sure they would refund… plus I actually cannot stand staying still for more than 30 minutes when I’m on holiday so there was no way I was staying in bed all day even if I was sick.
The tour didn’t pick up until 10.30 and the driver picked us up at the hotel. We went down to meet him at 10.20 and he was waiting in front of the hotel but as we went up to the bus he drove off. Momma rang their office to ask why and while she was sorting that I took some more pictures of the hotel.

Eventually the driver/tour guide came back for us, he introduced himself as Dan and explained we were picking up a few more people and then heading to Los Angeles. There's our little tour bus:

There was only seven people on this tour so it wasn’t too crowded on the little bus and Dan could talk for all of America. He started when we were leaving Anaheim and literally did not stop until we got back to Anaheim that evening but he told us about everything from the highway system to practically every inch of what we were looking at, starting with Disneyland.. Like did you know Disneyland’s address is 1313 Harbour Boulevard and nobody else wanted that address as they thought 13 was unlucky but Walt Disney wanted it because M is the 13th letter of the alphabet so 1313 stood for MM, Mickey Mouse.
As we drove along it became very clear that everything in Los Angeles was in a movie eg: this was the “River” the race scene from Grease was filmed:

Universal Studios water tour.

Random highway picture… it was possibly featured in Speed or something, a movie anyway?!

Apparently one of our first stops was actually meant to be the Farmers Market for lunch and it was meant to be a 45 minute stop. Instead the tour guide took us to Exposition park for to see the LA Memorial Coliseum:

It was literally a 15 minute stop to go there it is take a picture. He also told us to go over to the California Science centre for a bathroom break as we wouldn’t be stopping for a while. These were outside, have no idea what they are meant to be but I thought they looked cool:

The Science Centre had a space shuttle display on at that time. It looked like it could have been interesting but we hadn’t enough time to see anything besides the entrance.

And the gift shop with their space themed stuff:

While Momma and another lady from the tour were browsing I was checking out the fish tank as well:

Momma and I left then to head back to the bus and I stopped to get a few pictures of things the guide had pointed out. This was a crane where you could try lift a Toyota. I think he said something about it being used to carry the Space Shuttle Endeavour to the Science Centre.

Space ship on the side of a building because it looks cool:

Everyone was back at the bus at this stage besides the other lady that Momma had been wandering around the gift shop with so after another 10 minutes waiting someone went back to look for her. She came back saying she thought it was meant to be a 45 minute stop not 15! Once everyone was back on the bus we headed off towards the next stop. The guide went up some side road to show us a load of frat houses. It amused me because I had just been watching Bad Neighbours on the plane on the way over and wondered if people in these frat houses partied as much as the one in that movie:

I spotted Felix the cat as well:

I used to love Felix when I was little… This guy was over a car sales shop.
This rather cool looking hotel was used in some action movie:

Our “10-20 minute stop” at the Walt Disney Concert hall was basically there it is there on the right as we pass by and sure we’ll circle the building just for fun:

He did tell us though that when it was first built it was made from steel or something and they actually had to change the material used to built it because the sun reflecting off the building was causing a load of traffic accidents.
Then continuing on the next building on the right is City hall. This was the building that King Kong actually climbed not the empire state building because they didn't want to do to New York for filming!

If you look to the left, the dragons mark the start of Chinatown:

Next we went to some little Mexican type market place and stopped for 20 minutes. I cannot figure out what this was meant to be from the itinerary and I don’t think he said much about it besides it being a market place and there being places to eat. There wasn’t a great choice on the food. I ended up with Doritos (exciting)

Momma got giant Mango pieces:

Then after we found some fairly plain hot dogs:

I took a sneaky picture of the Market as most stalls had up no pictures:

There was also a bandstand with a large nativity scene displayed:

Then this church was close by and the guide said this was where people were allowed bring their pets to have them blessed.

Everyone was back on time after the market stop so we had no delays heading towards our next stop

Next up: Chilling in Hollywood.


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