Fantasmic desert questions.....


The Red-headed Pixie!
Apr 6, 2000
Hi all

Can someone tell me more about this? Cost (per person) where we pick
up the tickets, etc? Also...if we do this, it will be either the Thursday or
Friday before Easter (I know..I know....busy busy time, but such is life).
Would we need to get up SUPER early to get tickets?

Thanks a bunch!


All it takes is faith & trust....and a little bit of Pixie Dust!

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The cost of the dessert/show is 35.00 a person,
you can eat and drink all you want in the hour that you are in the gallery.
The tickets are purchased at the Guest Service window in front of Disneyland.
I suggest that you get there early about 1 1/2 early, the tickets sell out fast beings there is only 15 seats.
We have done it twice and would pay to do it again it is the best seat in the park.
Good Luck and have a fun trip.
Renee :D
Thank you Renee :-)


All it takes is faith & trust....and a little bit of Pixie Dust!

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